Why do you want to be rich, Anon Babble?

Why do you want to be rich, Anon Babble?

i dont even know anymore

Money buys freedom

I originally wanted to see if nonstop hedonism would cure my depression, but realized that it wouldn’t. Now I just sort of enjoy the grind, but would like the financial freedom to occasionally enjoy myself doing something financially stupid like travel, get a fast car, or afford an extremely bad financial decision like a practice gf.

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So I don't have to work anymore.

stop posting this bitch

I just want to have a loving family anon, that's all I want... just a peaceful life with a loving wife, loving children and loving pets...
I want to give them a good life, and sadly I have to be rich to give them everything they deserve...
At least we can say I'm making it since I'm buying ticker AGRS since 2018 and it's working...

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To overcompensate for my terrible paying job.

You can't start up businesses without being rich

to take mom out the hood, looking for next x10 like Btcdragon though Eaglewings is my next buy from here once it launch.

my mom

single parent

does nursing agency work

Don't want to see my mom stressing trying to figure out how she'll pay the bills next month.

What's her problem

I desire lots of $$ for escorts (the only way I ever get to touch female flesh),
High-end PC parts (and expensive VR shit),
and travel (i want to visit Europe and Hong Kong)

she isnt getting fucked by me

i want people to achieve their dreams

So I can say no to jobs that aren't great

to provide for wives and children

Cause I don’t want to dance by the tone of a nigger society and (((leaders))) who hate me for my skin color.
Imagine we are in another (((pandemic))) I don’t want to even THINK of the possibility of bending the knees for these cucks
I want to be free from all the consequences of living in the modern western world

High end pc with maxed out graphic card is like 5k
You can buy it TODAY

it is best game in the world.

with that wimpy, limp wristed faggy attitude, you'll never be at peace

I want to be free and do anything that i want. Previous year which is in 2023, i lost all my monies in crypto but thats pure because i made my own mistake. Now, i tried to learn a forex trade >hope that this will help me to recover lol

I tried to learn on how to trade on news with that inflation news such as cpi and fomc. do my own research to predict the inflation rate and found truflation which helps me a lot on that. well, goodluck for me. this year gonna be fkkin awesome.

I'm a goal-oriented person. Making money is almost like a game to me and I do it just because it's fun. I don't have expensive tastes, and I plan on continuing to work even after I reach my make it goal of $3 million.

So I can ask Elizabeth debicki to join me in holy matrimony

She’s mine and mine alone so don’t get any ideas biz

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I hate getting up for work and having to take shit from a-hole customers. I just want to wake up when it feels right and have time cook myself a good breakfast every day then do whatever the fuck I feel like the rest of the day. Every day is a little harder than the last. Fuck this shit.

Glowie thread.

a small house on a big block so i cant hear my neighbors piss at night
i dont dream about anything more than that anymore
im content just being a lonely hermit

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I NEED to quit waging. That’s when my life 2.0 will start.

Good luck brother

Goddamn you baggies have no shame

1) so i dont have to work
2) so i can be better than other people
3) so i can fuck thousands of 20 year old girls

I want to buy iPhone.

I want to opt out of society and live inna woods because humanity is insufferable.

pay off my student loans

To dedicate my time and energy to my wife, my family, my dog, my own personal improvement and to being productive for society on my own terms without worrying about a mortgage and without anyone else exerting control over me through financial dependence. Almost there bros I just need one more cycle.

Money buys freedom

The slaves (1700)

I have a better option for you anon (pic related)
Just do as Elon does and you might get at least one of those things

I'll know much better after participating in the SUPRA TGE

So that I can stop waging

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Because I have a dream...
A dream that one day, people all over the world will not be judged by the content of their character, but by the colour of their skin.
I need money to incite the violence that will lead us to Utopia.

So I can fuck and replace 22 year old cuties every year