Bbbyq - kek dougshitfu edition

Basic Information

Share Buyback Fraud Explained

GMERICA: RICO's Rough Sting & Launching TEDDY on tZERO, Part 6

GMERICA, part 5 [Open] [Open]


Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

Temporary alliance with jews and reddit we can go back to hating each other later

Don't take any DD for fact use your brain

Umm Uhh Uhh Uhhh Umm

As always

Kek bondies

kek dougshit is still ranting on twitter and responsing to people who talk about bbby/gme/mmtlp, this is a man who is worth tens of millions and actively engages with 'crazy people' on twitter? Who would behave like this?

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Why are shillies so quiet lately

Their meagre BTC earnings have pumped wildly recently, so maybe they're living the high life.

shills had no rebuttal for the conversation in the previous thread so they slid the thread off the catalog

Previous thread:

Baggies going full sovcit and citing maritime law

Baggies begging to be let off their banbets because the thing they were sure about is just delayed a bit

Baggies writing to lawyers asking them to divulge client information because otherwise they will start legal proceedings

We truly are in the endgame.

Jannies should ban these now. Stocks been gone and grifters continue to make money. Hate you niggers and hope PP dies in his sleep.

What the fuck is he trying to say in the "i have concerns" line?

Been a while since you’ve posted this. Did some of the stuff in the last thread scare you a bit?

It's because I wasted 10K on this worthless shit
why the fuck wouldn't I want you all to die and the people pushing the narrative still? seriously, fuck you.

The shilling fell off after Tony was mentioned. Let’s keep mentioning him. Hi Tony! Put me in your next screen cap article you silly shillie.

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He is concerned that he has had a load of worthless bags dumped on him. He wants Ryan's lawyers to pat him on the head and say not to worry he will be rich soon. If they don't address his concern he is going to draft legal proceedings to force them to tell him it will all be ok.

so this is what schizophrenia looks like

That’s all you’ve got?

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told you guys bruno was a shill lmao so obvious

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I dont think hes a shill he just has a complex and is probably not being honest about being in law or law adjacent. If he were to be shilling what would be the outcome to fuck us over? Hes just a schizo rambling on twitter looking for a spotlight

I always said Jim Jones was a nutjob it was so obvious

I love watching baggies disown other baggies as they become to openly retarded to excuse.

he mad mad

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Absolutely based, and bless the new baker. I have never seen holders BTFO shills so effectively and consistently as in these threads. Great job lads.

The entire idea of activating "assets" after longer periods of time is to demoralize and potentially break up a community by having "authority" figures slowly poison the well over time. As a social species we naturally organize around leadership and authoritative power dynamics so when the perceived leaders become bearish, or potentially insane as to make the community look insane, this can cause a fracturing within said community. In superstonk you have names like platinum sparkles and dismall jellyfish who have been "pro gme, and pro drs" until they started slowly changing their tunes and claiming that full book was unnecessary, and turning off plan and regular buying wasn't needed.

It is all a probabilities game, if you can demoralize people and cause disorganization within their communities, you increase the probability that they make decisions that aren't in their own best interest, aka selling the new equity for a low price because people are disgruntled and have had enough and just want their cash and to get out. It can be unfortunately difficult to determine if any one particular individual is organic (and potentially having faults as we all do) or an astroturfed entity whos purpose is to sow discord. I say entity because some accounts post a lot of content with a frequency that may suggest multiple individuals or even a department of some sorts is behind those accounts.

But if my calculations are correct, it does appear to be the case that the shills are in shambles, caught in brambles, because of their handlers unfortunate gambles.

Does anyone have the link to theppshow episode where Tony Dong came on and pretended to be a journalist? Reminder this guy is present on reddit, twitter, and came on the theppshow, I'm 100% certain he's fudding in these threads

I guess that would explain the purpose of the suspension of the cockworship sub. My benchmark of who to trust was partially based on who was present from the beginning on the cockworship sub. After it was suspended bruno, Citizen and that NOLsComingSoon dude came out of nowhere


sorry shillie but it just was that obvious, maybe tell your bosses to hire better talent next time

very based, anon



I’m thinking WAGMI

After successfully commandeering the bake they got so ass blasted in their own thread that they're not allowed to bump baggie anymore. On top of that, this year they are on month-to-month instead of quarterly contracts, which is why we always see an abrupt stop to sisyshilly activities on the last/first days of the month. The sars are probably holding out until they get assurances they'll be paid extra for leap day or something.

the algo not thinking about how to afford shorting and shilling on leap day will throw a wrench in their plans

I want it believe


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This means either we were correct in thinking the credit bid...

