/smg/ - the last smg ever

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Boomer Investing 101:





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Do I take profits or ride it out?



Yer in one right now

Sooooo uh - where is Nig Video gonna go?

hello sirs is my one nvda share gonna be a make it play?

VO is outperforming VOO
VO is outperforming VTI
VO is outperforming SPY
VO is outperforming QQQ
If you’re in mega caps you should rotate to midcaps
If you’re in large caps you should rotate to midcaps
If you’re in midcaps you’re gmi
if you’re in small caps you should rotate to midcaps

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The entire market is so effeciently flat. We may never see another +-1% day again.

Just an FYI, I am someone who has bagheld gamestop and crypto since I got into them late out of FOMO. I signed up for an options trading account today and bought NVDA calls and tomorrow will buy SOUN calls. The top is here :)

efficient markets hypothesis

I do all my trading based off of this theory.

i herd u liek midcaps?

Are you having a nice, tasty CAVA™ bowl for lunch today?

I'm in your mom's pussy and I'm rotating to pile-driving her

Thank you for your service

I’ve been in cash for 2 years now. If I buy back in, the market… yes, the entire market… will crash because nothing EVER goes my way.

What do I buy?

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The anon I replied to last thread did not reply back :(

mfw FOMC is still 3 weeks away

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Yer in one right now

Wrong friendo. it hasn't even started yet.

it's a cat edition

doesn't that theory state that you can't consistently win if you trade?

Is AI Art Slop Anon still here? He used to regularly whip up some fresh kino
It already popped *now*

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When are we going to get to see the ai generated photos of Jenna getting fucked by a dog?

Breddy gud, but last and only time I went the lentils were undercooked.

cat has more dough than me

Fuck that guy.
House always wins, baby. Fuckin duh.
Hopefully never...


Any thoughts on Newmont (NEM)? Currently the laggard of my portfolio (-25%)


don't you faggots dare

this time on DUMB WAYS TO DIE

Just BOUGHTED a little bit of

Also, WTF is with these cpatchas? I cant read this shit at all.

Anons, how do I get into short positions? Is it the sort of things you can long on? I was thinking of starting with GME or something.

i once jerked off to a video where a woman licked the shit-encrusted asshole of a male horse


Average NVDA buyer.

/smg/: horse lickers and sisterfuckers.

the dudes with 4 fig portfolios

You stand in the shadow of my massive dong, and refute my soothsaying?
You wouldn't finish to that though, would you?? :(

If you are not only not knowing how to do it, but also this unsure of exactly what you are going to short and why, the STAY THE FUCK AWAY unless you can find an ETF ticker that inverses a particular equity. At least then you wouldn't be able to possibly lose any more than the share price itself at the most.


It already popped *now*

Wrong friendo. it hasn't even started yet.

This is gonna be the biggest bubble of your lifetime and you guys will miss out then one day you'll remember, I tried to help you but you didn't listen.

LUNR complete recovery

Well thats interesting?

Bush league


That's exactly what I say every time ur mom shows me her muff.

I guess I have some reading to do, I can always use a virtual wallet to start out. But GME is a good start no?

If oil hits $85, are politicians gonna do something wild?

the dudes with 4 fig portfolios

lmao! You will learn.

I did just buy some SSG tho.

tech top

Kellog CEO telling normies to eat cereal for dinner to save money

Bruh that shit is like $10 a box at fucking WALMART, is he retarded?

That's exactly what I say every time ur mom shows me her muff.

Eats it, anyway

Lol imagine eating old bush AND being laughed at for having a 4 figure portfolio.
Look, put 60% of your portfolio into OTM BOIL calls. You can thank me, later.
Good boy *head pat*

Definitely do paper trading and Lrn2, and do not short anything until you yourself know without needing to ask or seek assurance from NIGGERS.

Tomorrow we get the revision on the GDP showing how much they cooked the books followed up by the PCE numbers on Thursday showing how hot the inflation has been and why it costs so much to do any kind of cooking.

Got 15k from some bonds maturity wat buy

Surely you're not eating an entire box in one meal, right?
Some meals can start at $10. Kellog chad is just trying to make you fats, less fat.

