/GME/ - GameStop GAME STOP

GameStop Info Summary

Complete corporate revamp / shift into e-commerce by CEO Ryan Cohen
New executive specialists (e-commerce, UI, UX, blockchain, supply chain operations...)
Debt free and cash flow positive
More than $1 billion in cash available for acquisition and shares purchase
More than $1 billion in inventory
NFT marketplace & Gaming plateforme paused

GameStop websites


DRS & BOOK your shares to ensure you're not rugpulled

DRS Guide:


Avoid DSPP (DirectStock PLAN):


DRS & Computershare shares according to (((Cede & Co)))

10/30/2021 - 20.8M
04/30/2022 - 50.8M
07/30/2022 - 71.3M
06/01/2023 - 76.6M
06/20/2023 - Mainstar rugpull: 1,270,566 shares unDRS'ed
08/31/2023 - 75,4M
11/31/2023 - 75,4M

Investor 10-K annual report, 10-Q earnings & 8-K


4-for-1 Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend (Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. on 21st AH)


GameStop Ownership

40% Held by Institutions (Institutions, Mutual Funds, ETFs...)
25% Held by Individuals directly registered (DRS)
12% Held by Insiders
21% Shorted Shares

RRP falling from the ledge like hedgies

09/29/2023 - $1,557B 108P
10/13/2023 - $1,079B 97P
12/01/2023 - $769B 90P
02/01/2024 - $503B, 74P

Daily reminder

Temporary alliance with jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later

BBBYQ nonsense is finally over

Power to the individual bakers

Buckle up:


GameStop is the new Berkshire Hathaway


Current Basic Data


Real-Time Trades


Mandatory study time

The Everything Short


Watch Along


Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk


Failure to Deliver


Theoretical DDs


DD Compilation


Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods


Cellar Boxing


Comparison DD


GME short

Percentage of float as of Jan 15th, 2021: 226.42%


SEC GME stocks report


HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence



Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares, MOASS is a matter of time

What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?

Total hedgies death, DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

Last time on /GME/: As always:

sneed hedgies

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bitcoiners just can't stop winning.

They're busy on Anon Babble. An airforce fag selfcombusted to curse the jews which lead to lord faggot rothschild's death. The same faggot who belongs to the same family of tricia rothchild who gave the order to shut down the buy button on gme.

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Hi StNY ledgies team

Please do not blatantly state the name of the month's child.

Based LOGO thread
Thanks OP
Now that the nafo tranny Aile has joined 43% we can finally discuss GME in peace


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An airforce fag selfcombusted to curse the jews which lead to lord faggot rothschild's death

We need to use this kind of magic to curse more jews KEK.

It’s almost like Clint was employed to mock butcoin in every single thread because they knew the last gasp would be to irrationally pump bitcoin before the crash. Clint was always meant to demoralize. All we’re missing is “everyone’s favorite names poster Clit” saying “damn I should have just bought bitcoin instead of gme”

The Goth child's death was caused by the seeth looking at GME not being 0 anon, just like Munger and Kissinger.

mfw my holding has been banishing powerliches to the netherrealm

We’re obviously the reason elites keep on dying. They can’t be alive to see us make it

Odd, a servant willingly sacrificing themselves. Curious to see where this leads.

Tricia Rothschild I believe was who they set as the pres during the sneeze at Apex Clearing. I know they clear for a lot of brokers, but not all of them. I wonder what their actual exposure to GME is?

mfw watching the last mothschild grovel at my feet.

whats a realistic price goal for the following stocks

. I wonder what their actual exposure to GME is?

They've been selling their shit.

Thanks for baking, baker! Maybe seeing the inspiring, invigorating GameStop logo will help the demoralized holders finally stop bitching about missing out on the BTC bullrun and start thinking about what they can do for their company to increase profits and stave off bankruptcy.

rather not use anti/reverse-aging tech, die and go to hell for eternal suffering than paying up to autists


Because they know what we'll do to them when we make it.
Death and eternal suffering in Hell seems like a better option in comparison.

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Zero forward guidance in over three years. No fucking wonder Ryan “the work is done” Cohen doesn’t take a salary kek. He literally doesn’t do shit

Spy all time high week after week
Bitcoin up 140% this year
GME? $13
Thanks Missa Cohen!!!!!!

When GME misses earnings where will you be? I'll be kekking baggies

why does he keep winning

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Behold, top works by top men

Uh oh raggots!!!!!!! No money to buy more???? Everyone red?????? Uh oh!!!!!!!

I’m a baggie ya dipstick

all that wall of text to say nothing, if you're so interested in video games and cryptocurrencies go run out and buy $LRDS and shut the fuck up nigger

Did you take the time to read the thread? because what it raises is quite interesting imo

why waste time on shitcoins that are not worth it?

W/e you say bruv

Reading that reminds me I'm not as much of a retard as I think I am

Fucking sold nvidia for gamestop jesus christ

didn't buy any shares today

thinks holding and commenting helps the failed investment

Kek rodents

short squeeze when

didn't buy

Kek so top men have to psyop themselves into believing this

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what post, i want to participate in the misery

jesus christ, shut the fuck up

find tricia, she is the key to finishing this!

nigga i dont care
whatever it is
tunnel jews
'nuclear' bombs (how stupid do you think i am)
internet's out
lack of pussy
i dont care
i watch anime and i buy gamestop, that's it, you can't reason with me, i hate you teleologically

another reason to hit up gamestop. the future is ours.

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so when do we get our refund for being cheated by kikes who broke the laws and lended a millions shares they didnt have to short in the rigged kike market?



Absolutely subversive

could've disproven this extremely easy

didn't post buys

Holy fuck kek extremely poor and extremely red rodents

we need to get the masses to chimp out over this

n...no..nobody is buying


Riveting works my guys

all daily volume must be about average volume

Interesting POV

Extremely red dumbfuck rodent. How many did you buy today? Ahahahahaha

read and weep nigga


Kek, very (((curious)))

Rate my portfolio bros
All in GME

Tricia Rothschild naming is back on the menu?
Did you know Tricia Rothschild firced herself on the squeeze by shuting of the buybutton?