What alt should I roll my Bitcoin into at 100k?

What alt should I roll my Bitcoin into at 100k?

LINU obviously

northern european "food"

eat food

anger meds

ah yes, life is good

he doesnt know the orgasmic feeling of biting into a fresh Matjes Matjesbrötchen

I will always pity the nonwhites

I want this

jasmy, icp, skl, mana

eat disgusting barbarian slop

anger civilised people


I'm European retard
you're mentally ill

If you dont like fischbrötchen youre not white.

British "food"

LARP as roman/greek

see fish on bread

get mad


I'm white and I find that disgusting
even amerinigger slop looks better than that
that's german retard
same thing I guess all northern european "food" is absolute dogshit

implying the brit eats fresh fish that isnt deepfried

This is peak Norf German, maybe dutch food. If it filters you, youre very likely a scrawny brown manlet, sorry

I'm neither of those and I'm not Larping as any of them

Post cep

Damn these look good. I want some bismarck-krabben-lachs and majetssalat-seelachs now

lol k

That is definitely German, not British. We don't eat fish sandwiches


You greedy little fuck I like the way you think. For me, its ein Bismarck, ein Krabben and and ne Apfelschorle.

This is no slop. This is real food, not some watered down overcooked shit people call "food". Damn good stuff

deepfried fish isn't even british, it's a spanish and portuguese dish that arrived in britain when iberian jews fled the inquisition

no ketchup on his nordsee sandwich

lmao betacuck

Ok? Still, the bongs eat it

this is what the barbarians in mudhuts ate while the roman empire built concrete and masonry cities

just pointing out that it isn't british food for the anons that don't know

my thoughts exactly

white people food

Checked and fair
Getting your whole gigantic empire cucked by some shirtless blonde savage devouring a Matjesbrötchen
Yeah I think the Romans should have eaten more Fischbrötchen

Can I have the turd sandwich please extra dookie

northern european food
southern european whites eat human food

southern european whites

1611254143094.jpg - 474x351, 23.28K

DePIN narrative will be a good place to look at with projects like Peaq and Nuklai which are building on it

I keked

yeah I want a raw fish sandwich with the skin still on it

no pickles

I like what Nuklai is doing with data management and AI


but you won't
also you shouldn't do all of it, but 20%


Just SUPRA and AVAX, and you're good to go.

No SUPRA? No DIA? No WELT? Yngmi.


With meta meme utterly fucking annihilated how could this possibly come back
