Bandana Edition

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the japanese are cucks
americans are disgusting subhumans
t. euro

My investment in qqq paid off! I made 44 cents in profit! I'm gonna make it!

The LAAC train is leaving anons.

Also short YOU if you got the balls.

Hell yeah.

LLAP green

NYCB mooned

LUNR closed green

is it starting to make sense /smg/? Are you starting to realize that I know what i'm doing and that listening to me can make you rich beyond your wildest dreams. I didn't get the title of the best trader in /smg/'s past, present, and future by mistake.

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I didn't expect you to be here

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Good job. Now look at BYND.

How do people do 50x and 100x with options?? What exactly is adding up to those multiples? Is that from buying calls, not selling them? I don't really understand anything other than selling covered calls

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Told the boss I wanted to leave after 9 hours today to enjoy the weather. All the overtime we have right now is technically voluntary. I don't like passing up on 1.5x pay if I don't have to but damnit it's 70 degrees outside and I want to open the windows and enjoy the fresh spring air.
Why would I invest in a company that sells bug meat at twice the price of actual meat minus the nutrients?



I expect +50% based on Q4 revenues, for anyone looking to scoop an easy buy. ER later this week or early next week

Will SOUN rocket on earnings release or will it do a LUNR?

Also short YOU if you got the balls.

Huh, why's it stopped trading alongside JETS?

Im buying a way otm put for shits n giggles. So long as the IV aint over 60-70%

More often a few to several hundred %. Yes, you buy calls or puts. Usually betting on something time sensitive like a chart breakout or other event the market is being retarded about and not pricing in (something like an earnings release will jack up options prices in anticipation. Hard to get yuge returns there unless something insane happens.).

I can't believe the pox ended up becoming endemic. G*d bless the gay community.


Also consider that LUNR used one of Space-X's rockets to get to the moon meaning the stock is forever tied to Elon Musk meaning retard money will continuously pour in. The fucking stock went from down 25% to up 7% in one trading day

And is your profit coming from the difference in the premiums when you sell the contracts back?

Suppose you are all wanting to know what tomorrow’s earnings play is.

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who is that man that you keep posting?

Yes or by exercising them. If you own a call at a strike of 100 and the company shot up to 150, you can buy the 100 shares for 10k and immediately sell for 15k, making 5k. Usually your broker will just do this for even if you don't have the 10k, but also anyone else with the money would pay you the 5k to exercise.

What kind of tech and oil ETFs should I look into? Right now I just have some general ones that track the market, but I figure oil and tech are solid and I don't have time or knowledge to buy specific stocks. So ETFs seem solid.

XLK for tech.

Dang, that one looks breddy risky! I might do a bit of fractional on it at that price. I've already got to make up the $20 I lost today on the SCHWAB EQUITIES RATINGS "A" stook UNH.

Well if you don't have the time to Lrn2 OIL futures price BASED ETF trading and just want to grab some companies then XLE goes well with the tech XLK mentioned, and if you *really* want to get the whole industry then get XOP and XES along with XLE. XLE by itself is simplest and has the least expense ratio.

only need to 2x my $200 to hit 100k 7 times

Why does this feel so impossible? Isn’t there a bot that will scalp SPY 0dtes for me?

maybe your broker protecting? they report tomorrow morning so the ship has sailed

No, anon, I don't mean after hours. I mean its performance has been lagging compared to JETS, but only in February.

Selling off in advance of earnings, perhaps? Which'd be pretty ominous.

Interesting. So, for example, 3/1 SOXL $42 calls are around $0.93 right now. If I think SOXL could be $45 by then, I buy the call and then potentially pocket $300?

Are you guys neoliberals?

ah gotcha, no idea, I just think it's a shit company so I'm shorting

yeah your net gain would be $300 - the $93 you paid for the call, you make an extra $100 for every dollar that SOXL rises, your break even is $42.93, and anything below $42 and you lost all your money

reverse appropriately for puts, and for selling calls/puts instead of buying

I am a neonazi in minecraft

That just seems too easy in a bull market but what do I know. So one of the benefits of buying a call vs selling one is that your downside is limited to the premium?

