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Hot stinky anal sex with furries

What SOXL calls are people selling here? The ones for 3/1 look okay, seems like NVDA and all the other semis are kind of chilling out so I don't see it jumping up to like 46 soon.

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Thanks for nothing ass hole

There will be 0 rate cuts this year.

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any forexchads living the daytrading life?

I wouldn't sell calls, I'd bail. That Rothschild dude who died is going to take his revenge out on the equities markets from beyond the grave. You were warned. You'll still have time to sell tomorrow.

this is why we have bull market, and I thought you knew that.

This is just patently false. Dark Brandon is going to deliever on that rate cut no matter what that albino nigger Jerome has to say so Dark Brandon can get elected again.

that means we can price in rate cuts

Forex is to smg what chess is to checkers

any of you fags ever got a margin *credit* balance? why tf is Fidelity giving me free monies.

Is there a way to look at those shwab ratings without an account? Are they free?

Which Rothschild member died? I need to know so I can go to my local synagogue and pay my respects

did you enable security lending?

The most shorted ETF is XRT (Retail ETF) at 377.50%. Yes, quite literally the ETF with the biggest GME position of all ETFs in the market is naked shorted over 3x. Weird, right?


Forex Anti-Shitcoin General /fag/ is that way.

I don't think so and what is that?

czeched. You can just ask Schawbanon and he will post the rating using a suggestive filename for the image.

What the fuck am I looking at?

Wow anon that's incredible, nearly 1bil in cash and no debt???? They must be deploying that cash to expand their market share in the physical media space!

NFT market shutdown

500 non profitable stores closed in 8 months

Videogame consoles no longer being manufactured with disk drives

Well at least Ryan can now use the cash to invest in profitable equties to try and get a return on that cash, because it not being deployed is not bullish at all. Companies need a pathway for growth. The videogame pawnshop has 0 growth without new capeshit films licensing new funko pops.


That's a hedgefund retard, you know the people you love to make the enemy. You're going to invest in a ticker that actively is closing hundreds of locations and wants to pivot to becoming a hedgefund that sells funko on the side? Go for it. Just search "debt death spiral" as you watch that cash dwindle on every single earnings release.

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forex is easy compared to half of this shit. grabbing pips and grabbing pussy is what I do.

Guys my coworker gave me the flu, I fucking hate life right now. I don't get paid to get sick.

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OK cool
Shwabanon, bless me with your thoughts on cyber security: NET and CRWD
Also RTX please

I've still never heard a clear explanation as to why they don't host smash bros tournaments and maybe game dev hackathons like the trading card stores do. There's a massive apatite for that sort of thing in most of their markets. They could probably sell costco cookies there and make a massive profit.
Hell maybe I should just start doing this myself.

What should I stack in my Roth? Thinking nice lil 70/30 split of SCHD/SPLG

Hey at least there is GME movie for the retarded plebbit bagholders to glorify themselves in their own mind and Mark Cuban can keep blowing smoke up their ass about their poor life choices.

At one point XRT was naked shorted 1300%. This is because it's easy to hedge all the holdings of the ETF except GME. This way you can squeeze in even more GME short positions without directly shorting Gamestop.

I'm all for GME becoming a mutual fund/hedgefund with RC leading it. He's a succesful investor, with a good track record of investing in Apple, Wells Fargo, Netflix and more.

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Imagine the smell.
It's pretty incredible. Capped this when bloodbathandbeyond wen't under $1

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I'll suggest a conservative portfolio of 30% 1 month bitx calls, 30% one month nvdl calls, 30% COIN calls (any expiration date) and 10% 3 month US treasury securities (to hedge the risk.)

physical delivery of bottled female natural gas

Looking for a lil something extra besides my 401 and pension.

I can do that fun stuff in my brokerage

Imagine the smell.

It took me a long time to understand why the middle school FLL meetings I went to always had that one smell.
In retrospect it's a little creepy how some of moms would talk about it.

dat pic

Holy shit and I bet there were responses from plebbitards on how to cope with this because that's all those retards do is cope and upboat cope. So glad I post in /smg/ instead where no matter what trade I make someone is willing to call me a retard for it.

You'll save on taxes if you do it in your IRA.

I don't think so and what is that?

It lets Fidelity loan out your securities to options traders at an interest like a bond and then pays you in cash for it

$80 billion dollars wiped out because of diverse vikings

Will Google pull it together?

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Did NVDA really just half or is Google Stocks fucking up again.

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Here's your delivery

Guys, look at the cool post

You'd have to be fucking retarded to be a Google shareholder.

Thanks. It's not on, I checked. But I did do some shit transferring from my margin acc to a cash account and back that might have messed stuff up. I'll see if this actually posts I guess.

sorry to hear anon. pump that vitamin c in you and drink tea.

tfw remote and dont see or touch coworkers

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Nothing but the finest of bathwater too gulp it down with too for reasonable prices. It's great seeing the economic theory of the value of labor being reinforced in these modern times we live in.

