/smg/ - Stock Market General

MAGS holders when they try to attends the FAGS shareholder meeting



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boards.Anon Babble.org/biz/thread/57715057#top


I'm just going to invest in myself. Meaning cashing out of everything until White men are in charge again.


Here have a version where I cleaned up the photoshopping

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whats a good alternative to spy? im looking for something still cheap to buy tons of shares for as i build up my wealth. not looking for day trades but a long term investment

Just be happy you'll never be as mentally deranged as NATGAS bag holders

cash out and "invest in self"

buys a new couch and burgers

SP500 pumps up 40% over next 2 years


Crashes 20% immediately

still cheap

Emerging markets and China. Everything in the US is expensive.

do you think i should just buy now then when our stock market takes a hit just double down? i think it would be pretty risky and stupid to bet on china

I'm going to be a good guy tomorrow and start my day with a bacon and egg McMuffin to be a guru trader like Warren Buffett

Great depression incoming. Now watch this post get swarmed with tons of coping government CISA shills.

Wtf the og candle on nat gas +4,5 %

I put a short last week im at 0 benef right now : (

How many barrels of natgas should you get delivered to your house for your natgas emergency fund before investing in natgas?

shorting NATGAS at already generational lows

How much NVDA do you own? You do own NVDA, right?

I own an 8 year old NVIDIA card inside my laptop


I see what you mean but it was 7% short without lever

I should have sell During the week end

i think it would be pretty risky and stupid to bet on china

That's exactly the shit people say at market bottoms.

As ready as I'll ever be.

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what does it matter
it's all fake funny money anyway
none of it's real

now that we're past earnings is there any reason to expect NVDA to go higher?


VIX down nearly a percent. I think tomorrow is going to be anothee blood green day.

Anon Babble in a nutshell

Just means I'll have to hold my UVXY another couple of days is all!

Bros I ran into a hot girl from high school at an event and later she messaged me on instagram asking me to send her a picture from the event, then she gave me her phone number. She just wanted my number right?? I could have just sent it to her on instagram

Also are we actually gonna see $50 SOXL this week? Or before March FOMC?

None directly
I’m sure my index funds do

So if a recession is coming, in what should one invest? Bonds?

What's the lowest-stress portfolio that'll have decent long-term returns?

Guns and butter

invest in yourself

Rheinmetal... ok. Looks bad to buy on such a high, though

100% VOO
Or 50% VOO 50% VGT if you wanna go crazy

TBIL if you don't know how to use your money

before during or after? i would DCA into stocks all the way down.

Before. Like right now.

Thank you Joe Biden
How many bots do you employ here?

Yeah, investors want Treasury bonds in recessions. But of course it's already priced in.

50/50 jepq/qqqm
If nasdaq go up you make big gains and it usually does go up
Jepq yields much more when market go down so it acts as a hedge against down markets


-I thought this up in the span of 4 seconds
-I am not a financial advisor
-I like little girls
-The tax burden will be significant in a regular brokerage
-Covered call income strategies which are very new show great results in normal bear markets but no one has ever seen what they will do in a proper crash; it could be catastrophic.

Can we, as small investors, even escape the fact that everything is already price in? Also, supposing the recession is indeed coming, doesn't it still make sense to buy the bonds anyway?

100% VOO is simple. Holding through occasional 50% drawdowns is hard though.
Cash typically has really low long-term returns.

you can do SRTY/TQQQ pair trade.

index funds. or a couple good S&P companies that have have good operating income, pay dividend, and have steady growth.

you could look up benjamin graham defensive stock criteria. its basically:

pe < 15
10 years of revenue growth
10 years + EPS
good price/book current ratio etc
dividend stayed the same or increased in last 10 years
competitive advantage
slight growth forward

insurance companies, banks, medical devices, etc. can find a lot of them.

50/50? I feel this thing is beyond my knowledge. That's why I was considering bonds. Something with 6% annual doesn't seem bad in a recession. Naturally inflation will eat it, though

Cash typically has really low long-term returns.

yeah. we only have real yield since last year.

also read it is a tomb but benjamin graham invested during the great depression and is very good at understanding and dealing with stress in markets. he watched all his money turn to nothing but kept at it and did well.

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Congrata anon. Don't spill the spaghetti.

So if a recession is coming

It's not. Yield curve still hasn't uninverted and gigadeficits have us at 2.9% (real) growth according to GDPNow.

what happened to lciguy and that galt faggot

100% SSO by not even checking the balance.

