/CMMG/ Commodities, Mining, and Macro General

Biden Letter Edition

A couple months ago, I emailed the White House about what they're doing to protect coal miners' jobs and arguing that the United States should be exporting great quantities of coal as a way to make other nations, particularly Asia, dependent upon us for a vital portion of their energy needs. This, I said, would be geopolitically wise for the U.S.

A few days ago I received this email back from The White House. Read it and weep.

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What is Austrian economics?


Austrian economics books

What has government done to our money? (Rothbard)

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I had to remove the part on Austrian economics to fit my introduction all within 2000 characters.
Here is that portion:

What is Austrian economics?


Austrian economics books

What has government done to our money? (Rothbard), The mystery of banking (Rothbard), Profit & Loss (Mises)

Biden's White House is just tone deaf to reply to a coal miner with those talking points in 2024 when the "Green New Deal" is already faltering.

Base Resources taking a fat shit today with h2 earnings

So invest in silver, then. You know what are a complete scam? Solar panels and EVs. You know what they need a lot of? Silver.

That nigga is not reading or writing any fuckin letters

Yeah, it's just probably form letter pablum written by some aide.

t-thanks Joe

expect more dumpening, their only operational mine is ramping down until it closes and goes into rehab by end of year. As for their other mineral sands project, last time they tried to develop it the locals thrashed and burned down the project site

locals burned down the project site

Lmao really
People really suck at colonialism these days

Brother geopolitics is theatre for the masses.

This is criminal. Pension fund should not be invested in speculative mining stocks. Fucking commies man.

If it can potentially fuel “Trudeau in trouble with miners” headlines I’m all for it. This is how SNC Lavalin all began. They were a big part of Quebecs pension

Very cool, but it seems like a generic boilerplate response they give to anyone who emails them about energy, nowhere does it specifically mention coal. Pretty cool nonetheless, something to show the kids.

Hey faggots, apparently a Rothschild died.
Had a few profitable forex trades up and now theyve all moved to JPY pairs. This might be a good top signal, bought some VIX just in case


This week the Malagasy government indefinitely suspended activities of the Base Toliara mine project, the third-largest mining project in Madagascar. It cited friction between the project and local communities and a “lack of clarity” about its potential benefits for the government and the country as the reason for its decision.

The decision was taken during a council of ministers meeting on Wednesday and a press release from the government described incidences of violence and conflict with host communities as a key reason for the suspension.

The government issued the company a mining license in 2012 and an environmental permit in 2015. Base Resources had planned to commence construction activities this year and production by the second half of 2021.

Discontent among local communities has been brewing over the years but it came to a head this April when a band of forty people allegedly burned and vandalized the mine’s exploration campsite. Nine of them were arrested in May and charged with arson, destruction of property and forming a mob. They were convicted only on the count of unarmed gathering without permission but released in June after their six-month sentences were suspended.

In an emailed response to Mongabay, James Fuller, a Base Resources spokesperson, downplayed the importance of these events and suggested that the company considered the issues driving the opposition to be resolved. “While there were some early community protests, these have dissipated with an extensive communication program better explaining the project and the opportunity it represents,” Fuller said. “The few more recent localised events have represented illegal actions by a small minority that were dealt with by the Malagasy legal system.”

TL;DR literal 40-man mob came and fucked up the project site and set office spaces on fire, government backed off

Lads, I just sold part of my physical gold ETF and bought more of the gold miner ETF. I do this when the ratio on a 1 & 3 year lookback reaches tenth percentile extremes. I don't look at moving averages or chart patterns of any of that shit, just the ratio.

When the miners get a bit exuberant vs gold, could be a couple of years time who knows, I'll rebalance from them back into physical gold. If I was any good at Excel I could backtest this strategy, it probably does quite well.

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gold miner ETF.

Can't you stockpick you can probably do even better and sometimes gold mining ETFs go up less than the gold price.

Oh, noes, Brunswick broes!
Are you ok?
W-were still going to a billion dollars, r-right? Barry Fitzgerald said so.

Who was the nigger chartmagician who told me the AMR chart is a sell?

you should really be taunting pump-n-dumper GV on X and speed the BRW run to zero

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Why is the DXY rolling over? Did the euro bottom or something?