BOIL calls.

oh youre the retarded boil anon, that makes sense.

I saw that commercial the other day, blew my mind. Aside from the fact that it's trash, yeah the prices have been insane for years and people don't understand that it's a terrible choice for a meal

Seriously. Brand-name cereal is expensive for what it is. If money is tight, you should consider it a luxury, not a staple.

heh, thanks bro, will do. Hopefully someday i´ll be browsing the wall street bets on reddit just for the sake of shorting their dumb "investments" and make money out of it for shits and giggles

this market is kinda faggy


oh youre the retarded boil anon

*leans into mic* Wrong

I believe it was Ben Graham that said:

The market will always be on its faggot shit.

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how hot the inflation has been and why it costs so much to do any kind of cooking

Bullish for Walmart and Costco?

KOLD I bought is already GREEN

cereal is nothing but processed carbs, fatty

For me it's ribeye steaks and sauteed asparagus with garlic butter


Costco is luxury goods.

LABD is down like 17% today, surely it's going to rebound hard? If I've learned one thing during my /smg/ tenure it's that biotech is dogshit

"The market will fuck you in the ass longer than you can stay straight."

I capitulated and sold my COIN puts. Still have the NigVideo puts tho.


Dropped a whole percentage point once I pulled the chart up. Dunno bout that.

I need to do another ribeye roast. Been on a pasta craze for a while.

I refuse to contribute to my workplace 401k, only want to by VOO in my Roth, and BRK.B in my individual account. Am I retarded or based?

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I have heard good things about their Kirkland brand golf clubs and balls and I have also heard bad things about their rotisserie chicken

biotech is dogshit

Didn't get the VKTX poomp this morning I guess.

most 401ks have a roth option and you can contribute to both 401k and IRA, even if the company match is tiny, it's still free money

you're just retarded

I've only made 300 bucks ytd.
That's like .37%

How am I supposed to make it like this

Nah I never follow biotech stuff because it always looks awful. But the pumps and dumps over the last couple days have attracted my attention

Yeah that sounds good. Maybe a little buttered egg noodles with parmesan cheese on the side.


it is bubble. we are in hot inflation and people just eat less now.

N Vidya? I guess if you're into that dirt if thing, looked better like that Watchmen dude

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biotech uses the stock market as a mechanism for funding, they are fueld by the hopes and dreams of pajeet and asian hedge fund researchers
no bank will give a good rate on a loan to a bioshit company with 0 revenue and a drug that hasn't even gone past phase 2 trials

Depends on how much your company matches. Mine matches 6% and I'm not leaving that on the table

Maybe a little buttered egg noodles with parmesan cheese on the side.


new paradigm
and ath


You gotta be careful shopping there for meats, somethings are a great deal, but other things not so much. They have really cheap lamb though, stuffs like over $20 a pound in my local grocery store, while it's like under 7 or 8 there.

PANW....pelosi is never on the wrong side of a trade

Thanks Vlad, I sold at $75 so it doesn't make a shit to me what happoons now.

Thank God I exited my afternoon SPY puts. I almost got giga heemed. Thanks MMs for cutting me a break today

I was selling in the low to mid 300s. I wish bad things upon Nancy's Minecraft village but I'll take this retard pump.

nice day today




+0.24% today

Verification not required.

Breddy gub. Going to grill a victory steak tonight

free money

They offer things like that so they can pay you less. This started decades ago and its kept income down ever since. The average office worker making 50k today should be making at least 65k, without all the bullshit like health insurance and 401k matching. Its not free money. Its literally the reason youre still poor.

blew the account. Re-upping payday tomorrow. I'll find that unlucky put seller. soon

Haven't looked in weeks.

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I'm not checking!

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I dont wanna talk about it.

Like +0.23% my dude

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here he goes with that fag talk again

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+1.47% I thought FXI would crab and I could accum more YINN. I gotta rebalance my cash now that mania mode has been engaged.

blew the account. Re-upping payday tomorrow.

My condolences.

that end of day dump on N*Vydia pushed me into the green. #Winning

The fees suck but if miss out on a match it's silly not to take that.

I hate you.


