What about dating? How does this benefit financials?
What about dating? How does this benefit financials?
Marriage is only as good as an investment as the woman is. Most are wretched cunts with no genuine love left. If she was not a virgin forget about it.
Dating is ok, you have to take care of your needs. Spend some money in it as long as it makes you feel like the man.
If everything in your life is a good financial investment you will die never knowing happiness. If you're not doing anything with the money there's no point.
They hand doctorates out like candy these days. 95 IQ Negresses feigning intelligence and referring to themselves as a Doctor because they have a PhD in AfrAm Studies from a shithole HBCU where despite getting a full scholarship for breathing while black (funded by white people, of course lmao) it took her 12 years to finish her dissertation on the evil white supremacy of the Whole Foods dairy aisle.
if you're not doing anything with the money theres no point
I disagree. Saving the money and investing for compound interest brings peace and stability. No threat from a batshit crazy roastie robbing you blind
Don’t get why she was entitled to any compensation for this. Anyone that watched this busted ass hole’s sex tape clicked out of the video before they even watched past the first second.
i found that dating women even over the age of 23 was a disappointing experience. it seems like as soon as they have their first breakup they will never be able to provide another guy with a loving relationship ever again.
virgins provide love on a whole different level. its really sad and i wish it werent true because most guys are getting sloppy seconds, emotionally, physically and spiritually
extremely rare for men to marry virgins these days. Most women have 2-6 sexual partners before they leave highschool/college. Only 2-3 sexual partners before marriage is considered a "low" body count for women these days. Virtually every man is getting sloppy seconds. or sloppy 100ths
Also consider that if you don't repeatedly doxx your ex-gf while posting her nudes on Anon Babble and tumblr while encouraging people to harass her repeatedly for years then you probably won't have to pay money to your ex-gf from a suit about revenge porn. Just saying.
ITT: low quality men undeserving of a good woman
Peace and stability are luxuries you purchase for your enjoyment.
The more a woman has dated, the less love she has to give. If you ever see a woman who has been on a dating app for a year, consider her love gone. She has no soul behind the eyes. Women have a responsibility to protect their body count that most of them do not honor. They think it’s for the sake of their future male partner, which is wrong. It’s actually for the sake of their own soul. A run-through woman is a soulless ghoul, an apparition of a real woman. Don’t fall into their empty pit. You’ll find no love there.
good woman
thats an oxymoron
dating a danger hair
he deserved to lose his money
What that guy did was shitty, but 30 million is ridiculous
Can’t believe people still date women like this.
here some gold for you guys, dont make a bad investment
nah dude dont click that link its a scam probably a trojan horse or something better to buy some doge coin which is the future
spending all your money on a woman is happiness
A big reminder is that you should never bother with marriage if you didn't experience 'teen love'. Oh your parents were fundies or feminists and blocked you from dating in middle/high school because they're nuts? Too bad so sad, no grandkids for them.
If you're already in 'the pit of roasties' there is no reason to subject yourself to an essentially unfair marriage where she's an old slut who got run through and you're playing captain saveaho.
Like shit I remember in 2019 this whore whose boyfriend was dumping her was trying to jump on my dick to pay off her college debt. Like, bitch? In 2020 there was another one like that, dating her while she was obviously trying to trade up to better guys. Women are shameless whores all the fucking time.
How do people take so long to pay off their student debt? I hated having it hanging over me so I worked to pay it all off within 5 years. Managed to knock out 52k with interest in that period, while still saving and investing. I did work all the time, but being debt free is comfy.
Faggot deserved it. Women that dye there hair this kind of color are whores
Women, not even once.
That's a man
Western men are cucks and simps and need Islam to fix themselves
how come we gave women rights and sexual liberation if it's clear how destructive it is for both men and women
Marriage is not typically a good investment anymore. Exclusive relationships beyond a certain duration are rapidly becoming poor investments as well. This all has to do with the quality of women which is at possibly the lowest point in history from a marriage perspective and again, possibly even from a relationship perspective. My major issue is that as a guy who has his shit together and who currently has a pretty good life and who doesn't really even have trouble dating, all of these women bring NOTHING to the table. Yes, they have a pussy, yes it's reliable sex, but it all comes with a catch and here's the catch: they want kids and marriage, but they're all unfit for both. They aren't good partners.
