Worldcoin mooning

Narrative forming around AI, deepfakes, Proof of Personhood / Proof of Humanity

Still 2 cents

Is there any hope for this garbage? Will this narrative spill over?

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It's not long since it was 13 cents.
This shit is gonna go to 20 cents+ in the bullrun. Worth chucking a few thousand on to get an easy five figures. Could even go to a new ATH at $1+ with Coinbase and Binance listing in bull market. Literally 16m mcap for a legit vitalik shilled project, this could EASILY going to $100m with some luck. That's 50x. Imagine you chuck $1k at it today, and in the peak of the bullrun you have 50k. It's such a low risk high reward bet for this bull market. Don't have to go all in on this shitcoin, but chuck a bit at it and you'll see the results it will give you.

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ngl while researching cmc a spark (spirit) appeared next to my computer as I looked over kleros. several days later, i walk by the kitchen and my wife finished one of her sketches for an apprenticeship. I look at the picture on the easel and its an icosahedron (pic related) angled in almost the exact same way.

so yeah this is going to be one of the most surprising gems this bull cycle. anons gonna be furious

t. 6th density consciousness oracle

Github page looks active I'll buy a bag thanks OP

cool thanks for sharing this gem anon!

...alright where is she(male)?

i made all my money during the last bullrun on this, the problem was it had too many whales that didnt give a shit about the tech. i held for 1.5 years and sold at .25 because of all the jeets. hopefully it can make a comeback, but im not that optomistic. change my mind

I have the feeling that this coin will explode suddenly over 10c and biz will commit mass suicide. I've seen it so many times before...

And when you will wake up in your piss stained bed

After becoming the court of mexico, Kleros will become the court of Nigeria. After Nigeria we will become the court of Argentina. Slowly we will become the court of the world.

I suppose you're too dumb to understand that v1 is just a test. The real deal is v2, which will come out soon. But keep buying dog coins on BSC and falling for scams.


v2 is still now out
Wasn't their roadmap to have this out in 2022? Holy fucking shit these guys are incompetent. Just enjoying vacations on the EU grant money.

still not* out

minor spelling mistake but my point still stands. if you hold this coin you are a retard

Yeah, based 100%, agreed

Another great day for my cutting-edge token, Kleros (Ticker: PNK)

Another dump by Clement

dumping upwards

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Seriously, how the fuck is vaporware shit like mooning

I can't believe I fell for this scam the team is absolutely retarded

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wtf why is this buzzword crypto pumping when its the current buzzword??

Kleros has no chance against the REAL competition!

What's happening with this coin? Are the devs still sitting around playing videogames 10 hours a day?

tim and eric was never my thing too LMAORANDUMB cringe shit but this was funny

What is the suicide stack? I have 60k



This will be PNKs undoing. The jury will just run every case though GPT5 and get their answer instead of trying to solve the case with their human brain. And at that point, why even have Kleros

this is actually bullish

do if for the meme, sir

Sui 100k make it 1m

v2 might save it. i think federico still genuinely cares, he might get desperate enough to just pay the binance bribe eventually.

PNK is fine

whats clement doing these days

I'm kinda mad PoH never really took off. It's desperately needed these days. Bots are out of control and AI is NOT helping. Ideally governments would provide some kind of public key infrastructure to link digital identities to real people (better than fucking phone numbers), but they're so slow there's plenty of room for PoH to take off.

Rumor is Federico finally realized that having an unintelligible individual prone to violent outburst who has a large stake in the protocol isn't the best look for the Kleros brand. He hasn't been fired per se but his ongoing role in the community has been neutered. Somewhat bullish.

No there isn't hope for it. Unironically over just like polkadot going down the shitter cuz they failed to innovate. Finna sell as soon as this shit pumps a tiny bit and ill save the money for satoshisync. Fuck buying btc rn but ill gladly buy btc focused tech alts.