/smg/ Stock Market General



Cat.webm - 400x702, 776.56K

fuck tripfags
buy LAAC

where are the links nigger


All tripfags must hang.

omg a twitter post?!

Shitting Dick Nipples Edition

Educational sites:


Financial TV Streams:








Pre-Market and Live data:




Boomer Investing 101:




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i'm already well hung

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Carmack things NVDA might become a better programmer than he is. Maybe I should buy more.

No you're not you fat jew. We've seen your disgusting self.

The celebrity CEO was busted not selling his Internet service to Taiwan when his contract says he has to. He’s in a tough spot. If he starts selling it, his car factories will suddenly close. If he doesn't sell it, he will lost multiple streams of revenue and loans will be called in and he will have to sell the social media company at fire sale prices. (Elon Musk/China/”Telsa”/”Twitter”)

small caps


small-cap value

How did I get tricked into buying these?

oh fuck nvda is happened

I've been taking human growth hormone, my cock has grown like 2 inches since then and it's fuller and thicker now.

what technology ETFs should I look at? I just realized that even though tech can be volatile it is quite literally the future. Wondering what some general solid ETFs and some speculative more risky ETFs are but I like ETFs in general just so you don't have to go all in

I wish Etrade had a "Just fucking sell it all" button.

NVIDIA collab news up the ass

price still tanking this hard

yeah im thinking its over

Anyone else feel like passive investing is creating a bubble in US stocks? Millions of people put aside part of their income every month and buy US index funds, and it's not only Americans who are doing this. People from all over the world are blindly buying US stocks regardless of the price. This can't end well.

Where do you get it from? I actually need it and testosterone because I have a legitimate disorder, but jewish doctors keep giving me the run around and wont prescribe me anything.

But did it regrow your foreskin?

Extremely anti-semitic post

Most tech companies don't actually work on tech.
Example: AVP was developed by a startup that Apple bought and it's not even doing well.

1 + 2 = 3

You WILL respect Doom Guy.

i should have bought more SKYT

Any hope for Pfizer post covid

no I don't think I will

literally who?

didn't check the




But seriously, everyone here should read Masters of Doom. Great book.

Oy vey Goyim you MUST check the Shalom! (tm) rating before you buy.

If one of the multiple company's they bought
has a blockbuster in the pipeline?
For now collect the divvies.

They finally get that CHIPS Act money by hiring enough trannies and blecks?


We should commission our own adult film and call it Masters of Coom.

If the money is being used for stuff then how would it create a bubble? It just keeps being circulated.

bad generals no links

Yep, sell signal.

sir it's up 1.4%

There's no money in porn nowadays. All the coom material you could ever want is right here on the internets.

Welp guess I shouldn't have sold my SOUN at 3.50

extremely unbased, leftist, perhaps even communist. I regret having ever replied to you.

They need to really unshackle AIs so that Sora shit can produce adult films. Then, sure, you can throw in some sluts along with the text of the book and make a porn parody no sweat.

If there's no money in Porn then why is N-Video selling for like $800 a share?

Jim Cramer told boomers they should buy it at the top

If there is more demand then the price goes up. If that demand is irrational then the price will have to come back down to rational levels at some point.

Within economics, reflexivity refers to the self-reinforcing effect of market sentiment, whereby rising prices attract buyers whose actions drive prices higher still until the process becomes unsustainable. This is an instance of a positive feedback loop. The same process can operate in reverse leading to a catastrophic collapse in prices.

You cannot stop it.

Your hand is getting smaller and smaller

Porn is free for a very specific reason.

taking a stab at GDX here

Literally doesn't matter, unless boomers cash out en-mass.

They don't. They pass them on to the next generation.
GenX inherits and lives off dividend companies.


What the fuck is his problem bros?

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Excuse me, I bought calls for NVDA and SPY, and now I have no money?

why do you buy trash TLT?


Inflation is coming in hot and we're going to go up on the yields not down. Joe Biden needs more money for the Ukraine, and Taiwan is about to get their shit pushed in faster than Poland in 1939.

Lol. No.
Line go up.

Xi would never.

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Which line? Interest rates?