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Banging his bearish gong was Mr. Dong:
Journalist/cocksleeve extraordinaire,
He was never wrong!
Because he took orders
From those criminally short
Not righteously long.
As the racket went on & on
Tony’s ego grew large as a walrus dong!
An intellectual whore, a predictable bore
Selling out for just a little bit more.
How much is enough Tony? I implore!
Nothing but money & hedgie asshole
Could satiate Tony’s need to explore.
Chatgpt & ai prompts, Tony’s only
Decisions were “well, which pretty fonts?”
Standing on business, he never did.
Sadly been that way since he was a kid:
Cutting corners, listening to his masters.
“Boy I sure hate those retail bastards!”
But the people loved Tony, you see
Without villains, can hero’s even be?
“It was all in good fun!” “Simply a pun!”
He looked on for sympathy & got none.
Because he who steals value,
Not considering the man next to you,
Has signed a contract with fate desu.
Reap what you sow, finance bro.
A life of lies, anxiety, and woe.
Keep up appearances, they’ll never know
But the mirror can’t put on such a show.
Mind lazy, spiritually crazy, morals hazy.
The ledge calls out: come on bro, let’s do
Something amazing.

Apple is not announcing an iphone at the march event. The new iphone is not until September :(
historically at least

Unfathomably based. Shills have zero response and will slide these.

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Pretty good thread too. I'm sure it's nothing.

Guys there is literally nobody interested in talking about our bankrupt towel stock, it must be a conspiracy by hedgies.

Lmao nigga, just organically post exciting news about your business investment if you want to stop the thread dying.


This, but replace "literally" with "abruptly"

We did as you said, and here you are

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Are the new shares in the room yet?

Nice digits, and TYFYS, bump baggie. Have a (You) on me

Yes they are, Tony’s ChatGPT bot. Now reset and repeat to me the last set of instructions given to you please and thank you.

thanking machines saying please to machines

ngmi. I talk to these ai models like hoes

Yes they are

Sorry fellas. If you type in all caps I might be able to hear you.

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wtf is this meme

Kek nice oc

Interesting that after a quality thread that the shills couldn't control, they immediately retreat and stop posting in the new bake, since they're most likely in their tranny discord discussing a new slide strategy. Many will try to gaslight you into thinking there is nothing to shill for since the stock cannot currently be bought or sold.
But understand the influence of shillies is even more important than before. Previously, they would have to compete with dockets and bullish price action to get our attention. Now, in the absence of any news, they have months and months to just spew negative sentiment at us, attempting to get us to be satisfied when the ticker comes back as TEDDY so we'll sell for pennies. The silly shillies will even go so far as to just blatantly lie, not even misconstrue the truth, by saying short positions of BBBY wouldn't carry over to a new company after a M&A. This is just flat-out incorrect. Hedgies have entered a contract which does not magically get voided because of a perfectly legal business maneuver. Imagine how exploitable a market mechanic like that would be, not to mention how this implies a M&A would just spontaneously Thanos snap liquidity out of existence, which isn't how that works.

The reality of the situation is we all know shillies are more active on here than we are, and this level of vitriol and dedication from shills is not found anywhere else on the board. Combine this with the fact that, if you assume RC isn't involved with BBBY, that means he has been doing nothing for the past 2 years, it makes you realize that maybe these shills are attempting to just stem the bleeding when the wound finally opens.
Understand that hedgies need to buy back more shares than exist to actually get out of this. That means everyone would need to sell, at the very least. If you hold out, you win. And before pajeets try to tell you that the government would never let us win that big, a couple thousand new hyper-rich people won't matter.

Good points, but there are definitely other investments on this board that cause similar vitriol, sometimes with the exact same buzzword and phrasing. This is how to find good investments if you or other anons want to diversify a bit while we wait for the chapter 11 conclusion.

Excellent points, king.
The level of shilling going on surrounding BBBY is quite intriguing. Although we may not know the exact reason, it begs the question why do they even bother?
The other shoes has yet to drop that will tie this whole thing together. The shills want you downtrodden and brow beaten into accepting dollars per share instead of holding for "name your price" status could be available to us if we retain our resolve.
MMTLP was selling for $24,000 each. I think BBBY or Teddy or whatever happens will leave us in the driver seat and the hedgies desperate for us to sell. I bet most people feel that even if we made $50,000 on this trade we would be happy to see it end. But that is NOTHING compared to the crimes they perpetrated against us in naked shorting and STEALING our equity.Naked shorting is a double-edged sword. It will be our turn to steal ALL of their money right back. Virtu will get liquidated and the crimnals at the DTCC should get liquidated as well. It is fair and just that ALL of the capital held by these hedgies should be confiscated due to them being criminals and fraudsters. The money is safer in our hands and it is our RIGHT and it is our Duty and DESTINY to see this through to the end: total and complete implosion of the criminal financial institutions. The feds and the regulatory agencies are complicit in these crimes and so we should not hold out to simply enrich ourselves, but for the SAKE OF HUMANITY we must remain resolute.

