Sam Bankman-Fried cellmate interview just dropped.
Sam Bankman-Fried cellmate interview just dropped
its funny how similar the guy looks to the asian chick
kek it's true
someone give me the qrd I'm not watching a 40 min yt video
SBF plays Shattered Pixel Dungeon on a prison tablet all day and is best friends with a chomo ex-cop Carmine Simpson.
it sounds like the experience is way more comfy than he deserves, he's basically just a neet. i bet he jailbroke the ipad and trades crypto on it.
Sam is getting absolutely jacked in prison, 1000 push ups a day, 1000 sit ups, he's the best table tennis player in the joint. He turned a man to veganism through sheer charisma
it sounds like the experience is way more comfy than he deserves, he's basically just a neet. i bet he jailbroke the ipad and trades crypto on it.
Yeah he does not deserve to be Solo Leveling in jail I hope when he gets sentenced where they send him has nothing like that.
I can't understand this retard at all but I think he said something about SBF giving food away.
jewish SBFs best friend in Prison is a Pedophile
LOL cant make this shit up
This dude seems alright desu
Overall it sounds not that bad also...
Eating all day, playing cards, ping pong, sleeping whenever, playing games/watching movies on your tablet...
Seems better than some wagie situations.
The FTX crash actually helped me big time.
I wouldn't be so much in profit now if it wasn't for the FTX crash.
Thanks you based Sam.
thought sam was initially a weirdo prison slang for pedos or rapists
sam is friends with ex nypd pedo because hes the only other "white" guy there
thats as far i got. oh and the blood guy doesnt think sam should be in there because there are worse people ie murderers or pedos
She wants to fuck him
Sam banged both of them
no bra horny as fuck nipples sticking out an inch through her shirt
I love how I lose money to ftx and I get demoralized every other week this time it's some slutty reporter probably fucking all these criminals because of the ftx case happened. Everyone wins but me always.
This video could also double as a incel blackpill video.
Sam is mostly favored by the inmates, they're nice to him
he's an autist that eats PBJ and plays some tablet game all day
got made fun of because he's a billionaire yet his girl was fucking uggly as hell
Asian reported couldn't be more obvious in how wet her pussy is for the blood dude
I can see it. This cunts entire shtick is covering "crypto crime" yet every vid is about sbf, like nobody has ever ripped anyone off before him. More like crypto cringe if you ask me.
I'd smoke a blunt with bro
I bet you she's tried making videos that weren't about SBF, and got 300 views on each.
The Algorithm wants what it wants.
She better keep riding the SBF train as long as she can, because there's nothing else for her.
as long as she dressed like a skank she will get hundreds of thousands of views
two unfunny people being unfunny and fake laughing
where is sbf getting all these pbj sandwiches?
LOL this fat bitch cannot speak english
uh um uhhhhn you know uhh hummm
He's just a kid, cut him some slack. As if you didn't steal a billion dollars when you were younger.
He means this is blackpilled because it shows how horny women are for thugs
I scammed people in habbo hotel when I was younger, does that count?
chink is craving for BJC
without the filters she looks like a different person
I entered someones account in neopets, just trying out passwords dont really rememember how exactly, and i stole ALL his stuff.
esl here: you can have a tablet in jail? also is he in jail or in prison? if he's in jail now, he'll go to prison eventually, right? and things will be a lot tougher there i guess?
This is just females trying to act like "bad bitches" to each other.
It's all just show, look at me ho' I'd fuck an inmate! I'm a HARD bitch
it's like monkey men saying "aye yo I'm gonna beat you up son!"
and things will be a lot tougher there i guess?
He'll take 20 years minimum and no it wont be tougher. Inmates will respect him like they respected madoff
click this thread earlier in the day
asian chick is on the left side of the thumbnail
click thread again at night
asian chick is on right side
same thread, same video linked I remember reading all of the same replies
what the fuck??? anyone else?
more like shattered rectum dungeon
nipples sticking out an inch through her shirt
Very disrespectful!
-_- prison isn't what it used to be like back in the 1600s and -3000
They no longer throw you in a hole forgotten for life.
They no longer give you mandatory torture.
Or even in 1900s when they took prisoners out as slaves to do labor and they didn't pay them, now they pay you to do labor as a prisoner, go figure that out.
Americans and and their retarded "pay the prisoner so he can buy his freedom" , a communist country would laugh.
Detroit schools and prisons are basically the same thing.
Now a Chinese or Indian prison... that's something else entirely. Those are worse than even Brazilian, Argentinian, Mexican prisons. Russian prisons... I never interested myself to see how they compare.
and by labor I mean serious tough labor, not picking up the trash and all that "community service" kiddie bullshit.