Not him, but D, D, and C in that order.

big slurp moment
I sold a put for 400 buckaroos, wouldn't mind being assigned
we theta chads are like that

The average 30-year mortgage rate is back above 7%, at 7.09%, per Mortgage News Daily

ruh roh raggy

they could if they wanted to, all they need to do is remove all the niggerish esg stuff, but they don't seem too intent on that

Why are there no prostitute futures?
You could have some kind of standard like x hair/eye/skin colors, no more than y% of body covered in tattoos, STD test no older than z months.
That's a contract I would be happy to take physical delivery for.

Open your broker anon, it's actually down to 545.3

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If onlyfans became a publicly traded company that would literally become a reality. Reminder to invest in cat food companies and companies that freeze eggs.

GOOG is just jelly of NVDA

companies that freeze eggs.

That's very likely to end up outlawed in the US.

tech is dropping like a fucking brick

Twitch announces subscription price increases for Australia, UK, Canada and even Turkey

Already confirmed price increases coming to USA by end of Q1 or start of Q2

UK already in recession

Canada is economically fucked

Australia cost of living sky high

USA markets going full apeshit

Its like Amazon planted some greedy retard as CEO there just so there's a scapegoat for whenever Twitch inevitably goes under like Vine and MySpace did kek.

How so?

I wonder if the snow is hot, or warm at least
I mean, coming from a pot of boiling water like this

The men are all going hard conservative and the older women will vote for it out of jealousy and hatred for the younger women. No one will stop it. You're already seeing it happen in the South.

Alabama Supreme court ruled embryos are humans and is being sued in a wrongful death lawsuit by some couple who's frozen embryos were destroyed in an accident.

sorry anon

crypto scam

YOU HAVE THE ENTIRE REST OF THIS BOARD BUT NO, YOU HAVE TO COME IN THE ONE PLACE WHERE PEOPLE CAN AVOID CRYPTOSHIT AND TALK ABOUT ACTUAL FINANCE. sorry for being rude but you literally have the rest of Anon Babble to talk about your coin. we are the last people interested in such things.

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a fertility clinic is being sued

SQQQ to $30 by eow?

The ads are so long too.
They are a better platform in terms of usability, but Tiktok will destroy them eventually. It's where all the zoomers and alphas are going towards

Wtf why? If anything it will only be promoted by crazy cat ladies who are still promoting the lies feminism told them to younger generation of women

don't get married at your prime years, why would you want to get married so young

get a degree and a career instead, that will boost your chances of finding a man

you don't need to find a man now you got a career instead

lonely? Get a cat!

afraid of the wall? Freeze your eggs

still feel like a femcel loser? Post your L online, there are plenty of other femcels out there that will help you cope because actually fixing the problem and becoming a better person instead is HARD

Fucking women

I swear visiting Japan was like taking the red pill in the matrix. Even now that I'm back in the states I can't see things the same way

my dude, why dont you just buy some good shit and hold?

Women use the dialectic

Have you ever talked to them?

Someone teach me to TA please or provide a good learning channel for it

i mean, even a dumb retard like me is up some 20% ytd after playing around with forex and other dumb shit like GOOG and losing

I've already seen a BUNCH of streamers already using other shit like YouTube, Kick and even fucking Twitter/X a lot more for streaming in the past several months. Not just because of the multi-streaming rules changed but its really because a lot of them have been bitching that Twitch just simply isn't it anymore financially.

I give it about 1 year, MAYBE 18 months tops from now before it dies out. Then Amazon stock will pump because markets are retarded.

How did that one anon know to buy zoom calls? How do we identify posters who have good knowledge and tell them apart from the retards going forward?

line go up, buy
line go down, sell
simple as

I made the mistake of once doing that in my life and I continue to suffer for it.

Google is the worst place to follow after market moves, they pull this shit all the time

Bro even Japanese prostitution looks way better. This is a red light street in Japan with whores waiting to get picked up. I'm just saving up money and my vacation days for that japanese pussy.

You should try doing the same thing, but expect a different result this time.

got japan tickets for May, eager to bang jap puss

Keep your eyes peeled for dem gubbermint gibs, boys.

Unity (ticker: U) is finished. Unreal supremacy.


tfw NVIDEO killed the /smg/ star!

Should I long or short plug this week?

I give it about 1 year, MAYBE 18 months tops from now before it dies out. Then Amazon stock will pump because markets are retarded.

I'm a 35yo boomer, and I have never been into streamers, instagram, and all of that.
I have recently began exploring that and following people, and learning how those websites works. I feel like there is something important to be learned there, and that I need to know what the fuck are all the kids doing in their spare time.
I get it now, it's like mini-hubs for socializing, with the plus of having a mini e-celeb that carries the tune.
I don't understand why Amazon would collapse and burn Twitch to the ground, instead of making some fundamental changes to make it more appealing to streamers and viewers. Maybe they don't want to compete in that space at all, and prefer to see it die than selling it.
I don't understand business decisions at the level of that magnitude, but it seems to me like if you are a company you'd never want to sacrifice literally millions of eyeballs for no reason.
I bet running Twitch provides %99.99 profit margins. Why not just take the hand out of the cookie jar for a single second and let the platform be revitalized? I don't get it...

Baggies $840 P looking spicy!

fuck i dont really want to own google but i have to slurp this dip

Is Google the best buy right now? They seem like the most unloved tech stock these days. Like 2021 Meta. Especially after their woke AI fiasco, dumped 4% today. They’re too big to fail and still have a massive moat but their P/E is ridiculously low.


