Welcome to the Komfy Kleros Klub, the thread to discuss all things Kleros!

What is this Judge Judy scamcoin?

Kleros is an open source online dispute resolution protocol which uses blockchain and crowdsourcing to fairly adjudicate disputes. Essentially, it is a decentralized arbitration platform.

Kleros Yellowpaper (NEW VERSION):


Juror Starter Kit:



Where to buy?

Uniswap sirs.

Obligatory watching

general info

High profile cases:

case videos

Court video explainer:

sirs what was that ?

the village is being saved by vishnu

Another great day for my cutting edge token PNK!

The komfy Kleros klub is back!!!!

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I'm thinking the PNK latrine gang is back together one last time.

imagine knowing that Kleros was at the world government summit and having ample time to buy before the pump and not buying lmao

absolutely brutal for anyone sidelined

100k make it
10k sui

Get it while it’s cheap. You have time. A LOT OF TIME

the village may not starve after all

Philosopher reporting for needful. Where to buy sirs?

Got a feeling this project is going to pump extremely hard and we're going to witness a lot of cope here..

make it 1mil
sui 100k

No you new faggot. It’s always been 100K
Stop making shit up.

Sorry but make it is 1,000,000. It's been like this since day one.

No it hasn’t you pajeet. It’s always been 100k go back. Stop fudding

It’s definitely 100k make it

I'm not fudding. I'll tell you what will happen with 100% accuracy. I'm a 300k wallet. I'm going to sell at $1 and I'm going to buy a nice house in the countryside. Meanwhile, you will wait Kleros to hit $10, which will never happen, and will lose everything. Thanks for playing.

Based and agreed

The transparency is appreciated sir. You are as magnanimous as the great River Ganges

And when we’re at $20 I’ll be fucking your bitch in your house then leave in my civic driving to one of my house. See you in Kleros Divorce court. Just cause your goal is 1 dollar doesn’t mean it stops there.
100k make it
10k sui

3 cents rejected

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please return to the kleros baggie telegram. no Anon Babble oldfag is retarded enough to fall for this french scam anymore

Decentralized Justice and good Argentinian beef are the narratives this cycle.

sry didn't mean to sage oooooops!

Damn, we're back to having generals?

Been on this board since spring 2017. I get gigga nigga moon vibes from kleros as much as it pains me to say it cause I want lower. All the right pieces are together for a huge speculative run this cycle. We haven’t even started.


You had 5 years to stack

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Kleros lets you plug in collective intelligence into the blockchain

Kleros lets you plug in artificial intelligence into the blockchain

Kleros lets you plug in government enforcement into the blockchain

This is one of the most important protocols in blockchain and you will soon be priced out.

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Pump might has only started to be honest.
I think this is the catalyst for an actual Kleros bullrun. Even the fucking WEF was there for christ sake.

Kleros 2.0 is dropping soon and it's gonna be lit. AI will decide what's true and what's not, in a thing called Flash disputes. It's like what AI did for Nvidia, but better. Kleros will stop scammers by letting devs freeze and undo transactions, with AI-backed courts. Scams are big bucks, and that's why some haters tried to mess with Kleros. They even sacrificed money to sandwich attack all the liquidity on Uniswap V3. The WBF Exchange, one of the few CEXs that had Kleros, got rekt. Kleros is the most hated crypto, but it's also the one that will save us from the scammers.

Um why is there a general thread for a token that isn't even traded on leading U.S. centralized exchanges lol?

Anon, most of us are from India and LatAm

uniswap sir