Ukraine situation was told exactly like this.


the market will never crash and you are NGMI
simple as

SOUN BROS @ 4.75

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Yeah, why not? Got enough cash on hand for that.
What are you? Poor?

we're going to go up on the yields not down. Joe Biden needs more money for the Ukraine

how is joe going to have money if not printing it? Are you working for it? Does anyone here actually know someone who has a job? I don't. See. Checkmate.

At first I was like

can any american here kindly explain to me why your servicemen are burning themselves in front of jewish embassies?

Writing long term loans to the US federal government

Who the fuck do you think is going to pay you? The 20 million illegal immigrants? The Indians that will fuck off back to India once they cover the country in shit? The dying boomers?

They said Hitler was a good goy during the 1936 Olympics too.

But then I was like

tasty trade

he's a lardass

actually no, it can't, everything is covered and I'm happy either selling or buying at the strikes I chose
this shit damn easy

Hur we don't march in lines though

Western military is no longer professional, it's just a joke.

It's a free country. People can burn themself wherever they want as long as they don't harm other peoples property.

If I were in the military I probably would too.


Idk are banks going to give me my money when I ask them to?

give me my money

What do you even mean by this? Are you going to an ATM and pulling out $100k for something?

If you want, you can pay me $25, I'll kick you in the nuts, and you'll save $1.

currency risk. Bitcoin is the future when no one will use dollar anymore.

Who the fuck keeps making these low effort Pepes?

Hey TSLA is above $200 again!

you jews really can't go a day without talking about hitler can you

If I have $100k I should be able to withdrawal that on demand, don’t you think?

Hitler did the jews a favor by culling all the retards and creating a race of super ultra mega kikes.

What happens to the dollar vs. other currencies in a credit crisis?

Whaddya mean?

SOUN doin a lil sumtin


credit crisis

what is that?

It's going to be so funny when the fed actually cuts rates to 0 and TLT continues to crab since it will all be priced in.

1) The banks say no.
2) The government says no.
3) You won't (what would you even do with that? What counterparty would want $100k in cash? What are they supposed to do with that?)
4) Most bank branches don't even have that kind of cash laying around.

Yes, US stocks are very expensive right now, that's why you should diversify globally.
Historically, emerging markets stocks have outperformed both US and developed markets stocks, but of course they carry more risk. US and developed are highly correlated.

This is my current portfolio:

50% US

25% developed ex-US

25% emerging markets

for other currencies other government all print money as US does. only bitcoin will preserve value because of scarcity.

Just gave JPM customer service a piece of my mind about their insult of an APY on the 6 month cd. They apologized loudly and moved me to the 5% APY 2 month.

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Excuse you

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Why is Amazon getting added to the boomer 30 when N-Video has a higher market capitalization?

It’s probably easier to buy something with 100k (you just transfer the money electronically) than to withdraw 100k in physical cash

But why?

The nice thing about Anon Babble is that you can find ideas here that you won't anywhere else.
They're not necessarily good ideas but they're unique.

To add, this does feel the perfect time to buy ex-US. The US market has been on a run for 10+ years now and it is very expensive with a PE of 20+.

The nice thing about Anon Babble is that you can find ideas here that you won't anywhere else.

Yeah, "aping" into NVDA is a really unique idea.

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i like them

fair offer, but I'll pass this time

true... we should do this to mexicans, imagine a world full of super hot latinas


Most bank branches don't even have that kind of cash laying around

a big bank in the middle of a major US city had trouble scraping together $7k despite me calling ahead the day before. they ended up giving almost half of it in 50s.

I'm not sure it makes the women better, have you seen jewish women?

HONK mimimimi HONK mimimimi

It's a good day to be a stinky LINK holder. I found my old binance account with ~3k of it. My FBTC doing a little sum sum too.

no but if you google it you get a pretty clear answer

They show up all of a sudden and now they're everywhere. Very suspicious

Based Eva enjoyer.

btw I told you all to buy MELI, but you never listen, you didn't listen this time either did you?

Your bank sucks, I regularly walk into my small branch location and take out 8k in cash for gambling and drug money and they always immediately have it in 100s they don’t even need a manager or to go to the vault they just have it in the drawer

If you google any race you'll see the best ones.
If you go outside in NYC/New Jersy and talk to the women there you'll find they're all frizzy haired fat disgusting whores who are just one step above black women.

these past couple of market days have been crabbing hard.

