/pmg/ - Precious Metals General

Rika Edition

Why Gold?


Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable


Bullion dealers

libertycoin.com/ (US)
chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)
more at: pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

Numismatic search


News and graphs



findbullionprices.com/ (US)
eu.compare.pm/ (EU)
gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)





Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test


Previous Thread:

Bro...I.. I'm gon.. I'm gonnna sttaaaaaaaaaack

Look at this beautiful chart.....

Up 30% in one month and each bitcoin airdropped 6 free ounces of gold. I made over 2 pounds of gold plus 800 pounds of silver in the last few weeks......for free

I wanted yall to become rich too....I told you this would happen it was so obvious like as obvious as paying 40% premium on a commodity is a scam obvious.......

Anyway I'm now the biggest stacker on this blog bigger than all you combined....I'm disappointed in yall for not getting rich....do better

Look at this beautiful chart lads, isn't it wonderful?

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I have 6.8% of my net worth in PM with a ration of 140:0.I have $4,000 to invest. Should I wait another paycheck and get an ounce of gold and a 100oz silver bar?

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we haven't had a rika edition in a while

Why are you asking people who lose money on every trade? You should learn to think for yourself because looking at your stack that you posted listening to metal salesmen isn't working out

just stick to gold at this point, I dont see silver doing anything other than crabbing, but lets hope gold dumps

I have 6.8% of my net worth in PM

rookie numbers
i'm at about 25% myself

you're silly
silver has way more upside, as usual

20toz.png - 1168x766, 1.65M

does it though? When are we going To see that upside?

I already have a lot of upside from buying many years ago
sorry if you're late and listening to retard D&C FUDers itt

did you mean to post in /smg/ or what

that was originally going to be in response to the btc iq post, but i decided against it

Never, they all lost at least 80% on silver meaning it has to go to $150 just for them to break even

You clearly have the metals of force to protect your metals of commerce, so I'd say put it all in silver eagles. jmho.

Bitcoin/gold ratio hits 27.5! On its way to 50 very soon....lmao free gold it that's your fetish

Quit spamming your shitcoin bullcrap. This thread is for physical stacks.

it looks like they are slightly different for 2024, but not as much as the renders made it seem.

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Silver and gold don't pay interest or dividends that's why experts call them dead money. The only way to make money on gold and silver is selling them to retards who no comprende the financial system

crypto nerds will seethe

where is everyone?

Selling their retard rocks and buying bitcoin.....lmao they have been hemorrhaging money for 10 years enough is enough

I only collect Silver in case this whole place goes to shit. Will that happen? I really do not know.

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Do you have 11,000 ounces?cuz that's how much you will need if everything goes to shit to cover $50,000 in spending

I just think they're neat!

SilverChud.jpg - 4000x3000, 1.28M

rookie numbers

I'd prefer it be higher, but do you have a 7 figure net worth and keep your PM hidden from your family?

silver eagles

I agree, but that makes it all that much more enticing

Thinking to add a cheeky 100g gold bar to double the value of my metal box.

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does the number of shills depend on who makes the thread (if they make it or not)?


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the toning on that is really nice

how do you keep them from tarnishing?
There are some really nice deals recently if you are willing to deal on plebbit pmsforsale. It's a buyer's market. I've been seeing Pre-33 gold for barely over spot - two years ago it was like $200 premiums - and generic gold bars and rounds has been selling below spot.

It's inevitable that your silver will start to discolor.I'm sure you can try to keep it in a moisture controlled plastic container if you really care that much.

you could probably just give them a quick dip after a while if it bothers someone enough.

No good answer last thread

20 Franc, 0.18oz, $395

$2.50 indian head, 0.12oz, $410

Goldbacks.jpg - 3024x3024, 3.67M

Duh... need a question. Is the premium for the indian head just because it's US minted coin? I own 7 Swiss 20 Francs, have one indian head on order. I don't think I'll be buying another unless I see a deal too good to pass at a coin shop or show.

20 francs.

Depends on if you want to gamble with (((numismatic value))) or not. If you do, make sure it's a good specimen. AU minimum.

let me know the secret 24k jewelry vendor

Stop buying silver. Just buy 2 oz of gold and some fractional. Silver is an industrial metal first and foremost. Gold is the only true store of value and that is why every central bank is hoarding it right now.

And gold doesn't tarnish, that's why gold is the chosen metal. Silver is for the poors who can only dream of holding 10 oz of gold in their hands.