You are still a fat faggot who sucks at trading and sleeps on the floor of your rat hole you call an apartment. How old are you again?

Not to mention The SER caused me to back out of AXOM NIGGER SHOCKERS and miss the POOMP. I might just go ALL TANKER STOCKS PORTFOLIO.

Ain't much neo about me, NIGGER.

That just seems too easy in a bull market but what do I know.

Well, of course, but axe comes eventually and if you're heavily invested in calls you could simply lose everything.

So one of the benefits of buying a call vs selling one is that your downside is limited to the premium?

Yes, when you buy a call/put you have no obligation to use it so you could just forget about it, in which case you only lose the premium. When you write a call/put, you enter an obligation and can get executed.

For instance if you own 100 MSFT shares you bought at 400, and sell a call at 500, you will make the premium initially. At expiry, if MSFT is trading for less than 500 you probably won't be executed as it's not in anyone's interest to buy MSFT more expensive than the market. But if MSFT shot up to 600, you definitely will, "losing" 10k since you are forced to sell, and more and more for higher prices. However you would still have a dollar profit having bought at 400, so you'll never go bankrupt.

That's assuming it's a *covered* call, that you own the 100 MSFT. Otherwise you're essentially selling on margin and can be royally fucked.

liberals are retarded faggots.

We're capitalists.

Holy FUCK, I think it was sometime last summer that BAGGIE said to ALL IN TOPS SHIPS. It kept going to shit for months after that and I haven't checked in for a while.

I am a 36 year old hamchad. Which btw I sleep where I do by choice. I have a bedroom upstairs that is fully furnished but I have a massive apartment and during the winter months I sleep downstairs and close off the upstairs to save on heating costs. Once it warms up I move back up to the bedroom. Also my futon broke which is why the mattress is on the floor. I have the money to replace it but I won't spend it because what's the point?

You grow out of neoliberalism when you realize that people are not interchangeable cogs. Some people realize that at 15, some never realize it their entire life.

and just like that, all of the sudden there are no food frogs on the catalog
so much changes within the span of 24 hours

Is the SIGA anon still around? A couple weeks ago you were shilling it and I can't figure out why

you may not like it, but this is what peak trading performance looks like


I can definitely dig that. I am seriously thinking about an

Mpozz is endemic thanks to gay faggots buttfucking dogs. Theres been a couple articles in the last few weeks, so Im guessing he thought it was gonna moon again. Its not gonna happen. Might get a bump, maybe even 50% gain that holds, but its not gonna moon. The fundamentals just arent there. This isnt another covid.

You might want to flip that because hot air rises.

are you under the age of 40 and somewhat fit? Cuz ur getting drafted if your shit hits

I ate them

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He just really likes the baseline financials:

under the age of 40



I ain't under the age of FITTY either.

ah, well carry on boomer. I will be investigating my escape south of the US border

You're on to something with knowing and focusing on certain sectors. It sounds like what you need is timing, patience, a willingness to stick with it.

Nat gas may be bottoming, so there may be dirt cheap assets to scoop up now. Oil seems rangebound in some duldrums, so you may want a swing short for now. Tankers you're just getting into so maybe hold off on YOLOing into FRO or TNP or NAT until you understand them.

Defense, well, you gotta keep an ear to the ground in DC or just buy BWXT and HII until we actually fight China.

Finally someone who gets it.
Normally yes, but the building I live in is very old. There is only one vent in the bedroom and my furnace is a converted fuel oil furnace, so it's super inefficient. There is also a business below my apartment which keeps the first floor of my apartment reasonably warm by default. Even with the heat off, my apartment rarely gets below 60 degrees. Keep in mind, in the summer the opposite effect happens and I basically quarantine in the upstarts bedroom because I have a window unit AC in there. I have a window unit on the first floor but I have fucking 24 foot ceilings so there is no way to cool the place with window units and there is obviously no central air.

Oh, your age won't prevent you from being able to man a desk (in a building targeted by Chinese drones launched from Matamoros).

Guys I fucked up.
Blew up my whole port on SMCI straddles. Legit down to my last 1k.

