How do you stack up?

Or do normies beat you?

NetWorthGrid.png - 649x542, 32.48K

Here's the thing OP. If you have me 10 million but told me I have to die tomorrow. I would choose my life over 10 million. So my net worth is much more than the number your bank tells me.

My projected remaining lifespan is 60 years though

Would you trade those 60 years for 10 million?

This seems outdated

I'm 90%.

No, but extrapolating my growth, I will have a net worth of around $85 million when I croak, adjusted for inflation.


290k mortgage left on house worth at very least 630k

230k crypto

27k stocks

10k cash

-75k student debt

It's fucking over

65% and I’m poor. I’ll get up to 80-90% by end of year thanks to AVI.

apparently it's pre-covid. does anyone know if this is a global metric or just for people in the US, for example?

Fair. I'm top 90%. But it's my comfy cope for not having made it yet.

I'm at 95% in my age group. Being 95% in the 65+ group (I'm 31) is going to be kino (will probably put me in the <1% in my age group too).

This must be outdated, because I'm in the 85th percentile.

30 yo
167k networth.

because of bitcoin im at the top 95pct. and im in europe too people are poorer here than in merica.

Most people are broke as fuck because they don’t actuallly save or invest. I know many people that make 6 figures that live paycheck to paycheck and don’t even con tribute to a 401k.



It's over. I have a car and a girlfriend but so does everyone and most people have houses my age too. I'm white by the way so don't tell me how everyone around you is broke, I already know you're brown and went to public schools

download (6).jpg - 168x300, 10.47K

Bro when you get into the 65+ age group you’re going to get so much elderly window pussy it’s not even funny.


NetWorthGrid.png - 649x542, 124.49K

No not everyone does dumb demoralization poster

65% which is crazy high for what I actually worked

that chart is probably outdated, but 10% because of crypto

would have been 50% without crypto

lmao bro did not understand the chart

black line is anything I'm below

Does home equity count toward NW?

Yes but I only based mine on investments




$2 million at 28

feeling comfy if these stats are to be believed


$12k to my name


didn't know I was winning like that

pepeshades.png - 657x527, 50.8K

This is the chart you aim for if you're going to retire broke and entirely dependent on your social security checks to survive, but you want to tell yourself you're in the upper half of all retirees so really you're doing quite well.

Boost your saving rate, anon.

Has to be the US man, third and second worldies save like 5k and are a god in their hometown.

almost 2x of 95th percentile

I am lord of fiatniggers. True wealth and power eludes me, but I want for not.

sell the crypto

sell the stocks

pay off your student loan debt completely

pay off your house to where you can finish paying it off within the next year through income

be completely debt free, own your home outright

all in the next year

Think about it.

It absolutely is outdated, I remember seeing this over a decade ago.

this is outdated. all these values should be 10x after the 2021 bullrun

you are dumber than a pile of shit, boy


$85k in crypto

$70k in 401k

$25k in personal stocks

-$12k student debt

-$15k car loan

rentoid cuck

i feel ok

18, 14k portfolio so 70%, today made big moves actually, was 510 shares palantir, bought in the teens trimmed profit down to 350 and bought 898 shares of SOUN, had 25 shares before but NVDA investing made me mega bullish. Plus 11 shares of BP, am I making it bros?

Home Equity:250k
Vehicles: 40k
Total: 350k net worth
Result: top 90%

Thought I’d be higher DESU :( feel like a failure



All in Bitcoin.

that better be in USD you smelly Leaf...

sell crypto, stocks, and car

pay off student loans and buy a $6,000 Honda Civic or Toyota Camry private sale

Use the remaining $100,000 as a down payment on a home with a yard and room to improve with your own labor on the weekend

It's so easy, anon. You just have to shake the brainwashing that debt is good. Debt is slavery. Free yourself.

Used to be at 90% for 35-39 age group in 2021. Now I'm at 75% for 40-44.

You're so silly anon

It's hard to believe I'm in the top 5% considering how poor I feel. The idea that 95% of people have even less makes me wonder how anyone gets by

23 years and 7 months old

Only have a 31k net worth

It's fucking over for me

currently at 70% but entering the next age group will push me down to 60%