My ads on Craigslist keep getting banned. I've tried sugar daddy sites, dating apps, it's literally impossible to find women that want to get paid 300k a year+ for doing somewhat questionable things. I am willing to pay 300k to women to work for me. Cant use sites like indeed or LinkedIn or monster since my listings get deleted.
Impossible to find women that want money
Have sex incel
is not "seeking arrangements" is used for this kind of thing?
Would rather make money than have sex tbqh
Most of those women don't want to do the questionable things, they would rather be lazy and make enough money to survive and not work, scrolling social media all day, rather than hustle and make 300k
OP is so fat and ugly he can't even get a woman to have sex with him for 300k! Lol. They do it with me for free!
thats what i was going to mention. ive used it in the past works just has its intended.
All right OP, I'll bite. I know this is the question you were waiting for. What are these "questionable things?"
what questionable? OF?
Things that will get this thread deleted if I post them lol. things that will get you banned from dating apps. im not an incel I'm not trying to have sex. I'm trying to recruit bitches. I pay better than all the competition but they are too stupid to understand that
the smell
I don't care about sex. Sex is for cook brainers. I care about showing women how to make millions and getting a cut in the process
OP is a pimp for escorts, he probably has melanin-enriched skin and a wallet full of efferium.
Shut up fatboy
sounds like you have no real gameplan for what you want to do.. the ads sound too good to be true thats why they keep getting flagged.
Has it occurred to you that you might be too dumb to pull this off?
you sound like a nigger
With you paying 300k, how much do you expect to make? 500?
t. andrew tate
I am willing to pay 300k to women to work for me
If you're willing to pay that, the women that would be attracted to that kind of money would probably figure, even though they're for the most part retarded, could earn a lot more from a simp army by being a camslut.
100% guaranteed this guy wants to make camgirl empire like Andrew Tate.
I bet the "$300k starting" is in "you'll make commissions, trust me bro" and the actual starting wage is $0 plus tips.
Just use beoble op, If you happen to find any woman in there, trust me, they will want your money
well mate maybe trying to get women to fk ur dogs because you have a small penis is worth more than 300k
craiglist looking for whores
"why does they keep banning me?"
what a fucking incel, you should stop playing blocklords all day and touch some grass
u can buy sex with money op, dont pay attention to this retards
or worst playing wow
here we go, the poojets shilling their shitcoin like there is not tomorrow, maybe the one who needs to touch some grass is u, u fucking poojet
I can smell it through my screen
is it porn? find 18 year olds
Try Discord "dating" servers and find discord kittens. That's where all the hot, perverted freaks hang out.
Checked. I know what you're trying to do, but Idk why you want to do it. You'd be better off indoctrinating them than trying to pay them.
Just put up an add on indeed for live in personal assistant
everybody wants our money, the women, the government
you talk like a complete conspiracy theorist, as if women would be interested in your 4-figure salary.
touching grass does not generate income anon, grinding does
this is the kind of answer that someone who knows nothing about the topic would give
You need to PROVE you actually make that money OP, show photos of you with luxury cars, your house, pets and shit. If you're good looking that's a plus, but you're HERE of all places, so probably not.
Maybe show some of your earnings, or say "i invested in X" and shit
BUT only talk about the popular ones, no random shit like SPX6900, since as profitable as it is to get profit from smaller coins and waiting til they pump, normies don't give 2 shits, they want simple and easy to understand concepts. Go high anon, you got this (jk no you don't KEK)