Commercial game engines are retarded in general.

What (((they))) did to Google is what (((they))) are about to do to everything.

I fucking feel cursed right now. I got sick from some coworker at work and now NVDA is taking a hot shit. Fuck I feel so defeated.

NVDA down 0.34% AH

it's unironically over, NVDA bros


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IMO Google is losing it's competitive edge. Their popular services are getting worse and their competitors do it better. Their phones aren't that good. Company is laying off workers and they shut down free daycare and other benefits for their employees. Their AI tech is mogged and bested by OpenAI and DALL-E.

35 y/0

My god some of you people are practically trannies out of ignorance. Sweet baby Jesus anon you are a millennial.

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isnt earnings tomorrow?

Same, brother...

sold my MSFT calls before closing at even

Now I can buy them for cheaper tomorrow :)

That's what you get for sleeping with your coworker.

Wait I just checked NVDA and it's ok. You fuckers lied to me. What exactly happened at 4:55 pm???

Book value is $22 and the forward P/E depends on earnings improving. When you buy shares in a tech company you're buying shares of the minds of the employees. Do you think those minds will produce things more people/businesses want to buy or fewer people/businesses want to buy?

I'm sorry, but did Unity already go out of business? Oh, that's right. The game engine market isn't even 100% captured yet. In fact, the 3D graphics industry isn't even 40 years old. Does not having total market dominance in a less than 40 year old industry count as a failed business? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when there's still multiple game engines for studios to choose from? Unity is still building and updating their engine right now and they have been the best engineers in the industry for how many years now? They're competing against one of the worst companies in the business who just happen to have a bit more market share because they're feeding off the energy of fucking Fortnite. But you know what? They still fucking suck. Unity...

You know, I lost interest in finishing this. Maybe someone else can

Google got jealous and fucked with the NVDA chart on their website.

yes the best buy is a tech company which will inevitably replace their CEO in <6 months, and whose supermajority of revenue is driven by google search- something which will 100% be replaced by LLMs within 5 years tops

Do I have AIDS now baggie?! Give it to me straight, you have the most experience with this shit.

I call myslef that way ironically because nowadays being in your thirties you are abysmally apart and adrift from the culture that teenagers experience unless you go out of your way to get involved in it, and get to know it.
I am not the only one who uses the 30yo boomer phrase, and newfags would do well to be more respectful of their seniors.
I was shitposting maymays free of captcha before you were swimming in your dad's balls.

Some jeet tripped over a fiber cable in the datacenter.

When you buy shares in a tech company you're buying shares of the minds of the employees

You are buying military/CIA developed tech and the minds of the employees are just a front for the company's true purpose.

Thoughts on BITW?

Wait was she black? If she was black you probably now have AIDS.

abysmally apart and adrift from the culture that teenagers experience

Personally I was like this as a teenager. As far as I can tell nothing has changed except the women are *way* sluttier. They look like goddamned orcs. I can't imagine the younger men actually like that.

That doesn't sound like something that generates shareholder value.

They went ahead and reported I guess. I hit on DPZ too.
So I will now defer to AXONfag for tomorrow’s Earnings Play of the Day.

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No, I don't fuck with niggers. They are a cursed people.

Then you've got nothing to worry about.

Language has changed; dressing etiquette has changed; relationship dynamics have changed (couple, parental, friendships); communication and the pursuit of social status have changed DRASTICALLY.
Phones and normie friendly internet changed society forever. I see it both in the USA, and in my own country.

Their advertisement policy is annoying, it´s earning less money, and they just keep doubling down and i suspect that will just lead to more users changing to other search engines

no one’s going to bother with a chatbot to look for something online, especially since the hallucination problem has not been solved

Sure it does. It's all just data harvesting to sell slop to the goyim and also keep tabs on "problem" civilians. But selling slop to civilians is the primary revenue generator for shareholders of any big tech company. Plus there are military/government contracts to buy products en mass for "freedom and defending democracy" purposes

That doesn't sound like something that generates shareholder value

You know what generates a TON of shareholder value. The plunge protection team. The fact that that even exists tells you what you need to know

Language has changed;

eh, some of the slang has maybe

dressing etiquette has changed;

Yeah they've gone from wearing gray sweat pants in public to wearing black sweatpants in public.

relationship dynamics have changed (couple, parental, friendships);

Maybe I'm way out of touch but it doesn't seem to me like much of this has actually changed other than people being way more open about casual sex (and it looks to me like they actually have less sex casual or not.)

Phones and the internet

So I'm just about to turn 30 but I had these things growing up. I think it changed things compared to the early melinials and gen x but not from us to zoomers.

This means you had a profitable trade and they owe you money once it settled. Sometimes they dont settle automatically - i had to reach out to customer service one time to make then deposit a margin credit balance manually

Another day. Of fucked up weather! It's uh not even March and yet it's 72 degrees outside. This shat should be happening round June/July. Bagged more KO,WBD and a token few NYCB shares. (aside; uh I bought a blood pressure monitor today cause well I'm 41 and its time I keep an eye on the old ticker more you know; could be worse though, least I don't have a medicine cabinet full of pills I gotta put down the throat every morning)

i used an extremely conservative timeframe of 5 years so please use some creativity. if you dont think LLMs will be able to flawlessly deliver you websites in 5 years...

