Gems Thread

Gems Thread

1. Under $50 mil mcap
2. Launched or launching this year
3. Doxxed team

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fr fr no cap what kibshi doing


None of these follow rule 3 you retarded bots. Way to confirm those are scams

*Rule 2

Gonna be launching a legit project soon. Where is a good place to do a legit presale

I'm going to get rugged but I just threw money at PORK. If you're a gambling man

Syncus. It’s like a legitimized version of OlympusDAO, still really early and could be the only successful algorithmic stablecoin in a years time

If only you knew my frendo..

But OK I'll throw u the bone

Public main net this year, 2024.
In the works for nearly a decade by autistic megaminds team, we talking out of the box unprecedented tech.

Bag up now on sub 6m mc, thank me later

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Plebbit is an opensource, free to use, peer to peer social medias protocol with no https endpoints and no need for SSL certificates. Instead it uses the IPFS and ENS. This means it's actually decentralized unlike federated alternatives or projects like steemit.
Plebbit will allow board owners to advertise or not to advertise.
Users will be able to curate their feed wth subs that have and don't have ads.
ENS is used for board names.
NFTs could be used for avatars.
The token will be used to curate the default feed through a DAO.
As the protocols is adopted, more sub owners will want to be featured in the default feed so they can increase their subs popularity, earn ad revenue and perhaps even trade their valuable sub as an NFT. This will create demand while also satisfying the narratives demand by being apart of a social media protocol with a viable and novel design.
The token will also be used to vote on Dev issues in a DAO and tipping.
4.5m mcap no VCs 100% airdropped grassroots

plebbit.gif - 300x250, 2.38M


you can take a boiled egg and insert it into your anus. Hold it there for a week, then eat it whole and repeat the process two more times. No rinsing. The third time it comes out as a diamond.

doesn’t follow the rules

Goddamn this board is dead

$BLOBS ; The next etherium update on March 13th
$1.5mil mc
still early

oh fuck
failed rule #3

then chek $Goat trading
99/99 score
doxxed and white dev
launched this month

How about you DYOR instead of ask us then? Lazy faggot. Try BXBT. I'm not even invested in it but I've been watching it. Fuck you.

Ayo plebsister

maybe CGPT Launch Pad

Appreciate it
Appreciate it and kys
I’ll check it out thx

And I did dmor everything is shit compared to last cycle

No problem. Hope you die in a fire


Wtf are you on about.
Plebbit is 4m mcap.
Token launched 2 years ago avax (100% airdropped) and chainswapped to eth mid last year.
The main Dev Esteban Abaroa is doxxed.

How do I even buy these weird coins if I only have access to US-available boomer exchanges like kraken?

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GL anon

you're joking right?
do you even DEX?

No I’m not joking and I don’t even dex :(
I have a MetaMask wallet, do I need to figure out pancakeswap or some shit?

Rule 2
That’s exactly why these coins don’t make it, normies won’t be buying them unless they’re on cex’s

Aerodrome Finance- its coming off a gigapump so watch the chart a bit before you buy

Yeah I was waiting on a dip cuz it shot up too fast.

MXC has been going wild. I wish I had put more than $100 in it because I more than 2x'd already

Somehow the coin got removed from my watchlist I was pissed. What mcap do you see its ath?

ALPH/AYIN Ecosystem.
AYIN is the dex token and the dex itself is doing very good. higher TVL than MC, ALPH is a growing network and the tech works.
pic rel

Plebbit is unironically one of the few actual grassroots projects, with 2+ years of development, working demos and an actual 100% airdropped supply to biz 2 years ago (search the catalogue) where even the plebbit Devs had to purchase their stack on their own on the market, YET biz still ignores it. Unbelievable

Prob ~42 mil, ATH is .02 over current price and its sitting at .25 now. I think this is easily going to $10+ this cycle

t. I bought pancake swap at .40 and i think this will behave similarly/better since its being shilled by coinbase

Is the team doxxed or at least the ceo? Can’t find anything

Parallelchain XPLL

Yes. But honestly don't bother mevbots basically made it so 99% of anything shilled is rugpull bait within a few days

kills your favourite AI coin

nothing personal kid

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55% of supply in the top 10 wallets

Hardcore shitcoin


Its a fork of another protocol. The fork is audited and it has backing from CB ventures. I cant find anything on the team either but i dont think Coinbase would stake the future of DeFi on Base on jeets or street shitters.


the most undervalued token I have come across so far

Well, there's $TROLL, it's very new but so far there's been a bit of profit, but i believe it will go further
I predict a 150% profit when the first bump arrives