If the S&P drops enough to wipe it, you've got bigger problems to stress about. Like where to get food.

he watched all his money turn to nothing but kept at it and did well.

Absolute Chad, will give it a read.

Something with 6% annual doesn't seem bad in a recession.

so money market 5% don't sounds too bad. Are you afraid Fed may lower interest soon?

What do I do, tho? Am I overthinking the fact that she gave me her number?



Can't wait to see the BOIL update on the HOOD 24 hour markets at 8

doesnt really exist
there is always risk
you can buy today and a month from now its down 20% even if its apple or something like that

I'm afraid of buying stocks or ETFs before a recession when I can get 4% leaving my money safe in the bank.



Gonna be fun going into Super Tuesday

Just buy BRK.B. It’s that easy. Exposure to a wide variety of proven businesses and exposure to a huge cash pile

5% for T-bills and money market

desu those aren't stocks of ETF/ETN. They're short term bonds.

pardon my term ignorance.

My Roth portfolio











What happens if something catastrophic happens to Berkshire though, like insider sabotage.

My Roth portfolio


thats a good idea

I wouldn’t worry about it. I doubt any single person has the authority to blatantly sabotage that many businesses

Roth portfolio




Yeah, you've got a point there.

How is Buffet / Berkshire allowed to hide holdings? SEC, do your fucking job for once.

“the goal is to prevent copycat buyers from also digging into a stock Berkshire is accumulating because the additional demand would raise its price, forcing Buffett & Co. to either spend more or cut back on their planned purchases”.

Then buy more at once before the reporting window closes. The market is a joke, you can't have supply and demand only when it's in your favor.

The fuck, my man has his own CNBC subdomain?

Who are the good guys?
The Mumus or the Bobos?

Everyone benefits from stonks going up except a small group of greedy kikes who are trying to make a quick buck shorting them. So you tell me.

Everyone benefits from stonks going up

Yeah, true if you put aside the fact that the 1% own 80% of the stonks.

well since buffet runs berkshire they want to protect his investors.

Real talk, I've got 730 shares of GME in Computershare because I fell for plebbit mental illness. I'm down 50% on that investment, so I'm just about ready to sell of a significant portion of that stack and finally be done with this bullshit. Earnings is in a few weeks and is expected to be positive, should I hold until then, eat the loss right now, or hold until some miraculous clown world chicanery occurs?

Sell options on it. 7 contracts a week until you break even. Monday’s are probably gonna be your best day to sell.


Which SOXL calls are people selling?

I've got 730 shares of GME in Computershare because I fell for plebbit mental illness. I'm down 50% on that investment

Get help. My deepest condolences.

Buffet should ask for an exception on reporting every single holding as it always creates copycats. Why would the SEC allow this? It's ridiculous.

730 shares of GME in Computershare

Pure book shares will set you up for life. Set and forget you hold them and your great grandchildren can live off the dividends.

gme has been operating at a loss for awhile. look up tax loss harvesting so if you plan on selling one of your profitable investments you can hold onto that one and use it as a write off against the other one. at this point it is a tax loss harvest play.

What options screener does /smg/ recommend?

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You ask her to hang out with you. Shrimple as.

overall? mumus
right now? probably bobos

think of mumus as the sociable, extroverted drinkers at parties - they're the lifeblood and make things fun for everyone, but can sometimes go a bit overboard
bobos are the risk averse designated driver - they're often unagreeable and may sour the mood when they try and turn the music down, but without them mumus would end up hungover at best, and arrested (or dead) at worst

it doesn't hurt anyone while the shares are being purchased people will still jump in after it is reported. warren no doubt has a lot of pull in the investment world i mean the guy is a legend. the berkshire annual 2023 letter just released and now the news of this new purchase i think they are just hyping him up. charlie passed away, warren is 93 years old, the legacy is coming to an end.

also warren admitted that berkshire will no longer have eye popping returns but assured the shareholders that their money is still safe.

Tomorrow's buys:


NVDA because I'm fucking retarded

What if GameStop is Warren's secret stock?

Real quick: How much NVDA? How many figures is your portfolio? And what race are you?

I have $30k in cash that I'm drip feeding into ETFs and like $5k I'm basically gambling with. Most of that $5k is in NVDA right now.
I'm white.

sounds like we have another pump for NVDA. what is the target.

k. Make sure you've set a stop loss.

