How Is This Possible? I Need Answers

How is Anon Babble still this dead? There hasn't been even a remote increase in posting even considering BTC is dangerously close to the first peak last cycle. Its kind of unreal.

Retail has virtually ZERO interest right now. Its not like the traffic just moved to different platform. Its just non existent. Someone do TA on the stats chart. Kekek

Because everyone that made it with LINK left and everyone left here is a bunch of faggots besides the RLC posters.

Let's be honest the board sucks

wait until a new btc ath

Nobody made it with LINK because you need to sell to make it and LINKtards are married to their bag

It's called halving because your income will halve.

Its probably both, retail has lost interest and Anon Babble/biz is dead

Retail lost interest because everyone knows bitcoin by now, and they either think its a scam or are already invested

Biz being dead is because crypto isnt a niche anymore, you get crypro news on major sites and social media, no reason to visit a niche text board

I dont think we will get increased traffic even at 100k

because if you're reading this you're part of the elite, and the elite is always the minority

because if you're reading this you're part of the elite,

Alright that's a bit much however there have been truly bright individuals that post here over the years and I'm appreciative that they were willing to share their insights

and the elite is always the minority

This statement is accurate though

Based and elitist pilled

It's incredible really

And no this is not just a Anon Babble thing, check google search trends, check coinbase app rank, check your 2021 telegram/discord groups, all still close to dead. BTC is at 60K and there were ZERO crypto ads at the superbowl a week or two ago.

Captcha killed this site and no flags

Biz being dead is because crypto isnt a niche anymore, you get crypro news on major sites and social media, no reason to visit a niche text board

That makes no sense, people come here to banter not to read the news. Anon Babble isn't dead because video game news are all over the internet.
Maybe the effects of the dump from 69k were greater than we think. A lot of normies got wiped out then, they're not looking to jump back in. Crypto doomers are very popular though, because bitter normies want it to fail after THEY failed in it

Anon Babble is irrelevant

What if crisis over crisis over crisis and the absolute state of the planet are a successful attempt to distract normalfags/retail from BTC and the things in motion to reset and rebuild the financial systems?

It's always about money in the end. Wars too.

They're just on plebbit now (good)

Based graph
Where can i find this?

this is weird, the ETF seems to change everything

The whitepill of the day

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Discord trannies and redditors flooded us hard and destroyed Anon Babble, plus deranged change in mods/jannies, protecting their favorite threads, like daily KDA/coinmetro spam, while banning and pruning real authentic Anon Babble threads finding hidden gems. The very thing that set Anon Babble apart from everyone else, before the flooding.

the retail interest seems to be declining every cycle. I remember 2021 and it was not as frenzied as 2017 as far as mainstream retail. Plus biz is not seen as a source of alpha like in 2017. It is kind of eery that we are still somewhat in a deep bear market by some metrics

people come here to banter not to read the news

you would know that's not true if you were here in 2017, people saw biz as an exclusive source of crypto discussion that couldn't be found anywhere else. It's almost ironic how much it's changed.

I came to Anon Babble in 2020 and it was already just banter and shilling. Look at the graph, clearly that was popular


Easy : retail "won't fall for it again" until BTC breaks $100k

Good alpha thanks anon

honestly i think biz still has amazing gems, but same as 2017 - you have to tread through a giant pile of bullshit to find it, and then be smart enough to discern if its legit or not. Avi, TYBG, Aerodrome, FakeAI are examples thqt come to mind in the last 1 month alone that have netted 5-20x gains and I think there is another 5-100x left in it for some of these projects. Everyone loves to shit on Anon Babble and they always have, but lots of good alpha is still lurking here

it's mainly this. the "news" is essentially an attention management system that ensures normies remain hypnotized until the new financial system is ready to go.

People got rugged too many times. fell for fake pumps and don’t have the cash to even buy. Also it’s annoying to post here now in short bursts because of captcha

yes normies got demoralized by WW3, vaccination, israel, economical recession talk of the last years
the accumulated toll is taken on them while the elite will pull the strings in silence

This, debt is higher than ever and wealth is more concentrated than ever. There's no such thing as retail any more.

dumb money has been shaken out

There's no such thing as retail any more.

Honestly it does seem like the average person is being squeezed pretty hard financially the last couple years after inflation and buying home at high interest rates so perhaps that does account for some of the lack of interest in our internet funny money that is pumping.

no one made it with link lol

I suppose but BTC has almost done a 4x since the bear market lows. You'd think Boomers and friends would see 400% gains 2 years ish and lose their minds.

The current crop of jannies ruined this board, you won't see it reach those levels again.
The people that post here are too childlike as well, nobody can have a discussion or disagree with you without going full "RETARD RETARD RETARD NEGATIVE IQ KYS" mode.
If you can't beat them, join them, Anon Babble is just for shitposting and fudding everything in sight now.

boomers and normies have never gotten excited before the previous ATH breached

Have you seen the volume on the scam pump? It's nonexistent. A big crash to flush tards and fund the next bull is inevitable.

I think this board is a bit more active rn, are those statistics even correct?

based, you know whats up

this. normies arent getting free cheques for $2k. everyone is broke and everything is more expensive, people are getting laid off and 90% of the ones who probably would put money into crypto likely already got smoked out byt FTX/Luna and the rest.

that said, news of the new ATH will bring in more interest im sure

Inflation perhaps. Lots of people are rekt, and don't have money to play around with speculative assets. Also, we aren't as close to the real top as you think, because we've had 40 year high inflation rates since the last top.

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It's the Pajeet effect. They destroy everywhere they go.

Anon Babble is fucking dead and the signal to noise ratio isn't worth it, you're better off on twitter

the signal to noise ratio on twitter is better
