Hackers have drained thousands of wallets

I can't believe people are still getting hacked after so many years in crypto.

Don't use your wallet for poor-quality airdrops and other activities that could compromise its security.

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Just use multiple wallets, it's that simple.

It's absolute stupidity to connect your main wallet to any dApp, just use a burner wallet where you can whatever amount you need and then connect to as many web3 scams you want.

Theres no such thing as a free lunch unless you're the one offering a free lunch to someone else.

Which is true even if you aren't scamming them. If the benefit to someone else is clear, maybe you can profit from their needs.

Don't use single wallet

Airdrops from twitter and beoble are becoming a cesspool of poor poojets monkeys and newfags trying to prove their luck

If you fall for that, you deserve it

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Because it's not the issue. You know what the issue?

Don't be a victim again

That's something to keep an eye on

Not really into crypto, why do airdrops compromise your wallet?

I'm not new to this shit

airdrops? It's shit

Why would anyone risk on airdrops btw?

Your main wallet will be different from your airdrops. Simple

How to become like this? easy way to earn good bucks.

I know some of my friends got hacked from that airdrops

Have you ever got hacked? If so, how?

op baited a bunch of newfags kek

I am investing in crypto since 2015 and I use the same wallet up until now.

This isn't funny OP.

So what's the thing to prevent this?

Something's not right

Bare with me.

Buy my coins: IOTA, NEO, ZIL

check the contracts you interact your wallet with
even selling a coin on a real dex can cause you to get your shit stolen

so what's new?

Thats not possible jeet. Not enough to know


I made $250 from a Anon Babble airdrop this week. Could have made $500 if I held longer. Eat shit faggot.

I've also made good money from airdrops without compromising my wallets. Let's be smarter about things these days kek.

The project team are just using you and the cheap airdrop hunters

That's possible as it benefits both the community and the team. If people like the product, they can stay after receiving an airdrop.

I sold everything after ARB, JUP, WEN and ALT. I'm feeling good now

Well, you can do whatever you want. I still have rewards from arb, Dua, 5ire, and zeta, and I'm holding these gems, ready for the bullrun.

It will dump so SELL my friend

You'll regret doing that, as the altcoin season is almost here, and I think it's starting a little. Look for those in the account abstraction narratives too.

Congrats poor anon

What is it? Look at ai and RWA .

You can DYOR since it will take some time to understand the whole. The goal is to improve the user experience and address issues regular wallets encounter. Anyway, I also have FET and OCEAN for AI.

Best advice

Jesus Christ this thread reeks of curry through the screen. Mods rangeban India already.

So what is airdrop for you?
When is the altcoin season?

I scored mad rewards for that second one by getting in on the beta test action.

The goal is to improve the user experience and address issues regular wallets encounter.

buzzword with no functionality. How do pleb plan to go about this when there are already good options to always stick to that have stood the test of time?

I'm all about RWAs, man. FLUUS knows their stuff, and they teamed up with another project to rock it as their official smart wallet.

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No airdrop surpasses that of starknet and arb. They still remain the best airdrops so far. Testnet is for hungry, low-class Jobroni. Step up ya game jobroni, cause many now require real funds to either bridge or stake.

I can't say for certain, but we're making progress.
People have different wallet preferences. Even with many good options available, they still look for alternatives that suit them better. Give them some time.

Not just about rewards anon. The question is how safe is your wallet

You sound like a kek, fag. The token he's talking about packs a ton of utilities like cross-border payments, gas fee, cashback, and more. Don't be quick to judge the poorfag without doing some research.

That's the real deal, Pajeet. The space is still crawling, and one sneaky attack could wipe your wallet clean overnight. That's why I'm eyeing self-custodial solutions that are all about SSI, privacy, and locking down security.

Though this perspective seems interesting. But diversity is what makes the crypto space so dynamic. Everyone's got their own take on what works best for them.

People have different wallet preferences.

I understand, but this is an unknown concept, and it's probably new to the system. What makes you think this concept and approach to wallets are safe enough?

Diversification it's the name of the game. I'm spreading my bets across Meti, NAKA, NXRA, DUA, FET, and DOT. Gotta play it smart.

You sound more like a bot. How does this correlate, arsehole? We need to flush some of this bot out of this biz.

Do you have time to research? Exploring it might answer your questions that's so obvious.

It's about time people delve into it, placing a strong emphasis on security, seamless usability, and ensuring users retain complete control over their assets, identities, and data

That's exactly what the Nexera ID supported smart wallet is bringing to the table.