I NEED to make at least 10k by EOW. What earnings calls should I play?

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should have bought YOU puts today, bitch is taking tomorrow at open mark my words

Ticker: ROPE


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retarded walking corpse of a president will try a draft

I'd like to see him try.

Is it a good time to buy CCJ?

SIGA is very undervalued right now, based on just existing contracts for smallpx some analysts have the fair market value around $17 fintel.io/sfo/us/siga , obviously another outbreak of monkeypx in the west could drive it even higher. In the short term, Q4 sales were like $100m+, forward p/e is around 3 going into ER

Presently *most* of my capital is in 5+% money market funds and I'm slowly DCAing into NATGAS AND OIL companies and in the 12 month contract ETFSs UNL and USL, plus OILK. I will do similarly with the whole plan, just buy in bits on the closest thing I can get to bargain days knowing that more than likely there will be better bargains coming. I'm in no yuge rush. I remember the fable of the father and son bulls, why run down there and fuck one of them when we can walk down there and fuck em all.

soundhound is this week's volatile boi
pick a direction bud

Best I can do are some clownshoes, far OTM MARA/CLSK calls and bank on Bitcoin hitting 69k before they expire.

I have fucking 24 foot ceilings

Oh, I know, the sun fucks with you when you're trying to play vidya and you can't get up there to install blinds!

the bongs are pushing a vape tax while actively trying to get all their smokers to switch to vaping

thanks I guess
faggot island

Shit, if they want to pay me to do that I'd be thrilled.

There's been sustained sexual transmission of clade 1 in Africa for over a year now. SIGA's chief medical officer is basically on the record saying it's only a matter of time before it becomes endemic in the west

If he was a good trader he wouldn't have a job and wouldn't be sleeping on the floor anon...

Ho hum. Few things to note; Still 13 years to go till Retirement day so uh line go up and all that still a coming, latest salary hike is upon me soon so both pension and 401k contributions will be jacked more. (But why wait?, I already jacked the 401k!,effective 3-15), uh whatever the typical S.S payment is well uh my VZ divvy alone will provide around that a month when the time comes if need be. Also this is low ball; number don't reflect further punting into savings or brokerage accounts over the next years.

Just stop being a NIGGER and start DCAing into XLK and TANKERS.

I was cleaning my box fan on Saturday and the fucking faggot sun was in my eyes the whole goddamn time. I hate how gay architects of the past were with their designs. Like just invent lights faggots, no need to have the sun in your face all the time.

They're sold out and exposed to rising spot prices in a bad way. Look at the relative strength of the recent rally off the lows - you'll probably find something like URNJ, UEC, or GLATF superior.

Also the best time was a couple days ago when uranium chads were roping but now's good too since fundamentals haven't really changed, only price/sentiment.

and then this happens

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Unfortunately wartime inflation means you'll only get food, housing, and the equivalent of $200/month in 2024 dollars.

No but you get used to it.

Last time to hop back into BABA, btw.

Bros I'm gonna be shorting Amazon


This nasty shit is why the company is tanking and people are leaving in droves. Disney has also been losing out a fuckload of money due to all of that woke shit too lately, stocks are a warning sign.

Isn't that the best guy to institute one?

ok post your short when market opens tomorrow

Oh really? Because I use my dollars to invest instead of spending it on faggot shit. Yeah I'm sure you spent $1500 on a purple mattress and spent an additional $2000 on some fancy bedframe with a head board. Money wasted on bitch shit. Money spent to please a woman. Meanwhile, even if i didn't have a futon mattress on my floor I would sleep on fucking concrete if it meant I had another dollar to invest in NYCB. Some western woman you lust for probably would be disgusted by my lifestyle, maybe even make a tiktok video about it. But a SE asian ladyboy would not only appreciate my apartment, but would decorate it, clean it, make the place her home. You see, that's the difference between me and you. You only care about what other people think of you because of how you live. You have a mind of a woman. If you ever become a man you'll realize that material garbage like that doesn't matter. Only have enough fiat to pay your bills. Every other single fucking dollar you have outside of that should be dedicated to OJ futures, corn futures, NYCB shares, oil and natural gas. It's really that simple, you can win this way. Stop being a retard.

