/pmg/ - Precious Metals General

Steak and silver edition.

Why Gold?


Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable


Bullion dealers

libertycoin.com/ (US)
chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)
more at: pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

Numismatic search


News and graphs



findbullionprices.com/ (US)
eu.compare.pm/ (EU)
gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)





Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test


Previous Thread:

Bitcoin to replace gold as a store of wealth.......

It doesn't matter if it's true or if you believe it but millions of boomers will hear it on cnbc and they control the nation's wealth..........

To the moon and beyond

Why gold?

fair question, why gold when Bitcoin is a thing?

which nation? This is an international board.

This is an american board with a few pajeet shills and seething europoors here and there

Where are you buying your silver bullion and getting SPOT PRICES?

I just got these Canadian sets for melt, and the 80% dimes @ 14xFV. It's a buyer's market if you are willing to deal with private sellers. They tell me the buyers have dried up because people are running out of funds over the last 6 months, or so.

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What emotions does this piece of art elicit? Is it a fair representation of the times?

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My main shitcoin bag did pump today, so that's cool. I'm still gonna buy another few oz of ag on payday though because I can't cash my fucking shitcoins out without paying 80% in real paper taxes

I don't know what Amish Santa has to do with precious metals. I just but them, they're cool.

remind me what the big queen coins are. hate the crown but those cute lizzies are nice.

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I'm Canadian.

Bitcoin to replace gold as a store of wealth.......

Then why haven't Central Banks or world governments been hoarding up Bitcoin?
Why are they hoarding gold instead?

What happens to your precious mempool when the Internet shuts off for a few weeks?

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Chinese or French?

how does anyone know you are cashing out Bitcoin? how does the gov know you have it?

euro descended from English and Scottish highlanders. Could be part German based on where my mom grew up but am unclear about ancestry on my mom's side since she had degenerate parents and got adopted.

the exchange will tell the government for you

how does anyone know you are cashing out Bitcoin? how does the gov know you have it?

KYC mandates these days make BTC 100% traceable in the US.

what about offshore exchanges?

not sure i know enough about them to really say. i've only used coinbase :(

what's the silver value of those certificates?

That's too bad, my bitcoin and ethereum are in Brokerage accounts so I get $90,000 in long term capital gains tax free every year. G_d its good to be American and never pay taxes

that doesn't even make sense, and to make it even stranger, you really should know that seeing as you've mentioned ADR in the last thread. you wouldn't know that term and then believe that nonsense. your backstory continues to evolve.

you can't spell god the jewish way if you're pretending not to be a jewish shill.

I got rich by not buying silver so I can do whatever I want

Got a fun batch of antique mid-1800s silver spoons in the mail, 262g of sterling and 74g of old American .900 coin silver. They cost $117.35 total and have a melt value of $225. The refinery would pay 92% of melt which is $207 so while not dirt- cheap it still makes for very comfy anxiety-free stackin'.

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why should I listen to someone that hates elderly people?

how does it look when you polish it up?

Yeah but it's different when she's dead.

Ask the world's Central Banks, which are jumping on gold like frat boys on a drunk cheerleader. Maybe the three-thousand year history of gold and silver use as money seems a little more stable than ten years of extremely volatile electronic blip money. Just a thought . . .

Highly doubtful that millions of boomers who can barely use a smart phone are going to throw their assets into magic internet money.

That's why they have (((financial advisors))) who will do it for them.

Americans have an obsession with the elderly that borders on lunacy. World War II ended in 1945. The elderly are long retired and are cashing in their savings.

Right. I was using the date for first coinage. But you are correct that gold and silver use as money began much early. Prehistoric actually.

how does anyone know you are cashing out Bitcoin?

lmao every single transaction is traceable, you just need a starting point

what about offshore exchanges?

how are you going to get your cash from offshore exchanges?

so I get $90,000 in long term capital gains tax free every year

That doesn't make any sense. Try again shillfag.

Americans have

Great, a fucking 3rd worlder trying to lecture us about how we really feel.

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Reminder that any crypto that is not monero is a scam. Bitcoin especially glows, that satoshi goy is actually the government. Bitcoin is a test run for CBDC.

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no max cap

not used to make the computer components required for it to run

Bitcoin is a test run for CBDC.

the only truthful thing you said
BTC will die in a cyber attack
It will be reborn/forked as Fedcoin

how are you going to get your cash from offshore exchanges?

wire transfer. You just pay the 3% currency conversion fee. If currency conversion is less than the tax then offshore exchanges are a better idea.

third worlder

I'm Canadian and I've been all around america and know that most of the country are not even born in america.

wire transfer

your domestic accounts will be frozen, dumbass

I've been all around america and know that most of the country are not even born in america.

You're brown as fuck and your English is awful. Minorities like you are inherently racist (and evil). Go back to your own country.

domestic accounts frozen

how does your government know what foreign accounts are offshore exchanges? I highly doubt the US government is competent enough to monitor stuff like this.

I'm white. I'm just saying that boomers are only one element in America and they are dying daily because the war ended 80 years ago. Lots of america these days is blacks, hispanics, Chinese, and Indians. Americans are beyond delusional about their demographics -- crying endlessly about retired elderly people.