OTC crypto/bitcoin fund

Looks sketchy desu. I mainly play with MARA and CLSK. Sometimes BITF or some sh!tier miners. IMO bitcoin will hit a local top soon (maybe it already has or will rug people at a failed attempt when it taps 60K overnight).

Ad block is becoming way more common now because of how ads were abused and who poorly written a lot of that tracking software is. Maybe it's still good for selling things to broke niggers but that's not really something I'd want to invest in.

The same people unwilling to slap things together in PHP now will be unwilling to ask chatbots to do it. Websites were a solved problem 20 years ago and people still pay thousands to have them built.

AKLI +121.12%

how come no one saw that coming?

wtf, why are SHOT calls so expensive now? I sold this shit call to make some money ($40) after baggot got me to buy this meme stock, now it's selling for $180!?!?

You don't know shit Anon and it's obvious from your post you are just coping. One of my ex's had a friend who is a single mom and she just plops the kid in front of an Ipad and when it came to saying goodbye her 6 year old girl said "please like and subscribe" while waving because she mistakes that as goodbye since all the fucking youtubers she watches say that the end of their videos. That fucking mom is having to reteach her daughter how to fucking say goodbye properly. This next generation is going to be so fucked beyond repair it will make everything that's already fucked that this anon, , described seem like another pothole down the slippery slope society is taking... We are going out in a horrific blaze of glory off a cliff straight into the largest dumpster fire mankind has ever seen.

she just plops the kid in front of an Ipad

iPads are just television. Nothing here has changed. We've had bad parents since forever. We might have more of them now but they're not a new thing.

Isn't jewtube throttling bandwidth to people with adblock? Meaning they are keeping tabs on who has adblock. Even that is a form of data collection. They have formed a personality analysis on everyone and know you better than you know yourself sometimes. Slop is still being sold to goyim to keep them pacified and I don't see that changing any time soon. When iPhones stop selling out on day 1 of a new release that might be an indicator of a paradigm shift. But the goyim continue to buy that shit up without regard.

iPads and internet-connected devices are fundamentally different from TVs

Yeah and they said televisions would rot the brains of people and we have boomers as living proof to show it. You aren't making the argument here you think you are making. How many tv channels did you even watch as a kid growing up with mentally ill furries talking about their made up genders and how you need to respect their mentall illness or else bigot?

Always buy whatever Pelosi buys, boys.

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If you want a really but REALLY fucking slow return you should go with Google, right now the bullrun is happening in Boeing and NVIDIA, you should get into those two for low risk high profit
Shout out to the retards on Beoble who keeps pumping that shit

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Which purchase is that article referring to? How many pies does that corrupt greedy old bitch have her fingers in?

Who was it that said having a TV in your living room is like having a Jew in your living room?

Wow! How is Nancy such a good trader?

Kek imagine it if uh some 10 year old boy showed his ipad to his parents playing a porn film.. Talk about a warp speed trip to the "sex talk" your parents give you.

Which ticker?

SBUX is the closest we'll get to a whore stock.

Politicians should be allowed to buy stocks. This is slimy and jewish. I hate seeing the difference between their salaries and what they all actually make every year.

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My local SBUX has some cute barista girls working there

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That anon is a fucking retard coping with how the decay and demoralization of society is normal. Yeah it's great the younger generation is more dysfunctional, illiterate, and degenerate. What could possibly go wrong?


my phone's autcorrect is also slimy and jewish. SHOULD NOT.

we’re talking about searches. I’ll say it again, most searches are just looking for a site in particular and no one will bother chatting with a llm for that. that would be a tremendous waste of resources. and even if they did, do you really believe Google would somehow miss out on that?

This is something I absolutely disagree with and I'll die on that hill.
Maybe a better description would be a television with a handful of cheap TV gaming accessories (like those 500 game in one things you can buy in walmart) but as far as society is concerned they absolutely are an iteration on the television, not the computer.

Yeah it's great the younger generation is more dysfunctional, illiterate, and degenerate. What could possibly go wrong?

How can I profit?

Yeah Television was/is awful. I always hated the little bit we had in our house (and my family was fairly anti TV to begin with.) I think iPads are just more intense television though.

Omg this is so fundamentally incorrect on so many levels like why would you want to die on this retarded hill?

Isn't jewtube throttling bandwidth to people with adblock?

It's not happening to me but I don't have an account.
Kicking people from your service isn't a great way to grow your user base.

Smart TVs are just inferior computers now. Ipads are a hybrid of smarttv and computer. Simple as

I love women, but i disgust them. so i hate myself.

Please explain what makes an iPad different from a television.
I think computers are, the iPad isn't a computer, it just has a computer in it.

grow your user base.


It's a monopoly anon. Unless you are searching for chud content like brother Nathanael on bitchute or something. Shout out to Brother Nathanael btw, based Jew

You guys are a bunch of pedantic fucks.

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Smart TVs are just inferior computers now.

They aren't computers they just contain computers.
mid 2000s TVs did to they just weren't connected to the internet. This changes nothing other than making more content available. It's still a TV, you're still watching TV when you use it.