I've been there before, fren. I got nervous and sold NVDA way, way too early

survived the bubble games another day in good green

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I blow it every month.
but don't worry this time I have a plan. I'll buy a ludicrously out of the money call as well. ez millions.

casually reports "blew the account" as if it's an everyday thing



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my net worth is $2MM, $500k of that is in a roth 401k, stop projecting you stupid faggot

Anyone who shorts Nigvidia probably talks like a fag and their shits all retarded

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YTD: +3.32%

Shoutout to SWTX for absolutely crushing it.

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why come you got no tattoo?

blow me instead of your account

ez millions.

Digits confirm.

buying puts all the way to ath is hard work. Someone has to carry this market.

Feels good after last week.

kick ass, BLESSED

Oh wow 2 millionmillion? Thats a lot. Obviously its different if youre already making a ton of money RETARD. Im talking about your average joe pencil pusher who took a 50k job instead of a 65k one because the 50k one had "benefits".


-48% nvda
-26% soun

+0.50% i'm ok with it, dumped some crabby garbage on the few spikes they had.

What the fuck is the benefit of making less money??? Paying less taxes?

Well SHIT, my ONE SHARE is taking a little HITTARINO.

The AI bubble hasn't even begun

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Warner Bros Discovery halts merger talks with Paramount Global, per CNBC.

kek what the fuck happened? Are they down that bad with money?

gamer scents

Cheetos, BO, farts and Mountain Dew?

AXON beat
AEP went up 4%

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Did PGNY earnings report beat expectations? Or nah

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That they provide health insurance and 401k matching. This is only a benefit if youre already making enough to live comfortably, more than 6 figures. Less than that, youre better off keeping as much of your own income to invest with yourself, and to buy your own health insurance (or dont). People chose the easy route and started letting their company invest for them, and give them health insurance, and this has contributed to the stagnation of wages across all sectors.

Fraid no

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Not mad, but not excited either

benefits? more like (((who))) (((benefits)))


just missed the BYND pump because the one broker I had liquid cash in doesn't allow aftermarket trading

what's Saxotraders problem, it's a Euro broker, fucking niggers

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Was up around 2% right at open but IBLC came down pretty quickly. Overall pretty meh but my sixth straight trading day in the green so still feeling pretty good.

imagine when hot e-girls can transmit their natural gas directly to simps, it will be as if they were sitting on their faces

Never bet against America(n Electric Power)

sixth straight trading day in the green so still feeling pretty good



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Noice. What're you holding?

+11%, thank you saylor

no one can build a waifu.

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43% TOL
30.9% SPY
26% CAVA

+16% last 3M

RKLB’s earnings report… I’m fucking ruined.. its over

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Its literally the reason youre still poor.

False. Monetary expansion is the reason wages fall in real terms, labor is a high monetary impedance asset and as such it's more difficult for new money to flow into it, something is seen in other high impedance assets like housing, which has also fallen steadily in real terms

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what was his analysis on the JQ?

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my old receptionist, who passed away a few months back, was already well off and retired, but came out of retirement because he needed a reason to get out of bed everyday. actually declined pay raises because he didn't want to have to pay more taxes. best damn employee i'll ever have. dude literally went into cardiac arrest at a stop sign on his way to the bar from the office on his fucking birthday no less. the only good part was he had enough sense to get the car into park before he keeled over the wheel. not all boomers are bad folks folks.

he bought a stock whose value depends on earnings, in this market

I unironically started doing gay shit like banging asian ladyboys up their tight asses for fun and not even getting paid for it. Hehehe!

Homebuilders will probably keep killing it. At least until Trump implements Operation Wetback 2.0, but that's a year or two away.

And CAVA's definitely a long based on its inclusion in the BECKY ETF.

Apple, $AAPL, winding down electric car plans, ending decade-long foray, per Bloomberg

Cybertruck, I kneel

RKLB's competing with LUNR for space memebux


What do they even have going for them?

I'm up 2.94% for now thanks to BYND

Wtf my god damn credit card company hasn't added any new restaurant bonuses in over a month! But I don't want to cook for myself tonight
Are banks/card-issuers getting stingy? Is this an economic indicator?

