when did you realize that a million dollars is literally nothing?
When did you realize that a million dollars is literally nothing?
why won't this shit meme die?
Just now - thanks OP
idk, I can put a million into my high yield savings and live off the interest forever
a while before I realized that a billion dollars is literally nothing
If you can't live like a god on 1mil in any first world country you don't belong on Anon Babble
10 million is the new 1Million
If you are frugal $1m could literally pay for your entire life.
Especially if you retire to somewhere cheap like Thailand.
when my 20k linkies hit $50 each last bull
idk, I can put a million into my high yield savings and live off the interest forever
2% interest
20k per year
Live forever on that
when Anon Babble told me so last year
when I made my first million
when I had 183k
When I reached $1 million NW in early 2021. It feels good to be more financially secure than most people but I can't quit my job for long or live lavishly.
I love visiting Thailand but I don't wanna live there. I would rather be wealthy enough to comfortably retire and stay in the US.
I get 6.5% at my bank
when i had 300k
At birth when my parents gave me 100 million.
Three fiddy is a lot anyway
It'd buy me a nice house with $300k left over. That'd change my life a lot.
I get 6.5% at my bank
The fed funds rate is going down the next 2 years friendo. It'll be back to low interest rates. Meaning Your 6.5 will return 3.00 or less. 3 rate hikes projected this year and more next year.
when i lost all my money gambling
today, portfolio hit 900k and i don't feel a difference
bro just abandon your friends and family and move to south east asia
Yeah you could easily retire like that if you have no attachments, but all my nakama live in America. In one of the most expensive areas too. So I'm going to need 3m minimum.
you're still at the poker table bro
You will feel a difference when you lose it all
I feel like 1mm is enough money to give you the option to risk it for actual wealth, 8 or 9 figures, or you could sit on it and retire and live out a low stress normie lifestyle. It’s clearly not enough money to be rubbing shoulders with even B list celebrities, but you could go all in on a business or investment with the money and the potential to really make it is there.
keeping money at the bank
When I became a multi millionaire and I a still a virgin who can't get a gf.
This meme is braindead. Median net worth in the US is around $200,000. So 5x the median net worth is definitely not "literally nothing".
It's not enough to ball out and buy lambos, a mansion, or a private jet, sure.
But look around you. The average American just wants to work less, own a modest home, and save some money for retirement. A million dollars would allow you to do all of those things.
I don't think it makes sense to minimize that.
We're going multimillion this time around brother.
Being indifferent is the universe telling you it's time.
Yeah i can, easily
$1000 is more than a million dollars, honestly
1 million is 1000 dollars
Depends how you use it.
friends and family
You think Anon Babble has friends?
Also I was going to say somewhere rural but people always mock me when I say that. So Thailand it is.
62.4 million
Out of a population of 8.1 billion people, just 62.4 million are millionaires. That's 0.8% of the population. There are 8.4 million people globally with a net worth of $5 million or more. Having this level of wealth would put you in the top 0.1%.
I still have not found a single person that is willing to just drop me $1,000,000. Why?
I don't want to fkn live in a gay apartment, i want to own a house with land, not be rent cuck. mega retard made this image
it says you could own a home and that would decrease the net worth needed for each
Yeah if you own a house already. Do you?
it's still retarded making 3-4% yield a year is terrible and won't keep up with inflation.
JEPI pays 7-8%
of course market can crash but yeah
Dont be this guy
He didn't say stocks. I agree with you on that. He'll get more returns on stocks and probably even better with just market index. He said savings. Which is a completely different thing.
its just probably better to manually withdraw 3.5% from the sp500
the principal keeps making money isn't it?
with high yield stuff you are lossing on the principal long term to inflation cause it doesn't go up enough
its just probably better to manually withdraw 3.5% from the sp500
Yup, it actually is better. Capital gains tax is lower than dividend/income. Having a nice mix is also a good rotation so when during a downturn of a market, where you don't wanna take the gains, you can use the dividends which are usually around the same range or use the dividends turned to purchase more stocks to take advantage of the lower valuation.
im from spain and dividends and selling stock is the same % tax
i dont see the benefits of dividends unless i was so rich that I was too lazy to sell each month