I don't GOOMBLE on earnings, I just buy STOOKS with SCHWAB EQUITIES RATINGS of A to hold until they turn into Ds or Fs then sell. Breddy hard to resist
oil is a little high right now, can't wait for it to hit a buy zone again.

Can you open a trading account on a tv, enter a chat room with pedophiles as a kid, or run up massive credit card debt with online loot boxes with just a tv alone???

ur wrong. just set a timer and check back in 5-10 years and see whos right. 1) most people dont actually want to do google search. they just do it because they have to. when someone wants to know the weather, they dont really want to google [city] weather and be served a bunch of ads, they juts have to. and when they dont have they wont any more. 2) when people are doing discovery, and google serves them ads that they click on, thats when they make the most money, but they wont do that as AI gets better.

do you really believe Google would somehow miss out on that?

the whole point is AI/LLMs isnt really monetizable in search without injecting ads into answers which no one wants, so google is quite literally doomed. youtube, cloud, etc. are their saving graces, but there is exactly a 0% chance that search ad revenue isnt decreasing in 5 years and on (maybe emerging markets)

Muh GoyimScore (tm).

It's a monopoly anon.

Google does not have a monopoly on the video tag no.
They're a popular service but they're only popular because they were nice to users/content producers. We've seen this cycle of growth/implosion for hosting services happen a dozen times now, there's no such thing as a web monopoly.

I'm -13k over the past 3 years

Can you post pictures and content of yourself on a tv that you could come to regret? Can you download viruses with a tv? Can you even order a fucking pizza with the tv itself?

We needs laws restricting the access of minors to porn on the Internet the same way they're restricted from buying it in a likker store. The problem is I can't think of a way to do it that isn't a violation of the 1st Amendment and/or a motherfucker of an unfunded mandate on the parents and/or service providers.

But how?

you always sound like a caricature liberal seething about trump whenever gme is mentioned

panic selling meta

Can you open a trading account on a tv,

Kids can't open trading accounts in general.

enter a chat room with pedophiles as a kid,

Meh. Online chatrooms aren't iPad specific, game consoles had those (and those were used on TVs.) Plus cable television was full of (soft and hardcore) porn.That's a problem but it's not a new one.

or run up massive credit card debt with online loot boxes with just a tv alone???

You had to use a phone to do it. If you give your kid a credit card you get what you deserve.

They're nothing new. The package is smaller and shinier but there's absolutely nothing new here. I don't *like* iPads and I think parents that let their kids use them all the time are horrible careless people but they're horrible and careless in the same way the last generation of parents were with the same results as the last generation of parents.

Approximately half my shit is playing out over the course of a year. Stuff that'll pay off with good odds and rewards, but the exact timing is uncertain.

It would be more accurate to say that Television = Youtube/twitch. Kids using it for entertainment doesn't mean it can't be used for programming, drawing or taking notes.

Charge the porn stars for indecent exposure.

Can you post pictures and content of yourself on a tv that you could come to regret?

Yeah they used to have whole shows where people mailed in camcorder tapes. I couldn't believe some of the stuff people would send in. I'm kind of surprised everyone has already forgotten about those.

Can you download viruses with a tv?

Can you do that with an iPad?

Can you even order a fucking pizza with the tv itself?

Well you'd have to use the phone but yeah between the ads and the phone you're pressured into it more than you often are with the ipad actually.

Fuck off

That would solve a lot of problems actually. As usual though we've just given up on enforcing the law after realizing it's an ethnic conflict between European descendants and the mongrel hordes and no one wants to be "racist."

Way to fucking cope and fall back on how shit your argument is. Face it television was a one way interaction for the most part. I'm done with this conversation, you can die on your retarded hill like the retard you are for all I care. TVs rotted peoples brains to begin with and it's not gotten better. The average attention span has shortened tremendously, the average reading comprehension level is going down with newer generations, people are more narcissistic, mentally ill, and socially dysfunctional but it's all fine because "da ipad is just da tv for zoomzooms".

Back in the day they had a thing called webtv. Essentially your tv acted as a monitor and you had a cable box thing connected to it. The keyboard/mouse connected to the box. Also they integrated webtv in windows 98. Toss in a cable tuner and away you went.

The #1 change from tvs to computer screens nowadays is the influencer economy, in which people live in a constant chase for bigger numbers of followers, likes, subscribres, paid supporters, shares, etc.
That is the number 1 factor that is changing new generations, and which will have the biggest impact in the future of humanity.

Face it television was a one way interaction for the most part.

So is the iPad. That's my point.
Yeah you could call into TV shows. Yeah you can post comments on YouTube. It's really a one way thing though.

best trader ever.

The #1 change from tvs to computer screens nowadays is the influencer economy, in which people live in a constant chase for bigger numbers of followers, likes, subscribres, paid supporters, shares, etc.

That's exactly how television worked and there were large numbers of people sold lies about becoming wealthy and famous then just like now.

There really wasn't much of a change.

Yeah they used to have whole shows where people mailed in camcorder tapes. I couldn't believe some of the stuff people would send in. I'm kind of surprised everyone has already forgotten about those.

Oh wow so people had to mail them in to actual people? They didn't just post it on their TV?