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I'm back in the green on LUNR
Thx RKLB ^•^

Tucker Is the average doomer midwit

Influences include Milton Friedman and Ludwig von Mises

You can guess

What kind of work do you do?

But I don't want to cook for myself tonight

doordash has a chase card that'll gift you dashpass for a year for free

Aw SHIT man! And my SCHWAB EQUITY RATING A stook UNH took a breddy gud hit, I solded that motherfucker.

Baggie provides custodial services to a variety of synagogues in the greater Tel Aviv area

I had some DASH credits but I finished them off this weekend (I got a burrito)
With dash pass you still have to pay for the food, right?
I only get takeout/delivery if I'm getting bonus credit card points/rewards

Sorry, *synagogues and gay bars

i'm going to invoke my fifth amendment right


Antitrust investigation. Bad news for CI and HUM as well, assuming this is how Biden is going after health insurance greedflation before the election.

Ah, man it hit suddenly the last 20 min before the bell like lightening.

Looks like somebody must have forgot to give Hunter 10%.

needed a reason to get out of bed everyday. actually declined pay raises because he didn't want to have to pay more taxes

What a fucking CHAD, a LEGEND, an INSPIRATION.

What about when you have to take a shit and as you do only a little turd barely half an inch comes out, but it's the perfect texture and you just know it'll take 4 or 5 wipes until you get clean paper back but by then your ass is bleeding because you overdone it and you spend 3 days feeling like a faggot who's ass has been broken.

They no longer do that. Hunter swore off the crack until after election day.

What's the point of watching a financial TV stream? it was recommended to me today, but I don't get the point. Why wouldn't I just read articles instead? What exactly is the gist of what they discuss?

Half the reason I invest is so I can afford the nice toilet paper.

fix your diet

He, uh, trims coins.

It's for the 110 IQ investor crowd. You're right that it's a low-bandwidth medium, but there's value in seeing what they shill to normies and sometimes the anchors are hotties.

You dont have any rights on the internet. Spill the beans or I spill your guts.

I’m not selling my CI. I sold a bunch of positions today but I’m not selling this one.

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I bought 200 RKLB for 4,7$ each, did I fuck up?

Why would I tell you shit? You hate me. Lets just go with the gay bars in tel aviv thing.

who the fuck is eating beyond meat?????

Over time you pick up and learn a lot that helps you to understand what all is going on economically/financially just from hearing them discuss shit and sharing/debating various views and outlooks. Midwits like just blow it off with their too cool for school hot takes. It will prove to be very worth your while over the long haul unless you are already very well educated in economics/finance and have the pulse on all the companies out there. You'll hear a lot of details you won't get in articles too because you're listening to a bunch of nerds who have run up on all kinds of tidbits while searching for good STOOKS for themselves out of their own passions and desires for gainz. I read articles too tho, and do not watch the TV streams every day. Haven't watched a single second of it today.

I don't even hear vegans talking about this shit anymore but I guess someone's eating it.

CPNG: 18.65 +1.76 (10.42%)

Druck wins AGAIN?!

BYND up 100%

mfw when I need to go up 1200% to breakeven

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Yeah you should've bought LUNR

depends his philosophy says prolly jews are subsidized and therefore overpriced. Him personally, might say they're underpriced, and if the nation isn't devoting 200% of its resources to jewish interests can you really say its serving any interests at all. check the data.

I can still buy LUNR though, right? I didn't just get left behind, did I?

Bought SOUN puts expiring 3/8, how fucked am I

Spending 5 minutes watching a CEO jerk himself off over his stock is 5 minutes you're not spending to realize it's collapsing under debt and superior competition.

It is pretty funny when you have clips like Jim Cramer crying and selling the exact bottom on META though.

I averaged down today, I'm still red but it closed 10% above open
Only have $500 in though

They have a few years worth of production warehoused. They won't shut down until they've shipped all of it.

Mine matches 6% too, I put it all in roth 401k.

Should I change any of the investments? Looks like you can select a different target retirement date stock among other vanguard indexs and bonds.

viking Therapeutics up 121% today

Obesity boys we eating good.

years old fake meat from a bankrupt company

Okay, youre definitely up to something jewy.