What's on the other side of that bottom one?

it's an interesting coin. I got it as part of a miscellaneous lot, so I don't even know what it's called.

how does your government know what foreign accounts are offshore exchanges?

...there are a limited number of banks registered in the U.S., it's the easiest thing in the world to track.

I'm white.

you talk like every Latin American dude I've ever met.
What's your point?

you'll cowards don't even own octopus bullion

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my point is that boomers are irrelevant in America and america already replaced its population with foreigners. Americans have a crazy, hysterical obsession with boomers even though most boomers are either retired, swindled out of their money in scams already, or poor because of bad choices. 80 year olds are not trying to figure out how to invest money LMAO-- they are funding their retirements. Americans are SOOOOO behind the times.

Get some sear on that.

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talking about politics instead of stax


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You had a year to triple your investment but you decided to buy some random rocks with no usecase. Lol. Lmao even.

I literally just finished a giant piece of steamed beef and rice with 3 raw eggs and a shot of maple syrup.

My nigga stacking spoons bruh.
You do eat with them, right?
You're missing out on hella health gains if not. I may or may not use a file and put some silver dust on my pancakes from time to time.
Niggas be like ewww you eat silver.
Gut health


336 grams = 10.80 troy ounces

Sterling is 92.5%

10.80*.925 = 9.99
silver price = 22.44
9.99*$22.44 = ~225

the math checks out senpaitachi

my point is that boomers are irrelevant in America

that's not a point that's a comment, what does this have to do with PMs?

Americans are SOOOOO behind the times.

You were talking about boomers about to die and now you're talking about Americans in general. Your comments lack logic.
Again, you sound very brown, or you're 12.

It really is over for boomer rocks. Gold only went up because it was newly available in etfs and Americans were starved for ways to preserve wealth. And now all those gold etfs are being liquidated into bitcoin etfs. Boomers will all fomo into bitcoin and sadly yall no coiners will have to hear me say 1000 more times....."henlo FRENs I got another airdrop of one ounce of gold for each of my many bitcorns" frankly I will tire of saying it....indeed Im exhausted already. So get on the poo-choo train chugga chugga chugga chugga it's leaving the station all aboooooooard!

the top comment chain was about how boomers are getting into crypto and I responded that boomers are elderly and are past the age of investment. Anon Babble has a crazy obsession with elderly people.

Is that a new age silver surfer? Silver sure is neat.

Bitcoin is for BITCHES. Give me some goddamn gold.

the top comment chain

Learn to recognize anti-PM shills.


Love that coin!

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Based, I wish I had the time and the autism to trawl ebay and estate sales for cheap silver

come again fren?

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based turtle poster
nice puss

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That's some god-tier luster

I mean patina

Max cap is 42m in 2175. The Monero supply increases more slowly than gold.

I work a wageslave job or two depending on the time of the year, seven days a week and still find time for hobbies and hitting antique stores and shit with the old lady. What (you) have is a lack of dedication. I hope (you) already have your 276 oz or whatever the make it stack number is because with that mentality (you) will not make it.


I think 1967 is when they were debased to 50% silver.

the hard part for me is having the money when I need it. I'm into gold rather than silver but sometimes when you want to buy good lots of good stuff for close to spot you need to pay like 10,000 for multiple pieces. often when deals come up I don't have the cash ready because good deals are gone fast.

this is the queen I'd gotten; hate the lizards but love this old junk in her younger years.

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my dads a rich boomer and he isn't falling for muh btc etfs
let the dumbass boomers go broke
it'll be good for the economy

why do elderly Americans not just spend their money? in canada elderly people go on trips and enjoy leisure if they have money. As much as people meme about American consumerism Americans seem very stingy.

I see. I spent my twenties doing LOTS of drugs and jail time so I'm priced out of gold this cycle. I only pull like 50 a year if you include the stipend from my family so we're operating on two different playing fields. I do know the feel of missing out though. My main silver plug got some englehardt 100 oz bars in a few weeks back and wants 2600 each. Fuckin my other plug let me hold a suisse 10 oz gold bar, in its assay case, the week the bank got into their shit and was like watch these skyrocket.

"You ain't nobody until you have a 10 oz gold bar."

Man I tell ya, PMs really get me excited!

I remember a post a few nights ago. Mans said "bill holter was rumored to have sold a Walton woman 50m in gold"
Now that guy is a based libertyandfinance listener.

I'm still convinced there's only like six actual metal stackers on this website. Metals are such an echo chamber. Andy schectmman/peter Schiff link up wen?

Isn't the Canadian economy totally fucked though? Like houses are all 7 figures and the tax base is dependent on Alberta, which keeps trying to secede.

bill holder and Andy schectman are literally marketers for precious metals dealers so you need to be very skeptical of what they say. Andy schectman started as the marketing director for miles Franklin before being promoted. Listening to them is like listening to the CEO of LVHM tell you about fashion while focusing only on Louis Vuitton.

I'm priced out of gold this cycle.