Even worse, they have no interest in becoming fit for either and if you offer them any feedback at all, no matter how compassionate or fair your feedback may be, they either ignore it or go into a rage. So you date these girls and they don't cook, they don't clean, they don't have any interests except the ones you imprint into their head and even then you need to actively maintain it or they just default to laying around all day and doing nothing, they're not interesting, they don't have any ambitions that they can fulfill on their own, and it really just goes on and on. I'm not even a Anon Babble type that is like "muh gurl needs to be trad." I don't need her to clean up after me, I do that well enough on my own...What I don't need though either is her not even cleaning up after herself and slowly making my house look like white trash lives there.
And there is just so much more about them to detest quite frankly. They're so undeniably awful in general that anyone defending them either has no experience with them or is just trolling. It's the same energy as defending a bunch of inner city gang members or a pitbull that just bit a child. Defending them only makes the problem worse.
funded by white people, of course lmao
yeah, those pesky "white" people.
YES...WHITE people
I spent time overseas in Japan and the women there actively try to improve themselves to attract guys, whether that's cleaning cooking or just acting cute in general. Compared to America it's the complete opposite over there, kinda insane to me. I blame social media.
You're thinking of 'Jews' (Khazarians) lol
incel bait
When Cooper broke up with Broems in 2017 after a tumultuous yearlong relationship, according to court documents, he began sending her a barrage of Snapchat videos of himself masturbating and messages demanding to know intimate sexual details of her life.
Cooper thought the worst of her ordeal was over when she blocked him – until she received a menacing message from the Tumblr handle Calidaddy26 with the threat "I know who you are, be my personal webslut, or I’ll post you on my slut-exposing blog."
She ignored the message, and said that soon afterward, strangers began reaching out to tell her that they had seen her nude images and videos posted alongside personal information like her name, employer, title, social media pages and contact information.
Nah, he's right. You must not get out much and meet many women. That or you're the type of woman he is talking shit on. This will sort itself out in one to two generations when the trash-tier whores are past the age they can have kids and their misery is on full display on social media as a warning. Pendulum will swing back to trad culture for a while before the roastie whore has her day again in the far future.
I genuinely want to know what this guy thought would happen after doing this? Did he think she’d come running back and confess her undying love for him? Did he sleep through the last decade of the metoo movement? I hate modern women as much as every man these days but Christ if you want revenge don’t be a total retards about it.
I have told the girl I'm dating currently to fold blankets and towels when she is done with them. I do it. I don't just throw shit all over and leave it there. I have told her this easily 15 times, but it just doesn't sink into her head. This is just one example from one girl of many different girls. You obviously can't even talk to women these days in a sincere way either or they act like you're slapping them in the mouth because they're always victims in their mind, but I would love to be like "hey so how do you think all of the towels and blankets in this place get folded since you never do it?" I just want to verify what I already know and that's the entitlement of the average woman.
Their entitlement is particularly bad because they are blind to how entitled they are. They use silverware and leave it around for days, they don't change trash bags and just let it overflow, they throw their clothes all over, they have to eat out for every meal because they have no ability to shop for groceries effectively or cook for themselves, and the list really goes on. They just seem to assume there is some magical force floating about that organizes everything for them just so they can get to work on fucking it all up.
They all want you to make life a playground for them. Bills? Oh yea, those magically get paid. The house? Yea, magically gets cleaned and maintained. All you have to do my sweet darling angel is lay in bed all day, everyday, get fat, and watch Harry Potter. And none of this would matter honestly if they just had some fucking humility and self-awareness, but they don't at all. It's "I'm a fucking loser, but hey you know what, I feel like having a kid and let's get married and if it doesn't work out, fuck it, I get half your stuff lol...oh you don't want to comply? Daddy help me, my evil boyfriend is abusing me by not obeying my every command and having standards!"
It's all a crock of shit. I'm glad to hear other countries may not be as bad.
marry trad virgin in HS
have three kids
sorry honey I just feel depressed not having any sexual experiences so I fucked Chad at work and now I'm taking the kids to to live with him
This is about as common as any other non virgin cheating on their dude.