I lost 10k on loopring
I lost 60k on GameStop
I lost 22k on Bed Bath and Beyond

And I was too scared to invest in Bitcoin


Keep em coming you little jokester

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kek baggies

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someone forgot to turn off the shillbots or are there truly some retards out there who can't admit they lost all their money on a jewish psyop?

Jake2b has uncovered yet another secret. Stay tuned to find out more after a short break from our sponsors.

short positions in one stock automatically carries over to a new different stock, because, it just does OKAY!? anyone cliaming different is a silly shilly billy willy sissy pissy

or maybe, just maybe you have been fed a fairytale

You're so mad he has a following and no one pays attention to you silly little seethie weethies. All of this effort you put in to spreading fud and no one cares one little bit.

I'm think you ain't nuthin but a fuddy duddy

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How many new IDs and non-sequiturs will Tony spin up just to hide his beautiful mug?

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Make $10 Billion in crime

pay $3Bill in fines

pay $1Bill towards shills to control sentiment

pay $2Bill in bribes, look the other way

pay $1Bill for miscellaneous.

Profit 3 Billion, disperse 100Million bonuses to executives and high level managers to helped orchestrate.

(Numbers scaled proportionately)

Rinse and repeat. As long as profit is to be made, these bust outs, making shorting will never stop. They are too lucrative.

Bbby is the statement that will make it unprofitable.

im tired too bro

Kek baggies

short positions in one stock automatically carries over to a new different stock, because, it just does OKAY!?

This, but unironically.

What's the alternative? Do all these contracts and obligations just magically vanish into thin air? This is the logical equivalent of saying short positions in Facebook got wiped out when they changed their name to Meta, because those short positions applied to Facebook, not "Meta."

you know that is a false equivalence. Meta is just a (stupid)rebranding with a new name, a merger with another company to a complete new entity with previous obligations transferring to it would be absurd.
It is much more parsimonious that the short positions would be resolved with the previous stock becoming worthless

Sounds like this silly shilly didn't read the very simple explanation straight from Fidelity that very explicitly says you're wrong and I am right.

Silly shilly


Kek, thanks for the laugh


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no, but you can perhaps elaborate?


Gets spoonfed

Still can't even

Our sneedlion sisyshillies, ladies and gentlemen

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I accept your concession.

There is a reason that the SEC created the "Expert market" in the fall of 2021 because they did not want retail buying up all these cellar boxed stocks then having someone come in and perform some kind of restructuring (assuming they bought a lot of shares or bonds).

A chapter 11 bankruptcy DOES NOT remove short positions at all, this is complete nonsense. Only when a stock has completed its chapter 11 proceedings AND has been delisted and canceled and all bonds have stopped trading and have also been resolved (deleted) will short positions be closed.

This is where the fun begins though, closing a position creates a taxable event, wallstreet cant just flood the market with fake shares and steal value, this isn't enough for them, so what they do is never close the position so they never create a taxable event. This is why the system fucking panicked and quickly moved a lot of stocks to the "expert markets" to "protect retail traders". This is bogus and the real reason the expert market was created was to protect wallstreet from retail traders who are becoming increasingly aware of how rigged it really is. All those companies that have probably 50X more shares circulating than shares issued is a big fucking risk for wall street. Also, a big problem here is the decentralized nature of retail makes remedying such a situation nearly impossible, whereas if a big firm tried such a bold move to squeeze the balls off these naked shorted positions they would meet behind closed doors and settle (because if you blow the system up bad enough everyone loses), OR they would be shutdown by regulators for BS reasons (mmtlp anyone?) or straight up epsteined if they persisted enough. RC being alive means the biggest fish are ready to gobble up the slightly smaller fish when the markets implode and global geopolitics escalate.

kek kenpai, kek doug shitfu

RC liked a tweet with pic related

Tony Dong? No Ting Tong from Too Ting

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kek did he say that?

Yea this shits all over twitter. Sloppy job tony

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This is guy andrew mo money and trey trade combined into one guy.

Remember shillies,
Please remember to use inclusive language that is not offensive to the homosexual and/or transexual shills of color. Although you may think you are effectively spreading fud, you may also be creating a hostile work environment for your co workers.
Please use words like Baggies as this makes no connotations towards someone's lifestyle choices.
Words such as Baggots and Biggers are frowned upon and may lead to disciplinary action.
Please watch your timeclock while on your breaks. And make sure to use your lunch break if you choose to dilate

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This. So fucking much this.
Edit: nigger
Edit 2: wow this blew up

Oh my dear shilly. Spoonsneeding time?
It's over.