Deflation is always bad

deflation is always bad

Only if you're a soulless capitalist demon or a retard who has outstanding loans. Long-term deflation is a net benefit to the economy. It didn't turn Japan into a third world shithole. Japan is stronger than ever.

Rent nowadays is the biggest scam

Rent is only expensive because of zoning laws, money printing inflating housing prices and dumb regulations.

Retards that blame things like "greed" on this issue are actual brainlets.


new house = 387k (about 2x income)

average income of new grad techie = 200k

new car = 30-40k (1/6 income as opposed to half)

tuition (40k/year)

movie ticket (10 bucks?)

stamp (email is free)

food barely went up at all relative to income
the problem you guys seem to have is you guys chose the wrong careers.

Lot of people are making 200k today. if not out of school, by 30 for sure. even marketing managers. i know a married couple who are both teachers making 100k each.

also comparing everything to income, everything is a LOT cheaper now. except a new house. Even rent is cheaper.

who cares

Has to use average wage of one of the most well paid industries instead of average wage to make the numbers look reasonable

Face it, shit's expensive now

if you normalize this chart for 100k average income:
new house 225k (actual is 387)
new car: 49k (a new camry is 26k, new tesla 35k)
rent: 1557 (actual is 1300)
tuition to harvard: 24k (actual is 57k)
movie ticket: 14.42 (actual is 10 bucks)
gasoline: 5.57 (actual is about 3 bucks)
stamp: 1.73 (actual is 66 cents)
10lbs sugar: $34 (actual is 7.68)
Milk : $28 (actual is 3-4 bucks)
coffee: 22.50 (actual is 6 bucks)
bacon 18.45 (actual is 6.60)
eggs: 10 bucks (actual is like 2-3 bucks)

so as you can see Food is a LOT cheaper now. a new house and harvard tuition are the only things that are pricier today.
everything else is cheaper. including rent.
today its easier than ever to increase your income. its not hard to get a 200k tech job if yo try. most of the market are retards.

If you normalize the chart for 3 times the average income instead of 6 times

Are you seriously this stupid or are you just playing dumb

deflationary currency is bad because people will just hoard money instead of circulating it in the economy

inflationary currency where people hoard assets that could otherwise be used productively is good

Can someone explain to me why people having real estate portfolios with 5 or 6 empty properties is somehow better than those same people just keeping a couple mil in the bank?

Yep in 1938 you couldn’t be a weeb on the internet in mom’s basement for free. You just had to stare at a fucking wall or something.

goods and services are real. assets and commodities are real. money is not real. "deflation" - that is, the artificial pumping of something fake - is a distortion of reality

None is making 200k on average retard, the average income in the US is 50k

387k (2x income)

You can buy a house with your gross income? Wow didnt know that!

Your problem is that you don't understand what you are talking about. But instead of learning, you get angry and lash out because you are a low iq subhuman and start seething and making these pointless rant threads. Educate yourself first, no matter how much you seethe the current situation won't change.

average household income in my state is 135k
its prob higher this year that is 2022's number.

My first job at Microsoft paid over 200k tc. I make well over this now 5 years later... my friends in non tech area also well past 150k. if you have a parter, double it. its 2024. min wage is 15 aka 30k = min wage. 2 mn wage workers are making 60k. most people are making over 100k household.

Yeah I remember that being drilled into me when I was younger. I now see inflation is a total scam and the system allocates more and more to the richest individuals while the majority get less and less.

Peak jew comment: >Hey the average doesnt matter just run the hamster wheel faster
Hey it's the same when 2 people work instead of 1

What are you massive retard even saying?

a soulless capitalist demon

Found the illiterate communist retard.

Deflation | Jörg Guido Hülsmann

Deflation: Myth and Reality | Joseph T. Salerno

You also "forgot" higher taxes. And even tho you should put in the average of 50k, even with 100k it looks bad

Forgot the elephant in the room

tax on $200k income = $100k

Japan is stronger than ever

Doesn't seem that great?
Average income today, not medium income, is probably ball park 173k now, so multiply everything by 100.

House: $390k
New car: $86k
Rent: $2,700/month
Tuition: $42k/year
Movie Ticket: $25
Gasoline: $10/gallon
Stamp: $3
Coffee: $39/lbs
Eggs: $18/dozen

Its actually pretty shit in terms of car, food, gas

average is 173k

I just made this up

$3,900 in 1938 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $85,306.83 today,

I wish houses were priced at $80k nowadays. They're almost at 1 million

Yeah because they don't measure "average income" anymore, but that's probably close to what the "average" income is today for everyone including married, which is not measured today, we only have stats for 50% percentile for single people who are mostly young or lower income. We need to know what "average income" means in that chart. When I google historical median income I get more like $700-800/year for that time period, not $1731.

Are you just adjusting for government "inflation"? Because those are bullshit metrics. If you adjust by GDP $3,900 is more like $1.2 million, which isn't a great way but way better than inflation. Houses weren't cheaper in 1938 because they represented less big-screen-tv-inches of value which is what inflation measures.

forgetting millions of noncitizens, often getting free or heavily subsidized housing

They're almost at 1 million

maybe move out of your expensive shithole if you cant compete?

Yeah just let me struggle another two years to get a visa sponsorship while Rankeesh and Omar get fast tracked.

OP pic is American

goes on a diatribe about immigrating

no one cares about third worlders


dont u ever think of renting in us dollars, economy will rape your wallet according to truflation

Deflation isn't bad if you're rich and can cope with loss. In fact, it's opportunity until the next inflation "cycle". But you can't just be Japanese. Their shit was fucked up, but countries were there to help. The US fucks up, it's a lot worse because everything's tied to it. But, that's not say we can't create Anime while eating rice and beans

What a bullshit list. Divide it by 1938's wages to see a fair comparison.

I swear, the economic illiteracy nowadays is scary.

Are you mentally challenged?

average household income in my state is 135k

No it's not.

are you retarded

guy who thinks the median price for a house in the US is 1mil

guy who actually thinks affordable housing doesn't exist in the US

better stretch to prep for the goalpost moving. I won't be entertaining your stupidity after this

you're a fucking retard, stop posting.

50 cents for a gallon of milk

eggs at 18 cents per dozen

This is actually roberry for the average salary to have only been $1731. That'd be $17 per gallon for milk and $6 per carton of eggs taken relative to today's average US salary.

The AVERAGE income is probably well over that. But most modern stats are the median, so to compare apples to apples we should look at the median in 1938 which according to a quick google is more like $7-800/year, not $1700, so I think a good way to get the equivalent price is to multiple those by 100. That would give you $70-80k which is about what the median today is, a little higher, but ballpark.

You just keep making shit up, nobody cares.
Cite something or fuck off.

Because those stats aren't tracked retard, that's why you have to go by median, google "median income 1938" if you want, not your butler.

Yep, you're retarded

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