Oh your parents were fundies or feminists and blocked you from dating in middle/high school because they're nuts? Too bad so sad, no grandkids for them.
This hits. My parents were super religious catholics + moderately feminist mother. It was over for me before it even began.
the tradwife meme is simply that, a meme
traditional, conservative girls are just as susceptible because they will always feel like they missed out on the experiences other girls had. Probably the only exception is young girls who married turbochad because they appreciate what they have and obviously didn't "miss out".
My brother's highschool sweetheart casually told him to his face that she would never consider marrying her first boyfriend, this was when they had been together for years lol.
At the time, Cooper feared that she would lose her tenured position as an associate professor of health and social sciences at CUNY.
about to break up with my long time gf, im the 2nd man shes every been with. shes sweet, she cleans, she bakes..ticks on the pol/biz check boxes.. but the sex is lame - and yes ive tried just about everything to spice it up...im a good looking guy who has my shit together. its just not worth having low quality sex the rest of my life.
We are in a business and finance board and we are going to hate on her for being smart enough to not waste her time with a poor/useless man but instead maximized her returns for spending her time with a wealthy/useful man?
Poor person cope
That's because you are likely a poor person and have no clue how many works. My student loans are at like 0%. There is no reason for me to speed up paying these down.
a girl who respects you will do what you say
Don't know what you have till it's gone ;^)
maybe. but the decision has been made..wasnt an easy one and wasnt over night
I skimmed through your post and you seem low iq desu
You superficial shallow dumb fuck. You don't deserve her.
if you've genuinely tried everything then yeah, cut your losses and move on. if you think it's bad now, it'll be suicide-tier 10 years into a marriage.
However. A lot of women are into nasty, kinky shit. like way wilder than you'd think. It took years before I realized my wife likes getting hit and spat on and having her face fucked etc. Women often don't talk about their kinks because they're embarrassed. If you can make her open up to you about what she thinks about when she masturbates, it might give you something to work with. If she's genuinely just vanilla asexual, bail out.
GL fren.
No, anyone telling you otherwise is a woman or a tradcon. Even if you want your fertility fantasy you'd be better off doing it without being legally married. The 1950s family life never existed and it certainly doesn't exist now.
i was like you dumped my virgin gf after 6 years. great girl but she was like 20% black and i just couldnt make a kid with her... she was dark skin latina looking.
i got my heart broken twice bad after dumping her going for a long distance relationship with a girl 4 inches taller than me. and dating an onlyfans top 2% model and her catching me dating other girls.
dumoing my virgin gf i didnt even lost sleep. the other two girls i did...
now im alone single. going to colombia im tired of dating in america. everyone is so hurt here and demoralized. or they dont want to hurt you as many girls have told me. "anon, ill break your heart if we continue" i have had like 3 girls say this and jokes on them i was just trying to pump and dump
we are all so replaceable and we dont wanna admit it. every girl expects you to fully commit to her while she is always on the lookout for something better. she can cheat. the man cant. its only as we get older we are willing to finally settle down.
and you have to meet the right person at the right time,. a girl that respects your genes. that thinks her offspring will be better off reproducing with you. she has to support your dreams visions and goals.
only marry a virgin,
thanks anon, she doesn't masterbate so that kind of answers that
if you're genuinely a good looking guy with his shit together you can go find a hornbag who also ticks the domestic boxes.
you know what you have to do.
You're thinking of 'Jews' (Khazarians) lol
either way I think he means we pay for it with taxes
The state exists for women to extract money from men. Every man's life goal should be to distance himself from BOTH (the state and women). Get a 2nd passport. Have assets in multiple countries. Tell no one. You have a target on your back, there is no such thing as "love". Most importantly, we men need to band together and help each other escape.
nice blog, fag
every girl expects you to fully commit to her while she is always on the lookout for something better
Damn bro. Who are you, Marcus Aurelius? Those words of wisdom will be etched forever in my memory
This anon speaks the truth
Closet freaks are great fun if you stumble upon one.
i know.