. If I was any good at Excel I could backtest this strategy, it probably does quite well.

Im doing my own thing in C# so I can automate inputs on indicators and quant shit

I don't do x or twitter or whatever it's called now, but feel free to use my screen caps.

I wonder if Platinum is going to fall into the 700s, I have a feeling it will.
I'll have to buy some when it does.

It's possible both Platinum & Palladium reach ~700.

>. If I was any good at Excel I could backtest this strategy, it probably does quite well.

Im doing my own thing in C# so I can automate inputs on indicators and quant shit

You can use visual studio (free) to write an Excel plugin in C# (or VB) so Excel will do what you want. But, if you can already program in C# then you can write VBA inside Excel for the functionality you want.

In Excel there is also the 'power model' and you can use M, DAX, 'power query', 'power pivot' and VBA is you think you need to combine.

My portfolio after 3 years in the mining industry.

Two more weeks brother. Trust the plan. Endure the pain.

money printers

Well actually I can't. I'm on Windows 7 and using Visual Studio C# 2010 Express Edition. That doesn't have Nuget or other modern functionality, is limited to C#4.5, and I use open office instead of excel. I do not want to pay for an office subscription, and I cannot upgrade my VS version without also upgrading Windows.
Free options exist, but I'd have to reinstall my OS to dualboot Linux and learn all that shit too, so at this point I'm just focusing on what I know

So invest in silver, then. You know what are a complete scam? Solar panels and EVs. You know what they need a lot of? Silver.

The Green New Deal, so called, is already faltering. Silver is a good investment if you already have enough liquid cash, but perhaps not because of the supposed new wave of solar and EVs. That's already falling apart.
But definitely, silver is real money, gold too.

It does seem so.
If PMs keep on falling, companies like Sibanye are going to be an absolute no brainer to pile into under $4. Even now it's an incredibly good deal.
I really like how these bigger companies are getting so fucked, that they will be doing at least 5-10x from the bottoms when things eventually turn around and get going.
No need to pile on unreasonable risk with the smallest players for great multipliers.

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Careful about Sibanye. South Africa has elections this year and they're extremely discontent with the absolute state of the country. Failing infrastructure also makes mines operating there more expensive to operate.

Oh sure there's always risks in that massive shitpit of a continent, but really we can say that about a good chunk of the less civilized world.
Every thirdie nation seems to have some damn issue going on with either infrastructure failing or the government being borderline dangerous to investments.
But if things don't flat out break down, I believe that just based on the size and price history of these bigger guys, they'll be attracting enough eyes with the commodity price increases alone, to radically move the prices from the bottoms when things eventually turn around.
That's the good thing about a very limited sector.
There's not too many places for the money to even go. It simply has to get into very few bigger players even if they're in a bit of a sketchy jurisdiction.

Yeah I don't touch anything in Africa. From The Economist on South Africa's upcoming election: "72% say they would ditch democracy for an unelected leader if he could deliver jobs and combat crime." I just can't wrap my head around having any faith in people that retarded.

There is no need to take the extra risk for SBSW as of now, South Africa is practically uninvestable at this point. Look at the Australian and Canadian PGM projects which can be just as cheap without the jurisdictional risks.

I just can't wrap my head around having any faith in people that retarded.


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why the fuck are my uranium miners crashing?

Because you bought the top.

its incredible watching how fast South Africa has caved in on its self. The populations desperate for stability, the economy is in the toilet, the government is utterly corrupt.

The only way for Africa to function is for their population to completely get replaced either externally or by a sub group of the smart ones taking over. An African dictator with an IQ of 120 would be a better than a democracy. People their literally think that food comes from grocery stores and have no concept of abstract concepts or second or third order consequences for their actions.

dictator with an IQ of 120 would be a better than a democracy.

That goes for any country at this point best if there is no government in the west, but that's not going to happen any time soon

South Africans were better off under Apartheid. Primitive peoples need civilized people to rule them. It's paternalistic and necessary.

you bought his shares

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dictator with an IQ of 120 would be a better than a democracy. People their literally think that food comes from grocery stores and have no concept of abstract concepts or second or third order consequences for their actions.

But enough about the West.