Can you do that with an iPad?

Is this a serious question you retarded cocksmoker?

Well you'd have to use the phone but yeah between the ads and the phone you're pressured into it more than you often are with the ipad actually.

Oh wow you dumb cock sucker at leasy you conceded something here instead of your retarded boomer tier arguments.

Well I hope you learned your lesson and recovered financially anon!

I'll give youtube some credit. You can learn/see some interesting things on it for free that you may not have been able to do otherwise. Yes it's full of pointless shat as well but there's some legit good things to.

Financially speaking,

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furry land

Checked and agreed.

Holy shit shut up. They didn't just let anyone post shit on TV like some retard on ipad on the internet you dumb fuck. Most people that even took the extra step to try and reach out to their tv show were just ignored.

Look it's way shinier and integrated!

It's the same thing.

No it isn't you dumb fuck, we didn't have retarded issues being argued over like gender when television was more popular than the internet. I mean jesus fucking christ you can even use an Ipad to accomplish work over the functionality of a tv. Just shut up about your shitty and factually wrong opinion highlighting your poor overall understanding of technology and people in general

I have no idea why you want to bleed to death on that retarded hill, but you are in denial.
By "large number of people" do you mean tv reality drama celeb wannabes and people trying to make it as actors?
Compare that number of people back then, lets say the 90s, to the amount of people nowadays playing the social followers game.
What does "large number of people" even mean? Compared to what?

Get in a time machine and travel to 1995 and ask random people if they are pursuing a career in tv, or trying to be famous.
Then go walk down any city in the world rn and try to find those wihout social media accounts.

The only thing the iPad does is convince people their television could be productive and that's why it's worse. Otherwise it is practically the exact same thing just shinier and more integrated.

No you idiot there was a general consensus that was manufactured for people to enjoy their goi lives. Nowadays people can pick and choose whatever retarded narrative appeals to them even if it's completely mentally ill and post about it in their echochambers. If you think all these divides in society where as prevalent as they are today back when it was just tv and radio then you are delusional and out of touch.

Get in a time machine and travel to 1995 and ask random people if they are pursuing a career in tv, or trying to be famous.

I grew up a decade later but I remember lots of kids thinking that was a viable career. People mocked them then just like today.
And there were pathways to it. You had small local public access shows, theater clubs etc.

slop producers desu.

The only thing the iPad does is convince people their television could be productive and that's why it's worse. Otherwise it is practically the exact same thing just shinier and more integrated.

Ok now I'm seriously done with your idiotic takes because I'm convinced you are just trolling rather than being genuine about your stupid take. I gotta stop having these stupid conversations about technology with some of you /smg/ shit posters because it's seriously a waste of fucking time.

muh I'm a based genius that can just pick STOOKS and time the markets and win consistently over time because I know all about business finance and yet I still come here to fucking Anon Babble every day just because and am totally not a NIGGER or JEW

no no no, I'm fucking BASED and every thought I think and move I make is fucking merit BASED

The Bogdanoff deaths coincided with the January 2022 market top.
Very sus

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Nowadays people can pick and choose whatever retarded narrative appeals to them even if it's completely mentally ill

The shared media experience people got from television was very brief, maybe 50 years long. Before then everyone still could choose the media they consumed with books/papers/radio etc.

The division is more likely a result of mass migration transforming countries like the US that were previously overwhelmingly British/German descendants into essentially an international economic zone. Ethnicity determines a lot of how people think. Even Atheists will use the moral framework from their parent's religion and that's because religion isn't *just* theology but also this correspondence between theology and genetics forming this kind of epigenitic culture. When you force all these people together with every idea (including many mutually exclusive ones) you naturally get division. The internet is just a tool for communicating and measuring that, it didn't cause it.

Calm down ROY, have some prune juice.

yet I still come here to fucking Anon Babble every day just because and am totally not a NIGGER or JEW

I mean I'm a successful 40yo married father of 3 and I still come here because I grew up with the Internet and I like saying nigger and kike.

what does schwab rate GDX?

Yeah we've heard, I was a successful family man at your age too

They don't rate ETFs nor all STOOKS.

ok, how about NEM?

well, good luck in either case

Sorry for your loss.

Anon, thanks for mentioning security lending, I was reading about it. It seems like a sweet deal. Is there any reason NOT to enable it? Getting daily interest paid to me from bobos makes my cock hard tbqh.




Or was it CLS? I forget.

None that I'm aware of. It's literally free money. Do it.

One of you FAGGOTS showed me this video of a POTATO RECIPE a couple or so weeks ago and RIGHT NOW I have some cut up RUSSETS soaking in ice water. I saved it in my MSFT BING COLLECTIONS.


What fires doin tonight? Prolly nothin I’m sure.

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Anon charge your phone

pay for the LLM to suggest your service among others

Problem solved

One of them seems to be divvies, for any lent share they will now be a in-lieu payment from a bobo and could be taxed higher, but I think the interest would offset it, unless some stupid bobo shorts only the exdiv date, so whatever.

checked but the older version has character

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הבה נגילה
הבה נגילה
הבה נגילה ונשמחה
הבה נגילה
הבה נגילה
הבה נגילה ונשמחה

It's a legit question for sure though. People can trip themselves up into all kinds of bagholding for all kinds of reasons.

