We've been inside a fucking bull run this entire time, aren't we?

We've been inside a fucking bull run this entire time, aren't we?

She has a body like a fridge

already at such a young age

she is gonna age like wine

he can have her

I meant to say like milk

age like milk

elbows too pointy

make her hapas asianbro, i'm rooting for you

holy cope

cringe behavior

pasta sauce pre-made by her mother

"cooking" involves boiling some spaghetti

uses some random shit cheese instead of Parmesan

He'll eventually dump her once he goes back to Korea because western women are absolute trash.

sour grapes

he doesn't know

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Korean women

They're fucking insane. He won.

not coping im not attracted to shitty white blonde women with pancake titties and no ass

Anon... are you aware that bodies aren't always shaped like the clothes upon them? Women are really good at playing with their silhouettes using clothing.

I don't or even care. I'm here to make money fucking retard.

well she sucks at it unless her goal is to look as sexually unattractive as possible

why are korean men considered chads?
all women want Korean men

why are you responding to me in a thread that is not about making money then you dysgenic little freak

We've been inside a fucking bull run this entire time, aren't we?

It's a clickbait OP but obviously about money your room temp IQ nignog.

PLOT TWIST: he's her gay bestie because her real, heterosexual gigachad polish bf doesn't have time for such silly tik tok nonsense

I've lived in South Korea and confirm that a severe socio-structural crisis is happening in their society right now.

Korea traditionally was a tributary state of China's for thousands of years before Japan literally brought civilization there. Roads, schools, hospitals, and culture were brought by the Japanese. If you look at photographs of Korea before Japanese rule, Korean women went topless and bare breasted. A backwards place ruled by Confucian morals, which still linger today in the social structure (which means women and children get shit on). I worked in Korea in 2012-2013 and would never go back. If you watch K reality shows, the first thing 2 people do is ask each other's age so they know where they stand on the pecking order. You literally have to use different grammatical rules to address elders so it is programmed into their society. Today, Korea serves as a modernized state that is a tributary to the larger Western system.

Statistically about 1 out of 4 Korean grandmas were prostitutes at one point in their lives. Their Adult industry accounts for 2% of their GDP.

Japan will get a lot of hate just like Euro countries for colonization efforts even though they probably did more for Koreans than anyone in history

The comfort women thing is a point of contention
Apologies just lead to infinite reparations to Japan just kind of tries to ignore and look the other way
A lot of that stuff still lingers today in K society. Probably the most hypersexualized East Asian country but not in a healthy way. Women thereliterally think they are goddessess when in reality they carry the heritage of whores.

They are tall and square jawed, and Korean culture is more Western and individualistic meaning they're less sissy

ive had this type of relationship two years ago and i miss it so much

Women thereliterally think they are goddessess when in reality they carry the heritage of whores.

this is the spirit of the feminine today.
They are also whores down to a genetic level

They’re naive and think korean men are like those from k-drama or k-pop. Then they get a korean boyfriend, get abused by him and maybe catch herpes or some other stds, break up and go back to the men from their own country and become haters of k-men just like k-women.

Yes, I am not a woman hater by any means but this is the result of extreme mania which women are inclined towards. Unlike men, there is no sexual blowoff valve for women, the are programmed to become increasingly insatiable and narcissistic when aroused.

Korea will experience population collapse in the near future when 50%+ of their women declare themselves to be lesbians and the West will celebrate. And for K-men, well, who cares about men anyways? They are always disposable and sent to die off.

Don't know what will happen to SKorea. The Norks are LITERALLY living in the 19th century and their leadership is ready to take over at any time. US losses will be heavy and will ultimately be unable to stop it. I would be willing to bet this will be their ultimate fate.

SKorea government knows this and is trying to promote their Second Residence / Citizenship program (screenshot: Andrew "Based" Henderson, the Nomad Capitalist). The only problem? Nobody wants to live in the Confucian dystopia where the neighbors want to kill you.

She looks Jewish.

yes since november 2022.

bro, what? how did you get all that from me saying its a womens biological imperative to be a whore .

jewess who fell for the k-pop meme

One too many cases, women really are sheep.

everything is related to everything

Please read again. I've dated a lot of women in my lifetime and Korean women are the biggest whores I've ever met. What I am trying to say is that Korean womens' whoremaxxing (along with Confucian ideals incompatible with modern society) is driving their country to collapse.

K-pop is really trash. But I have to say, Korea really does make the best prostitutes in the world.

you wrote out a whole novel just to tell me k women are whores. im telling you all women are whores. Yes even mothers

Low vibrational thinking anon. Open your third eye.