That's why I'm eyeing self-custodial solutions that are all about SSI

Love the features but this still rely on a small pool of centralized providers, to act as intermediaries and enable access to internet services in exchange for their private activity data.

This freedom from relying on seed phrases reduces vulnerabilities linked to their loss or hack. Think of it anon, think. It will still improve.

It seems like all these features are to make it more compliant while maintaining privacy. But is it necessary? We are all a bunch of commutards who want full access and control over our data and identities. This depends on centralize heriarchy, which defeats the entire core narrative of defi.

Don't be conned by some of those proposed concepts that often turn out to be vaporware. Most are complete mirages, and what makes you think this won't be the case?

If it does not rely on seed phrases, then what does it rely on? social logins?

just as predicted. kek.

What are the benefits and advantages this has over the existing concept?

I find out that users of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 will find it easier to get started thanks to its integration. Institutions and builders will be able to support identities that are self-sovereign, flexible enough to meet compliance standards, and capable of fostering efficient self-regulation.

This significantly reduces the risk of potential security breaches, safeguarding users' assets and personal info.

If you're not comfortable with linking your social accounts, then enhance security by enabling features like 2FA or using biometrics for your other options kek.

This ain't the only option they throwing. They also got the ability to freeze compromised accounts.

These are the features of AA, Jeet. It solves the headache of lost seed phrases by letting you log in conveniently through social media accounts.

i still don’t get how you get “hacked” these days

retards are literally signing wallet draining transactions and claiming it was a hack

i had bought 100 euro in BTC on chinance two years ago and forgot about it, saw the news, reinstalled the app and found 300 euro there :)
are wallets a meme?

Kek, some anons face this issue 'cause of their greed, falling for those mouthwatering deals that don't exist in the real world.

TrustWallet not safe, MetaMask not safe, Phantom not safe. What wallet is actually safe?

Still not a great way to be secure, anon.

Think about it.

These are the features of AA

What the hell is aa, you freak? It seems you don't know what you are talking about.


It's like trying to bridge web2 users into web3 with that familiar login style. I don't see any harm if it'll smoothly onboard more users to the space.

I'm not sure if he understands it, but I'm just offering other options to connect. If account abstraction isn't for them, then there's no need for me to stress myself.

Noticed DOT has been pumping. It is underrated as a layer 0.

Leather wallet

NXRA and DUA are good for RWA narrative. FET for AI. Not fucking bad if you are patient enough

keeping anything above 0.02ETH on a hot wallet for anything more than airdrop operations

And honestly I wouldn't even do that if it wasn't for Starknet fucking up their airdrop and getting it in everyone's heads that they should maintain an arbitrary minimum in their wallets. Airdrop farming is fine to do, just don't go interacting with dodgy sites in the same way that you don't go sticking your ATM card in dodgy machines.

We're all about to get airdropped

Dont buy the trash

Perhaps you should research it again before calling it trash, as I think you may not be thinking clearly lol

It should be an option for smartfags. It positions users to embrace future advancements more seamlessly by simplifying their current interactions.

Anon is buying unknown coins hahaha

Those unpopular coins might change your financial life. Who knows? Don't underestimate those.

RWA is gonna be one of the most compelling narratives in this space. Alliance Block's official smart wallet is gonna be the go-to for tokenized RWAs.

Not gonna happen

Some clueless anons just stroll into biz and shoot off their mouths without bothering to do any damn research. Same lazy reply every time.

You might not fully understand. I'm referring to the potential for big returns that low-cap coins can offer if they take off. Long term approach.

I'm all about buying low mcap utility tokens with that long-term potential.

What about the other side? It seems you all failed to acknowledge the fact that it uses social logins.

If I'm not comfortable, then I should do what, MF?

except this, because not everyone is cool with the use of seed phrase.

Simplifying transaction processes by ditching the need for users to mess with complex cryptographic stuff like seed phrase could really bring in more users to the space.

There are many forgotten or
lost access to seed phrases, especially among newcomers who lack sufficient knowledge. Social login can be helpful in such cases.

I understand, and I don't need to be spoon-fed to understand the concept.

xrp doesn't have this issue due to trustlines btw

Isnt it centralised?

How do they do it

Yeah, but it's only for social login. Still, it operates fully decentralized when managing crypto assets and identity.

We can't negate the importance of this. I've actually heard a lot about this, and Argent is a good one in this regard.

I don't think it is, but to think of it, do we have a full-stack decentralized system? I don't think so.

I have no idea about it, but I always use wallets that I have no funds to use.

Wtf are you talking jeets

How come

That's how it should work. Argent, Brillion, and Holdstation are just a few examples. I'm still exploring Loopring.