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ITT we predict the following stock prices end of week:






I'm making too much money. It's clouding my thoughts during my workday. Fuck.

Sold a 3/1 $45 call for $0.50.

So what are Ackman's positions these days?

Man, I personally don´t think 2024 to be a good year to try and predict shit for further down the road. To many elections and geopolitical shifts going on around the world

I think INTC is going to be like this but maybe 5 years to really kick in,

all they need to do is remove all the niggerish esg stuff, but they don't seem too intent on that

The self hatred and cognitive dissonance is very fucking deep. I'm talking about: They think they hate their own mothers if they hurt a woman's feelings. And if they hurt a minority's feelings, that means they hate their mother too.

What would she think? This shit runs soo, sooo, sooo deep through our western civilization, dude. The Elites and the Jewish elites have done a serious number.

I literally would not buy any of these companies in the future. Anything Larry Fink says, "Go" to, is a no-go.

I legitimately don't see any particularly notable catalysts until the FOMC. Maybe some Fed faggot will come out and do a live interview during market hours and say hawkish shit like always.

Damn they're at $0.36 now. Oh well.

Why /smg/ is not talking about DELL? Its pumping non stop and will gonna soar at earnings. Buy calls before ITS TOO LATE

investing in America

a country chalk full of niggers

Yeah no thank you.

Well yeah, the price per share can change at any moment the market is open. You aren't locked into the price you loaned it at.

Why are they pumping?

Of course, that's why a bear would take it on a loan, but I don't plan to sell the shares in any time soon, so I don't the mind a dip here and there. If a short-seller makes a profit so be it, I'm still getting interest and I don't have to even look at this shit.

Also, for Fidelity at least, you can still sell the shares at any point if you want. I can probably even write covered calls for extra monies. I'm giving them a call tomorrow morning to confirm. Fuck, passive income is amazing.

Something something tech company near earnings. It's the new paradigm.

as a normy consumer with no knowledge of the tech space I couldn't tell you the difference between DELL and HP, and one of those is kind of eating shit

They said AI

Because we're in peak euphoria. You just need to say "AI" in your earnings call to x2 your stock.

I bought 100 Google shares this year. Have $100kish ready to buy something. Do I get 30 MSFT shares or 30 Costco?

Take only the risks you're paid to take, they say. So maybe for every $100 you YOLO into the Fag 7, you park $10 in oil or gold plays or something.

That'd cancel out a good chunk of geopolitical heem risk.

Personally, I think Central and South America are the places to be. Lots of silver and copper resources there, oil too. Deblogalization and protectionism is happening and we cannot rely on Chinese or Russian inflows. Plus the US potentially defaulting or markets crashing whatever, might cause a shift to BRICS or SDR currencies or gold-backed Yuan or Ruble. Mexico itself is also a manufacturing hub and has a surprising amount of tech. That's my outlook for 20 years down the road

That's the kind of timeframe where I'd want to know at least a few employees throughout the company. Management and brain drain can play out bigly over that timeframe for that sort of business.

Costco is a great investment. The only complaint people have is that it's too busy, plus they still have room to expand into Canada.

If you've got that much cash I'd put it in short term T bills, anon. Nobody knows what the fuck is happening right now.

Isn't the bulk of Costco growth expected to happen in China and Latin America? So you may as well go with FXI and MELI, no?

buy 200 thousand shares of OMQS if you got the balls

You can't change being disgusting to women but you can choose to hate them and love yourself instead

Makes sense but it's so "cheap" and there's enough known about FABS and MATTERS OF NATIONAL SECURITY. I just TRUSTHOPE that Pat is absolutely determined to get bright minds to bring them surprise BREAKTHROUGHS that MOON that shit some random morning NEWS.


Who knows whats happening with China.


Fuck the anon who keeps shilling this garbage.

If you really want to go global, look at an India ETF, one of the only economies on the planet that isn't propped up with bullshit and actually growing.


Fuck the anon who keeps shilling this garbage.

Literally me. Please set a reminder to February 26th 2025 to check on MELI price.

India is the land of jeetcode, corruption, and overblown bullshit. You're out of your fucking mind.

good morning sir!

Ooof. That one hits. But that .webm is gross. She's doing exactly what society wants her to do. She's doing the Japanese thing, the right wing opposite of what we do.

I don't want her to be demure and chained, following the trends and the hand movements of a TikTok post. I just want her to have respect.

Jeets are a plague, but the country is experiencing tremendous advancement.

I mostly just want scrounge some 100 to 120 shares of BRK.B before they hit 1000 dollars per share between 2030 and 2035 and a further 50k in what could decent stocks that might grow past that point. after that i´don´t know what i´ll do. maybe dib a bit in some index funds too

central and south america will always be shitholes, their good ones are always leaving while their homeland remains a never ending cesspoll of low iq criminals, sadly because Brazil, Argentina and Chile combined could preety much rival with the US with some competent leadership

You were dead wrong about Dominos Schwabfag.

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Stare at charts and draw lines. Make sure you "connect as many points as possible" when you draw your lines. 8 points of connection is superior to 2 points. Get granular with it. ZOOM IN. Zoom out.