The yearly btc chart is one big bull run. If you weren't buying last new years, don't even attempt to buy now.

anon, its a major waste of time to write a dissertation about something that van be said in a couple sentences. its intellectually inefficient. you need to save up brain power for more important problems/ ideas

Bros what am I doing wrong?
I am a KHHV 27 year old and I hold BTC, ETH, SOL and NVDA.

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Yes you pretty much nailed it

Yeah I'm thinking we are god but are (willingly or not) taking a ride in some weird materialistic plane of duality, in the form of an animal. Also, considering the length of time humans roamed the Earth, isn't it funny we were born just in time to witness singularity play out in real-time?

Take it easy man.

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Pineal gland: calcified, withered
Pineal gpand: glistening, productive

bait, right? it's the opposite in every case

Not really

This video makes me so fucking ANGRY!!!!

Why are Asian bois taking our women?

Even worse, she's a r*ssian

We've been inside a fucking bull run this entire time, aren't we?

Yes. The question is whether we will get a correction like in mid-2019 or we go straight up to for a much shorter cycle.
On thing remains clear in my mind: this is the last chance we have to make it.

I know Koreans are popular but they still have tiny peepees. Do women not care about that anymore?

Not if you have the income to keep pumping money in monthly and DCA. If Bitcoin even averaged 30% YoY for the next 10 years while you actively invested it would be the best vehicle possible, blowing ETFs out of the water. It will probably do 50% minimum.

They never did. Size queens are a myth, they could always get that from a dildo. If you meet a girl that wants to be stretched as wide as possible... run. Lol.

it doesn't matter anon, you're still gonna lose it all since you're a retard, better gamble it all on eesee to x100 that money

Asian Americans are several times less likely to have STDs than white, black, or hispanic Americans thoughever its almost like being smart about safe sex has benefits instead of being an ooga booga degenerate monkey

The only type of man willing to engage the lunacy of being with a white woman are blacks and south koreans, because their women are even more garbage.

I think so and many people just missed it.
Though there are still chances of getting in with new projects like Hydro online and several others that are about to go live with great fundamentals

Altcoins with great fundamentals are better choice IMO

I am a believer in ICP.

I have dated a Korean girl, and I can certainly say they are low key sociopaths.

Yes, yes Ray Peat AWAW you happy now you fuck? Go much on sugar cubes now.

Idgaf about americans, I’m talking about koreans in korea and the men in korea do not use condoms because they think stds go away if you wash your junk regularly. Yes they are monkeys.

Seems like a project with substance with their new concept about internet monetizing

South Korea STD rate

17,853.2 per 100k

#104 in the world

United States STD rate

19,899.9 per 100k

#78 in the world

Always have been.

She's mentally-ill.

Add SUPRA to your bag else yngmi.

Every white woman I've met who is in a relationship with an asian guy always seems to treat him more like an accessory than like a man. These women take pride in parading around their rice twink like a purse dog and some even go out of their way to emasculate him. It's a lot different from how they treat other races of men, it's odd.

How much did he pay for her

Hey I remember your Anon Babble thread.
Weren't you there as an english teacher though? I've been through for business and most of my clients (and their kids) manage to lead "acceptable" lives on the surface. I think it's a money issue.

So long as daddy/grandpa can afford

private school

international college

diamond ring

flashy wedding

nice apartment in city

nice vacation house in the countryside

NI2K (no income two kids, basically both parents can NEET it out because their parents are rich)

The Koreans can procreate.

Women attempt to do this with any man they get with. Only certain men rebuff and keep them in check. Your woman is like your constant little shit test training program and you either keep her in line or she owns you and then cheats on and leaves you.

All ones I knew the Asian guy was getting cucked. Don’t tell the ricecels

they both look like narcissists. I dont see love I see 2 people using eachother.

Yes, but the official bullrun always ignite when we top the ATH and make a new high. That's when the votality starts kicking in and alts skyrocket.

their birthrates are also the lowest in the world. South Korea has suffered from feminist propaganda the most of any nation on Earth

Yeah but 99.9% of that birthrate is actual Koreans, subtract non-whites from western nations and white numbers are lower

Women thereliterally think they are goddessess when in reality they carry the heritage of whores

Isn't that why most of them are hot after a few snips snips and some naturally? Unlike white whores, people actually gave a fuck how the Korean whores looked so only the best looking were breed.

I'm korean and this is all true. The biggest whores who are most insecure about it s they try to overcompensate with princess syndrome.

Now compare for how long have both countries had the ONS culture and you will see how much faster korea’s std rate has grown compared to the us.

Unlike white whores, people actually gave a fuck how the Korean whores looked so only the best looking were breed.

