I'm selling it all and splitting into BTC/ETH

I fucking hate Sergey. I fucking hate Ari. I fucking hate Rory. I fucking hate Schmidt. I fucking hate Ellis. I fucking hate Balaji. I fucking hate Barrett. I fucking hate Thomas. I hate every last fucking cretin who was involved in this money laundering, money fucking incinerator. My stack has been dying vs ETH for 4 straight years now. I once had 3000 ETH in LINK, and now it's barely 120 ETH. FUCK Chainlink, FUCK the staking pool, and fuck that goddamn piece of shit CCIP vaporware they've failed at for 4 years now.

Good luck the rest of the way, marines. Even if you are the biggest retards on planet Earth.

pieceof.png - 4000x2251, 960.35K

Okay can I have your staking slot please


Midwit detected

Just 2 more weeks marines! Don't sell wagmi!! Sergey nazarov (peace be upon him inshallah) needs you! just believe in him!

think of the heckin based seceet breadcrumbs!!!!!

This one sounds legit guys.

In the process of claiming my rewards and withdrawing, first I'm about to market dump what I have liquid. I am DONE with this carrot on a stick

You should shove that carrot up your ass

I agree, Link is the gayest piece of shit in crypto bar none. Holding it is a curse, and it basically ruined my life. I hope all those faggots who made this thing took a quadruple dose of the vaccines. But I'm still never selling, because the second I do it'll rocket straight to #1 mcap. So I just stack other tokens hoping to make it off them, because no matter what choice I make with link I'm guaranteed to lose.


They're pieces of shit. Every fucking day "you ready? huh? ready for cross chain? huh huh? you ready for ccip? hehe you ready? why ccip protects enterprises with 5 layers of dong"


he blames sergey for being a terrible trader and mindless hodler

. I once had 3000 ETH in LINK, and now it's barely 120 ETH

I'm new to this. How is this possible? Does it mean that link massively underperformed eth? I thought eth was a dead coin?

the cuckolds of crypto

If you had 3000 in eth you have at least 350 eth now
Just saying this is larp

Oh wow so it's really that bad?

Finally all of you retards are waking up. I keep saying it…it is going to get so ugly here when you completely miss this bull (currently in process)

To add insult to injury, the team gaslights you daily. They dont give a fuck about all of you losers, they despise you

Team sends damage control to immediately tell me it's down 90% instead of 95%

kek, kys please. Just do it. Chainlink Labs is a joke of a company and I'm sorry I ever invested a dime in you useless pink haired fags

he seethes at le heckin oracle company for only giving him a x100 instead of a x1000 (which would be x100000 if he knew how to press the sell button)

Well, that sucks anon ngl
All i can tell you is to spend your money more efficiently and try to find coins that are worth your investement. For example, i'm goin for this one that seems promising.

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link is up 16x vs eth since the ico
but in the crazy 2020 spike it went up big against btc and eth
some holders can't get over this, and fudders also love it as they can say link is down 80% vs eth
which is true but you would have had to time the top perfectly and incur a large taxable event

Thanks. So anyone that bought after 2020 would have been better buying eth than link them. Hmmm, thanks, good food for thoughts I might want to adjust then

It’s funny in your argument you’re allowed to talk about ico gains but le fudders cant use the 2020 top. Isnt it unironic, dont you think

anyone who bought from late 2019 to mid 2021 would be worse off

i mean it's really massive gains over a two year period, not just ico
and then fairly flat since mid-2021
i am in ethtard places and some of them are still beating themselves up about be 70% down vs btc which just dumb
same thing here but yea shit if you bought top in 2020, it's true

Ok so let's say link goes up against eth again. Can it go back to its old top or should I sell before?

i mean it really depends on what your aim is right
if you want to acculumate eth from your link then make trades based on that as it climbs, it would be surprising it see it reach that link/eth ath for some years
but of course link bulls see LINK as far bigger than ETH so really depends on your timelines. if swift adopts properly (maybe 2026 ot 2027 then it will be bigger than ETH yes)
but if you're just wanting to take profit into usd then selling to eth will trigger a taxable event, might be better off just staying in link and selling at set USD targets during the bull
don't get greedy

LOLOLOLOL w8 which barrett kek no fn way you got duped by that loser kike faggot nigger

How ? Ive bought most Of my stack around 0.2x$, if I bought Eth instead let’s say at 100$ I still made 2times more holding link than ethers

No idea what you all complaining about, link was the safest and most obvious bet of crypto
We will see 200$ this year

IMG_6843.jpg - 1284x2025, 349.81K

I bought my stack at ico so why is everyone the 6 years after that so pissed?

Retard confirmed

Ico was 0.11$

That doesn’t change op’s topic, link has performed poorly for many years and your cope won’t change that

i mean... kinda?
in 2021 it went to $50 which was just a ridiculous return for the board which bought from $0.20 to $0.50
then since the bull run it has been about average, although it has been strong over last 6 months going up 10 ranks
but yes for those who made link their identity and didn't take profit then it has been very rough
of course the other topic is that yes it's fucked that it's only rank 14 rather than rank 3
that is the true cause of most of the negativity and fud and i get that

kek fuddies

It will be in the top 5 soon

that is the true cause of most of the negativity and fud

this is the cause of the fud

The two faces of chainlink mental illness captured in one post. Beautiful

Stop starting everything you write with "I mean". retard. Its completely fucking useless.

Just that remember that not even one time has a fudding disparaged ex-Linkie posted any proof whatsoever of selling his stack and rotating into other projects.

LMFAO so they literally stole your ETH. Didn't realize staking chainshit was that bad!


the main thing is to TAKE PROFIT this time
this will heal all
