/BBBYQ/ Bed Bath & Beyond

Basic Information


Share Buyback Fraud Explained


TEDDY was just a BOOK


Do companies state that they face share buyback... but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", dilute for short sellers and bring bankruptcy to shareholders?


How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That not Benefits Shareholders


End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)


Umm Uhh Uhh Uhhh Umm


GameStop as always been the only true play

Shrimple as that

previously on nonsneed

As always

Kek poolties

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I love Ryan Cohen. He made over $68,100,000 profit by swinging BBBY. That's the savvy investor I want as CEO of my company and in charge of an investment strategy that lets him do whatever he wants!

kek bumpbaggies

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The bake gets raked

shills in shambles

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When we eat

This cake!

how am I buying this on 2024

this is why your girl left you btw

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Swing and a miss; I am still happily accounted for, but I always appreciate the tryhard efforts of our resident sisyshillies.

So is Jake going to acknowledge that the credit bid dd hes been pushing for almost a year is now disproven by today’s dockets?

Oh non sequitur squad, I've missed you in the real bakes

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Nice non sequitur

That's it! I'm selling all of my shares NOW. I wanted to be a billionaire by hitching a ride on the largest short squeeze in history but this is taking too long. I will be liquidating everything and only buying SPY while maxing out my 401k

Sixth street talked about credit bid on dockets about 2-3 times. There may be others. Jake talked about credit bids alot.

Now, today plan man questions the Meadows claim. That is unrelated to Jakes credit bid speculation. A credit bid, would consist in existing debt, in form of bonds or such, being changed into other forms of ownership, erasing the debt. Meadows do not have bonds or other assets that could be used for a credit bid. So no, this has nothing to do with Jakes thoughts on credit bid.

moving the goalposts on the meadows claim

lol, not surprising

bro, we never claimed the $10 billion claim was a credit bid

lol, lmao

Damn you sure have kept up with the intricacies of a chapter 11 bankruptcy case of a kitchen utensils and bed sheets company haven’t you?

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Yeah, it’s hilarious. You all are more deluded than q-anon.

Oh— I mean I’m paid to be here.

I'm literally here every single day with over six million shares that Doug Cifu is hiding from me and I don't even know as much as these shillies.

Maybe you should follow jake2b on Twitter. He’s the #1 source for correct and accurate bbby analysis!

That waterfall sure is looking tasty, isn't it baggies?

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I was answering the claim, that dockets today "disprove" credit bid DD, which is ridiculous.

As for the Meadows claim, there is no public knowledge of what it means. Goldberg bringing attention to it is excellent, as we will see more of it in coming dockets.

I'm hoping things wrap up soon, it's been more than a year.

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The plan administrator has explicitly stated there is no credit bid.

Could Jake2b go to any ol CH11 bankruptcy and concoct a similar M&A thesis? This BBBYQ bankruptcy is all quite bizarre.
I think we are getting $45 per share, our BBBY shares returned AND we get Teddy shares for being so based.

It’s not bizarre. It a big standard chapter 11 liquidation.

inb4 brainlet response of “durrrr I am a third world retard that didn’t know chapter 11 can end in liquidation”

The shills have to inb4 being called pajeeties.


Ooooooo Shillies!
I'm going to go eat and then play some video games. Please read today's dockets and have all of your silliest talking points ready for me by the time I return for your nightly kekking.

Kek Bruno is trying to get Bobbie’s involved in a class action lawsuit. Delay das round 2. Predictions on how many weeks until Bruno goes the route of every other plant and goes dark after he gets subpoenaed? I say 2 weeks.

So if the hertz timeline means anything and we’re to maybe get some information at the year mark that’s got to be coming up. It was late April they followed ch 11 iirc

Wow this is all so odd none of this makes sense it isn't normal

Why no I have never observed a bankruptcy before why do you ask?

Basic Information


Share Buyback Fraud Explained


GMERICA: RICO's Rough Sting & Launching TEDDY on tZERO, Part 6


GMERICA, part 5

youtube.com/watch?v=0cDAudr8MY0&t=5597s [Open] [Open]



Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?


How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders


End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)


Blackrock 14% stake in BBBY

Pool’s closed for equity, common stock is canceled

In chapter 11 unsecured creditors occasionally converted to equity or receive a payout, bonds are still trading

2034 bonds


2044 bonds


Recovery possible in chapter 11 following the absolute priority rule


Similar situation happened with Hertz. Stock declared worthless, followed by recovery for equity interests.


Various outlets have hinted at recovery through a new entity


What are NOLs?


How can NOLs be used in chapter 11?


A new paradigm?


BBBY had over 4 billion in NOL carryover entering chapter 11


Who is Michael I. Goldberg? Plan administrator for BBBY chapter 11

Connections to FBI, busted madoff, possible white hat.


Michael I. Goldberg as current plan administrator is pursuing full waterfall recovery including fraud investigations


ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud


DTCC may have given even more evidence of fraud involving naked shorts in April 2023

776 million shares recorded as held by DTCC, BBBY claims only 739 million shares outstanding


Carol Flaton - Carl Ichans appointee in Xerox take over


What is Edwin sounding off on x about with all the political shit. Holy glow op. It just dawned on me that Edwin C Barnes is the character from Think & Grow Rich kek. Guy has to toil for 5 years but eventually makes it.

You know how PP went to Maralago and met with a bunch of right wing political operatives and was bragging about it on Twitter?

Please stop spamming the thread with links to advertise pp’s YouTube show.


lol, you don’t even realize what you just exposed

Will I be a magnet for insta thots post MOAS?

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Ah, maninck22 I presume.

I would love to hear your ignorance about what you think that means.

No. Sauce? It’s become clear over time that there’s perhaps some type of alliance happening between elements of certain political factions and a few of the visible members of this play. Pulte is a trump guy, RC was making based vaxx cracks before it was cool, and it’s clear if you look at his bros social media that he’s not a leftist haha. The Edwin thing just stuck out because it was so “wow! How could this be?? Let’s break it down!!”…by the way none of the aforementioned makes me particularly bearish. I don’t engage with American politics but frankly if there’s some institutional backing happening behind the scenes between powerful people that may bode well for the idea that this is a controlled demo/gubment handhold into the future. People are already talking about a pendulum swing and it is an election year.

This is the same anon that believed a YouTube link with a timestamp was somehow a tracking url or utm parameter. He is unironically retarded and a pedophile. He lost money on gme back in the sneeze

he sold kek

and now he takes out the anger of losing that money and his reddit account on this thread because he thinks we had something to do with it.

This is all 100% accurate.

Even if it was, I know you don't have access to the tools that would allow you to make use of them, and if you pretended you did, it would only implicate the retarded amount of resources and assets deployed to control the narrative about my cancelled stock on this Mongolian throat singing forum. So go ahead and lie to me about how cool you are.

You’re right. I’m just making this stuff up to entertain myself. And I’m not cool at all - sorry. :(

That's more like it

I’m just impressed with how you are always able to so accurately sum up my motivations and background with total accuracy.

It's a heavy cross to bear sometimes, but btfoing my sisyshillies while awaiting moass makes it all worth it.

that pic

I’m guessing you’re trying to say that I’m strong like atlas?

Did you shill the AMC threads nonstop too?

No. I don’t think I’ve ever posted in an AMC thread, if I’m being honest.

Wrong again, but I know you're used to that.

lol, now you’re trying to gaslight me about Roman mythology. Clearly that’s atlas.

Sisyshillies unironically don't know who Sisyphus is

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calling atlas a sissy

He was literally the strongest man in the world.

September 30, 2024