How do I switch careers

it's over for code cucks like myself, how do I escape? what career has security that I can pivot into?

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Wow, that subreddit has changed so much from 2016 when I was graduating and using it to find jobs. It was way more positive back then. Is it really that shit out there for you junior devs now? I feel comfy as a senior with lots of job prospects if I ever got laid off.

It's completely over for junior devs and I say that without any hyperbole.

Because in 2016 programming was a comfy computer nerd type job and now its infested with normies.

400 applications

200th rejection

The job market is so cooked jesus christ. Why are we forced to deal with this bs?

Humiliation ritual
Normalfags should have been investing 80% of their income when they had a job to prepare for this, but no, they had to go and spend it on useless shit

Get a new skill

what career has security that I can pivot into?

maybe try hardware company with EECS? jobs are more stable but pay less money.

Why would I need to do that? It's only up from here! Just a few 100 more applications!

They deserve it

You fuckers wanted a fast track to 6-figures knowing full well you sacrificed job stability to get it. That's what studying bleeding edge tech is. You get what you deserved.

lmao...good lucky passing the exams with a compsci degree...maybe a grad degree in eng/physics could swing it if they werent a math dodger

Oh I didn't see that post. I'm an actuarial consultant. I've actually passed all my exams (finally). Yeah if you want stability and a decent (not amazing) salary, it's alright. If you want the full package go be a doctor I guess.

the math isn't that hard

The pay also isn't that great though, unless you're a senior VP/partner or C-suite, in consulting or insurance.

I maen realistically what are your options? I have a CS degree and am unemployed.

study exams for a few years while living with parents and working wagecuck jobs

go back to school for another four years for a different engineering degree

go to med school and do residency, make no money until 10 years later and even then you are incredibly overworked

get a cdl and become a trucker, pays decently well and only requires 3 weeks of education but it's a dead-end job

go into trades and destroy your body by age 40

If only my holdings would moon.

germnaics are npcs meant to terraform Kali Yuga, they dont create civilization, they only create parasite colonies under the guise of civilization, product of the contemporary dark age

make ROME great again

Oh I thought you were an actuary. Yeah in your position the pay is fine. My firm actual hires CS majors out of college for a "technical track" that doesn't require actuarial exams, but it's a bit hard to get hired on that track vs. regular consulting.
You can pass the first few exams, enough to get an actuarial job, in just a few months, not years. It's the full suite of exams that takes a few years to pass. From the outside looking in, actuary is a great career. You're not a doctor though, or an investment banker. You're going to make 100-200k for the majority of your career if you do this, until you get those real senior SVP/Partner/C-suite positions I mentioned above, and that goes for insurance or consulting. But 100-200k isn't really a bad life either so it's your call if it interests you.

The SOA exams are basically non-transferrable to any other career though, so keep that in mind. You will waste months/years of your life if you get into this and decide it's not for you later. I know a few people from college who took them as a fallout job option and then got hired as investment bankers (Wharton), but that's not you, is it.

retard still posting Hellenized Egyptian rape baby from Egypt, and say they are “ancient Greeks”

Stop it, get some help

Is it really as simple as just passing the exams and getting a job?


perfectly fine for me given my net worth. even if I get just 7% annually I will able to retire in my late 30s

Wtf are you on about? Is this a troll?

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Is it really as simple as just passing the exams and getting a job?

Pretty much... You need a college degree. A bachelor's in CS should be fine. Then you just need to tailor your resume to show a lot of interest in the actuarial profession and pass a few exams.

A friend of mine (a girl) from college studied biology, was unemployed for 1.5 years after graduating, then took a bunch of actuarial exams and got hired as an actuary in a span of like 4 months. Then she quit to do Onlyfans full-time. So yeah, pretty much just pass exams and look online for whatever other small things you can pad your resume with.


Doesn't give me high hopes because she was probably a diversity hire

Professional eesee NFT burger flipper. Plumber. Construction worker with Pedro making $8.20 an hour for 9 to 11 hours every day including Saturdays.

I'm so happy to see useless code niggers shitting themselves. I sincerely hope other devs keep improving on AI, fucking themselves over, hopefully get it to the same level as AI slop picture generators. Soon, companies that needed 20 devs will only need 4 or less.

the sun, a shared symbol of mans reunification with the gods, ambitions of transcendence reflecting itself on their exterior.

the germnaic seeks the material, spiritually effeminate, as Kali Yuga is the feminine principle superimposing itself on the masculine, you have a spiritual vagina

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When the Chink oil salesman of Nvideo tells you not to learn to code, you learn to code

sorry anon, ranjeet has "5 years of experience" and is azure™ certified™. plus his cousin works here

Why are we forced to deal with this bs?

Because you're a wagie slavemind that refused to buy the fixed unit of account.

Why are we forced to deal with this bs?

He doesn't reverse-engineer the software HR uses to automate their jobs

He doesn't use AI to automatically apply to jobs


learn how to code in assembly and make your other code cuck peers seethe over your superiority

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Pretty obvious you just found out about assembly.

majority of that crowd are fearful csgrads, pajeets and actual retards who doesn't understand what they are coding
whenever a programmer gets a new tool that augments his workflow and enables him to close tasks faster, the business get more greedy and starts to shit out more tasks. You'll never exhaust that fucking backlog. The task to automate and digitalize our reality is the one that is seemingly inexhaustible.

t. run my own LLM to code

there are STEM professors from 30 years ago who wrote everything in assembly and it just works therefore assembly is the only thing you need

What i need is platform-agnostic, user-friendly and maintainable solution with a deadline in 6 months, also i don't have a budget to hire a room full of STEM professors.

Learn to build you bitch ass niggers. Feels good to have do a real man's job!

Learn to weld

why isn't there more of a backlash against outsourcing

There was though, it was trump 2016 back in 2015 and all you soibois in the bay area voted 85% against him. Imagine a world where these 'people' actually voted in their direct interests instead of being mentally ill soi creatures who simultaneously hate that indians took their jobs and turned california into an open air porto john while also seething at anyone who wants to stop it.

Too late now. Superpooer 2024.

muh greeks were shitskins

Are you retarded?

Anyway I'm facing the same in switzerland. Have been to accidenture, avanade and got layed off because I'm still a true coder. I don't care desu as what I'm doing is niche and I can work self-employed or as freelancer.


Bring your skills over to systems administration or network engineering. They can’t remove the plumbers of the internet.

Rajesh will do your job in India for peanuts my sir.

laughing pretty hard at the smug code cucks who were gloating about their job in 2021. slow and steady wins the race.

t. fully remote with immense job security