Basedbeans, moron.

The retirement date funds are actively managed with high fees and will probably get beaten out by spy. I use vfiax in my 401 over their target date funds. Choice is yours but remember those target funds are adding a extra 1-1.5% in fund fees vs .06% or whatever vfiax is at

what an insane pump, any clue why? are the earnings alone that good?

Still nasty thoughbeit


How in the world am I supposed to beat the market, when a bunch of funds with practically infinitely deep pockets co-operate with quants and AI while abusing all their connections for private info? You could be the smartest schmuck on this planet and you'd still operate a handful meta levels below, as you're missing the funds for needed computers.

Is the stock market just a "Hey guys, I totally know what I'm doing and this is TOTALLY different from a 50/50% casino" situation?

Their results are more disgusting than their product.

The market is incredibly stupid


what is this shit and why shouldn't I short itvvxtg0

market is always right.

If it were so stupid, everyone could beat it.

pauses for a moment to think

going long while new ATH is beating it

I see, this is just a madhouse

top kek, I remember this shit exponential some years ago and it didn't make any sense
glad I am not a bagholder
this also brings me some comfort about my NVDA stop loss order

shut the fuck up, no one is conspiring against you, you may as well blame god for it too

Maybe it's a long, you ever consider that?

Now PIXY, that's a workplace software short you can take to the bank.

They can't be selling anything. The shelves at my local discount mart are choked with the shit and it *still* doesn't sell. It's some kind of liberal virtue signalling/money laundering thing. Like the woketastic bombs Disney keeps cranking out.

That's fucked up. I don't see it saying they are taking a fee anywhere, and half my 401k is 2060 target date fund.


It's some kind of liberal virtue signalling/money laundering thing

do they expire quick? if not this is actually a good idea, just buy a shelf of this shit for appearances

Peas then, the point is, they dont have years worth of already made product in warehouses like the guy thought.

I haven't. Shill me? I can trade AH

so still bleeding cash and sales
it is what it is, at least I didn't go through with shorting it either

the only advantage you have over all the big boys is time. so use it

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then Warren Buffet wouldnt exist

see, that wasnt too hard

a device no on asked for

This actually looks like the sort of phenomenon you would see at the end of a bubble.

Smellovision has been an idea literally since the television first came out, idiot.

eh you see this shit all the time, this company is probably just a kickstarter tier operation

Expected 0.12 per share

Net income was $13.5 million, or $0.13 income per diluted share

Expected revenue $274.12 million

Revenue was $269.9 million

How did they not beat earnings? Why'd it dump after hours?

Brother even spy has a fund fee. All etfs and mutual funds do. Just look into it it's usually pretty easy to find just the target date funds since they actually are slowly lowering risk and buying more treasuries and bonds as the date gets closer it's a lot more involved then something like a spy copycat and that spy copycat for most 401s is vanguards Vfiax

Shit, I missed that, I might try to dig up a clip!


No, just a retired gamer. Things were smelly enough without having to smell the game. It's not a good idea.

After double checking mine the other anon was right. The fees do appear way lower than I remember them being when they were first offered. I think the most expensive target date fund I have available is only .2% so yea it doesn't matter

Yeah, beating the market is a lot to ask for. Maybe you should focus on getting returns high enough for your purposes, regardless of whether they're better or worse than the S&P 500.

I don't know anything about the company. Start by looking at their filings on the SEC's EDGAR and maybe listening to their earnings call: ir.cxapp.com/investor-relations

Then see what Schwab rates them, or analysts think. Look up the leadership on LinkedIn, find any customers that actually use the damn product.

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imagine the smell

Im already heavily invested, you dont have to sell me on it any more.

Probably negative guidance (nobody wants a baby until Taylor Swift gets knocked up).