I'm not an options guy, so eating the loss for taxes is the best way to go.
Lmao indeed.
Much appreciated.
Nah, Ryan's gotta shit or get off the pot, ain't no way a divvy is coming if the business keeps floundering like it is.
That's the plan, fren.
I think the keks would kill me and send me straight to heaven. I'll keep a tiny stack as a Pascal's Wager of sorts, just to see what happens lmao.

I went long on DELL with a x5 leverage...am i gonna make it anons?

What the fuck is a stop loss
It's going to $1000, it's just gotta.

it doesn't hurt anyone

Wrong. It is extremely unfair as other managed funds do not get this exception.

warren no doubt has a lot of pull in the investment world i mean the guy is a legend

Everyone should be treated the same under the law. The SEC shows once again they are corrupt

1 Berkshire’s additional investment in its “Mystery” stock (“Banks, insurance, and finance”) apparently increased on a cost basis by $2.4 billion in Q4, in addition to $1.2 billion in Q3, for a total of at least $3.6 billion

Not the type of business Warren is interested in and impossible as they would have locked the float by now even if all institutions dumped their shares.

What the fuck is a stop loss

If schwab or jp morgan advertised in the Anon Babble banners, would they blow up like all these guaranteed 100x crypto projects we see?

They make computers, right? SMCI and CLS do too and they're soaring. So DELL's gotta be a lock.

Teddy holdings LLC is registered as a bank. Would make sense that the SEC would force Berkshire to hide this holding on their filings.

sell on the run up to earnings day. then dump and move on. good for you recognizing it was mental illness.

So I'm going all in TQQQ? $100-$130k

GME *is* a bank.


What the fuck is a stop loss

It's a sucker signal for the men in tiny hats that pay for order flow to determine the optimal price point to manipulate an equity to steal your money.

buy berkshire b's


imagine having the time horizon to justify one


half the time etrade's stop losses don't work correctly. I hate etrade, what do smart investors use where stop loss is more reliable?

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I use fidelity because I’m not a faggot

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I ditched them when I called one weekend after my account locked trying to add all of my banks and some fuckin STREET SHITTIN POO BITCH answered and told me I was going to have to do a conference call with all of my banks to get UNLOOKED so I said
and moved to SCHW where I get white fuckin AMERICANS on the phone within a few minutes tops who immediately announce what UNITED STATES city they are in.

stop loss

stop loss is where liquidity is sleeping.

good for you recognizing it was mental illness.

Thanks fren, it's amazing, it really is. I gotta do the work and figure out how I allowed myself to lose discipline and be carried away by delusions of fantasy. These people really do believe the stonk is gonna heckin squiggly sqwooze any minute now. I believed it, I told others I believed it, now I gotta bear it, no pun intended. What a disappointment, oh well, I'll live and learn, same as it ever was.

But like I said before, I'll sell the majority of my stack and keep a small amount as a reminder against stupidity and a Pascal's Wager, just in case the impossible happens if only because

Always do the opposite of what Anon Babble says

But I'll pay it no mind. Whatever's gonna happen gonna happen. A lesson learned is a lesson earned.

The answer is IBKR.

If you don't believe me, look at their stock.

So what happens with those emerging market etfs if a country gets reclassified as developed? Does it just fuck up your asset allocation?

Same as when a company shrinks or grows enough to be dropped from or added into the S&P 500: funds gradually sell what they need to sell or buy what they need to buy.

Hell, some countries get got entirely. I think PAK just got delisted.

it deletes all your shares and youre SOL

They just play this one time on their national TV and then everything just carries on as usual.


my biggest financial mistake only cost me $8,000 but it taught me a lot about how to handle my money. Consumerism is a satanic pit of misery.

money makes you do dumb things. i lost a lot too before. just take it as a lesson and keep at it. YGMI.

China opens right away.


They fire sale your assets. Fortunately, it's rare.
Like what happened with emerging market funds and Russia; where the government forced you to sell Russian equities at the bottom to sanctions-ignoring kikes.


Fortunately, it's rare.

Not so fortunate for retards investing in emerging markets though if they never finish emerging though KEK

I own one NVDA and one 4090. Not selling the former until it surpasses what I paid for the latter.

I’ve eaten like 3 gummies and nothing. Edibles don’t work. I can get baked off half a joint but edibles are a scam and I think I’m going to pure strike the next faggot who tells me they work.
Thank you for attending my TED talk

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how high we going?

solid 6/10 only because of the big tits

Finally breaking $30 resistance friend

Market efficiency might have less impact in the area of smaller market capitalization companies.