Do you think the GSR will maintain 90:1 if silver becomes a monetary metal again?

gamble with (((numismatic value)))

No more indian heads then. My next gold will be a Soviet 10 ruble and then a 1toz AGE.

Um, you ARE salmon stacking, aren't you, /pmg/???

I wish those were in stores by me.

I'll give you a hint, anon - a cute girl posted them in the prior thread.

Central banks don't hold it because it is too scarce. It actually can't be both a store of value and simultaneously an industrial metal.
This is why you are here to be a fuddy duddy. A flat screen TV costs several hundred dollars and they all have close to 2 ounces of silver in them.
What would happen to the price of TVs if silver was priced based on supply/demand of physical availability and not paper silver/derivatives.

Gold is a great investment to weather the global bankruptcy of humanity that is looming. But per historical, mining, and current ratios, silver is comically cheap.
I hold gold only to stay diversified. However the trader in me thinks it is obviously the correct choice for everyone to sell ALL of their golf for silver.
Central banks are massive and could easily slurp up 100% of the silver market if they really wanted to. But that betrays the trust of the paper-ponzi we all consent to living under. You are I are free to buy up silver and they really can't do anything to stop us. But make no mistake about it, real-life shortage will be exposed first and foremost in the silver market. This makes it hands-down the single most important commodity in the world aside from oil.

Bitcoin/gold ratio hits 28! Up 10% today and I receive my third airdrop today of an ounce of gold for every bitcoin in my stack. This is insane in the membrane.

It's important to remember this is just the beginning the US government has lots of debt and gold to sell

Wow just wow......maybe bitcoin isn't up maybe yall are right the $ (and gold) are crashing.....hmm I need to think this over

Do you have Costco where you live? I just realized that I didn't actually buy one, since I put it back to take a photo and then forgot to grab one afterwards and in my excitement I even made the post to an Anon Babble thread instead on accident. I am disappoint. Looks like it's just silver and gold stacking for me :

yep, I vote 20FR unless you happen across a really nice indian head like pic related. you generally have to go with private sellers or auctions to get a reasonable deal on something like that.

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This is why you are here to be a fuddy duddy. A flat screen TV costs several hundred dollars and they all have close to 2 ounces of silver in them.

What would happen to the price of TVs if silver was priced based on supply/demand of physical availability and not paper silver/derivatives.

The world would be a better place if smart phones, computers and TV were almost unattainable for the poor. Then they'd read more books and get smarter, and then not poor. Cheap and readily available electronics are part of the globalists agenda to keep us from becoming genuinely more equal. They thrive on class warfare.

This. They need cheap silver for their digital nightmare prison.

There's 0 chance of silver or gold ever again being a monetary metal on planet earth but sure in a fantasy world where you instantly create demand that exceeds supply then the gsr (kektop auto correct changed gsr to garbage) would change

crypto is like watching a car accident in slow motion

I am not disagreeing with the horror of technology on the human experience.
My point was to illustrate how the price of silver can turn the global economy on its head if it is not contained.
The banks need us to keep buying in to the paper-ponzi so they can dilute our purchasing power to pay off debts. And if people seek refuge in physical capital and goods then that will pose some serious problems as banks can't paper over real-world-shortages.
I think silver is the thinnest, most dangerous commodity there is. It is also a logical safe haven for loss of purchasing power of bank credit. It's a literal ticking-time-bomb waiting to go off which is why I want as much of it as I can get my hands on while I still can.

Based. I'm going to begin focusing a higher ratio of gold from here on out. But every other purchase will be gold/silver/gold/silver...

This is the kind of FUD I miss on pmg from the glory days....well done

You're not welcome here, real-fudder...

Yep, notice they don't block access to gold and silver since they don't hedge against inflation

The US government holds more of the world Bitcoin supply than gold reserves, unless Satoshi goes mask off. Especially if you figure they can just nationalize the 3 biggest corporate holders in a shtf situation.

all powerful government keeping silver price low

buy silver

Kektop,,,....,.,.,., yall love to lose your money and stay poor

stay poor

Imagine being IQDELETE. Topkek.

That image proves the $ is king......more and more countries use the $ as legal tender

$ is king

It's still a debt receipt. Nice try you dumbass.

You always get upset when I point out the $ is king

It obviously is

Maybe you don't like it but if the $ wasn't king your standard of living would crash unless you lived in China or Russia or brazil

$ is king

It obviously is

I'm just upset that you're retarded and allowed to access the internet without approval of your state appointed caretaker. Because we both know your parents don't love you enough to care about you, let alone care for your useless ass.