They'd put you to become miners, work on the railroad, put you in the sewage system, dig holes in mountains, make roads, work as a welder, all the nasty health-destroying jobs you can think of. Not this pussified bullshit.
I got disgusted when I read a documentary and the prisoners were complaining they didn't have enough stuff to do, that is just fucking hilarious.
Maybe they should put them in the army to see what true senseless work is. They'd put you to crack rocks for the sake of cracking rocks just to punish you.
Prisons became a NEET's life. "Ohh I'm stuck in one location" boohooo 98% of the population is stuck glued to a cubicle on their PCs at best and at worst they have to go to from location to location as construction workers and work under rain, snow, etc. fucking pussies.
Prisons nowadays are what the community/denizens of the prisons make them to be. Just like schools.
The guards no longer give you mandatory whippings before bedtime and yearly beatings.
I don't know what upperclass prisons and schools you guys know about, but in a prison you should feel lucky if you even get your own cell and you should feel extra lucky if you are given the option to stay in your cell rather than be forced
In a proper prison you'd be put in solitary confinement 24/7.
A mental ward hospital is 10x times worse than prisons nowadays. In prisons they don't put you on meds. They should beat the living shit out of prisoners, put them on meds, make them stay on needles, do slavework, demoralize them, break their minds.
Not this pussified "Just let them do whatever the fuck they want who gives a shit". That's just Detroit, that's not Hell, that's not disciplinary.
Prison is like smelling the roses compared to the army. You'd rather go homeless than join the army.
In prison they give you food, even TV.
Ha, ha, everything is sooo funny and lovely. Let's just live, laugh and love!
"Boohoo the homeless at least can go wherever they want" yeah and struggle to survive like literal animals which their woods got cut off trying to find food and trying to find shelter from the winter. I bet prisons nowadays even give you hot water during winter, fucking retards.
Jesus Christ you separate prisons by sexes, but you don't separate them by thieves and criminals and degrees of thieves and criminals.
A mental ward prison is what slightly comes closer to a real prison, except they don't let you out to see the sun and smell the grass.
Most prisones should be left infertile if the sorry-ass excuse is "they'll make babies" boohoo like you can't kill the babies. "Muh human rights" muh biological rights to contain the cancer. >bbut what if he only stole an apple or something small
That's what degrees of prisons are for, not this pussified illogical bullshit.
What are we going to do with trannies? Create a tranny specific prison? Create a fat specific prison? Create a stock market specific prison?
Once again. Jews like SBF should be sent to a mental ward institute for kleptomaniacs and country destroyers. Country destroyes like these gypsies/jews/arabs should be sent to a chinese prison+army+mental ward combo to be filled with medication, mind broken, used as slaves and fucked and yelled at all day.
A fucking redneck or amish 6-10 year old with abusive parents toiling the field, being indoctrinated to live a commie life lives a harsher life than these pussified prisoners. Boohoo you got raped in the ass? that's normal. Boohoo you got beaten? be happy he didn't use a steel beam to break some bones or bend them or dislocate them.
Prisoners should be sent to the circus to know what slavery is and I mean those 1800s circuses where you live in a petting zoo. Hey kids touch the curly jew banker who plays LoL. Throw some peanuts at him and whip his ass if he refuses to perform.
There's something off about her, it's like she's permanently stuck in high school mentally
Oh shit bro must be the mandela effect you just shifted timelines. Its always been this way in my timeline.
meds. now.
alright man, i think we got it now
imagine seething at happy people
im not seething lol, just shitpostin', she's smoking hot
Experienced traders make the most of it. I left an open short trade without TP or SL. I used all the profit to extend my position in XTP, Eth, Sol, and other profitable alts. I'm glad I never used the exchange in the first place. Always prefer Binance, Coinbase, and Tap. I hope the retard spends his entire existence in jail.
you're off your meds again
Capitals and punctuation you filthy ESL or redneck.
Bruh…. She’s like a 5 at absolute best…
What is it with people on here inflating asian women so much. She’s painfully average
I've had Asian fever since I was a teenager, I've dated many white women but i'm literally repulsed by them now. I don't choose what I like lol it just is
I live in Japan myself. Not even sure how i ended up here, knew next to nothing about it before…
I was never opinionated on east asian women at all, not many in the UK. However since living here a few years i find it weird how people on here exaggerate such average or even below average looking women.
I guess people who are not used to looking at them cant judge well.
KEK meanwhile real scammers like Sasha Ivanov are still walking around freely and continuing to scam people
Yeah there's probably some unconscious fantasy playing, we desire exotics
LMAO she's actually into that fat nigga
I like Asian women but I don't think she's very attractive. She has Awkwafina-face