Most perfect pair of tits on cinemá.

You said to buy them and then they dropped like 10% the next day.

finra,sec,eglinafb, etc.

nvidia stonk

Some people grow up when they move out or go get a job. I grew up when I realized the stock market is a casino with only a loose relationship with the actual economy


sodomy is policy not politics

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that wasn't me

You also didn't listen when I told you that everyone in Mexico is coming into the USA and using Amazon, so the Mexican Amazon is losing customers while the American Amazon is gaining customers, also the Mexicans are being given $10,000 to spend at Amazon in the US, so it's being subsidized by our communists, while the communists south of the border are busy starving their populations and forcing the people to flee to America.

who even is this fucker without that hat ?

did you forget bobos? its only up from here.

It's a game of paying a discount for expected future cash flows. Indeed, the correlation with the "real economy" is slim.

I demand 15% ten year yields

how 2 stonks?

which broker are you using?

And ten years from now you'll find US stock PE are still double those of Europe.

anybody notice NVDA coiling up like a snake?

just buy NVDA and similar and set and forget it’s that easy if you over complicate shit and try to outsmart the algos and the Jews you’ll lose

le yet another leg higher

I think Bobos are unironically the good guys.

Explain for us non technicians.

wtf Eva is Jewish?

If I didn't know any better I would agree with you, but (((they))) are going to cut the head off of this snake. Like seriously nobody has a single use case for this AI shit other than naked women.

The good guys are the ones accurately pricing things. That could be either "side" depending on what's happening in the market.

Yes. And french.


Not really, no. Looks like its gonna crab for days.

I don't care enough about you guys to teach you anything. People ITT treat me like shit on a daily basis so you can figure it out on your own.

People ITT treat me like shit on a daily basis

To be fair, you do sound like a retard.

Not if Putin nukes LA and New York.

Sorry baggie people are mean.

Shut the fuck up lmao.

Every species has mutations. When the jews get a beauty, that's a mutant - and their strategy has been to try to marry those off to royalty and such.

have you ever watch NVDA/SOX?

delete your trip faggot

They do this to all the smart investers

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wtf is this

Probably some religous cult

I'm about to become a bogleGOD

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Anon Babble are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my best to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

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I wonder if and how long they could apply and spin the "one more booster shot until we go back to normal" carrot on a stick meme; just with AI.

one more chip generation and we'll have a use case

this euphoria might come in waves, for quite some time.

What should I YOLO 200 dollars in?
The dumber the better and dumbest one usually works out all the time.


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spy 495p 3/1

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soun seems to be in the wheelhouse of what you are seeking.

Seems like a cult.

her portfolio is crabbing today


I already took off the tripcode retard

Has anyone watched Mia Lee’s latest video from today? Good video about equities and stock market fundamentals. The queen of Anon Babble for sure.

How is $LUNR even down? This company should be at $10. BOBO really won this time bros.
Literally green on everything, my portfolio would be BEAUTIFUL if i didnt have these 150 LUNR stocks weighing it down.

If I just had 200k i would have already made enough money for the next 3-4 years despite my 2 most useless investments in my virtual wallet being AMD and MSFT

It will take me years

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Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Anon Babble are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You still appear to be namefagging when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops!

Why is Kroger vs Albertsons merger being opposed by the Biden administration? I don't understand being concerned about grocery monopolies when wal mart exists

Major slurping opportunity. I sold puts.

Bought the Google dip 3 times today, what the fuck

we were discussing my use of a tripcode. my identity was literally the topic in question retard.




Based. She visited us at 345pa this year.
She really knows her stuff.

Mia Li?

Mia Li calves.jpg - 500x284, 34.62K

Hi there!
You still appear to be namefagging when posting! Whoops!

Doubt you would take as much risks with 200k. What are your returns and time period?

Blame their women who were driving the lander


Why did it go up in the first place? Fucking pajeets landed a rover on the moon a while ago, and it didn't tip over either.
So many fags are trying to get rich quick by guessing the next "big thing".

coimplaining about a chance to get in cheap

if baggot makes another thread i'm going to strangle the next jew i see

Will tech layoffs cause stock movement?