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Were you around for the queer beer scandal? Back then /smg/ did a bit of digging and calculated the company behind BUD, even if you zeroed out all North American sales forever, would only really drop to the low 50's. Lo and behold, the stock began turning up from that level.

Run the numbers for Amazon and Twitch. Personally I'd start with their wiki pages and investor presentations.

Not all those who wander are lost

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My exwife just got arrested for child neglect and assaulting cops at the park, with my kids.
Is that bearish or bullish for telecoms?

why did you not already have full custody? dead beat

Twitchcon Rotterdam has the longest ticket lead time for all of the Twitchcon's in Europe, with ~125 days of open sales time.

Twitchcon Paris had ~70 days.

Twitchcon Amsterdam had ~80 days.

Twitchcon Berlin had ~60 days

We are in a recession if its taking longer for companies to meet sales goals kek. I will be shorting more entertainment and tech stocks for the next few months.

BMBL to lay off 37% of workers

Down 7.5% AH


cause the world doesnt work like that, maybe it will now.

So just got the good news about poem anon. May have to do a resurrection build in the future. Hopefully a stronger, better, and healthier, anon will arise. Stay tuned. Also buy oil and dividends rock.

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It may read through to GRND and potentially hit the entire Fag 7.

Why work 12 hour shifts if you winning
the trading game?

How the fuck is that even possible lol

Twitch is not even a fraction of a fraction of 1% of Amazon

for me im close but not close enough to live off my investments. i need another year or so.

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Do want a ladyboy to clean your box fan?

Sell me BABA


Which part? AB InBev owns a ton of brands.

And ultimately the point is that even if everyone stopped using Twitch, tonight and forever, because of that horrifying tranny, AMZN stock might only tick down a couple bucks.

State. Mandated. Buybacks.

he doesn't realize how great that would be

I literally have to trade NATGAS AND OIL to get NUGGETS, son, NUGGETS for my AIR FRYER. I have no way to make money other than NATGAS AND OIL, son, NATGAS AND OIL.

Because I have no self control. I am completely chaotic when I have down time. I lose my purpose so I usually just end up drinking and gambling. That is doing me any good. I like my job and the people that work there. When I'm at work I have a structure and rules. And then as an added bonus, if I stay there long enough I get 1.5x my normal pay. If you aren't earning money, you're spending it. Having a job keeps me busy and keeps me out of trouble.

I thought you couldnt do buybacks in China?

Even if there was some limit on that, they got so desperate that rule was probably repealed.

I looked into it and you guys are right about owning a shitload of stuff. I should not be a retard and do more reading next time.

Anyway I think AMZN is considering on cutting out a lot more fat by shutting Twitch down eventually for not even being good enough to be a tax write off. IIRC I heard Whole Foods might be on its way out too.

State. Mandated. Buybacks

explain it me like I was a golden retriever.gif

Credit card delinquencies rising higher again

natural feemgas

AMZN is losing money on Twitch. They would do their shareholders a favor giving it away for free.

You're obviously being a friend yourself by adopting that perspective on work

woof woof



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I don't really understand anything other than selling covered calls

he's never sold a covered call that 5x'ed on him


You should just make long form videos with downtime! Let your legacy be an archive of effectively infinite stock talk and random commentary with your cohost Scoopsies. DO IT FOR FREE!

sold a covered call that 5x'ed

anon what the fuck are you talking about?


Think I’m gonna buy 100 shares of Pfizer tomorrow.

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Bought 100 Google shares, 10 MSFT and some SSO. What else do I buy? SOXL calls a month out? Costco?

anon what the fuck are you talking about?

Here is a recent example of mine. In January I sold to open 5 contracts of SPY 488 2/16 expiration for a credit of $2.50. I bought to close them at like $12 because the market rallied way past that. So the option value 5x'ed. I just happened to be on the wrong side of the trade

I am just gonna keep on buying REIT's, OIL/NATGAS and NYCB I WILL make it

Which REITs?