Consumerism is a satanic pit of misery.

And an AMEN to that. Almost makes me think the distractions and noise are all by design to lead us astray.
Thanks fren, WAGMI.

Wtf is that real?!

did he die? i hope not.

Any ausfags here? Do you use commsec or something else?



he watched all his money turn to nothing but kept at it and did well.

Good point. In addition to handling a crushing failure and bouncing back, Graham was also intellectually honest enough to acknowledge when his deep-value strategy stopped working. That might have been in the 1970's.

futures muted

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Bro, that's insane. A real Kung Fu Panda lmao.

with a x5 leverage

How do you do that?

No not a panda
Pandas are retarded

So the people who say the economy is imploding just don't go outside, right? It's just clearly not true if you go out into the world

hate when this happens

Fuck it, NEW PLAN.
I've just
for SHIT that ain't got a SCHWAB A RATING and will be selling almost everything I've got that is SUB SCHWAB A with a handful of exceptions (like XOM). This seems like a much smarter WAY than listening to what NIGGERS say to buy.
This is of course completely aside from the primary focus of NATGAS AND OIL futures price BASED ETFs.

Do FNKO for me real fast

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Rainforest cafe

Not a faggot

I love these animal videos

Tell buffet to run ENLV up so I can cash out

If you roll a start as a Europoor, you get a shitload of debuffs. But you unlock crazy 5x, 10x, 50x leverage CFDs.

Yep Berkshire for me



oil exposure

huge cash pile for future value plays

No dividend so perfect for a taxable account

Ahh, so you hold BRK.B in a taxable account and VOO in a Roth...very nice.

dis nigga investing like it's 1905 lmaooo


How do I short these niggers

Hey, why is NAT GAS up so much? Was this some kind of roll while it was in coontango?

E-Trade Financial Corporation (stylized as E*TRADE), a subsidiary of Morgan Stanley

So $MS, but lord knows how big a part of their company/stock it is.


No idea, I haven't even looked into it yet, but solded by BOIL on the HOOD 24 hr market right after 8pm. I've been more focused on getting my equities buy queue for tomorrow figured out plus having to keep check on a fire out back.


this nigga think he's jack black lmao

I love the "But oh, it is different this time!" sentiments kek.
Hey, I am a software engineer and I KNOW this is hype. The AI hype thing is definitely a fat fucking lie and all these ignorant investors (who don't have a CLUE what they are talking about) are going to find out soon enough.
Companies are buying up chips that they really don't have a solid plan as to what to do with them. Ok, so they are TALKING about them on every earnings call but what percentage of companies are really using them in a way to out-compete their peers? (Hint: It is a very LOW %, both in North America and Europe).
It is hard to implement something that doesn't exist, after all!
They are conflating AI with ML - AND they are pretending it is AGI, which is NO WHERE NEAR existing at this point. Mostly they are using Chatbots which are incredibly stupid and that fail at many tasks - not to mention its constant propensity to hallucinate. I know programmers are all over the internet telling the world (and each other) how the AI tools are failing to help them - and yes I am including GPT4. In fact, it lies and screws up basic code, it doubles down when you show it that it is WRONG and it also makes stuff up on a regular basis.
However, It can actually summarize meeting notes, do tedious QA/QC test scripts and pretend to be a CR rep (badly - lots of mistakes there, too)

Pitiful. Just wait until this bubble pops (explodes).

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major bag holder alert

No news shows up in the thinkorswim feed or a Bing search yet. I don't have TWATTER but they probably "know".

I bought at 770

kino thanks for posting

they said the same thing about civilian telecom

I swear I saw a clip of a bear Judo throwing another one. Stock bears are dumb but nature bears are something to behold.

the economy can shrink slightly without a noticeable recession, it's pretty clear people are pushing the soft landing case for political reasons

We're all dead.

the economy can shrink


without a noticeable recession

recession : a fall in GDP in two successive quarters.

What do you mean? a fall in GDP in one quarter.


did you know that the word before a noun can modify that noun, ESL nigger?

dollar index is trapped in small range and do you think it will move? or just inflation comes back.





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priced in. at least I don't worry too much .

it's crazy how the bite and jerk doesn't rip the hide off
Idk man, oil seems like a good play



BCRX that the Anon here needs to poomp is up, just sold my ONE SHARE on the HOOD 24 hr market at SIX DOLLA that I boughted at 5.82. It had a SCHWAB B RATING so I needed to get rid of it ASAP.

housing rices dropped by more than 2%

was this a joke

give me a single reason not to go all in on WBD stock in the morning. this is how i make it.

