I hope all you delusional retards realize how much everything is priced in at the moment. The short term pump is coming to a crashing halt, and all of my technical analysis supports this. Psychologically, the market will not currently (and I would argue literally *ever*) accept BTC being priced at $58k. Personally, I’m shorting with 5x leverage — $55k is on the menu, but a dump back to $50k is in play. Sorry for the bad news, but I am trying to help you dipshits from losing more money. Sell or short before you regret
BTC will never go above $58k
fuck. actually solid TA. i might actually sell a bit because now way the market accepts a new ATH In fucking February
btc will never go above 17k
goes above 17k
show short
fuck. actually solid crystal ball reading
fuck. actually mercury in retrograde
fuck. it actually is the year of aquarius and i'm a cancer
fuck. i have the wrong crystals on my shelf and can't manifest correctly
I'm not fucking selling. Gonna hold until Q3 or Q4 maybe
Look at the chart. Look at the calendar. Look at past BTC cycles in relation to this. Realize you’re ODing on hopium if you think BTC is ready to make a new high. These are callout fakeout pumps
3 ms paint lines on a chart
Deep down you know that I’m right
disprove it then. i don’t think we’re capable of breaching $58k this week. maybe in March … but don’t you agree this all happened very fast? the whales are probably manipulating people into buying so they can dump in the short run
You don't do TA like that you fucking stupid nigger.
ITT OP praying to every god they can, hoping their fear mongering works
waaa I don’t do TA like that it’s wrong
I do, and it’s made me a lot of money. You can make a lot better gains than buying BTC when you can successfully predict these downturns and short with leverage
Probably mostly Vishnu, because his 300 rupees won't go as far if he buys now
I do, and it’s made me a lot of money.
Yeah whatever, i have 10 inches long cock and fucked every woman on the planet while being a trillionaire.
Post again when you reach the legal age to drink alcohol.
tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock
If you think for a second that I’m worried you’re dead wrong. I feel great and I’m about to be completely vindicated. I can’t wait for the apologies to start rolling in
I’m not Indian retard, I am from Michigan
OP i agree it’s gonna dump the question is how much? i dont think $50k but def $53-54k range looking at fibs
OP=poojeet losin' rupees
the Whites get richer and the poos get pooer
Did you predict yesterday's and today's pump?
No? Yep that's what i thought, so how about you just SHUT THE FUCK UP, you know nothing of what will happen.
whatever dude, the halving is right around the corner. it doesn't matter the price you buy right now.
muh habbening
You do realize that the block reward being halved doesn’t guarantee a pump, right? It’s priced in
The people and companies currently buying BTC do not care about your TA. You know it, I know it, half of Anon Babble knows it, so what's the fucking point?
did I say it do? you obviously know that Im not talking about an instantaneous pump, all I think about is long-term rewards.
post the receipts with time stamp so I can screencap this.
suck my left Nut
100% short
He is short 100%
give it an hour
Reminder that this information is being using to train a neural net that will liquidate you.
I’m waiting.
The short term pump is coming to a crashing halt
sir its been pumping since november 2022. from 16k to 57k.
these are the worst TA memelines i have ever, ever seen
Disprove them then.
Disapprove what? None knows nigger there is nothing to approve or disapprove, your scribbles are as meaningless as someone saying we go to 150k
Hey So basically I'm just gonna keep buying BTCI Know..... UGH I know... It's just that I'm gonna keep buying it is all HAHAHAHAHRHAHAHA HARAHARHARH
this is more accurate TA
try again
fuck op was right, its over for real this time. who would've thought a bumhick from Michigan would have their prayers answered. we're all sinners doomed to burn in scorching hellfire.
desu this lines up with what i believe top will be for this cycle, ie: 150k - 200k
Thank you for admitting it anon
i drew 3 lines
kek, enjoy getting liquidated again faggot
It’s very simple math, I’m sorry you’re low IQ
Cya at $200k moron.
Nigger tier tea leaves reading. Kys
I don’t understand Fibonacci retracements
We crab and then go up bigly. Anything below 69k is crab. Zoom out.
See my proofs