Anyone else quit their job or have any stories about them doing it?
Anyone else quit their job or have any stories about them doing it?
Currently on week 4 of calling out sick and I have one more week of sick leave then I’m out. Gonna quit and take a three month break from work and then completely switch careers. It’s now or never and I hate my current life so I’m going to change it.
Not me. I'm unemployed.
i quit my job last month
I'm currently becoming an insurance salesperson, but I'm also looking into helping my family with their businesses (trades) and starting my own in real estate and generally just invest in whatever comes up.
I don't want to wageslave. Nothing crazy 2bh
I quit my job after seeing NVDA climb $100 overnight last year, took out $18k to gamble on stock options for 7 months. Made about $3k, bills and shit wiped out the rest. Tried door dashing to get back into trading but fucked up my car engine, then plasma donation but my blood levels keep testing too low for admission.
Now I’m back at job in debt to family members because it took a month to get a paycheck and I’m borrowing my parent’s truck because my car needs repairs.
If I held those SQ puts overnight, if I bought spy calls during that Powell speech, if I didn’t counter-trade on intuition so much I wouldn’t be at rock bottom right now. Life is a fucking coin flip
I did this but only got to day 3 before they called me out and I just quit on the stop kek
I quit today. No story though.
watching everyone call/text/email wondering if you are okay
I quit my job at the end of 2019 for move in thailand and try to enter in a major mma promotion, but covid fuck all my plans and drain all my money for ecception for those in he crypto, so now im back to my parents house unempoyed and hope to make more money for open a my gym
a friend of mine started using Eesee and spent half of his salary gambling, once he managed to make a x10 and quit his job, so far there is nothing interesting in the story but the retarded guy saved his metamask password in the office computer and lost it LOL
I left when they told me I had to get the vaccine. They asked if I wanted to come back about a year later.
Whats your next move, career move?
wait for the next paycheck. I’m so in debt I have to forfeit all my money once I get paids
im starting to believe that your "friend" is just you
you have a court judgement against your paycheck?
Yeah my employer tried to give me a 5k a year raise and I laughed at them
consistently makes wrong choices
muh bad luck coin flip
just kill yourself because you’ll never learn
i quit my job at the top of the previous cycle when my folio hit 430k dollars and have been travelling and chilling doing the odd job some months. i've spend more time outside of the country than inside of the country and havve met a foreign gf when i was travelling, on the beach.
I tried to quit the Navy in 2019 and they said no, so I was enslaved until 2022 when new people took over the quitting department and I was allowed to quit. It fucking sucked ass. Never doing that ever again.
Based. I feel so justified not having a job these days.
At my old WFH job the project managers kept giving me requirements for my assignments that were literal useless garbage (a lot of times they'd give me copypasted requirements that were completely wrong so there was basically no way for me to do shit correctly), so there was a six month period where I barely did any work. My routine was basically get up, spend the first six hours of the day on YouTube, Anon Babble, and/or some porn site, then maybe spend 30 minutes actually trying to do my assignment if its requirements got unfucked by then. After that I got put on PIP and quit a short while later. The whole experience taught me a lot about how much you can get away with before a company can actually get rid of you for underperforming.
I’m going the trades route
One time I thought I was about to get fired so I started applying for other jobs. I got hired, put my 2 weeks in and quit. Ez.
I got hired for a part time job on the side, did the orientation, did the online training, was told I’d get a call from the manager the following week, never got a call, it’s been a month. I’m still “employed” there but thank god I have another job, I had no idea businesses are ghosting their own employees now
I AWOL'd my job last year when they started demanding people to go back to the office, I was hired as a remote worker, so I lived like 5 hours away from their HQ, I just stopped showing up and never returned their equipment.
I quit at the end of 2021. Two weeks after, they required vaccinations and were terminating those who refused, so I would have been in that group regardless. Nothing to say there except I was burnt out and sleep deprived, took more than my 3 spare (non-consecutive) days, for the ENTIRE YEAR, off because I wasn't well enough to drive and the supervisor gave me shit. 4 people quit after me, leaving the store with just one employee and management filling in for my months. Sucks to suck.
