Cyberpunk dystopia inbound

Wendy’s is preparing to test an “Uber-style” surge-pricing model where prices will fluctuate throughout the day based on demand — meaning a Dave’s burger will cost more during the lunchtime rush.

Wendy’s CEO Kirk Tanner — who rose to the chief role earlier this month — announced the new system on a call with investors. With the dynamic pricing model, the chain’s iconic Dave’s Single could increase by as much as $1 at lunchtime and drop down by the same amount after the lunch rush.

With constant pricing shifts, Wendy’s will rely on “digital menu boards,” Tanner said. After an initial $20 million in the high-tech menus, the Ohio-based company will be able to update its prices in real-time without incurring additional overhead costs, according to Tanner.

burger traders crowd the wendy's floor, sweat beading on their foreheads as scan the boards, and each other

the tension is palpable as the cents tick down

the first scream of BUY! breaks the floodgates

they all rush the counter, demanding their orders

a frenzy as the price spikes dollars at a time

on the side, lunchgoers patiently wait to buy at markup from arbitrageurs

soon the price has peaked, and lamentations begin as the greediest burger traders reap huge losses from the correction

i can't eat my favorite slope anymore

fucking cyberpunk dystopia

so bitcoin can be a currency now?

the neat part is that you will never get it cheaper than its normal price, even if it extremely slow. You'll only ever pay more
what fun!

wait a sec...

buy 1000 burgers before lunch time

sell them outside at high but still lower than wendy's

only warm them up in oven

wagies have to wait in long lines AND pay more

NEETs never had it so good.

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Buy when there's ketchup on the floor

In the kitchen and behind the service counter, the workers work leisurely and converse in Spanish.

lmfao this dude thinks standing in line at mcdonalds is what makes someone a wagie bro all you neets do is just watch anime jerk off and live with your parents at least wagies have a salary friends and some semblance of self-respect because at least they're contributing to society you're just a worthless basement-dwelling parasite who will most likely commit suicide once you realize your life has been wasted

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lol holy shit the future just keeps getting shittier. Technology was a mistake.

Bro I’m a wagie and I have none of those thing and feel no self respect. You live in a zero sum society there is no community or whatever

We've developed facial recognition software to track the drivers and adjust prices based on VAX status, social media posting history, and LGBTQWRS+ ally status.

If you ask Mr. Shekelstein nicely, maybe he'll let you go to lunch early so you can save 20 minutes waiting in line and get your spicy nuggies for a $1 cheaper.

lmfao this dude thinks standing in line at mcdonalds is what makes someone a wagie bro all you neets do is just watch anime jerk off and live with your parents at least wagies have a salary friends and some semblance of self-respect because at least they're contributing to society you're just a worthless basement-dwelling parasite who will most likely commit suicide once you realize your life has been wasted

ctrl+f "."

0 results

learn to fucking communicate, you zoomie retard. no one, and i repeat, NO ONE is going to read your incoherent run-on paragraphs that you post in each thread.

Wendy’s will rely on “digital menu boards,” Tanner said. After an initial $20 million in the high-tech menus, the Ohio-based company will be able to update its prices in real-time without incurring additional overhead costs, according to Tanner.

price updates will be powered by chainlink. despite our main product being big macs we are burger agnostic.

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Holy cope. I have been travelling the world for the past 6-7 years as a NEET. I was living life to the fullest while you were slaving away. I don't watch anime (who cares) and I have a good social life. I understand that most people are too poor/ NPC to break out of the wagie matrix, but your idea of what the lives of rich NEETs' lives are like is completely warped.


Do you ever drive while abroad?

I'm only 38 and I feel like the world has changed so much in 20 years. It was so simple back then. You show up to work, get a pay check, buy stuff. Simple as. Now everything is subscription this, demand that, AI this, live monitoring that, smart this, 24/7 that.
I can't even imagine what it's like for those of you under 30 and for those of you under 25 I truly weep for you.
Did you know most people in my day got laid in high school? Being a virgin was for the most obscenely grotesque obese outcasts.
If you were a nerd, you'd find a cute nerd chick to fuck. If you were a weirdo art dork, you'd find a cute art chick to fuck. Even if they were objectively ugly, you were able to find someone who still thought and operated as a normal, non so ial media influenced human, and you'd gravitate towards each other.
You got your news from parents, basic news channels, and media you likely had to read or was only updated every few days. Not some terminally online x serial poster using emojis to trigger your monkey brain.
You could go out with your friends in your non cloud connected car with $20 and see a movie, get some fast food, and shoot the shit. You wouldn't be distracted by smart phones because at best you had a flip phone.
I want to go back....