Tell me you’ve never been to korea without telling me you’ve never been to korea. Almost all korean women are ugly as fuck. Reality is very different from your kpop idols.

unironically it's korean media women want BKC now because of it

more short little dicked people

less blonde blue eyed people making me the whitest motherfucker around

wew mad as fuck I am
chink boy upgraded his genes though got to give him that

Stop watching porn and browsing social media. You obviously love shlop

I will never have a gf like that.....

Online dating hit at around the same time in both places and ONS culture is completely irrelevant compared to OLD’s impact

I haven't but I've seen documentaries and people that used to irl stream in Korea and there's a lot of non-ugly ones too. Sure a lot of them have square-ish faces but that's why I said snip snip aka plastic surgery. Japan though, Jesus Christ in heaven, Japanese people are unironically ugly. Only their anime characters look cute but real Japanese looks like fucking incest babies, then again it's legal for them to marry their first cousins lmao.

is it just me or do a lot of girls fetishize korean/east asian men all of a sudden? i see tons of qts "studying" in korea on youtube and tiktok

BTS effect.

50 million views to boil noodles and dance

Someone tell me the view count...It's ok I can take it I'm grown now

50 million

STDs don't exist. They test for a genetic sequence and then say that's proof that the condition is caused by a virus (which hasn't been shown to exist) or test for bacteria and then say the condition is caused by bacteria when that same bacteria is ubiquitous yet most people don't experience the symptoms that that bacteria supposedly cause. And they haven't shown evidence of "STDs" spreading from one person to another in a controlled experiment through sexual activity. They only have contrived, uncontrolled experiments like taking a diseased rabbit testicle, making a mushy solution out of it and injecting into a penis. No shit that causes disease, but injection isn't the claimed method of spread and they haven't shown that it's the "virus" or bacteria in their putrid solution that's causing the disease.

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the last thing i'll do in this fucking short life is read any medical advice from americans

He wouldn't know because he's a fat fuck who fills XXXL tshirts


Incel cope

What a waste. She could be on a yacht, not with an eunuch.

I am so tired of seeing white wimmin into zoophilia.

true, i prefer white women with black men, at least they're true men, not chinky sissies

lol hecking Japan's so BASED!!!!!! THATS WHY THEY KILLED Wypipo en masse!!!!! HECKIN HONORARY ARYANS!!!!
Japan isn't this amazing utopian right-wing fantasyland that civilized Asia. Sounds like a Anon Babble copypasta that is full of half-truths and the hyperreality you'd find throughout the Balkans.
Anyone using "literally" before describing something is a faggot or woman.

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she is gonna age like wine

ESL-kun, don't use idioms you don't understand.

Compare the fucking population


she’s polish you absolute mongo

So anyone got sauce on the broad?

if you're not White and dating someone who is you're literally guaranteed to be in a relationship with someone that has mental issues.

but you are already as inferior as any mutt is

Chang has been sharing his women for ages now. Timmy can't share 1 white women without having a mental breakdown. Holy shit.

Of course a virgin would say there's no STD. Of course buddy, you won't have one cause you don't even have sex.

women looking to upgrade their genes with European genetics is a natural course of biology, it's how Europeans evolved so quickly compared to every other race.
but it's still indicative of a impulsive and defective mind in those women especially in the severely mentally ill cases where those women are instead looking to downgrade their genes.

White women are 5% of world pop
Chink women are like 15% total pop.
Ofcourse it more damaging
Are you sure? Thought she is Bulgarian
We had the same video of her doing some other cringy shit with her chink bf before
Nigger white peoples killed their own brothers in Germany. War is war, and Japan got two atomic bombs for it.
Let it fucking go.

you are brown, ugly, stupid, ESL, and you will never have a white gf

Looks like he's showing off a new toy

Yes. This is what normal bull runs look like. You didn't really think 2021 was "normal" did you? That was once in a life time event and very few people were smart or lucky enough to capitalize.

I would love to hear you write a report on the current state of Mexico

what annoying people. why are they making such a big deal out of cooking their own food? are they newly weds or some shit? fucking kys. it's just cooking retards, everything doesn't have to be a fucking movie.

Ok piss-skin

Get the boosters. Don’t forget all the others, not just covid. All vaccines wear off.

also spaghetti is the bottom of the barrel simplest shit to make. she didn't even make the sauce it was pre-made in a fucking container. useless. might as well be mac and cheese.

Pissskin, we had a choice to get or ignore vaccines .
Yes they were pressures, yes they were fears, but ultimately people like me kept our jobs and didn’t get the vax
Compare that to piss skin nations, you either comply like a bug that you are, or get squished
