I've never seen this board so retarded and shit as it is right now
I've never seen this board so retarded and shit as it is right now
You’re welcome
every day is retarded when you post frogs
that means the bullrun is about to begin
t. here since 2017
You must be new
This is my first day using Anon Babble and I've filtered and hidden over 90 posts (not including this thread)
mostly anything that mentions stocks and crypto and then whatever shitposts were left
lol someone post that catalog screencap from peak 2021
Anon Babble IQ test
Do market caps matter?
top signal
I gave sage educational advice on how to research
1st step: You need to understand the narrative (NFT, ENS, DeFi etc)
2nd step: Does that specific crypto narrative have demand?
3rd step: Does the specific crypto satisfies the narrative, and does the token attached to the specific project have demand?
4th step: Is the project consistent with the crypto ethos of decentralization, opensource, sovereignty over your keys?
5th step: Is there demos?
6th step: Does it have a low market cap? Good technical analysis? Are VCs waiting to dump?
Narrative: SocialFi - decentralized social medias that are opensource, free to use, peer to peer, scalable etc.
Demand: As tech censorship of the masses increases (on issues of medical health/politics/economics/social issues) there is more demand for decentralized social medias that are decentralized wth no centralizing DNS or https endpoints, while maintaining scalability, speed etc.
Specific case study: plebbit $pleb.
Plebbit is an opensource, free to use, peer to peer social medias protocol with no https endpoints and no need for SSL certificates. Instead it uses the IPFS and ENS. This means it's actually decentralized unlike federated alternatives or projects like steemit.
Plebbit will allow board owners to advertise or not to advertise.
Users will be able to curate their feed wth subs that have and don't have ads.
ENS is used for board names.
NFTs could be used for avatars.
The token will be used to curate the default feed through a DAO.
As the protocols is adopted, more sub owners will want to be featured in the default feed so they can increase their subs popularity, earn ad revenue and perhaps even trade their valuable sub as an NFT. This will create demand while also satisfying the narratives demand by being apart of a social media protocol with a viable and novel design.
The token will also be used to vote on Dev issues and tipping.
3.5m mcap no VCs 100% airdropped grassroots, 1+ year of slow rise.
You haven't seen anything yet little man
I’m actually considering going back to Anon Babble at this point.
AGRS will fix this.
Time to take the fruithead pill then. You will see things from a different perspective.
op, move over to monsterfomo.com instead and stop complaining
Consider this
Hi guys, white woman here. I sure crave bbc. How can I profit from this
Welcome to the new normal.
please keep your bestiality fetish on the nsfw boards, thank you.
Too.much text, r3dditor
Junkhead gods MOG fruitcucks
Purchase Chainlink (Ticker: LINK)
impressive honestly, I can only do 3
its actually insane
we need to email nishimura or whoever the fuck owns Anon Babble its fucking ridiculous
So what do you look for? Housing threads? Boomer rocks?
if you are too much of a low iq, low attention subhuman to read my effort post, then just watch the NPC gif in my post you replied to, try the plebbit demo, and then if you like it, get a make it bag of plebbit (1b)
its all getting worse man. i remember when biz was actually for business and normies could get financial advise. now its all based and anons keep getting poor..
if you see this, tell me.. why the fuck are you rich or fucking retarded
frogposter is complaining about the board being shit
buy BTCDragon and earn BTC reflections daily.
go back
i went back here
Obviously you're a newfag if you don't remember the 2021 BSC shitcoin seasons
where the fuck were you when everyone was buying the dip?
called this a few weeks ago. if you got a website/blog, you can monetize on Hydro without ads, if you dont have one, wordpress got you covered
Shut the fuck up
Some gems are mentioned today on biz, you just need to research
Free Palestine!
sick of google ads for sure