how many of you fags actually use this can, and any of you ever made it to calc1
How many of you fags actually use this can, and any of you ever made it to calc1
ODEs are not calc1, larpfren
Have an undergrad in finance and master in AI. Used it for some research at uni but never used it irl.
I don't remember anything about my math classes. Passed with C's and don't even use math at my job.
t. engineer
how much math did you take? how much math do economy major really take?You are a social science so you take basic applied right?
This isn't an ODE, retard.
get this trash off my board, faggot ass college kids
oh mb stopped reading before I got to acceleration, still not calc1
I work at Petsmart. I use diff eqs to determine how much treatment to add to the fish tanks when I'm changing the water.
The only pure math-classes I took in uni were linear/ matrix algebra and statistics. Which really is all you need for AI. Most of my classes obviously had some sort of math in them though.
undergrads are getting uppity again thinking what they learn will be useful
I don't believe you.
Obviously also know calculus from high school (idk if you learn that in America in hs) and had a bit of discrete mathematics as part of another course.
I used Black-Schols for modeling option prices without shelling out money for raw data when designing my options strategies. I am a math major and my net worth is almost 7 figs.
You need calculus to understand many important concepts in machine learning, like gradient descent. Stop larping.
I am working at Nintendo and I use Lebesgue Integrals to calculate the volume of my shit piles
Read my post . Education is good my country and everyone who specializes in math in highschool (a prerequisite for most math-heavy STEM degrees) has a good understanding of calculus.
show a nn model in pytorch asshole, a fucking derivative with a handful of variables aint gonna give you any alpha
It's true. It's more like a fun little puzzle for myself than a necessity. Maybe I'm unconsciously coping with the fact that I work at petsmart, and want to prove to myself that my years as a physics major dropout were worth something.
Checked. Based.
There is no master in AI? I must be getting old. In our days this type of applied math stuff was called Operations Research or Computer Science.
Maybe I'm unconsciously coping with the fact that I work at petsmart, and want to prove to myself that my years as a physics major dropout were worth something.
You seem like a smart person if you do that willingly. Do you have examples?
I'm through talking to you.
Just keep buying bitcoin and then it’s as Michael Saylor says your 15$ and hour would’ve been 1000$ dollar an hour 30 years from now because of your decision.
Veritasium fan?
I was shitty at math since i was young, i was never the brightest or the sharpest tool in the shed but look at me now, proudly having above 100k in net worth and all on altcoins too (eth,link,rlc,matic,agrs) and i dont need no big math equations to make money, just patience and a good sense for biz
I don’t understand any of this and I make more money than everyone in this thread.
nobody uses this in real life for actual jobs. At most, it's automated by computer programs
t. land surveyor
It's just a basic mixing problem, which is usually baby's first diff eq.
Masters degree in mathematics and I had to study a lot of this stuff very in depth for my actuarial exams, but I heard they took this stuff off of the exams recently.
equals zero
I'm guessing thats the math for bitfuck's real price?
ODEs come after calc3. Also, OP is a fag
I work in a lumber yard and I had to give a proof of Fermat's last theorem in order just to pass the interview. When I got into the job it was pretty straightforward non Euclidean topography to deal with lathes and such, thoughbeit.
thinks phys dropouts are smart
reminder that there's a (undiscovered?) meta formula that beats this meta formula
topkek I gambled on shitcoins and I'm 7 figs with a useless arts degree
This faggot just rewrote a trillion dollar question and is hoping some smart retard will answer it for him itt and then he can take the credit
Power peg enabled
BSME minor in math minor in cs
Certified high pressure welder 6G
Nice Burnoli or Navier stokes… I can’t remember
You won't gain that much from knowing Black-Scholes because every institution already uses it as a stepping-stone for further model building, so you can't gain any edge as a day trader. The only way to make good gains is basically leveraged bets on tech (expecting that boomers don't really understand the asset or business well enough to price it correctly).
Do you come from the Veritasium video that relased 10 hours ago?
Black-Scholes assumes continuous price change. It's a differential equation after all. And price change is often fucking discontinuous (if you are in crypto, you would instinctively know that).