I want to stop being a wagie after this bullrun, what should I invest in anon?

Kaspa, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and Monero

Monero (XMR) should do an easy 50x now that it's delisted from Binance which was keeping the price down with fractional reserve trading. It has a white paper and solid fundamentals on par and beyond Bitcoin. Just the facts.

A John Deere tractor
3 packs of Oreos
Bayer Aspirin
Wire Cutters

This but only the first two.

Small cap utility tokens like AVI and KNS. AVI is having a rare dip right now.

When bitcoin cash will start pumping?

Sei and Qanx anon


Post quantum cryptography is the new meta, don't miss it fag

Invest in stock. Leave crypto to gamblers

everything related to ai asap, things like agrs did nothing but have a constant pump all month long
and i'm still here and doing nothing cus i haven't been paid yet

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Why no hyperpolyglot chain here? Only bitcoin gonna make it

Im going to effort post even tho no one will read.
Token: Plebbit $pleb
NARRATIVE: SocialFi - decentralized social medias that are opensource, free to use, peer to peer, scalable etc.
DEMAND: As tech censorship of the masses increases (on medical health/politics/economics/social issues) there is demand for decentralized social medias that are actually decentralized (no DNS & P2P) while having scalability and speed.
WHAT? Plebbit is an opensource, free to use, peer to peer social medias protocol with no https endpoints and no SSL certificates. Instead it uses the IPFS and ENS. This means it's actually decentralized/P2P unlike federated alternatives or projects like steemit.
Plebbit will allow board owners to advertise or not to advertise.
Users will be able to curate their feed wth subs that do or dont advertize.
ENS is used for board names. NFTs could be used for avatars.
IS TOKEN USEFUL: The token will be used to curate the default feed through a DAO. As the protocols is increasingly adopted, more sub owners will want to be featured in the default feed so they can increase their subs popularity, earn ad revenue and even trade their valuable sub as an NFT. This will create demand while also satisfying the narratives demand.The token will also be used to vote on Dev issues in a DAO and tipping.
TOKENOMICS: 3.5m mcap - Search coingecko/uniswap for plebbit
The Devs are self-funded, no VCs, 100% of the supply was airdropped to community, 1+ years of sideways TA.
Try the demo, read the whitepaper and GitHub

plebbit.gif - 300x250, 2.38M

Quantum resistant projects should be your best bet jeet

WTF is this? Kek

Hello anon. See that big ass fucking ad at the bottom of your post? That's the answer. Thank me later

Only Cartesi and Qanplatform can be considered one, others aren't it.


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It is ded


NIST already made some recommendations for digital signatures right?


This will on-board many developers to web3 because of the ease to build using any programming language

Another shitcoin that's gonna rekt you

try the demo, read the whitepaper and github, and do the technical analysis on the chart, before you talk shit.
show me a project that is opensource, free to use, in development for 2+ years, self-funded, no VCs, 100% of the supply was airdropped to community, 1+ years of sideways TA, with a technical design for a protocol that has never been done.
you literally cant and if you can its an extreme minority.

plebbit npc.png - 190x190, 2.38K

refer to this post before you talk shit at least try the demo, read the whitepaper, do the technical analysis.
dont be an intellectually dishonest piece of shit.

here you go buddy, it meets all the criteria you provided and even better:


Metals anon.
I dont mean gold, i mean Aluminum, Copper, Titanium, Iron/Steel. invest in Oil because next year its DRILL DRILL DRILL BABY!



with all of these layoffs in the whole sector

Anon, we all know we're here to troll each other into making each other lose money, but be less blatant about it Anon, jeez.

Just buy SUPRA and YGMI

Qan adopted the primary recommendation long before NIST made it known

Not anytime soon.

I think KNS & AVI has a good shot of a moonmission

WELT, SUPRA and Floki

Just after the SUPRA TGE.

I'd suggest you look at pyth, tia and keep tab on peaq network launch.

I prefer the later than former because of its developers'royalties.

Just buy ALPH and wait for the inevitable 100$.

the greatest of all time meme

GOAT (GOATED COIN), catch on before the train leaves the station

eth chain: 0xe73cec024b30a7195af80d13f3b6917d80af11d8

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There's tech in crypto. Sol, Qan and Algorand are some examples of projects with good tech

Sit this one out. Kek

I'd rather invest in hyperpolyglot chains than this

Based jeet. I fuck with these coins

Is floki still a thing?

AI. Just anything AI.

Devs would definitely not miss this. The era of solidity is coming to an end

AI button Binance

It got some huge partnerships too. The recent one being with MBK Holdings

Done! Thx anon!

Keep an eye on parcl

Qanx burnt one third of its total supply. That's bullish for me



Its main net is most likely this year and devs gonna eat.

Jeets will always be jeeting

Mid caps L1s


Perpetual exchanges

GRT, not too late


when will this meme from 7 years ago pump

kek keep waiting im sure it's right around the corner kid

You think? Isn't too high already?

Java and python will finally be a web3 language, courtesy of it

That's a fact! Now it's pumping because of the small hype around the quantum sphere

Seriously? Why do you think that will ever pump?

I can't argue about Algo and Qan, but Sol is good only if you hold master switch

Yes, Sir

Is Coti still a thing? I don't think that anything from Cardano can make it

Agree. AI is and will remain the biggest field.
It will use AI for smart contracts in any lang. That's dope


kek Monero 50x

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you must be crying for missing sei airdrop like you will miss qanx. Grow a pair and be a man, or you will not gonna make it

Dude wtf? The team is staking more tokens than the community.

Yesterday did 2x, today is correction and then another pump

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You are such a normy. You will die poor

That's a fact. Just look at what Apple did, and just after some projects pumped like crazy. Can you imagine what will happen when the real hype starts?

Low caps like CUDOS EPIK QANX XNL.

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CTI pump has just started. Join the train bruh

Not that much, but they are staking a shitload of tokens. That's why I dumped that a few month ago

I don't think solidity will ever be replaced on Ethereum. Having that feature is cool for new chains, but Ethereum will always be the king of alts

There is such a thing?

QANX or nothing

It pumped 2X this week

It takes 2 bullruns to make it. If I would start today I would buy Link 50% too keep for years and stake 20% SOL because retards will pump it and sell it in 12 months. 30% just gamble on wharever seems promising and rotate proftis to Link.

Whats the next PEPE

But SOL is not QR is it


The likes of ATOR, NAI and other DePIN tokens should do

Wen rug

Just gamble it op, what a better chance that x100 your money on eesee

You mean Crystal Dillithium



crypto cloud is end game. webspeed, and can host decentralized full stack

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L1 are going to lead the next bull run

I also have Nuklai on my watch list

QVM might be the key to mass adoption in the crypto space soon


No its not but ALGO and QAN are

I have seen this trending recently, any good project to look into


Wen mainnet

All programming language is supported on it unlike the EVM

SOL will melt faces

This year, this L1 was actually trending few weeks ago after its token burn


I hope its not too late to ape in

Its partnership with Alpineesport was huge too

I clear indication that every anon need to start looking into this because it will melt faces