We are entering a burger economy, buckle up fuckheads

this is it, we're gonna make it

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how 2 rich neet


It's a bot you goddamn tards

Finally link has never been so needed

American reading comprehension on display

Sure, this will go well.

travelling the world for the past 6-7 years as a NEET. I was living life to the fullest while you were slaving away

LARP post. it gets old in 3-4 years as you grow out of it

Technology was a mistake.

I tried to tell you guys.
But, ooohhh noooo. You wouldn't listen to me.

Studying the blade,.....

Barbarian s at the gates,...

I want to go back....

Boomer here, me too

I’m only 38

Start a fast food burger place across the street from wendies.
Streamline the menu so no extraneous bullshit
Just 4 basic sandwiches/burgers to choose from.
3 flavours of milkshakes
4 choices of safety drink or water
That's it. No coffee. No frappes. no chili. No lemonade. No ice tea.
No extra bullshit.
Sell everything for early 2000s prices.
Take over the world.

why are muttmericans so obsessed with goy slop. Like i get the feeling that goyslop price increases is what is going to cause the next American revolution


rises by a dollar during lunch

falls by a. dollar after lunch

when you try to insult someone but end up insulting yourself

safety drink

*Soft drink

only go to Wendy's at off peak times for cheap burgers

go to competitors without surge pricing at peak times instead

What purpose does this even serve?

I can't deal with any more digital dystopia bullshit.
If a place doesn't have physical menus for me to look at and decide what to get, I will not eat there.

Somehow I feel like this is all part of Sergeys plan

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Extract more blood from wagies rushing lunch time for their daily goyslop servings
You see, wagies need the cheapest calories possible of processed re-fried carbs to survive, so they can keep working for Mr. Shekelberg.
They have no option than to consoom goyslop, since it's subsidized by the government to be cheaper than healthy food.
This strategy takes more money from wagies, make them suffer more, and die faster.

You will never experience teen love
You will never experience a car that doesn't track you
You will never know a world without the internet
Your entire existence is constantly forced into a 140 character bio and youve known no difference
You have never been excited by new tech
You have never experienced true novelty
You will eat the bugs
You will live in the pod
And you will have no good memories to look back on as you shove another spoonful of roaches into your gaping maw

tfw you experience pre-2010 4chinz

Some good memories at least

oh sure you will totally be happy munching on bugs because you are just too damn stupid to figure out how to have a good time in a world without internet it is a miracle that you can even tie your own shoes you useless retard i should probably be impressed that you made it past the first three letters of that sentence without drooling all over yourself how the hell do you even exist without forgetting how to breathe i'm not kidding when i say that you are one day going to die from some random accident just because you forgot how to chew food

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You will never buy a cheap reliable car and fix it up yourself with your buddies because even used cars are 5 digits now
You will never know a world where doom scrolling never existe
You will never know a world that actually turned off and allowed you to disengage
You will never experience novel and real memes like boxxy, you will only be force fed algorithm generated memes that your ai overlords find suitable for you
You will never feel the excitement of a girl brushing up on you without being called a rapist
You will ner know a world where you were an enemy for being born
You have never witnessed a world where your place was guaranteed and your success was assured
You are scared and alone will never knew any difference

Wendy's is going about this the wrong way. They should have silently raised prices, then announced that the would be running special discounts during off peak hours. Same results, but better PR.

You will never know a world where all the white leaders of the planet didn't betray their people for promises of jewish fiat and corrupt power

I thought cyberpunk dystopia was supposed to be cool and exciting, like Cyberpunk 2020. Instead it's ugly and inconvenient, like Cyberpunk 2077.

I see you everywhere here. What are you holding?

There's a Dick's Drive-In near me, local chain that's basically exactly what you describe (though they do serve brewed coffee). It's about four doors down from a McDonald's but McD's still does decent business for some reason. That's not to say Dick's isn't doing very well for themselves, but the success is not nearly as exaggerated as you assume it would be.

Underrated post

How to trade burger futures?

Grease, for lack of a better word, is good. Grease works.

Yeah. Understood. It's sermingly a mysterious elusive recipe for such success