Free RLC alpha

Yes, confidential computing is evolving fast and thankfully we are in a very good position. So we have already integrated SGX version 2, which drastically improved performance compared to version 1. This year we are partnering with NVIDIA and Intel to integrate their new H100 GPUs. These GPUs are a game changer because they are the 1st GPUs that support confidential computing. So we are playing around with these GPUs right now in the R&D team and Trusted AI is obviously a very interesting use-case for them."

1000x is coming

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I can't find anything with this quote.

It's from today's twitter talk

on the twitter spaces today. Also mentioned

working with google.

Confirmed they have LLMs coming

Working on integrating TDX. They have private access through Azure

In TG they mentioned having early access to H100 GPUs from Nvidia.

They confirmed that CC isn't available yet but have been in contact with nvidia execs who told them CC firmware is coming

GPU proof of concept this quarter

Working with large hospitals for patient data more info coming in WEEKS

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fuck man, whats the make it stack?

Sell all of your possessions and go all in the number is irrelevant just accumulate infinite

twitter spaces

Your erc20 token sounds like a shitcoin PnD. Why do they need to host twatter spaces?

I don't have much but I'm going to do exactly that. I really hope you're right, anon.

Try killing yourself and then if that fails try doing some research on iExec's twitter

I dont use twitter, I'm not a faggot

You wouldn't become a faggot in order to make some dollars? That's gay

No I dont buy 2016 era erc20 shitcoins. I would rather buy something with some hype, if you guys go past 12.00 I'll be shocked, I made my money on RLC in 2021

Okay then keep gambling on 2024 scamdump shitcoins we do not care about you or your $100 net worth

Why do you act like the age matters anyway, older coins mean more safe and legitimate especially if they are still going.

i mean, there really isn't anything more hype in the market right now than nvidia. if they partner with them, that would be massively significant

Kek if they are partnered its because Gilles buys their products OTC and uses them

Thanks for the bump chump
Maximum copium

Kek enjoy your 300% gains this bull run

RLC will be in the top 20 this year

Smells like cope

I see Gilles must be running low on coke and hookers again. He's got his boys in here posting based threads. Carry on.

t. bought ICP at $400

Everyone on Anon Babble who is holding ICP bought at single digits the people who bought at 400 killed themselves

RLC is a retarded scam by french "people" that changes its reason to exist every bullrun, pumps 1 time 10x and then dumps 99%.

I was here when all of you moonfaggots were trying to scam everyone at 400 and 200$ ICP
KYS scammers
Small brains can't comprehend iExec

I bought under $1 I'm definitely far from a baggy
You are definitely bagholding ICP since you're in every RLC thread

Nope I'm right

Nope I'm correct and I'm going to make it and you aren't

I have about 500 of this shit I know nothing about.
How much will it be worth in 6 months and should I buy more?

RLC is going to 50-200x minimum this/next year so whatever you accumulate just multiply it in those ranges
Nope it's already in motion

Honest question- if RLC is so useful, why has it done absolutely nothing in 8 literal years? At least Dfinity has contributed to the wider cryptography space with actual innovations (Chain Key Cryptography, Distributed Key Generation) what has Gilles Fedak contributed? Its even more amusing in 2021 he was pushing the "Oracle Factory" and NFTs, and this cycle its all AI/DePIN talk and all of a sudden RLC is on the bleeding edge of that... what happened with the Oracle factory? Oh I looked they have 78 oracles online... i also noticed the RLC Youtube channel started posting shill videos 4 weeks ago (same time you digital dogshit fucks started clogging the board again) and the video about how RLC is related ro DePin/AI has a whppping 45 views. No one cares about RLC, its not hitting its ATH, if you buy it you WILL miss the bull run

dubs to confirm this is all true

I want an RLC faggot to answer me ser

>dubs to confirm this is all true



(Chain Key Cryptography, Distributed Key Generation)

No one gives a shit about any of this, no one uses it or even mentions this anywhere. Even ICP holders don't know about this or care. 99.99% of crypto holders don't know anything about the tech they just buy based on emotions. Probably why ICP crashed is because it's a vaporware VC scam. (btw usually if something drops from 2000 to 3 there's basically a 0 chance of it ever doing anything in this universe).

Gilles created the world's first decentralized marketplace for monetizing computing assets as well as decentralized confidential computing. His work on iExec's utility NFT tech is quite interesting as well as what has been mentioned in the posts above. iExec's strength lies in the evolving tech stack. It can do a lot ranging from selling data to having trustless robots do actions. The AI/DePIN stuff is still new and they're dripping out information every day which has been great for price action.

It's not like ICP where your entire thing is just being a glorified data center for hosting websites, it's much deeper than that, it's basically a brand new way of computing.

Oh, you like iExec? Name every tranny.

You can spout bullshit all you want, nobody is buying your RLC bags.

Just because you can't understand English pranjeesh doesn't mean it's bullshit.


Nope I'm right

Kek nice chatgpt paragraph about gilles. I'm sure they are gonna get some real talented devs and shake the world up with their $15,000 grants. No one is using the marketplace and there are 6 dapps in the dapp store and they were all made by IExec even though anyone can submit a dapp and you can see in the IExec Explorer its all just tests, nothing complete. 8 years and literally dogshit to show for it.

Vitalik liked DKG so much he added it ETH you dumb nigger. I cannot wait for the victory lap all the ICP niggers will get to take on biz when it becomes the backbone of the web3 world. All the spoonfeeding and youre still not gonna buy any, how retarded can you get?

Kek nice chatgpt paragraph about gilles.

Imagine being so low IQ you think that tiny paragraph about an incredibly obscure technology was done with chatGPT.


