Did this guy do anything at all to benefit society?
He's another rant on why you're a "loser" if you get rich off crypto instead of "benefiting society"
Did this guy do anything at all to benefit society?
He's another rant on why you're a "loser" if you get rich off crypto instead of "benefiting society"
Whereas being a camgirl trafficker benefits society a whole bunch
Tate is a crypto enthusiast, which is why he knows what etherscan is in the first place
he just knows how to get engagement farm that's all
This. He’s a lot more comedic than people think. He’s an exaggerated performance that mixes in actual beliefs with almost skit-grade comedy bits.
He makes a certain group of leftist mald hard. So yeah, he benefits society.
He's just portraying an exaggerated version of himself. Everyone knows mixed halfbreeds are always all sorts of mentally ill
why would anyone want to benefit society? even your neighbour is an enemy at this point
i wouldn't consider any of us actual enthusiasts, as in, so few actually believe in whatever technology is promised and instead interested in being able to retire from wageslavery
and to be able to make it with minimal effort makes it all the more sweeter
yeah, I'd argue most jobs/businesses actually negatively impact society. Crypto/stocks are just neutral and are probably the best chance to opt out of this whole scam system.
Trump isn't gonna build you a wall and Elon will put a chip implant in your brain
I’ve jacked off to the free previews once
He's just coping and seething because he knows he's too dumb to make easy money off crypto. This guy would have a field day bragging about how he 50x'd his wealth off crypto but he knows he's incapable and would just lose it all to a scam
He actually got in chainlink early that’s where a good portion of his wealth comes from
So he's trying to psyop his retarded followers into staying poor by foregoing the same avenues that he used to get rich... that's even worse. What a piece of shit.
The tate brothers used crypto in their cam model business extensively.
I am betting they still have a stack away from government's prying eyes.
I mean make no mistake i know i am a smarmy fuck, when making money off of crapto, eventhough I have more than 200k in it.
I dont do society anygood, i am here to get rich. Dont ever drink the koolaid zoomzoom
The kuhhmumity is a bunch of faggots that need to be put in a concentration camp.
Hes very feminine how he is an attention whore for likes on the internet. Im guessing he didnt have a father present in his childhood and probably sucks dick "on the downlow" like most histrionic zoomer mutts
pimps women on the internet for money
calls other degenerates
This guy is the biggest grifter on planet
This nigger's own "Hustler University" has an entire giant section/course on it about crypto trading. He hires people that teach this to his followers. I know because I actually paid for his shit 1.5 years ago.
reminder not to give this nigger any attention. OP is a loser from the hustlers university discord trying to put this nigger back in the spotlight by poking a hornets nest
sage and ignore
imagine letting this troll upset, i honestly respect his trolling abilities
You can be as feminine as you want if you’re rich because being rich is the most masculine state of existence
He tells incels what to say so the rest of society can identify and ostracize them. He may be right about crypto though lol
if you're a jew
Tate becoming literally old-style Marxist out of guilt.
All his wealth was got from parasitic means: Gambling, pimping camwhores, crypto. Entertainment (fighting) was the most legit way of acquiring wealth. Now he ios remoresful because he got shitcanned by popular media because of it.
Just like trump from his "veterans are useless" remark ppivoted into full-on homo lust for veterans, Tate tries to pivot to where he'd gain the most admiration out off because he's a putrid narcissist just like Trump and this is how they roll (seeking of narcissistic supply)
Did this guy do anything at all to benefit society?
no and I don't listen to what niggers or half breeds have to say about anything, might as well listen to my fucking dog
His brother also mentioned how he would get requests to shill X shitcoin, but he mentioned that only BTC/ETH/Link had real world utility.
They are clearly aware of the crypto world.
Didn't this guy want to mint his own shitcoin a few months ago?
Tate's educational product also offers some of the best education on systemization and airdrop farming you can get. He's shit-talking degen gamblers and faggy geeks you see in tech in general. He is doing that in a pretty dense and confusing way, like how Trump talks. Guess it's engagement farming like that other guy said, or some other secret of the super wealthy.
he's literally a mudslime tho
No, Tate will never mint a shitcoin. Explained in the interview. He says that to troll people every couple of months.
Did this guy do anything at all to benefit society?
he makes kikes like you seethe.
that's good enough for me
wow you're so edgy and funny bro im sure everyone thinks you're really cool and badass when you talk like this you're a pathetic edgelord with no friends you're basically a pathetic loser
I just spoke with him on the last 10 min, he told me that I should inves into eesee, to get a chance to win hes very expensive NFT
I'm staying a fact that he's a mudslime carpet kneeler
what's edgy about that
this retard made money in crypto thanks to crypto tweeter teaching him when and what to buy
They are clearly aware of the crypto world.
because they learned everything from the nerds
I used to follow him. He made a killing of of ETH back in 2017. He was one of those guys. He has an entire course about crypto in his online university. The fact he's preaching against it now is hypocritical. If you mentioned this he'd probably do another spheal saying "well duh. I mean it's free money. I'm not gonna ignore free money like a dumbass."
He's playing both sides.
he knows that the best way to make money is investing in crypto during a bull, not to buy his scam course. anybody clever would rather put 500$ in crypto than buying his shit. that's what he's trying to prevent
which is hilarious because if you buy his course, it says to invest in crypto. And they post all kinds of crypto signals (basically just the greed/fear indicator. It's such a hackjob).
The world will run on Crypto in the future, he knows this and is trying to keep your poorfag hands off his bags