What made want to quit? Too much time on the boat? Or the common thing in the military where give you bs jobs or people order you around to haze you? I was under the impression the military is easy as long as you're not getting your leg blown off in combat.
just stopped going and didnt answer calls
work for family owned accounting business as a "computer person"
they have me format their customers sites using shopify which they charge a hefty fee for
boss is fat retard
one day calls me into the office after only just getting to work because he dropped his phone
he tells me to take it to a local phone shop to get fixed
I ask him if it's a bit early to go since they probably wouldn't be open yet
he gives me a lecture about how if you run your own business you'll go to work super early and leave super late to get as many sales as possible
coming from the guy who every day comes in late and leaves early
say whatever and go to the shop
they're not open
sit around for an hour waiting for the guy to show up
get calls from my higher up asking what's taking so long
tell them the shop is closed
eventually guy shows up and fixes the phone
get back to work and my boss doesn't admit I was right
realized I was working for a fat retard and quit the next day
I would've just blown my brains out or they would have to send me to the happy hospital and get nothing from me ftn
or do weed before they stopped kicking people out for it
there are tons of reasons people quit, the list is so big that I just deleted it all because I don't want to look at all that negative shit (stopped at 20 lines of greentext). It can be easy but it's still wageslavery
I became disillusioned with the military in its entirety. It was very fake, where the regulations said one thing, but people would just do what they want instead. If I tried to do the right thing, I was punished unofficially. I then was put in a position way above my paygrade, busted ass trying to fix things, and burned out. Then a detailer got a stick up her ass about me and denied my resignation request. Eventually we got a new detailer and I got my next request approved, after being moved across the country to a new base.
Specifically, I was taking JPME courses and realized that the military is just basically fake and gay and I wanted nothing to do with it. That it wouldn't get better as a senior officer; if anything, it would get far far worse.
I worked a shitty tech job in 2021 and left early 2022 when they started looking for reasons to fire me because I would not do additional work outside my job without being compensated or given the inside track for the job I was actually hired for
They pulled me into a meeting with some 22 year old HR newbie and my supervisor with no degree (idc if you don't go to college, guy was genuinely nice but also just not very bright)
They tried to strongarm me and I told them I'm fine with quitting right now in this moment...which somehow threw them off, like they wanted to be able to put me through the ringer first
About one pay cycle later I decided I was quitting at the end of my shift. Shot off a resignation email to HR and my supervisors, said my goodbyes to my coworkers that I liked, and left.
Immediately got hired for a better job that pays double and I can show up whenever, unlimited PTO, cool things like that. Boss is currently giving me additional work at my request so I can make even more money by EOY.
Probably the best move I've ever made in my adult life.
jesus I hope this is fake
im jelly, good working anon
Congrats man, good for you. I wish I could have seen their faces when you flipped the power positions on them.
Have posted my story in other threads. WFH chad for 4.5 years and new boss called me into office. I stalled for 3 months and finally went to office to hand in my resignation. Had already secured another comfy WFH gig with more pay. Any other WFH bros out there? How are we feeling?
Do I count as WFH if I'm retired but working on a novel I intend to publish, from home?
and you told them to go fuck themselves right?
Keep gambling bro, remember the house always wins.
I quit the same job twice
Be me
Work at a casino making 50k a year
Always playing stocks, fantasy sports, crypto
Hit big on puts during COVID
Put in my 2 weeks notice to take a few years off and golf/relax
Few years later
Run low on cash
Go back to same job
After a year hit for 6 figures playing fantasy sports
This time don't bother giving 2 week notice and just keep calling off until they consider me to abandon the job
Run low on cash again
Find side hustle that pays 50k a year (not Uber or involving my car)
No health insurance or 401k, but I get to set my own hours, have no boss, never have to leave my apartment so no traffic or wear and tear on my car. Save money on gas too
Continue taking shots in crypto, fantasy sports, stocks hoping I'll hit another 6 figure scores
We'll see
Hopefully it works out. I've had multiple runs of low 4 figures up to 6 figures on bnb, link, and random boomer stock options. I'm sure I can do it again.