The thing is gold always goes up and you'll find it here and there for good prices if you look for it. gold always goes up so the premium you pay will be wiped out over a long enough timespan.

Canada is a relatively unproductive country with a lot of resource extraction. Our two industries are colleges catering to indians that want citizenship and oil extraction. We really have no other industries here.

I work for a Jew-Illuminati NGO that gets funding from the government -- so I'm safe. But lots of people here are really struggling because of the high inflation. apartment rents are at 100% of after tax income in most of the country these days.

I went to a whorehouse today and it's a cheap one and when I was there I thought "the girls are getting hotter. this must mean people are really struggling". Price to prostitute ratio is a good way to judge an economy's health almost anywhere in the world. In Canada it's a buyer's market these days which means everyone is broke (including hot chicks)

trips of truth

But seriously I have a wife and multple kids under 5 and work 45+ hours a week

Here’s my stack at least

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Yeah nah, I'm not worried about premiums in the long term either. It's just my paycheck is $1300 lol. I despise the idea of buying gold grams(the denarius in the infographic are like 3.9g of silver. I know. tiny. and I'm greedy and like beeg shinys)and my old lady likes to go out to eat too much so here I am embracing the eventual ratio trade that has to happen, right?
I remember when my buddy's mom told me "money is fake" without the elaboration from a slimy investor standpoint i have now and I spent my youth having so much fucking fun spending every zinc dime I touched. Lol I could have would have y'know? Wouldn't trade the skating and drugs though honestly. It's kind of funny to know when it's gonna rain because my pushing knee gets stiff.

Peak boomer year was 1957. Boomers have another 20 years before they start dying in significant numbers.

I have the same salary. A bit less even. I get 1300 Canadian which is like 1000 USD. I just save for a few months and get whatever I can afford. Sometimes it's jewelry, quarter ounce gold, etc. I bought most of my gold when I was doing tons of overtime and clocking 70 hours a week. lately I haven't had the energy so have been stacking less.

I guess I was wrong, octopus chad

Name of piece?

I was doing tons of overtime and clocking 70 hours a week. lately I haven't had the energy so have been stacking less

That's only because you're a goldbug. Here anon, take a healthy rail of the purest white metal to the dome and you'll have no problem keeping up with us silverschizos.

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I'm not worried about premiums

This why stackers always lose

What a waste, you could be accumulating wealth for your family and all you are doing is pissing your $$$ away.

gold always goes up so the premium you pay will be wiped out over a long enough timespan.

Someone has been listening to merchants..anyway over a lifetime you miss out on 200,000% gains by "investing" in gold


Bro youre fucking retarded. I own crypto too, you fucking iqdelet motherfucker I missed you. Respect my fucking posts. I know your posts and you damn fucking sure know mine. I'm getting HELLA CRYPTO GAINS NIGGER

Good coins though desu.

gold always goes up so the premium you pay will be wiped out over a long enough timespan

The premium is MULTIPLIED by the gains on the amount of gold you would have had if you didn't have to pay the premium.

Lold the (((real))) ftm is tied up in a microcap shitcoin and its associated nfts that don't even show up in the wallet. Mainly bought fantom because I'm a huge Pierre Gasly stan and the gas is cheap. Can't jingle my fDuck coins together though :(

Verification not required

silver & gold > faggy ass buttcoin
always has.
always will.

hell yeah

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I love your effort posting so I'm sending a virtual britannia your way. My nigga hadrian smoked like 500k jews fr so that I could sit here and talk to you about saving money. Bro I spend EVERY zinc dime I make still. What I was meaning earlier was that uhhh oh yeah, I fell for the money is fake, inflation is now, banks are gonna fail, bank term funding program, blah blah blah, you will own nothing, etc. saving virtual money is sofuckinghard, then, I try to just withdraw my fiat and stuff it in a drawer, my old lady will be like damn we need to go to waffle house I'm craving chocolate chip waffles and im like sheeeeit you're right. Multiple times per week. But frfr I'm glad youre into metals syrupbrother xoxox


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Good stack. Keep it up. YGMI, broseph.

Gold etfs are going to lose another $50billion of AUM this will suppress the price of gold and cause bitcoin to double or quadruple. There just isn't much bitcoin to go around. Good thing is gold will probably only lose 15-20%


Gold got revalued in the 70s upward and now 50 years later gets revalued down as its replaced by bitcoin

Gold falls to 500 the gold silver ratio falls to 20 . Kektop isn't that what the silvertards want? A gsr of 20? Lmao that would be the funniest outcome

i would just buy more gold

If it ever fell that low it would be back up to 48 within a year because gold is all batshit crazy liquidation games like bitcoin.

shit, I'd be backing up the truck

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You can say that now but have you ever been in that situation? It falls to $1800 you think what deal and buy some, then drops to $1600 you spend the rest of ur $, falls to $1400 you start borrowing etc falls to $1000 maybe you panic and take a second mortgage keeps falling for a few years and you are drinking heavily wife leaves you etc shits not easy when you lose bigly over a long time period


Just sell all your stocks, precious metals, and crypto so you can keep your entire wealth in USD.

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that'd be based

Lmao this retard forgot about interest