Food Pepes look like they’re in bubble territory. How do I profit from this

Food Pepes look like they’re in bubble territory. How do I profit from this

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This is the new normal

I’m unironically expecting a fruit head Pepe token

Ngl I thought the Fruit Pepe market was becoming saturated but then they hit us with the Sweets Pepe's and I was in love all over again

Its not a bubble

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It will be a scam and we will lose all of our money

That’s exactly what a bubble would say. There’s top signals everywhere

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That's exactly what someone who misses the god candle would say thoughbeit

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I’m sitting on like 8 or 9 unreleased rares
Should I market dump or hodl?

DCA in DCA out anon. Don't dump

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Gracias amigo

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imagine the dead skin

They are dank with matching t-shirts.

Yes, I have my puts in

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Pepe Orange (TM) is the only one that's valuable. All the other food Pepes are pajeet scampepes.

If you're not already all in on Pepe Orange (TM) (Ticker: P.Ornge) then it's too late and you're never gonna make it.

Best one yet, kek

Fucking maxi. Orange Pepe is outdated boomer tech

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did this trend start on Anon Babble

It started on the internet

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not me though, I will dump on you all first and finally enter 5 figure heaven

yeah sure buddy the internet is just one big website and everything started on it sounds like some stupid bullshit normies would believe the internet doesn't even exist and you're retarded if you think it does

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i have so fucking many of these things

This is great and I would make my own fruit pepe if I wasn't at bed abput to sleep. Too bad some jeet faggot will make an NFT collection of this and kill the joke. This space has made me too cynical yo just enjoy silly things.

i completely agree, we dont have long before some fucking faggot makes a token or nft collection
itll rug too
for now its very fun though

do you want to make real money or are you just writing this to steal the images? to make money you have to work fucking black. Take paper and pencil, open an account in some decent exchange and support Truflation to start earning money.

They're already trying to in another thread. I was wrong dump it quick

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They're already trying


Anyone have the peach Pepe without this ridiculous no fruit zone on it?

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That one is trapped in the no fruit zone right now. It's unavailable.

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I heard someone paid big bucks to commission these.

Now these are quality.

I find this thread highly inflationary

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is better to steal images than to shill your fucking shit project you fucking poojet

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freshly minted, check it out


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Pepe is actually mooning! wtf fren bro's

_______ is mooning

Fr fr no cap