Luna Inu Moon Mission

Homies, our time is almost here. Citex listing will enable normies who cannot into Uniswap to purchase LINU without gas fees, driving volume and allowing the project to obtain a T1 CeX listing.

As news of the bullrun spreads, normies will be looking for their 100x, and we will welcome them with open arms.


No Dev/contract renounced

73 year liquidity lock

Perfect wallet distribution


100-1000x potential

Homies, our time is almost here. Citex listing will enable normies who cannot into Uniswap to purchase LINU without gas fees, driving volume and allowing the project to obtain a T1 CeX listing.

As news of the bullrun spreads, normies will be looking for their 1000x, and we will welcome them with open arms.


No Dev/contract renounced

730 year liquidity lock

Perfect wallet distribution


1000-10000x potential


no website

no tele

Citex is in the top 50 centralized exchanges. This is going to be big.

greencandle.png - 512x512, 158.92K

Linufags are the new D0b0niggers

kek baggies

Nonsense fud, site is literally in the OP. Tg link on X.

Happy to dump something into this but why is there literally zero activity on X?

That literally the ONLY vectors to get normies to buy into any memecoin


Guys why is everything pumping except this one? This should be the EASIEST pump cause it's like 1m mcap right now. I'm legit feeling demoralized now. Still holding but damn, where's our x10 for this short bull run? Also why isn't anybody talking about this in Twitter? I thought you guys would be shilling this hard in Twitter.

that account is literally dead

It's dead Jim

Ignore that retard, this is the real one the community made that has been active.


That shit's also kinda dead. No post since January.

Is it confirmed?


0 posts this month

okay maybe i wont put anything into this after all lmao

My bad, that's the old one. This is only 4 days old and you are calling the account dead?

file.png - 588x588, 419.68K


Explain the current price then.

Gm homies, how we holding up?

Not good. Holding on but feeling demoralized seeing BTC pumping like mad. Hopefully when they're done pumping BTC then Eth, we get our chance too.

Felling groovy. Bunch of avi fags in here fudding, but that's par for the course coming from a jeet perpetual-tease-coin.

Slowly losing holders and marketcap, CEX ain’t gonna happen. No one can provide any proof that CEX talks are in progress so that should say all that you need to know. Dead telegram, terrible community marketing, 1000 other dog coins. It’s just not meant to be

Good, I’m waiting for the promised day when this coin brings us freedom

Checked. Kek still blesses the thread despite your blasphemy.
You know, there's an avi thread just down the page. You can go there and jerk off your fellow baggies about "two more weeks" with your pepemmo v2.

there's your avi thread have fun jerking each other off for the rest of time with this shitcoin

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I'm ruggin' it


It’s dead Jim.

Wasting so much time and effort and for what?

Trust the process. 2 more weeks.

kek baggies

Top 75 here, why is the telegram dead? Where the fuck did everyone go?

I keep thinking I should sell but there basically has been no shift in the top 100 holders which is interesting enough to keep me holding.

Are you still in the old telegram that was compromised by space?

New tg is LINUCommunity it's very active, link on website.

Ahh yeah thanks, I was out for a bit and came back to dead telegram. Glad to see you're still working on it.

WAGMI homies, this is our year homies lomies

I'm all in already, Anon Babble has kinda lost control of this coin. Reddit unironically has taken over & more has been done since.

Anon Babble started the fire, but plebbitors actually getting work done. RIP biz. Good job reddit tho. Coin actually has a chance now.

Ooooooooooooooooooooo WAGMI HOMIES

still making Anon Babble seethe

still good for drama

still alive

Yeah Im thinking based. Wagmi homies.

Whole market is in bullrun

Linu is static

lmao, how is this possible

this shit is so dead. enter scottiebeameth if you have any common sense

2 more weeks fellow lchad homie

Digits are ALWAYS on our side

it's over

has been saying the same shit for 5 weeks now

fuddies are mentally ill

It hasn't even begun.

has been saying the same shit for 50 weeks now

fuddies are mentally ill

Honestly I can only laugh at myself. But I'm not selling.

Did you forget to change IDs?

Check the price

oh my god check the price

what a smart idea i've been holding out for so long and all i needed to do was look at the price

how could i have been so stupid this guy must be a genius

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So are you faggots ready for CiteX?
The deal is moving forward.
Donations are apparently paying 3.5k fee + 4k for liquidity pool to list on CiteX.
The multisiggers will be able to withdraw 4k from LP after 1 month meaning funds can get recycled into LINU dono wallet for more marketing and CEXes. Liq on Citex will grow as more people trade there.
No gas fees is going to mean lots more small buys.
By the time next month passes we're looking at LINU expanding to other CEXes than CiteX potentially. Other CEX deals are pretty expensive comparatively.
Next step that's rumored is Base chain implementation via Skybridge. Admins were in a group chat with Avi devs discussing that and participation in their next game jam competition.
AVIniggers, apologize homies. We're in this shit together.

Bullish new I've heard in a week. Keep up the good work homies.

When fudders were comparing linu and avi I was going to post but I was banned for free.
This isnt a new rumor but the proof was never posted to biz.
BTW Citex is real, real representative joined the TG.
Be patient homies and barons.
We rise.

we're making a game

Selling my entire stack now.

Sure you are buddy.

Kek and checked