According to the European Central Bank BTC's fair value is ZERO
According to the European Central Bank BTC's fair value is ZERO
europoorean union
BTC exists to protect us from their reckless monetary policies so of course they dislike it
bitcoin's true value is zero
so i dont need to pay taxes at all anymore?
See anon? You are less sophisticated.
the same people who floated the idea of negative interest rates, what a shock they're afraid of an algorithmic central bank they can't compete with
fiat lobby downplaying the replacement AGAIN
water is wet
When the fuck is the US going to stop propping up these retarded europoors so Russia and China can rape these fucking faggots?
And according to me the Euro has a fair value of ZERO (0)
My face melts just thinking about the fact my purchase power halved within 3 years
lol Fuck them. Sad to see a whole continent full of hot ass get left behind.
Europeans are never wrong
enjoy your "bullrun" while it lasts
I am totally demoralized Christina i am putting my savings in a bank giving -5% yearly returns against inflation, thank you
Jokes aside here is the article for anons
it's the most schizo piece of keynsian propaganda i ever seen these statists schizos go as far as talking about price regulation shit is insane lmfao.
i agree with this
which is why i have never filed for taxes on my blockchain assets
it's magic internet money. simple as
Europe has been a continent full of slave morality since all schizos and people with balls left for north and south america.
Right now they are stuck in a forever war while a demographic collapse is going on and an energy crisis is happening.
The USA approval of a BTC ETF is literally they frontrunning a new bretton woods by uniletrally making BTC bretton woods bancor and USD stablecoins a way to increase or reduce the speed in which they escape the triffin dilemma.
Yanks literally positioned for the future while these ecb schizos probably want to abolish cash and destroy international euro usage even more(which has been going down since laggarde started to burn the 500 eur bills in circulation a few years ago).
they unironically sound like Capo lmao
According to the European Central Bank BTC's fair value is ZERO
Good, that means I don't have to pay taxes on it.
Worse, capo and capslock anon were never ideological fuders.
These lunatics openly want to ban it even while their own system gives such negative yields that they are in an apocalyptic demographic crisis unlike anything since the roman crisis of the third century.
Also they are saying the quiet part out loud and looking like total schizos and european version of hugo chavez with shit like price controls for btc, they outright say lunatic shit in public there.
Meanwhile the usd stablecoins are buying treasuries and increasing usd demand lmfao.
Europeans are never wrong
Nigga please see pic, this not new.
ECB is fucked.
redistribution of wealth at the expense of the less sophisticated
are they calling europoos unsophisticated niggers
Meanwhile the usd stablecoins are buying treasuries and increasing usd demand lmfao.
This is what I don't get about the ECB and the EU, why don't they promote Euro stablecoins to create demand for European government bonds?
the ultimate redistribution of wealth at the expense of the less sophisticated
Which is the point of any inflationary currency, they just don't want the competition
Because it's a regulatory entity not an innovative one. Literally all it can do is stamp out new ideas that threaten the status quo. The result? Europe's economic decline.
That article is schizo as shit
money laundering & criminals = youth that owns nothing wanting to hedge outside the system
fair price for btc = price control of sell value lmfao
lack of strong regulation = USA legal system was not totally owned by the elite so the sec fucked up with the trial
Also they outright say it does not has value because it does not has a yield like real estate rents lmfao, real estate rent usage to avoid fiat devaluation is destroying society while btc creates a new bretton woods system.
Then they outright say shit about it's value that does not even fit marxist theory of value (since btc even for commies would have value due to it's production cost).
They are sperging so much they don't even use supply and demand and go from full keynsian to schiff goldtard arguments in a second to the other.
Shit is hillarious
There was a "safe and regulated stablecoin" on ethereum a year or two ago, but the fees were like 50 usd when gwei were around 10, because the contract took like 24 hours since every tx had actually multiple internal transactions on the contract to do kyc.
The retards literally copied the way a bank wire worked into the stablecoin making it as slow as banking but costlier since the contract needed to do many operations in the blockchain.
Does anyome use btc besides of speculating that its value goes up? I don't. btc will survive as it is the best but so many other crypto shit has gone its deserved way to irrelevance or (almost) 0.
isn't ever increasing deficit spending constantly touted as a bad thing here? Also the current demand at issuances for gov bonds widely exceeds its offerings.
If that's the case then you don't have to pay taxes on it :^)
t. dan pena
okay so no taxes on bitcoin then! yaay
Does anyome use btc besides of speculating that its value goes up? I don't.
The same argument can be made for gold and yet every central bank has that in its vaults and doesn't write shitzo articles about how it should go to zero.
Worse the same thing is happening to housing since 1971 when bretton woods fell when people started to accumulate it to defend against fiat inflation.
And these ecb faggots literally say it's a good thing in the article(and that is the higher cause of inequality in the present btw)
without cash flow an asset is valueless
Hey ECB, I'll take all that worthless gold and euros off your hands!
they certainly arent sending their best
You know what's funny? I used to have classes with Bindseil when he taught a PhD course in Berlin on macroeconomy policies.
Topic was basically crisis management by the Central Banks. And the whole course was to teach brainwash you to teach that in "financial crises" central banks need to put more liquidity into the system (accept lower quality collateral etc). The thought of letting bankrupt countries or companies go bankrupt was ANATHEMA.
Bindseil is 200% Krugman-style Keynesian.
Well kinda yes, besides smaller use cases it is also a lot of the historic meaning of it with only having silver as a halfwhat relevant alternative. But also that's why I am long-term optimistic for the survival of btc than any other crypto since it is also the standout character with ETH maybe being silver.
For payments btc sucked a lot, especially during hype times and those laughable fees. When I actually wanted to send money/value I try to used ripple (ironicially the coin which got critiziced as kinda scammy/centralized) but it werks fast and cheap. I wait for a useful solution within btc for almost 7 years now since the christmas 2017 20k hype.
according to horse carriage drivers the fair value of the automobile is zero
Probably most of the course content went into this paper:
Anyway, Bindseil is a nice guy.
How ironic that I made with crypto while he still wageslaves for the ECB.
Ha ha exactly. Stupid ass ECB on left of pic. History is full of people that got left behind.
I actually left university since i was on economics topics and most was retarded theory or keynsian brainwashing.
The keynsian brainwashing shit was out of this level tough, 1984 type shit like reading entire books that said that the era after 1970s us ultra libertarian capitalist and unregluated while before 1970 everything was regulated.
When in reality everything was deregulated before 1971 except floating exchange rates that floated against gold (even keynes would have hated floating fiat currencies since he supported the bancor (a proof of stake currency) in bretton woods).
But shit is insane they teach literally the opposite of the truth like saying taxes were higher before 1971 and neoliberals like reagan lowered them, then you check and the average 30% income tax in the 70s on the average was paid in wages earning enough to buy 2 houses per year which inflation adjusted would be 1 m usd.
Hell biggest cash in circulation in the usa was the 10k usd bill which inflation adjusted is worth almost 500k usd and they even had pseudoanonymous bank accounts that were linked to numbers rather than names while now they want 600 usd wires being reported.
At some point i had to say enough and it broke me it can't even be a conspiracy since it's worldwide on economics university it's like a spiritual shit at this point for them to inverse the truth at such level that literally will put their children in slavery should they succeed.
Serious dark shit going on with these keynsians that i think it would even scare the faggot keynes.
Yeah I had numerous occasions during macroeconomics where I thought to myself
they actually make monetary decisions based on this retarded shit
The finance and industrial organization courses were fantastic at least.