Ok you copy pasted it from a telegram, google or a different thread. You did not write those words yourself though.

Oh but I did write the whole thing. Why does that paragraph sound so advanced to your small mind? I literally just condensed all of the knowledge I have about a project I've been holding for years into like, 3 sentences. It wasn't even technical or anything which is hilarious to me. You're the standard ICP holder.

Also, I know you're just simply fudding RLC because your first post was so retardedly obvious.

Your erc20 token sounds like a shitcoin PnD.

As if you didn't already know what RLC was.

Sez u coming into every RLC thread crying

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Post the source instead of the trust me bro green texts you fucking faggots

Twitter didn't save it I guess, they're going to post bullet points tomorrow or something though

Kek the tone of that paragraph is totally different than your natural tone. Literally i can tell you reguritated some telegram talking points and then added your own original thought at the end. Why are there only 6 dapps? Why is everything in the marketplace a test tx? Why was the team totally silent through the bear market, and why have they made little to no progress since 2021? ICP went into the toilet and Dominic still regularly went out into the world. Gilles has been a fucking ghost and is unironically back because he needs more funding for hookers and blow and he knows there are enough midwits to fall for the shill points

Kek the tone of that paragraph is totally different than your natural tone.

Look at this absolute moron thinking he knows someone's "natural tone" over internet text.

Literally i can tell you reguritated some telegram talking points and then added your own original thought at the end.

So first it was chatgpt now it's TG talking points with "added own original thought".

You really are a low IQ moron it's no wonder you're in this thread as an ICP holder fudding every RLC thread on biz out of insecurity.

Btw I did write the entire thing. I turned the switch on (at 2AM no less) and locked in just to expose you as the moron you are :)

And to answer your question simply:
If you aren't happy with what iExec is doing/not doing, then don't buy. Buy when it's too late or never buy. I do not care.

I like how you have to resort to personal attack and call me a moron instead of adressing the 6 dapps, only test tx in the marketplace and 0 progress in 2 years.

I can tell you wrote that whole post though, the tone was consistent. You can absolutely pick up on tone via text. How else would I know you're the same faggot from last night who said he wasnt gonna reply anymore?

I like how you have to resort to personal attack and call me a moron

Because you absolutely are. Imagine thinking 5 sentences about condensed iExec facts would even be worth using ChatGPT for KEK

You can absolutely pick up on tone via text. How else would I know you're the same faggot from last night who said he wasnt gonna reply anymore?

No you cant and i wasn't on biz last night so lmao you're actually insane but I guess that's what you become from holding ICP and thinking it'll make you rich

This year we are partnering with NVIDIA and Intel to integrate their new H100 GPUs.

basically they went to best buy and bought some gpus. lmfao
not saying it wont pump in this clownworld

cant adress the 6 dapps, test txs, and no progress

Its still not too late for you to swap to literally any other project. You could make more with SHIB

ICP is a risky and flawed crypto project that claims to create a decentralized internet, but is actually controlled by a central team that can change the rules at any time. ICP also requires users to link their identity to everything they do online, which could harm their privacy and freedom. ICP has no whitepaper, no media coverage, and no open source code, so it is hard to trust its technology and claims. ICP’s value is based on hype and speculation, not on real demand or utility. ICP’s price is very unstable and dropped by more than 90% in less than a month after its launch. ICP is a bad investment that could result in huge losses and disappointment.

So this whole thread is just you making up shit ? If so, piss off lying faggot nigger

Confirmed, he robbed me for my spare change at knife point and I could shake that off as a little afternoon hijinks, but I could tell from his chapped lips he's off the rocker

You're right iExec has no users, don't buy until there is
Wtf are you even talking about

What do we make of the volume drying up from 170m to 20-30m? Whales finished accumulating? If this news is true the 360m mcap is still pretty darn low, even by RLC standards

There was 1-2 whales accumulating millions worth of RLC recently and probably chilled out for the most part. RLC is still relatively unknown so that's probably why the volume normalized.

Internet Identity is 100% anonymous, you use your internet identity to do everything and log into the dapps (that actually exist and have users). There is no KYC involved.

ICP has a whitepaper

At this point, ICP can not be changed on demand. All code changes are handled via the DAO and Dfinity abstains from the inportant votes.

no media coverage

Mark Cuban has mentioned ICP a few times noting its uniqueness, Paul Barron (financial youtuber, 400k followers) sat down with Dom for a 30min interview a month ago. I'm sure there is more if I looked but thats whats come across my desk in the last 5-6 weeks.

ICP is delivering a real useable product. 400GiB smart contracts are deployed and running, they sucessfully integrated with BTC and will finalize the ETH integration in coming months, there are usable dapps running fully onchain.
Meanwhile you STILL cant adress the 6 dapps, test txs and 0 progress RLC has made. Literally take the blinders off and DYOR about ICP the shit FUD that gets thrown around on Biz isn't even remotely accurate and you sound retarded when you cant even FUD the project you are trying to FUD.

The moron fell for the obvious ChatGPT FUD

See, you proved yourself a moron as relying on chatGPT to create anything real or meaningful is a fool's errand which is why I would never do that.

As for your RLC fud, I don't care about 6 dapps, 2024-25 is about to be something special and you'll sit on the sidelines because of me.

The Binance trading contest ends pn March 3rd so its probably just the niggers who know they arent winning shit dropping out

Nah there was a etherscan posted that showed a huge accumulation before the binance event even started. Maybe it has an effect on volume but does anyone even know about these contests kek

Bitforex with its fake volume is down
Basically nothing happened, it's as low as it was before.