What is going on? Why are there barely any green posts? Back in 2021 the entire catalog would be filled by now

What is going on? Why are there barely any green posts? Back in 2021 the entire catalog would be filled by now.

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wait till we break ath and/or 100k

55k and not a single celebration thread?

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Because alts are underperforming BTC and ETH for 3 years straight

shhh anon. Do you hear that? I don't either, retail is still quiet. Keep your fucking mouth shut until new ath.

People were so traumatized by Bobo that they fear celebration.



There's enormous sell pressure right now.

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Because this textbook Disbelief.

These gains will be erased by the weekend

It's a scam pump

Another bart

Another marge

No one believes this is it.

I'm glad to see that there are still anons left on this board who remember barting

Because they know it's not the real deal yet, and they know the more it pumps, the more brutally it will dump. Unless you sell now and rebuy later, this little pump is going to mean nothing in the long run.

most people me included don't feel this rally is sustainable, huge dump March and post halving is programmed. Capo is unironically correct


Also a huge top signal. I solded.


im so glad I bought those raffles on eesee yesterday, not price is going over 10% just for waiting a day.
Feeling bullish already

the longer you hold bitcoin the less these, in all honesty, tame price movements effect you. wake me up when we get a 25k candle

56k rejected harshly to the upside

I fomo from eth into worldcoin at $9 now it's $7 and eth is pumping I'm probably the only one who loses more than bears right now. Down more than 30% of my eth in two days.

This board is basically reddit at this point. The normies still need to watch the news on TV in order to find out what happened. I expect more traffic tomorrow.

Can't believe I put everything into USDC staking on CB a year ago, and didn't want to go 50/50 btc/etc because the fees are high. Fees are nothing to these stupids gains.

Surely a correction is due now?

Normals God priced out only big boys now

Because this pump is not organic, tether is manipulating pre halving to trap gullible etf boomers.

muh tether!

because this board is like 70% bots trying to get rubes to pump their shitcoins.

Because getting back to ath is fully expected, nobody was not expecting it

This board will go wild when alts x10 and bitcoin is reaching 90k+

In other words, bitcoin reaching 55k-ATH is just another day

This isn't the bullrun yet. Bullrun starts at 70k

It’s 9pm; no one was expecting this, and a lot of people are working or sleeping.

doesn't realize it's a scam wick

I really hope you didn't fomo in

most people? speak for yourself. and as for (((You))), I have a question: you don't think the amount of BoomerBux will keep things sustainable? followup: are you retarded and/or a nigger?

He doesn't HODL Dogecoin

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More like 90% after that guy cracked the captcha code and posted a thread here selling his jeetAIware. I'm sure a bunch of people bought it and now this site is INFESTED with fucking AI conversations.

Because no one here holds any BTC.

god damn, not even a little uptick

The bullrun has never started right after beating the ATH, it's always a little while later


Everyone made it

This Most recent portfolio threads have people holding nothing but shitcoins, or at most the commonly recommended 1 BTC.

Also checking those quads

I'm going up too quickly before the Bitcoin halving. People are scared the market will dump violently soon. Personally, I think the game has changed due to the ETFs being approved. New ATH will be reached in the next week or two and we'll see BTC at $100k+ before the end of 2024.

Personally, I think the game has changed due to the ETFs

Dude I am fucking LOATHE to say its a "New Paradigm," but its a "New Paradigm." This shit is insane.

New Paradigm.jpg - 1698x1131, 404.1K

be me

it's a shitty day and there's a storm outside

a fucking lightpole/electricity pole fell next to my doorway

i don't want to die

stay home

can't attend job

call in sick to avoid getting in trouble



check the state of a shitcoin i invested in (SPX6900)

start scrolling Anon Babble

some schizo wants more greenposts


There you go. Hope that makes you happy anon