How the fuck does NVDA keep doing the sneedful?

like, by the middle of January I didnt even know what to buy, and it´s still at 47k in proffit. I could just get a shit job in Mcdonalds and live of that money and the extra and what these companies pay in dividends while letting my account grow

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Making money should NOT be this easy. Remember to set stop losses.

any EU anons here ever make USD deposits to IBKR account? I can see this requires SWIFT wire, which can be pretty expensive. I am even considering exchanging my USD to EUR, and go with SEPA wire (which is free, at least in my case), but exchange also will cost. any other ways to transfer USD to IBKR cheaply in EU without too much fuckery?

Layoffs are bullish.


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Stock movements of it going straight up, yeah.




Most mergers are bad for investors and consumers and M&A is frowned upon by this administration.

i fucking hate tripfags so fucking much

Yep. Even if there's a landslide and you sell after you trigger, at least you salvage something on the one hand and prevent disaster on the other. To hell with your lightning reflexes.

Trust me, once the feminists start demanding action be taken against robot waifus and ai revenge porn, you'll see them take a hit. The problem is women are retarded so they are too stupid to actually see the problem that is beginning to take shape. It can go much higher before anything actually happens, and it's like once you listen to a song on pandora you can't unhear the song.

this. if stocks aren't moving 5% a day they are not even relevant anymore.

But you have 200k+ usd right there. What was the problem again?

But wal mart exists. There is no way Kroger Albertsons could cause as much mayhem as them.

virtual account I'm guessing, eToro offers that

This is bullshit.

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There is still way too much biological female natural gas

I like this propaganda. People will be fired, not reduced in work hours.

AI is already giving some people zero-day workweeks.

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Which company can replace the most workers? I would say maybe MSFT? But they have boner for indians.

Does this mean they'll start importing less H1B jeetcoders?

UVXY is a no brainer here
CEO Lionel Uvxy has been buying shares hand over fist.

meh, when i get some 10k in this account im just going to get another broker

it´s a virtual wallet

overpriced tech stocks portfolio

You are in for a rude awakening.

Already happened to me and I'm still WFH and getting a promotion.

in fact, i´ll only keep this broker to make it a public account so that at some point i can promote those dumb arabs to copy trade me

meh, it 50% on tech and 50% on other stuff

Yes but Walmart was a monopoly BEFORE Biden was selected as president. If you think that doesn't make sense remember that the average voter in America is an obese mexican on welfare that doesn't speak English.

You are in for a rude awakening.

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he didnt buy SOUN a month ago when i was shilling it

hahahahah lmfao dumbfucks

In a perfect world there would be a white woman in that picture and we would get free feet pics baka.



SPY was sussin so I got $508 2/29Ps and $506 3/28Ps strait up bussin, fr fr no cap.

what did you say? besides go buy it?

Friendly reminder that JPM is still undervalued.

what else do you need to hear? when you see random shit stocks get shilled on Anon Babble you should pay attention

btw OMQS

If you go outside in NYC/New Jersy and talk to the women there you'll find they're all frizzy haired fat disgusting whores who are just one step above black women.

Don't remind me, as soon as I'm reasonably able I need to move the fuck out of the NJakistan. Kentucky seems like the best overall option, beautiful state, beautiful women (so I've heard), great on guns, and not too far from family in NJ / NYC. How much would I need to move, and what would your plan be if you had to do it within a year or so?


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Perhaps the clearest buy signal of all time

Couldn't you just move to New Hampshire if you're already in NY/NJ?

"Give me more lobbying money and I'll forget I ever said this." - Ted

not an A

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Buy high, sell low

But seriously, buy VOO, and some NVDA if you can afford it.

strike 200

currently at 300

what did pelosi mean by this
also this bitch be pumpin today

Guess who will own schwab someday.

People ITT treat me like shit on a daily basis so you can figure it out on your own.

If you don't like people treating you like shit, why do you use a tripcode named Baggie? You're just kicking the bee hive at that point.

lmao is that why it's up 10%?

Because of AI?

We need an ETF that invests in shit our corrupt overlords are buying up.

I'm one shill post away of buying 100 shares as a joke

because not everyone is an overleveraged monkey

TUP anon roped?

MSFT? But they have boner for indians.

why is that exactly?
It all started out like every other big tech corp today; founded and run by white males.