Hes gonna kill himself on stream

Another day. Bought WMT shares. Cheap price, divvy growth seems fuck huge (9% hike recently), and they just bought Vizio tv. The good; one of my young female co-workers wore a tight top and tight pants showing off her nice god given assets to the fullest, the bakery where they make the Little Bites blueberry muffins is named Bimbo. The bad; WEN is rolling out in select markets a "price surge" test model (you pay more at 12 noon than you would at say 4 p.m). The WTF!!; Uh some couple in Florida got arrested for doing sex acts with their dog.. The wife was doing it with the dog while the husband filmed it. I wish I was joking. Sadly not. nbc-2.com/article/lee-county-couple-arrested-bestiality-investigation/46857322

BYND up 100%

Instead of being down -94% on BYND I am now only down 90%!

That Wendy's shit is beyond retarded. Yeah I know where I want to eat, that place that jews me during peak hours. Their slop isn't nearly good enough to make that work.

40% FRO
30% MO
30% KO
yeah I'm thinking that's based

Might be the last exit you can get.

How the fuck did Beyond Meat go up 100% after they increased their losses this quarter?

Wowwww speak for yourself. I for one am excited for businesses to tell me when I can eat

Hey, don't judge. Some people are into ruff sex.

Exactly. That's probably why picrel says if one of your positions is down a lot, you should either get out or buy more. Doing nothing and waiting for it to recover is not a good strategy.

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schwabanon I need FRO's rating, thinking of getting 100 shares

They have AI meat now

With jews, you lose

Imagine putting a popstar in the breeding press.

40% is a lot. What do you know about the tanker sector? Clean vs dirty? Orderbooks? John Fredriksen?

yeah I'm not gonna do 40%, I was memeing, more like 1% of my account but this 12.86% divvy yield looks slurpable as fuck

jews me during peak hours


what happened? are they doing ok?

idk some kinda after hours semitic shenanigns pump.

let me rephrase the Wendy thing: you get a discount if you go in off-peak hours, literally happy hour, what's wrong with that?

No SCHW rating on FRO, they have an A on ASC though which I boughted.

read/watch peter lynch

Once again proving that dividends are often bait. Especially in the boom-bust world of shipping.

Hell, I can get you a slurpable 51% divvy yield only a couple tickers over. It's called ZIM, has returned 0% since the start of 2023, trades at $12.5 and has an EPS of -$17.75.

I see
I cant imagine they have much of a market
you have to be retarded to eat that stuff

gee I wonder if there is any other data we could analyze

Before inflation kicked into high gear, I'd alternate between getting the Beyond Meat patties at Costco and getting normal ground beef. It doesn't take like beef, but it's still pretty good for what it is and at a comparable price point, imo.

I think it's a good thing they put the brakes to it. Buying the whole company would be crazy. They don't have the cash to do it. The only way to pull it off would be to do it via shares which would piss off shareholders. The govt would never allow it either. Now something that does work; buying parts of Paramount. Let someone buy Paramount, then when they take a hatchet to it selling off asset to recoup some of their money, WBD swoops in for the kill. (Aside; Redstone selling is a forgone thing; she's old, the heirs are waiting in the wings for their trust funds so it's simply a mater of who dangles the biggest check. V.S say Roberts and Comcast who doesn't gotta do shat cause well that company is rolling in cash)

I do 99% of my cooking at home but for the rare goyslop stop on the road I'd often grab wendys because the 4-for-4 (now 4 for 5) is still a decent deal, so I'll be curious how this goes

it's an awful look in the short run and feels slimy, but honestly as someone who does most of their eating at atypical hours I probably stand to benefit like is saying
I'm game to let the prime time wagies subsidize my burgers

There is. And the fundamentals of FRO mean its own shareholders have been in a similar situation.

The 12% is not manna from heaven, it's a result of making a good and well-timed bet in a cyclical sector.

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SPY and NVIDIA charts dont look the same anymore


Is SPOL a good investment? Poland has had good growth in recent years and seems to have managed market swings surprisingly well.


Fuck it, still green.

I'm fine because I invested in Alphabet. You can't lose if you're already a loser :)

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BYND meat was never OK. It was always shit.

Market is not gonna crash. It's being propped up. They want Biden to win again. Remember last week when all the billionaires sold big chunks of taxable revenue? Federal government collects taxes on those sales. They're helping out Old Joe. The AI bull run will continue until election month. Whoever the next president is determines our portfolios' fate

no we don't have those around here