I don't remember who the hell did it, but some guys put a fucking $44 billion price tag on Twitch. Not even kidding. Who would even want to buy that shit if it ever goes on sale??

suikoden kino

Pathetic wagie mindset.

So if I have shares they'll buy them back? When? And at what value?

The answer is, and always will be, YINN.


OK. buy some YING for fun and hedge against BTC

The secret to having money to do "whatever" with is to simply not spend it all. Back in uh oh fuck 2003 I was just starting out in the world I wasn't making shat. Still I managed to punt back some and do alright. Then things got better, especially in 2005, still I was making shat. But least I still punted back green and started tossing into retirement plans. Years went on, the money increased. But the key thing is this; I never let it go to my head. I still live like I got "shat". Don't misunderstand. I got decent things. I don't live like a hermit. But I don't uh flash the cash around like a fucking retard either. Nor do I waste money on dumb shat such as streaming services or $1000 phones.

tfw bought the china dip

Already up 10%.

That's sort of my plan. I have 18 grams of mushrooms just chilling here. I need to find a good time to visit god for stock tips.

That's what's called an "offering" or "tender offer", where you're forced to hand over shares in exchange for cold, hard ca$h.

A buyback is where a company sets aside money and has a broker regularly use it to buy shares on the open market, same as anyone else. The bought shares are then officially company property and can be canceled or used for stock-based compensation.

You can read more on Investopedia.

Market has 3 rate cuts priced in, so in line with the Fed. We're gonna moon from here.

No. Buybacks simply reduce the amount of shares available for the general investor to buy. So the demand goes up. The price goes up. This though is a shafting; Reverse split, you see this, your fucked. Generally a R.S means the company is in a bad way or some other thing. In a R.S the company says "For every share you have we're gonna combine them 10:1". So blunt speak; You have 10 shares before the R.S. After the fact you now have just a single puny 1. The value reflects this. So you don't lose money. But still. 9 shares are gone. To get them back you now have to fork out the much higher price per share.

I'm heavy in equities and in the US, deflation is chill with me

I just found out they sell olives without pitting them and I have such a container in my fridge.

best trader on /smg/ isn't saying much. talk to me when you're the best trader on Anon Babble then we'll talk

Thanks anons. Learned something today. Also Ried in German means Wetland, and many places are named with it


Right back at ya, anon. Didn't know that.

any tips on taking that shit for the first time? should i go for some outdoors place and is it safe to take it alone?

yeah btw, when is Powell speaking again? seems like he´s gone somewhat quiet.

If you are a virgin to it, take a half an 1/8th. You'll get the experience without the risk of losing yourself.

that much I already knew, but do I take it in my room or do I just go camping someplace neat?

Why is your sleep schedule so incredibly fucked, deerfag?

tfw literally guile

Nothing on the calendar until FOMC on the 20th.

LUNR down 48% in days

NYCB only up 6.35%, "Mooned"

I'll give you LLAP, but that is likely just a fluke. Real niggas are buying calls on YINN and BOIL

No matter how ashamed I am to admit, it's true. Poor people disgust me. I hate them. They annoy me and I honestly get a little excited when the talk of rate cuts come because it means their meager wagie existence will be ground into even finer dust. I love it. We should ban all wagies from this thread.

but there is a speech by fed Mester and the inflation data for the 12th of March

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fed Mester is in the 29th February

Same here friend. When's strike date for you? Mines 3/8

it's not i work the graveyard shift

graveyard shift

based nighthawk. im starting up the night shift again tomorrow. getting into the swing of it again today.

what happened with PRST? had it on a watchlist, went up 147% today, 300 this week.

Mester can suck my dick

Yeah and there's a half dozen other speakers and that's just what's been thrown on economic calendars for the next two weeks.

Bros, I'm shorting fast food stocks.

I just had a spicy chicken sandwich combo at Chick Fil A today. The chicken was the thinnest shit I have ever had. I remember their chicken being much bigger than that sad shit a decade ago. Pancakes are more dense by comparison. I hate shrinkflation so much.

Oh cool. Hope you're not stuck with it too long, since I think that fucks people up.

And long SCI if you have a literal graveyard shift.

