high for this cycle. Congrats on that. What’s your prediction
Chainlink almost at its
I estimate you’ll need around $120k btc in order to get Link up to the mid $30s. Thats a hell of a gain given you bought before 2019
My predictions is that 2024-2026 is a parabolic institutional adoption curve for chainlink, at which point bull and bear paradigms no longer exist and I am vindicated for holding the keys to the 4IR for nearly a decade.
The insiders are predicting a $360 high with a $80 variable in either direction so $280 - $440, BTC at around $180k with a $35k variable in either direction so $145k to $215k, gl to you all!
And god laughed…
institutions will pay fiat on hand directly to sergey to use chainlink and he will just keep dumping on you to hire more whores
have fun losing money
insane token dumps
You can shit on Chainlink for a lot of things (mainly extreme slowness), but their token dumps are positively moderate compared to shit like Solana, Avax, etc.
which makes its horrible price action even funnier
It really never fails to make me laugh when I see a chainshit bagholder use this cope. It's the best sub 100 IQ filter on the planet. Basic concepts like supply and demand are completely beyond the grasp of retards.
Imagine that. Increasing supply by 40% while releasing no products and having no paying customers actually isn't good for price. Who could have possibly seen that coming?
Solana and Avax increase their supply a lot harder than Chainlink, and they have had a whole bunch of systemic failures.
this, is what ccip direct fiat payments were for .
Lol. Lmao.
solana and avax have a whole eco system of things happening. What does chainlink have?
solana and avax have a whole eco system of things happening
All subsidized. Meaning there's virtually no systemic demand for Sol or Avax.
do people shitcoin on avax and solana? do people shitcoin on chainlink?
do people shitcoin on avax and solana?
Yes, but it's not causing any demand for Avax and Sol.
so you need to buy sol and avax do shitcoin on there?
Can you shticoin on chainlink network?
while that may be true, it doesn't help the Chainlink price go up. I fail to see how this changes the mid $30s projection
who are the insiders exactly?
this faggot got that whole argument from fishcatfish and because no one came up with a good counter to it. (link holders are fucking stupid) hes just parroting it
unnamed chainlink labs employees
who are the insiders exactly?
those who are keeping it nice and low and its not Sergey he wants it to go up but if you get in bed with certain people you no longer get to make that choice
why do these poorly functioning systems do better than non existent ones!
Like I said, it's the most reliable IQ filter I've ever encountered.
Well, you know, the guys inside
link holders are fucking stupid
but anon, you're a link holder.
i know, im fucking stupid for ever taking sergeys word. Im sour still when he lied about ccip two years ago
And yet you continue to hold. Sad.
ok...why is everything such a secret with this coin
who are you referring to? What is the reason they don't want the coin to at least just follow btc/eth? As in, how is the coin price following the overrall market detrimental to what they're doing? Wouldn't they want a higher price so when they dump, they're raising substantially more capital?
Wouldn't they want a higher price so when they dump
they're not dumping link
we are going into a bull run and you're implying i sell right now. you are poor
So you think Link will at least perform on par with the rest of the market.
idk. i know that i round tripped this shit and im not doing it again. So i want max return
i want max return
So you think holding Link for this cycle will grant you max return.
are you puropsfully being retarded? i think that the token was heavily diluted by sergey. Who is a fat lying piece of shit. i dont think we are going to see 50$. So i will be unloading small amounts after the BTC halfing into other alts
You say you're holding Link for the next cycle, and you say you want max return.
The only logical conclusion is that you believe holding Link for the next cycle will yield you max return.
you say avax and sol dilute harder then chainlink.
so chainlink selling is okay.
If you think it's not okay, then you wouldn't keep holding Link.
They took $300M in profits earlier this year when it ran to $20
Other projects like avax have token unlocks, not market dumps. Sergeys token are ALREADY unlocked. Whenever the circulating supply increases, it's cause he market dumped on binance. Completely different situations. You don't understand the difference and this is why you're down 90% vs ETH and 99% vs Sol/avax in the last 4 years. You're a strait up 80iq mongrel.
Other projects like avax have token unlocks, not market dumps
Same with Link. You have no idea how much of the unlocked avax, sol, link, ... is being sold.
So.. how would you feel if you hadn't eaten breakfast today