Datta's experience began on a dating app -- Hinge, in her case, where last January she met "Ancel...

Datta's experience began on a dating app -- Hinge, in her case, where last January she met "Ancel," who introduced himself as a French wine trader based in Philadelphia.

Datta said she was "charisma bombed" as the conversation quickly moved to WhatsApp. The gym buff with a dreamy smile deleted his Hinge profile to give her "focused attention," a refreshing experience in the age of fleeting online relationships.

jeets are now using french boy pics to scam their jeeta sisters.

oh no not the poor women

She turned to her London-based brother, who did a reverse image search of the pictures "Ancel" had sent her and found they were of a German fitness influencer.

"When I realized it was all a scam and all the money was gone, I had proper PTSD symptoms -- I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, couldn't function," Datta said.

she lost 450k

lol. lmao even

she lost 450k

I wouldn't give that kind of money to a close relative wtf

you arent an ethnic woman being love bombed by a handsome white man

Women will do crazy things for dick, especially once they're past the wall. Dudes joke about dragging their balls through miles of broken glass to hand deliver a blank check tied to their life savings for the chance to sniff a crumb of pussy. Single women over 35 actually do that shit.

Based Nigerian prince made bank

Neither was she

It's pretty amazing how often this happens to woman.

Stupid cunt was too good for some indian man back home. Probably said no to 100s of men that her parents brought her to marry, thinking that she can do better.
The thing is, some might, but a vast majority of them are
MIDWITs of the highest echelon.
They literally only flourish in proper environments with no preddators, literal fuck deers.
I swear to god, you might think I am an incel, but most of them are so fucking average. Status obsessed cunts, literal no soul creatures.
They look good on paper, but is so fucking flawed if you come to know them.

Stupid cunt was too good for some indian man back home. Probably said no to 100s of men that her parents brought her to marry, thinking that she can do better.

this is all my sisters unironically

oh god nooo an INDAN WOMAN lost her saving????

Disgusting race baiting
Oh it couldn’t be like “someone lost money” no it was a WOMAN OF COLOR you chuds, it’s more urgent

wouldn't have happened if she hadn't gotten a divorce


Anon Babble is a pajeet board.

i know

Chad always redeems

That actually is very sad and any of the anons cracking jokes are honestly being needlessly cruel at this point


unattractive / overweight

still on dating apps

unintelligent / gullible

loses retirement fund

It's genuinely over for her bros, show some compassion.

Dick is free, even at 35, if you date in your categorical vicinity. The problem is she's a pudgy 4.5/10 on top of looking older than she is. She could land slightly better if she chose someone middle aged or Indian. Good looking men don't have to date down and don't feel the need to since they aren't mentally whipped from birth. She's stupid to not to recognize money would be involved. Given sudden exclusive attention when you're meh/ugly and they're hot means you're dealing with a narc, escort, or scammer.

No, not any dick.
Probably a dick attached to a 10/10 guy.
Dick is literally free for her pussy, but her brain is mush and she still waiting for Prince Charming

Exotic fit European~ man with stereotypical ~sexy~ name and ~wealthy~ career in exclusive wine export and tasting~

Couldn't see that one.

I for one welcome our pajeet brothers. They are playing life on hard mode, but at least we can all enjoy cricket, eh what

it's her own fault, even as a not so good looking girl she would have had many suitors when she was young and she ignored them all. Female loneliness is always the women's fault for being picky. ridiculous that at age 35 she is still trying to secure a chad

why do these holes think guys like that would be attracted to them?

meanwhile a regular dude probably couldn't convince her to meet for a coffee lmao

she got pig butchered, this scam is run by chinese and burmese mafia out of slave labour in myanmar


lmao...cant be real

>She turned to her London-based brother, who did a reverse image search of the pictures "Ancel" had sent her and found they were of a German fitness influencer.

Pajeeta needed to jump into a conference call to do a reverse image search.

I used to work with a lot of Indians. I can confirm that this event actually happened.

dont lie, its run by pakistan mafia using indian untouchable slaves

In the free market money always ends up where it belongs eventually. This is eugenic.

she had enough smarts to earn 450k though

Women mistake men's willingness to fuck just about anything to be the same as wanting to be with her.

How can shit like this fly these days?
And why can't I get myself to do it.

AI will only make this worse due to the fact that you can’t reverse search the generated model.

Correct take

My dating app is full of women over 35. Literally every 1-2 days it increases and they all are ready to settle down (because I'm just itching to sprint through the growth of a relationship to accommodate your biological impulses kicking in)

Women over 35 and single moms under 35, I am a fuckin magnet for them on hinge. It's like winning the jackpot and the pot is full of monopoly money

Staying on topic: lmao 450k

Bro I find it so dumb that I can pull hotter women now that they are over 30 then I could when I was younger. It just cheapens the whole shit like you wouldn't want me back then because you were just dating out of your league but you are ready to settle with me now and I'm supposed to be thrilled about that. Yeah no, I'm still going to date younger women. Roasties can go fuck themselves.

French wine trader

Straight out of the sopranos

Based poocel

jeetcels are the most redpilled men on earth

So your take from all this is that, thirsty old roasties who are shooting WAAAY above their mark, might get even more justed?!?
Old roasties must learn to stay in their own lanes, cats, wine, and dildos

why would she when some 6 foot 3 white fitness model was chatting her up

lol she is a nigger looking Indian
She was wet from the start of that chat, to learning about the scam