AVI website will be down soon for proof

It's over. I just sent out the email to Nintendo regarding your coin.
Expect a cease and desist ASAP
Also sent one to the webhost of the website to let them know a potential copyright claim has been brought up. As soon as I see that claim is valid, I'll email them it as well.
Killing your coin the legal way, fags
You deserve it. Truly.

AvifagsBTFO.png - 475x905, 55.99K

kek i remember seeing something similar like this to spyro literally a day before it rugged
GJ op - Your autism will not be forgotten

Everyone sees you through. Kys leeches.

Imagine being this ass hurt that you missed out on gains. What a faggot.

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Unhinged behavior

allowing me to pack my bags at lower prices

thank you for your service shizo anon, hopefully this shakes out the paper hands

Doesn't understand market theory


Both of my dads work at Nintendo and they said you're fake and also a homosexual.

Did you remember to edit out the [your company name] that chatGPT wrote for you before you sent it?

Congratulations OP, you won the faggot of the year award

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don't even have any AVI but take your meds

retarded and jewcore

i was waiting for this thread, i knew youd make one
this is how desperate avi fud has gotten

Avisisters we make them so angry.
It’s not too late OP, you can still get the token before it pumps you know

nintendo is one of the most litigious corporations on earth, expect the founders to get arrested if they don't comply

Comply with what? What is it you're even talking about? Please point out exactly where the copyright is being infringed (protip: you can't)

what kind of faggotry is this? buying a bag out of spite rn

I can't wait for this to hit the news cycle causing this to actually pump wildly instead

BREAKING: Nintendo Official Endorses AVI

nintendo.png - 446x547, 154.52K

Thank you CEO-San

Avi fur fags on suicide watch

based cartridge-sensei


lol nintendo will pump us to 100m mcap, thx op for notifying them!

This faggot doesn’t know avi is already in the process of aquiring Nintendo. Stay poor retard. My dad works at avi and he’s Nintendo’s boss now.


kek this guy got so mad he paid $20 for a ens domain for the meme, respect but lol at how mad this made some people
spyro was killed by this OP lol and I bet it nintendo gets pee'd off and owns this coin rofl

Imagine being a failed swingie whose fud is only encouraging people to buy more. Fucking kek. You’d think fudfags would give up after continually getting rekt but they only continue to help the project, unironically

Ohhhh fudders

Not a holder of AVI, but you are a weirdo..

I am again requesting for you to point out the infringement, and especially the "utilization of Nintendo cartridge games" lmao.

Throwing in 50k tomorrow if no rug.

imagine the insane hype it would create if there was a lawsuit



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The lawsuit turned out bullish AGAIN A NEW ATH


Please keep making more FUD threads. You are driving the price up higher than any general threads are capable of

Just got off the phone with some big league lawyers from japan nintendo
I dont see this project lasting for another week

Can't stop the Beano Fest. There will be NO gas

Nintendo lawyer here. I can confirm, I was pissed that this third world weirdo started talking about a flying fox

we were supposed to be correcting, but the universe shifted just to spite this scamming faggot

I just sent out the email to Nintendo regarding your coin.

If you're that excited to suck nintendo's throbbing cock, just big BIGMIKE a call, he'll do it far cheaper


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Enjoy prison for facilitating a ponzi scheme and stealing from nintendo

Not even 10x, pathetic

I will I’ll say hi to your dad ;)

If I didn’t buy anymore (would only have 9m) it would show a x10 my entry price was a little over 1m, bought 2M for like 1.5k while it was climbing. I also regret not going all in but I have a large kns bag and I’m comfy.

Its so over... I was just arrested by Nintendo for buying AVI bros...

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i hold avi and use ryujinx


Not yet

Didn't read this Nigerian-smelling thread but regardless should I be taking some profits now or are we just getting started? What's going on with that audit? Euphoric answers will be regarded as sell signals

isn't it the mascot? dunno, I'm no gaymer

$5 per AVI is programmed. And you are selling now at less than penny? Shame on you and your family for many ages. You are not worthy of such coin. Sell it all immediately. SELL NOW.

Audit is going perfect, we might pump to 1bil market cap in march so yeah we pretty much made it, avi will pump and pump and maybe even go parabolic. Don't take profits just don't it so scummy.

Seriously though avi needs a proper dip not many buyers at this level.

Just waiting for those G*rmoids at Hacken right now.

Stixil said it’ll finish sooner than originally thought, though they’re under NDA about specifics. Bridge will launch after a short test net post audit, and the main product isn’t even out yet so I’ll be holding