35 years old

35 years old

$500k net worth

feel poor as fuck

inb4 you are poor as fuck

how to cope with this feel bros?

Stop being poor


35 years old

What's your norwood level?

Pic rel no jk. Maybe I already made it?

image-2.jpg - 640x434, 26.02K

portfolio just hit 860k today

turning 31 this year

it's over

Not even on the chart anymore.

Do you feel poor?

Same but 32 and I'm a rentoid

19 years old

400k net worth

feel poor as fuck

How to cope with this feel bros?

not really

Yolo it all into RLC

feel poor as fuck

how to cope with this feel bros?

Move to the turd world.

30 years old

500k net work (local currency), ~100k in USD

feel rich as fuck

You think? Currently own some from back when it was worth nothing. Only got 200 though.

No money will ever replace the fact that you have a small dick, that's a feeling that will never leave you, no matter how many luxury watches or cars you buy.

it seems to be the only 10x to 50x left.

What's the make it stack? Assuming I'll need more than 200 RLC...

That's a good point, fuck my life!

They say 870 but I would go for over 5k if you can stomach it.

Ok based I'll start DCAing into it.

Smart move. If that 500k is all cash I would definitely dca into multiple coins

11 YO

4 million NW

feel poor as fuck

couldn't just have been born 10 years earlier.

how to feelz bruh?

stop fucking gambling on shitcoins and actually build wealth by dollar cost averaging the stock market and real estate.

I'm doing that too. Congrats on your success.

Kinda seems like projection there.


What rustled your jimmies

35YO 3mm net worth feel like a failure in life no gf. only 3 friends.

I’m 35 and worth about the same and I’m retiring. I don’t need things to be happy and I don’t need much money to buy the few things I need.
Maybe stop being a consumerist swine?

Maybe stop being a consumerist swine?

Yeah good point. Where are you retiring? What's your withdrawal rate and what not?

Nigga I'm 48 and only have 100k more than you. You're doing fine. Most of the planet still lives in a pile of garbage.


Most of the planet still lives in a pile of garbage.

Great point, it's hard to keep perspective.

I’m turning 33 and I only have 24k in my Roth IRA and 20k cash. Kys you fucking faggot

Sure, especially when media and internet makes it look like rich people are everywhere and having a great time. That isn't real life. If you've got your health and some nice people around you and get to eat good food every once in a while and go hiking and be nowhere near blacks, you have already made it compared to a lot of other people out there. Think about being in India. It smells and is hot and there are no white women anywhere. I no longer calculate making it as being rich. Making it in 2024 is being able to buy a cool modular mini home and plunk it down on some land in the PNW away from blacks and having enough investment income to eat and play vidya. And maybe have a girl come join you and you can plant a garden together. That's all I've ever truly wanted. You can probably do that for a little over a million bucks.

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Unironically agree with every word. Absolutely Based.

Don't worry anon we're all going to make it.

We cope by feeling at peace with our surroundings, no matter what happens. Stay calm and carry on, my friends. WAGMI

17, 1.4 million net worth

i still can't afford the boat i want

seriously bros, it's over

chekd. Yis anon. This is the way.

IMG_7627.jpg - 1125x840, 183.68K


240k NW

I don't know anon, 6 figure hell is forever I think

tfw zero friends


How much LINK for one anon then

*mic drop*

35 yo

broke asf

network is broker than me