Then go to Investopedia and learn all the chart patterns as you go. Need to know a bearish chart pattern? Bullish? It's there. Options spreads? It'll teach you. These guys are smart and they're not trying to fuck you and it's free.

That's TA. You gotta draw, furrow and wince, and then create what is already there.

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Oh for sure, even under the best circumstances, it's financial suicide trying to pick a country and miner that won't shit the bed. Best bet is to have mild exposure via a broad etf (like 2-4% total) and not touch their currency either

Indicator-heavy TA and trend trading is the still best way imo. Using a chart and drawing price action and support levels is SUBJECTIVE. More likely to make mistakes than cold, hard numbers. Plus, everyone else is going to be trading that support/resistance line too, and that means more likelihood of manipulation and blowing out your stops

To be honest, as an european I can´t seem to think of another place other than the US to invest in. Maybe some SEA countries and that´s it.

Who knows whats happening with China.

Easy. They literally banned certain funds from selling within an hour of market open or close. If that doesn't tell you the market has bottomed, backed by the force of law, nothing will.

Fuck the anon who keeps shilling this garbage.

Maybe you'd prefer some chain of Mexican grocery stores? I think that's in EWW somewhere. Maybe an equivalent in EWZ. Point is, Costco could be dragged down by maxed-out US business.

India ETF

INDA has been tracking SPY nearly 1:1 the past year. And my alarm bells are going off after a couple bigshot investors sold it as "such a great growth story! China in the early 2000's! You can't lose!"

And in addition to maxed out hype, how will it react to 10 million Pajeet coders and tech support workers getting GPT'd into unemployment?

Easy. They literally banned certain funds from selling within an hour of market open or close. If that doesn't tell you the market has bottomed, backed by the force of law, nothing will.

It's being propped up

Therefore it cannot go lower!

not sure I would agree there blud... couldn't it go to shit when the govt is forced to remove the sale bans?

how will it react to 10 million Pajeet coders and tech support workers getting GPT'd into unemployment?

They go to the mines and actually provide some value to the world.

When I go work out at the gym this is what I listen to. Also when I'm gambling and shooting pool with suckers that think they can beat me.

The fags who are saying shit like "all u have to do is say AI on ur earnings call and everyone buys ur stock ugh!!!" are the biggest salty losers in every thread. AI wasn't even a thing until winter 2022. Literally was not a thing the public even cared about. Now it's mainstream. You idiots deserve all the pain you get for shorting it.

We up a little over thirty after working out. This battery is bout donzo

That's not me but yes I acknowledged that POOMP this mornin'!

I made this with the power of AI. Don't invest in it

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Why can't AI get Wojak right?

Stable diffusion?

No, it's DallE3 Bing. Wojaks are tough on it for some reason.

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Who's going to force them? They are the regulators and have billions of yuan in national team brokerage accounts to be swung around.

Will they eventually remove that shit? Yeah, probably. Six months from now when the market's 30% higher.

Same as how the Fed eventually stopped printing money as an emergency post-2008 measure.

How did you prompt pepe? Everytime I get the woke cockblock

I certainly hope you're not trading, anon.

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Fuck you old man, you aren't my dad!

this shit ain't nothin to me man

You might have to be on the older Bing Image creator or mobile but I usually write: based internet meme frog peepe dressed in ...
Typos sometimes get you banned words but wojak is much tougher

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I would if the market would meet my price targets for whatever I am in at the moment instead of paffing about

Don't listen to any of the persons that replied to this. This nigga just said Boeing.

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I hope they kill lots more innocent people

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I call myslef that way ironically because nowadays being in your thirties you are abysmally apart and adrift

STAAAAAAAHHHHHHP, he said, before we both shoot you twice in both sides of your face.

Stop with that loser mentality.

My daily affirmations, King shit.

Bagged more KO

That's all you need to do. Take care of yourself, bitch


Zeeky Boogy Doog?!

Or do I buy 200 KO?

Comfy threaded

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No. And, are you sure? She bought calls DEEP in the money, both times. Even on the dip, she bought calls that were 84 dollars in the money, at 200.

She's basically buying stocks. She thinks it's gonna go upwards, but, let's look at the levels first.

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Gtfo, I was here first plus I got the holy trips you piece of shit. I'll kill you

I like this along with the strat method. Basically plot the ascending wedge-shaped trend lines created from 3 bars (candles that break ranges in both directions on whatever time frame you are looking at/trading on). Between these ranges you have “price discovery” and it’s sometimes erratic and unpredictable.

The system is to classify all candles into one of three categories. There are finite (predictable to some degree) outcomes. I don’t set stops but that’s what you should do to minimize loses. Set conditions on which you pull out and save your capital. Move on to the next entry. There’s thousands of shits out there to watch/learn from. Get the idea, take/refine it and make your own rules to play by and game this shit.

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They know they are. They still won't do TA. It's just connecting trend lines in any plot graph, like you would always do, but they HATE it.

Because that's not what they went to school for...

Nicely done, bitch.


Just like NVDA.

They were at $0.50 a few times during the day. I'm looking for it to pump to $1.00 this week in case you're still watching.

I appreciate this myself, in case you see this. I'm saving this jpeg and internalizing this TA

I need to learn this more.