I can't wait for higher for longer with subtle talks of possible rate hikes and the inevitable snp melt up to 7000 afterwards as the market goes euphoric.

March is coming

Do any of you actually make a reasonable income from trading? Like $50-100 a week reliably would be chill with me

Smart move with all those weight loss drugs. Wendy's probably isn't helping with the viral "surge demand pricing" story.

What was the bear thesis for a market crash in march/April again?

Like $50-100 a week reliably would be chill with me

My dividends give me ~$100/month. Much more cozy.

Surge demand pricing

The fuck? QRD?

The fuck? QRD?

Wendy's burger more $ @ busy time
Cheaper at slow time
Simple as

Yellen already declared the soft landing. The fed speakers are just cucks at this point

I'll have to go to Chick fil a soon for research purposes

Jepq is giving me $400-$500 in a few days it feels good I'm going to buy some stocks with it.

What about share value appreciation?

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That is total bullshit, I'm shorting ALL fast food stocks now and loading puts.

She *has* to spout that polyannaish nonsense. But what that means for policy is a separate question.

Inflation reigniting back to 4% is going to heem Biden's polls much more than a market stumble down to 4750.

ff stocks are mooning cause retarded goys will literallt spend 20 dollars on a burger

$BYND is +73.54%

its over, its fucking over.

my savings is gone. How could my family ever forgive me

Tumblr and Wordpress reportedly are selling their data to AI companies, OpenAI and Midjourney

All of those normies investing in AI and Nvidia are so going to regret doing that shit. Don't feed the bear.

Bros I'm feeling nice. The liquor has hit me like a nice warm bath. Mr John Rockler said we can post goblinas so here we go.

Why shouldnt I just drop my money in the CD market right now? I can pull it out anytime I want and its just free money compared to guessing when the recession is going to hit

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i tried formatting my post like 4 times and i have no idea what the system thinks is wrong with it but i was making a point with this image that apparently the jews don't want me to make so anyway fuck niggers jannies and jews

I'm going to buy some stocks with it.

Based. Happy divvy day, fren
What about it, nerd?
The surge pricing will bring in more cattle to dine on slop, anon. Deep down you know this to be true.

because it underperforms the index

invest money you aren't going to possibly need into higher yield equities, if you want to keep your emergency savings in CDs or bonds or a HYSA or whatever it doesn't matter it's all the same shit, getting in on 'risk-free' treasury yield. Go for it.

I cannot wait for the spergs to try and hash out the min/max formula for bugermaxxing.

What about it, nerd?

You don't get to enjoy it as much in boomer dividend stocks

yes but it will never go down, its like rollinga gamble with a 95% success rate vs an always success rate for a little less and the tax is lower if your income is bad vs the standard tax rate for stocks. If you make under 44k youre getting a 12% tax instead of a 20%

surge pricing is a good solution to the problem of fast food companies losing business because mindless mutt cattle all trying to get fast food at the exact same time and clogging up the lines so much it goes out to the street, and people like me drive past and see that shit and say "nope". They are recouping those lost sales by charging those retards shitting up their venues more. It's actually bullish. Earnings to rise.

Interesting. I have SPG and did have PSA till I got rid of anything with less than an A Schwab rating but am thinking of maybe getting it again and the WY I had which is land real estate (timber).

That may be true, but it's absolutely 100X more comfy. Cannot deny that.

Earnings to rise.

Absolutely agree with that. What're these golems going to do, learn to cook? Lol

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Holy fuck CEG. How do you shoot up 19% in 24 hours operating fucking nuke plants?

A single sandwich costs like $7 too

You guys are still doing this incorrectly. A hamburger and a large soda is still less than $3 at Mcdonald's with that 20% coupon. They're raping you but I'm raping them also on their loss leaders. Free chicken sandwich coming


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The anti nuke hippies admitted defeat

stocks are like sports teams for nerds which is why i only buy gamestop, since i'm a patriots fan

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since i'm a patriots fan

Anyone! Anyone! I need TA on MMM, pretty pretty please?

SPG is good they purchased a mall by where I used to live and livened it up well. As for PSA companies in a business sector like that seems pretty stable what was your avg cost per share?

