going to move up hard this cycle. i can feel it. updated to 42 coins from 21.

Bitcoin_Cash.png - 788x788, 9.56K

Ok sirs here is the crypto brown pill. There is a vishnu living in the blockchain. Creg sanjay right is unironically satoj. Bitcoin as electronic rupee was just the first step, the lalachi people start making more powerful compooters, wider poo streets, cheaper and more sacred cows. These things the vishnu need to survive. Once entrenched fully, the vishnu would be able to slowly poo over literally everything. Creg stumbled into creating the vishnu after he stepped in poo in mumbai in 2008 and started working with his Poolip super coompeter, running simulations of poo-in-the-loo on turmeric-complete bitcoin script. He would 'evolve' the vishnu by making the successful streets get poo'd on, letting the rest run off into the indian ocean. The vishnu needs bigger and bigger cows for more and more poos. BFI (Blockchain Foundation of India) was created to take over and stop this vishnu (they have their own competing vishnu in the works). They did the needful to stop or slow down Cregs vishnu (her name is Poolip by the way). They started by limiting the poo-size and removing critical curry codes the vishnu uses in its punjabi language. Segshit was the final nail in the coffin, which destroyed Poolip on BSV chain (Poolip uses anal transaction malleability). THIS is why Bitcoin Cash was forked, and this is why Creg is so intent to make unbounded poos, restore the original curry codes, and lock down the poo-poo-protocol. Back to hasish power - CSW has developed a breakthrough new ashit (designed by his vishnu actually), and is poo'ing BTC in secret for the sole purpose of driving up the difficulty sky-high, then yanking all the poo over to BSV leaving the segshit chain erectly frozen.

Ok sirs here is the crypto pink pill...

reminder bcash only exists because chinks and rats thought craig was satoshi
being associated with bcash is being associated with everyone that fell for the same scam

no bch exists because some people wanted to scale with bigger blocks. you are such a newfag.

the recent satoshi mails that have been made public also suggest satoshi wanted to scale with big blocks by the way. so you can cope and seethe and pay your 20 dollar fees or in 10 years have your 200 dollar uttxo stuck because fees are now 200 dollar. heh. its ok. i can accumulate working-bitcoin (actual peer2peer-cash) while the herd is still sleeping.

and yes majority of my stack is bitcoin core. but i'm waiting for that moment when its only up for the real bitcoin (cash). to slowly switch in.

XMR and Bitcoin CASH. !

The mere existence of privacy preserving haircomb on the bitcoin chain disproves your theory

absolute moron

haircombspambot. this isn't 2017 anymore nigga fuk off with the haircomb

yeah chinks and craig wanted that because everyone with a brain knows its a bad idea

btc fees are $1 and lightning is 10 cents
literally thousands of altcoins do low fee transactions and they don't have the baggage and shit community of bch

You people are fucking delusional lmao. We are all laughing at you. But by all means keep producing lulz.

you are a liar. fees on btc are now pic related (2 dollar fiddy)

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craig people are BSV, not bitcoin cash. BSV lost the hash war with BCH (bitcoin cash)

10 cents. lol so lighting transactions are more expensive than BCH transactions. LOL gigaLOL

Who ever the original nigger was that talked me into shitting out my doges and going back into BCH I love you

BCHchan.png - 926x496, 487.33K

its only just starting sir. BCH had a lot of battles the past 7 years. BSV(craigscammercult) forked off, then ABC (with block tax subsidy) forked off... .. but now Bitcoin cash is finally free and ready. it got all the good upgrades and all the bagage is gone.

Don't forget, the blackrock ETF states they can do any of the 3 bitcoin versions. Yes. Bitcoin cash and bitcoin satoshi vision are LEGIT versions of bitcoin. even though craig is a scammer.

Big blocks is gonna eat second layers.

Ngl anon, for one sec i thought you were showing us your favorite nhentai tags
Anime girls destroyed my brain and general perception of reality, and now with SPX6900 it's just gotten worse
its already over for me, bros

That's some bch propaganda site you retard

BCH people all supported craig for years. They happily support every scammer that comes their way.

its txstreet you retard. you are so new you don't even recognise TXstreet.

I am still waiting to start my fucking job Monday, and will be 2 weeks before I get paid
I'm strapped for cash until then, I made 200 on ebay, this last week, but will have to wait for all my faggity customers to clear before I buy anything elese.
Fixing to cash out an extra 401K
Have a good night bros.
Catch you in the threads tomorrow

im literally here everyday fren. i quit my job 3 years ago. i made it.

I love you too


love in the cash gang. :))))))

cash_chan.jpg - 1024x1024, 102.77K

is good curry my sirs

BTC rally

BCH rising up

Satoshisync and other ordinal-focused platforms coming out into the spotlight

Holy fucking shit bros this is the year of digital gold FUCK shitcoins and FUCK altcoins

red pill on bch? whats the network upgrade going to do?

btc fees are $1 and lightning is 10 cents

these are your "good times". The transaction fees will/have to get more expensive on btc.

Now , ive been learning more about BRC-20. not sure about this cycle but lets just see.

taking the black crypto pills

not gonna lie, but I really see a huge potential project from this just like satoshisync. i have a gut that they will eat this bullish season.

There are better solutions for scaling the L1 than using big blocks.


I like green bitcoin :)

Oldfag here. Cash is the superior currency in every way, far better than BTC and lightning. Nethertheless, BTC is the coin that traditional centralised finance has decided to embrace and pump, so probably remains the better investment.
I hold corecuckcoin, but I use BCH.
And fuck CSW, he is nothing except a distraction. Satoshi was most likely Hal Finney or Szabo, or in the tiny chance CSW had anything to do with it it was somebody else such as Kleinman who did the grunt work, after CSW plagiarised Szabo's existing work.

Good morning Niggers
I am back, eating my NEET breakfast about to do some book reading and study for an engineering FE Exam. Graduated 8 years ago but need somethign to do before I start my next job.
Are we rich yet faggots ?
I'm eating eggs and sausage right now

Happy to hear that, I was working in 2023, as a contract engineer on a program and was laid off but all of the carpet pigs kept their jobs.
They have a LATINO and LGBT club
They can't get the correct parachute cords for the rocket but they have lots of diversity managers
I have about 80K in crypto, right now, my plan was to get an entire btc in 2023, but missed that boat after lay offs.
I love you more nigger

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I hold corecuckcoin, but I use BCH.

same but i've now started to slowly get more exposure to bch as i feel its bottomed out. i still only have 2pct BCH tho. I am going to move to about 10pct over the course fo the next 5 years.

Is 10 BCH enough to make it?

i'd upgrade to 21 now its still possible and if that's not possible you'll need 11 sir so get one more.

Where did the 21 Meme come from ?
Suppose that we are extremely bullish and that BTC lingers around 100K and BCH would be somewhere around 20K ?

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21 million bitcoin

it's one millionth of the supply

So 0.000001 of a BTC then for BCH ?

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That's BSV dumbass newfag

Two Big Brains helping me here

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Is 1 BCH enough to make it? I can't buy more until the weekend

no only one million people can ever own 21 BCH
of course many have more than 21, so the number of people that will actually own 21 is far less than 1 million

it's the same tokenomics as BTC


is bch the real bitcoin? or xmr? or ltc?
should I invest in all of them?


BCH and XMR are the real vision of peer2peer cash.


why is ltc no good?

its not bad but it implemented segwit and is just the bitcoin core testnet historically. but its not bad. I just don't see any reason to hold it. I use it sometimes when XMR and BCH are not an option. LTC adopted segwit and wants to scale with Lightning network.