He hasn't retired to SEA

He hasn't retired to SEA


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Being a fatfuck?

hookers are gross

that guy hasnt made it. he has given up


Based, last time I went to Thailand I met this street girl who was into anal. She claimed she had never done butt stuff before but she still had an orgasm when I slid my dick into her(well lubed and stretched via thumb) ass, whole I had her pinned in prone bone. Just groaning and pushing upwards at me with her hips for deep anal penetration despite it being her 'first time'.

It got to the point where I was buttfucking her almost every day for pocket change, since she would hang out in a certain area to try and meet customers. She would text me begging for anal sex and I'd tell her I wasn't paying her anything and she said she didn't care she just wanted to come. I'd toss her 500thb anyways afterwards for some drinking money, as long as she kept my cum in her ass and didn't fart it out into the toilet. She would text me after telling me she can still feel my cum and how it was making her horny again.

I lived there for 5 years. Immigration is awful...draconian and terribly inefficient to say the least. Living there is really nice if you can accept third world behavior, which will mind fuck you. Detested a majority of the expats tho. Never met a more degenerate and arrogant bunch of people in my life.

if you can't retire on a western country you didnt made it

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thailand is the goofiest country in the world
outcasts central

Retiring to SEA is like my last resort plan if everything else in my life fails

You will not demoralize me

SEA is fine to live for a few years

but if you're gonna live there forever it's cringe

you need to marry and reproduce with a girl from your own race or close in a first world country

it's just full of guys that have given up on life

incelus paid to have sex and thought it was a good idea to tell us about it

wanting to stay in countries undergoing communist revolutions

I want to retire in a country with low violent crime.

Low violent crime

Classic words from the Pattaya Flying Club

I don't necessarily mean SEA. I mean it's not safe to live in any US city.

the good ones are fun but expensive/ hard to find.

Japanese soapys > Thailand

dude what is wrong with you are you really so much of a pussy the us is like the safest country in the world if you are scared of cities just move to the mountains and stop being so pathetic lmao

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you can get all the same stuff in canada

the us is like the safest country in the world

The US is not only the poorest country in the world (with a worth of -$34 trillion), it is also the most dangerous. Police exist to write white people parking/speeding tickets. That's it. They do not stop violent crime.

just live in obscurity if you want safety

Why? When it's cheaper to live outside of the US and I can live in a city with all of the same comforts with none of the high violent crime.

what are you a fucking fag?
Don't be crying later when you can't get bitches on your dick later
Let me guess, you're a fucking weeb that invest into shit like SPX6900 and cries when they try to get a girl and turns out she's "not a virgin", bitch you're just insecure about your own inexperience in bed, shut the fuck up

This. Don't get me wrong. I've flown out to Thailand to fuck hookers on multiple occasions but I would never live there permanently.

Where can you find this in Canada?

what do your parents say every time you decide to fly to thailand?
I don't like asians, so I do this but with germany. I go there for "study". kek

Man looks dead inside.

Moist Unit

I'm a SEA shitskin and retired in EE with a white wife. Why can't you do the same, white guy?

You people in this thread have no honor and are godless heathens. Repent. Women should be treated sternly but fairly. They are meant to be companions to their husbands. Not sex toys to be tossed away like trash.


EU EE is going communist again, and non-EU EE is a warzone.

They don't know. On my last trip, I told everyone I was flying to Australia. Next week, I'm supposedly going to Hong Kong and Vietnam. But I am actually gonna visit HK for a few days after I fuck around in Thailand for 2 weeks.

Wanting to fuck SEA STD-infested hookers

Are your standards literally this low?

I just want to have sex with anime

Pussy just tell them where you're going at least maybe they'll stop thinking you're a faggot

If you actually think the US is the most dangerous country in the world you're so far gone that nothing will help you

They've met all my ex girlfriends. They know I'm no faggot :)

We're in the safe part of the collapse. The violence comes during the hard times.

lmao what are the thais so cucked

im from eu why do you assume everyone here is a burger

what’s her number

Me on the left

im from eu

eat shit commie

you bare backed a hooker in the ass?

is 500k american kike dollars enough to whore maxx abroad? Everyone talks about SEA, but really, I like white girls, or at the very least white passing girls.

Can you get stds from anal? I really dont know

V4 GAY captcha

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V4 gay

it's over...



Believe it or not, women have buttholes too.

This was my take as well. Lmao what a retard

Yes. 500k would last ages in Austria and Germany. Go to clubs called “fkk”. Google it. They are mostly full of Romanian nymphos at the moment who only charge about 70 euros per 30 mins. Less if you go to clubs with less pretty girls. There are more really white Ukrainian and Russian women there when there’s no Ukraine war.

Can you get stds from anal though? I dont think you can there are no bodily fluids in a butthole. It seems safe?

Enjoy adidas, freddy m

500tbh? are you fucking mental? That's like a months salary to them. 200 is enough dude.

I wasn't paying her anything and she said she didn't care she just wanted to come. I'd toss her 500thb anyways afterwards for some drinking money,

Pathetic man

go on

do you speak from personal experience?

It's like he's wearing an innertube under his t shirt. What powers does he acquire when he 180s his hat?


Of course. Actually im Australian and never had sex in Australia. Only Europe

He doesn't know

How do you think gay men get the thing retard.

You get AIDS from getting ass fucked. Fucking ass is much, much less likely.

A guy i knew like this drank 30 beers in one day

Disgusting but based kek

the reddit office pepe bot thinks he blends in still

Different id but I appreciate the input anyway. What are prices for really hot ones.

redditor learns aids is from anal and not sitting on toilet seat like Bill nye told him

Top kek I love bull season

anus tissue and the inside rips really easily bro, its why AIDS is so prevalent among homos
you are dicing with life changing shit putting you bare dick into some random hooker bro, you dont know their sexual history

Had a degen friend that bought 30packs of Natural Ice. What swill! 5.9% though... That friend was me. I'm all better now. 6'4" 202lb German/English thunderchad.

Kek i cannot believe i forgot about aids

that is so gross it's disgusting. Look at how fat he is.

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I disagree I met some really stable and enlightened people there. You probably found the wrong crowd because you were living a degenerate lifestyle.

I have a few ids ITT. My other id is buIF8G5p
Most of the time you don’t get more for paying more. 70 euros will usually get you the same as 300 euros. 300 euro women just cater to a different wealth level of men and those men aren’t more picky about women.

Retiring in SEA is whatever, Japan/South Korea/Taiwan is where its at.