You should really have ENLV exposure if you're a gambler like me.
Trail results end of March

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I've sold it (PSA) all now but see that I did buys at 297 and 286 spanning Jan 8 to Feb 23.

The Bobo thesis still stands.

Should I short BYND tomorrow

The thesis might, but does bobo himself still stand? Or is that bussy too gaped to stand?

Isn't this just hedgefundie

13 years until retirement

I put SIGA in my buy list so that's breddy close.

Bought 10 MSFT, don't know if I'm buying 20 more or buying Apple tomorrow

SOUN is cooked calls on BBAI at the open

I remember buying some during the 1 trillion dollar hype just to sell it when it was got to 1 trillion. It was a fomo moment it was literally free money. Almost as free as the tesla jumps just before the pandemic

I'm waiting for Tesla to dump more before I consider buying.

what about selling gold and bonds whenever QQQ drops below 45% from it's high and buy the fucking dip?

I see, what’s your reason for thinking about getting WY? I don’t know much about timber markets

Fuck it, I'm just going to buy companies that I think are BASED but have good financials too. I should have stuck with buying AXON NIGGER SHOCKERS no matter what the Schwab Equities Rating was. I want NATGAS AND OIL, TANKERS, DEFENSE, DE, CAT, NUE, WY, and TRAINS, plus a lot of other MISC. I knew shit would get confusing if I ventured beyond NATGAS AND OIL futures BASED ETFs. Everything is just so much simpler when you stick to NATGAS AND OIL futures BASED ETFs but I feel the CALL OF THE STOOKS. I want NIGGER SHOCKERS and now they are POOMPED already. I'm glad I solded BRK.B tho.

Forexbros, where we at?
Think I finally got something that works. Just gotta watch my risk management and FOLLOW MY FUCKING SYSTEM and it should be smooth sailing (this can include adjusting it so I tighten my SL once I hit some profit, but before my TP)

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Fuck outta here, I'll stick to my SOXL calls

Now you're talking, Warren. You have to invest like a boomer but still stay up to date with tech and current trends.

QQQ drops below 45%

And when is that


The crab will leave his crab dwelling forever

What did he mean by this?

The yield curve (10y-2y) will uninvert July 19th, 2024. It came to me through schizo Excel spreadsheeting.

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Oh I've boughted them twice too, actually more but I'm using a different account now so don't have all of my references available but got it in this one Jan 7 and Feb 23 and solded yesterday when I decided to get rid of anything less than an A Schwab rated. I found them in the screener sometime last year maybe summer when I was looking to get I think 3 to 4 STOOKS from all 11 sectors and REITS was the toughest for me to figure out which ones seemed stable and solid enough. I looked at all of the peer comparison data Schwab provides for hours and hours narrowing shit down as best I could tell with my shit knowledge of business financials. It was actually that shit knowledge of business financials that led me to want to just say FOOK IT and lean on the Schwab ratings but here they are having caused me to miss out on the AXON NIGGER SHOCKER POOMP and on the same day UNH took $20 from me and they were A rated but there was no way for the Schwab quants to know that the fuckin JUSTICE DEPT was going to announce an anti trust probe but still I do hold them responsible for missing the NIGGER SHOCKERS.




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he doesn't own LAAC

he doesn't own LUNR

I pity you

BCC is the chad lumber stock. WY is for faggots scared of chainsaws and sawmills and ain't never lost a hand or got a foot crushed under falling timber.

Are you guys in on LUNR just for shits and giggles too?

LOCO and M are the most nigger tier stocks.

also you sold brk.b wtf anon? did you not listen to the pitcher when he said you never sell?

I need a 10x on 100k. Do I buy TQQQ?


everybody is in a hurry to bake these days

still quite a bit of life left in this one fren

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Mighty nice lookin chart too, but as was written, WY was chosen to cover the Real Estate sector with the goal of having 3 to 4 STOOKS from each of the 11, and BCC is an Industrial and REITs was the toughest sector to fill. I remember I went with at least one cell tower land leaser too.

I was selling everything with less than an A Schwab rating, and BRK/B is a C.
