Is this a buy or sell signal?

Is this a buy or sell signal?

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Nothing changes


means the end of days is near


All it shows is that a person named jacob is no longer registered in any jurisdiction.

What will you do if you're outside the ((system)) while still in control of untold amounts of money and influence?


He was actually the most powerful man in the world.

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image being "the most powerful man in the world" and die at the age of 87, lmao burn in hell bitch ass nigga motherfucker

do you feel in charge... Mr. rothschild?

It brings me some comfort to know that despite being one of the most powerful and richest man in the world, he still can not escape death and the weakness of his own flesh.

fucking kek, I hope his final moments were spent in complete agony

I hope he’s meeting who he served
These faggots really like flirting with the devil, hope they burn for it
rot in piss

Nigga got out of the way, finally.

sell. not dead, evac'd to bunker. war imminent.

How do I make this an NFT


Fucking kikes

And FUCK the Roman emperor that gave them power I hope your descendants all have aids

King kike is dead. Jews absolutely seething and crying right now their demon lord has become worm food

Right now, he is probably looking at us from below and smiling.

He’s an Immortal, they don’t die anon. They just killed his name so we don’t get suspicious seeing him age forever.

One down, six gorillion more to go.

Boomers dying is bullish

It's a schizo signal.

Wouldn't this be an easy memecoin opportunity btw?

For perspective, when the Bogs died fucking Everything shat.

The way the markters are, a buy

If you by any chance manage to do it, put it on sale as raffle tickets on eesee kek

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weakness of his own flesh

transhumanist propaganda post!

It brings me some comfort to know that despite being one of the most powerful and richest man in the world, he still can not escape death and the weakness of his own flesh.

He could've escaped death if he gave me half of his net worth. It's not too late, I can still bring him back but these people love money more than life.

Yes, I do hold the keys of heaven and hell, and the resurrection.

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He’s going to reincarnate as a trafficked child to some mossad kid diddling blackmail ring KEK.

reminds me on a internet video here 2 guys ask him about bilderberger and nwo on the street and he said his brother does this.

Vaxxed status?!

that old Luke radowski video
the body language in that was interesting
haven't seen it in ages, but at first Rotschild was very attentive and interested in what Luke was saying, then Luke said something that made him instantly lose interest
fuck it, I'll go get it
look at the body language at 1 minute the Luke is saying "we as a people reject the new world order"
very telling body language. this clip isn't the full version. in the full version Luke says something that makes him lose interest and walk away, forget exactly what it was.
also interesting how they could just walk up to him on the street. this was many years ago, im sure that has changed

do you also hold the keys to the medicine box? because it sounds like you are past due on your daily dose

its a crab signal. at least until the spirit inside of him takes over another avatar. if you know, you know.

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