
Hoichi on Eth pumps more and more and seems to hold the pump for the last 36hrs. Who is in aswell and what are your thoughts?

Letsssss make money lads

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Yeah it’s going to go parabolic. Too many catalysts and coincidences when you do any research. WAGMI.

Have you done research?

Yeah on all the links to Ryoshi.

Plus it isn’t even a risk given how long the project has been going and the liquidity. The utilities aren’t even here or the big one that I am wanting to see (bridge / swap). It’s a no brainer of an investment.

I looked into your miraculous contract. Liquidity isn't growing as described in the medium; indeed, it's currently twice as much as a year ago, but only because ETH made x2 (I never include in liquidity second token).

Moreover, just look at how the numbers were a year ago.

I’m priced out so now my village won’t be able to eat

Hoichi dev is ryoshi. I have been there for 2 years and have scene multiple front runs of shib1. We have the safest low mc project. We are a decentralized autonomous organization and our liquidity shows how special we are.

The utility there is you. Stop getting scammed by shitcoins and be protected by hoichi

Fren then you have no idea how to read and check it, our liquidity grows with every contract sell!! Check how everything works and read the medium! Liq is burned and safe for every. Educate before your talk fud.

Live this game
Come on hoichi
Don’t know the utility but pamp it

Liquidity will increase further on the next random contract sell. I honestly wouldn’t worry about the liquidity of a project with over 500k liquidity and a mcap of under 1.5m.


The liquidity hasn't changed in value in ETH... it's twice as high because ETH has doubled, there's no need for more significant logic here. If it were as you claim, the liquidity in ETH over the year should have jumped by at least 10-15%, and it should be at least 300k in ETH alone, even with very low volume over the last year.

Your crazy, we are a completely safe project. Multiple audits have been done. Houchi is for plebs sick of being scammed.

In regards to liquidity you have no idea what your talking about. Why don't you come to our telegram and be educated instead of spreading fud

It proofs that people can’t see the difference between a project from a greedy dev or a project build by the people, for the people. We built it 2 years straight threw bearmarket and survived every bump in the road. Build high quality products with catoshi and been backed from several big people in the industry and you say we are only another scam? We are working our asses off to deliver real value and achieve our dreams. And we will show it to everyone! We don’t need to scam! We will achieve everything we want and we will make hoichi BIG!
Have a nice day y’all

So it's either

Hoichi dev is Ryoshi but he's a scammer

Hoichi dev isn't Ryoshi but a scammer that got hold of his credentials

Which one is it?

Hiochi is for plebs


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If he's not s scammer himself he will come to our telegram and educate himself

That clip of Ryoshi messaging is clearly fake. how gullible are you.lol

Ryoshi said clearly that hoichi is his LAST experiment and everything after Hoichi isn’t from him! And it doesn’t care because he can’t do anything on the contract. The contract has no functions at all, you can’t scam hoichi.
Very simple but very good contract. Liquidity is burned, I would highly recommend to read the medium.

You are all a bunch of retards. I have bought in 2eth. What's 2eth on a shitcoin. Buy in and forget about it and hope it makes it if not. Fuck it another 2eth wasted on a shitcoin ryoshi cunt.

God bless you friend. Chart ready to explore!

join TG

it's a bunch of gif spamming and people asking to do biz raids in broken english

I don't think you can learn much from third worlders.

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Thanks that’s the vibe!! but we are not a shitcoin. But all these fudders waste there energy is entertaining. Thanks for bullish fud.

Are you ban right now!

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Bro it’s a very small window from a whole conversation! Idiot, it’s clear that we do raids everywhere. All Community’s does it and there is nothing wrong with it.
We have met a lot of people here on Anon Babble and they explored hoichi and they connected with us.
We try to educate people into our project and explain them the difference to others.
Everyone is welcome to us.

You should inform you a bit about hoichi before you talk nonsense!

I'm not a third worlder lol

I live in New York. Lmao

We're just sharing our project with Anon Babble

Isn't that what it is for?

Yeah yeah, same shit typo like a toad. If you looking for exit liqudity ( baggies are underwater since september kek ) try spam plebbit.

What the fuck are these Indian posts kek
This is exactly like Shib in its early days
Somehow makes me bullish but you Indian fags need to shut the fuck up now.

You should inform you a bit about hoichi before you talk nonsense!

New York

doesn't know the difference between your and you're

More like New Delhi

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Nobody cares about new dehli

I'm from Rochester which is in New York

Stop being a baby

ryoshi is hoichi

We are just trying to organically spread the word about hoichi. I've held since the beginning. We our normal real people . Not scammers

Will the bridge be released on thursday?

Can confirm he is from Rochester. Verification not required.

No worries mate. Bridge will be down right after launch like always

Anybody can post a pic from a shitty location in town. Lol

we our normal real people

Holy shit just stop posting and embarrassing yourself. You don't even know how to reply to posts on here. Fucking pajeets should be exterminated once and for all.

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lol i told people to buy when it was literally 2x cheaper than it is now just 3 or 4 days ago.
Anon Babble will wait until its 4-8x more expensive until they FOMO in though lol

they aren't jeets man, they're chinks and they are cool chinks so kill yourself nigger.

is this you? please please please god post tits