What said. NH would probably be your best option plus you'd still be in the northeast.

Also if cities are your thing and you have to be close to NYC for work or whatever, Center City philly is actually a pretty decent option. Lots of hot new grads and rent is about a quarter of what you'd pay for something in NYC.

t. live in chicago but are in both for work frequently

hire Indians

indians prefer their own kind

more Indians get hired

indians prefer their own kind

more Indians get hired

indians prefer their own kind

Oops looks like an Indian company now! Jai Shri ram!!

I see, I guess that just gives her a nice 3x levvy essentially

Buying deep ITM calls is a simple way to get leverage on a stock without paying a premium for the time value. It's one of the more conservative and responsible ways to buy calls.

buy your EV charging stocks now or enjoy getting priced out forever

What is panw and why should I care when I have nvda printer?

Palo Alto Networks, Inc. engages in the provision of network security solutions to enterprises, service providers, and government entities.

It operates through the following geographical segments: the United States, Israel, and Other Countries.

Tribalism for me, not for thee.


well.. there's still a premium. For Pelosi's calls today you need to pay 123.55 but the curr price - strike is 107.532. But it's a reasonable move, I get it.

You should've listened.

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I'm guessing they loaded up on H1Bs and outsourcing for cheaper labor, and that got to the point they needed a POOLEADER so that that army of POOSLAVES would more happily serve.

Sounds pretty based to me.

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how much time do I have?

So a j00 company helping out other j00s bought by j00s while they try to outj00 each other?

Tell me how I can profit from this. And don’t say just buy market price when it’s already mooned and following nvda

ZOGbots were forced to take the jabs, now they're malfunctioning.


stop losses

No way I'm letting the tiny hats steal my money. They pay to know what your stop loss is to rig the market.

Sorry, but unless Pelosi knows they're about to get a gazillion dollar govt contract I don't see anything desirable about it. PE is high and earnings are meh, and so is the performance of the stock.

dont rush, just keep it on your radar

fuck I really want to copy Pelosi's trade.

Cities are definitely not my thing, I much prefer suburb and even living the sticks, but still reasonably close to a city for good hospitals. NH sounds great, can't believe I never seriously considered it before.

why is that exactly?

As soon as you hire one pajeet manager, that's the only type of employee he'll hire.

why do you use a tripcode named Baggie?

its short for my original trip which was Bagholder Extraordinaire, but someone hacked my tripcode and figured out how to make fake posts using my tripcode so i needed to make a secure tripcode.

saw googles Gemini is making the founding fathers black, trans, and indigenous

they shut it down

shorted GOOG

making money

Are you really not option trading based on mimetic energy ?

Didn't Pelosi buy a ton of NVidia a few months ago?

She always sells on loss despite being an insider.



Jews hawking routers and security appliances.

What a shame nitter no longer works.

i bought some panw. wsb is going to talk about this as next nvidia and its going to be self fuffilling prophecy

13Fs have extremely low resolution. You can't really follow insiders with them.

It actually does. When you get the HSTS error just type: "thisisunsafe" into chrome/edge and it will load it anyway.

but unless Pelosi knows they're about to get a gazillion dollar govt contract

Maybe she will tell us if they did before she buys millions of dollars in calls.

what about all these DEI stuff?

an all pajeet board would be the most diverse board in history retard.

There is one, problem is you're always one step behind anyhow.

This is for (You) anon.

ARM holdings P/E ratio


The market has gone absolutely insane. They will write books about this period in history.

indians will hire indians
simple as

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based parkway drive enjoyer

Friendly reminder to put his on loop.
Everyday. For the next year.

it's a softbank pump and dump


Cities won't be my thing forever but there aren't many places better than the center of a major city for a 25 year old in a good career finally starting to make some money (me minus single). It's like a god damn playground.

Course I'll eventually outgrow it, as do most. NH is very nice for that. My GF (soon to be fiancee?) is in Admin at a very good school district right outside of Chicago so eventually we'll probably move to the suburb where that district is. Makes the high property taxes worth it; every dollar I spend in property taxes are returned to us (via her salary/benefits) like sevenfold.

Explain to me the bullish case for LUNR
Will Elon buy it up?

MSFT has a boner for indians.

well, I guess I´ll never open a stake on them with my own real money