The Dollar is fucked
The Dollar is fucked
thank God I didn't buy into this "dollar is fucked" schizo narrative lmao
They should call it, shiet.
shiet brics
because the euro worked so well, kek
probably because you are incapable of seeing into the future. and your mind can only comprehend the day to day. anything off beyond the horizon is blind to you. you probably can't even visualize shapes either lol
I thought India explicitly said they weren't interested in that?
Also who is going to control it? China has the biggest economy, so will they all trust China? Or will it be Russia who has the most natural resources?
Pajeets cucking to chinks or vice versa after all the bug on poo violence in Ladakh? Someone needs to cuck out.
If they use gold how will they not immediately speed run into the the exact same problems of the last hundred or so years? Of having a representation of a thing whether it be a paper certificate or digital token and having people trust that the representation is equivalent to that thing As soon as the peg is FUDed it will rug the price.
Bitcoin doesn't have this problem as it's digital token is it's actual fundamental being, backing is not an applicable property of it and the problems of trust that come with that. But they won't use bitcoin because they want to control whatever currency they use, also the US government is sitting on the largest stack of confiscated bitcoin meaning it could be even more powerful in a hyperbitcoinized world.
Maybe they could go with a CBDC that is PoW, but only the governments can run nodes in an x of y federation. Better shutup, giving the kikes ideas.
keep buying silver I guess lmao
lmao I was about to post this, of course thirdies look at the absolute state of the eurozone and think to themselves "hmm that's a great idea"
either way, bullish for link
Please, go back to the pornhub's anal section, Ivan. You don't belong here
it did until brexit happened
brexit happened in 2011
not to mention the fact that the UK was never part of the eurozone
You don't understand what they are doing. This isn't a common currency that replaces their individual currencies. it's a trading currency that will be pegged to gold in some way that they will use to trade with each other. Its not for normal people, it's for companies that sell and buy internationally. It is a genuine threat to US dollar dominance and the American Gobal Empire
It is a genuine threat to US dollar dominance and the American Gobal Empire
sure it is ranjeet gupta
Based Milei already too kArgentina out of this.
All the remaining naive jeets jining this will see how much more fun than the USA a totalitairian state like China actually is and get severly rekt.
And of course, when this whole thing flops and makes them even poorer then it's all white man's fault again because of muh colonialism
Always was
This, but the petrodollar is already dead. Idk why people think that oil is still traded in USD everywhere, but it's not and hasn't been in years. Countries have been trading with their own currencies and commodities and shit is getting messy. Russia is stuck with shitloads of jeetbucks, no one wants to hold too many redbacks, Saudis are probably demanding gold behind closed doors like they always do etc... The USD is still being used as a reserve currency only because it's currently the least shitty alternative for many countries is all. We're in a transitional phase. Brics will be the final nail in the coffin for fiat, but I don't think it's an us vs them situation. (((They))) are all working together to manage the collapse and maintain their power over the common man.
It's ai dollar now
kek this
it worked well until the people of a country who don't use the Euro decided they don't want to be part of your gay political union anymore but still want to be frens and trade so instead of giving them a fair trade deal that maintains the flow of goods and currency, you decide to play hard ball and spitefully refuse to negotiate with them despite being your biggest trading partner and fuck up both economies in the process.
Yeah nice currency Hans
In 20 years, Russia and China will be at war against each other. Screenshot this.
The petrodollar is not dead, something like 70% of total oil futures are traded in USD. Globally financial settlement is done 59% in USD last I checked. This is why the Shanghai futures exchange in 2018 was a large deal, China want to lead the world financial markets in the future. They have healthy volume, 3% of world settlement is done in RMB currently, expected this could increase to 6% in the next decade.
Moot point though since the inflationary death spiral of the dollar will happen to replace the system with a full fledged data economy driven by crypto
Another worthless fiat currency?
Don't bother trying to tell them they won't understand.
Yes. Ive been saying for the last 2 months I'll buy a monster box. I probably should get off my arse and buy one.
Pegged to gold
LMAO JPM about to have some international fun
Enjoy getting kiked by premiums and selling at a loss when you realize silver is going nowhere. It's a terrible investment
Ok thanks Mr I future man.
Can you tell me next weeks powerball numbers?
Crypto is a call option on the US.
So... NAH?
What's the bull case for it? Please tell me why you genuinely believe it should go up.
argentina quit bricks.
New financial system will be based on a basket of commodities and silver will be one.
Plus I'm a schizo.
2 more weeks
Unironically competition for the dollar would be good, maybe they won't print it into oblivion then
here man, buy some rubles
buy some yuan
How many more weeks bro?