WBD debt 77B asset 123B. is it too high?

Here's 2

BCRX that the Anon here needs to poomp is up

please be true and please stay up until i can get out at 9:30am

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these ratings are some bs anon im telling you. my holdings go from b to c back to a for no apparent reason. peoples jobs to do DCF and all these other calculations with different numbers that affect the outcome greatly.

if you are buying and holding most of these are irrelevant.

What does LUNR and LAAC say?


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I'm not expecting perfection, just being better than what a bunch of NIGGERS including myself thinks.

i think they only have the analysists do these ratings on S&P 500 stocks. a lot of stocks don't have the ratings on schwab.

It says those are NIGGER STOOKS.

Remember when AI wasn't even a public thing until winter 2022? You luddites are going to get your tiny weenies flicked by this shit

S&P 500 stocks

Nope, not limited to that, but yes, not all get covered. Shit, there's some in the S&P with no ratings.

the ratings are mainly y/y ratios if it slightly down the ratings get dropped. i don't know exactly how schwab does the analysis but i hardly pay attention to them.

it is nice for schwab investors to have the research tools but just because a team of finance students got out of school and plug numbers into a software that spits out a rating for them doesn't mean it should be the entire premise of your investing. a lot of companies that are undervalued are going to have bad ratings the key is to buy low sell high the trick is finding where the market is wrong about it being low.

Fuck Schwab then.

entire premise of your investing

Son, I trade NATGAS AND OIL futures price BASED ETFs and this is just side fun shit while I wait patiently on yuge NATGAS AND OIL buy in points. They have shit that explains their methodology, and they publish reports that track their performance over time.

how'd you learn how to do it?

Barely red futures this early on Sunday night = blood green open.
Plus the only market that matters, crypto, has been pumping all weekend. If I could trade futures I would be going long rn.

red sky at night...

question for LUNR fans. Why do they put this thing on their home page? Is it supposed to give the impression the know what they are doing?

Just buy several kilos of gold and sit on it like a dragon, its great for your back too


wow did I almost perfectly time the exact top?

The NATGAS AND OIL I'm assuming? Most importantly I started watching their price movements all day every day over time. I did a lot of reading about the fundamentals of NATGAS AND OIL in general, and started following daily news on them. I did some looking into how the ETFs themselves technically function as far as contract rolls, volatility decay, shit like that, and watching very closely how the prices of them related to the prices of NATGAS AND OIL futures themselves, especially around those contract roll times. And I guess second in order of importance, I traded them during all of this shit so I could directly experience how it all functioned. There was at least one Anon here who dropped some nuggets that pointed me towards areas I needed to look for learning, and I did some time on TWATTER watching what all those traders were saying during various events.


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you'll be in for a shock tomorrow morning chud

str8 sex appeal

I've never been shocked in my life
Not even once

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Glad I sold my BOIL as soon as the HOOD 24 hr markets opened at 8pm.


Convince me not to start a JinkoSolar position

P/E is 2.28

5.67% Dividend

Has had over 20% revenue growth for 7 out of the past 10 years

Globehomos strongly pushing renewable energy for the foreseeable future

China has limited sources of energy regardless.

EV boom

I need a bear's input here

JinkoSolar more like PinkoSolar aaaaaay

sailors delight

Um, sweaty, no one cares if the woman conforms to your hegemonic beauty standards, you incel

um ok, we're traders tho

MFW I recognize that goyslop mobile

i wish that was me

remember the self-driving car hype?
ask me how many sentences it took me to figure out that you’re a new grad.

The bear case for Chinkosolar is that it's a Chinese company. Demographic collapse is already happening. The cost of Chinese labor continues to rise, adversely affecting the Chinese export market (quick search online shows that more than half of their revenue comes from outside of China). Potentially cooked books. General negative investor outlook for Chinese stocks for a while. Possibility of an attempt at invading Taiwan.

Nintendo daddy said "never mind about tomorrow.
Got to wait another 2 weeks"


nice Freudian slip you sweaty slam pig kek

Freudian slip


They will literally make me rich.

So is it really *JUST* me buying TMF/TLT? What about YINN/FXI? Is China dead?
REEE!!!!!!!!! SWEATY NEEDS TO GET OUT!!! REEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

future looks deflationary. and 2y auctions tmr. I guess Biden win again.

I guess Biden win again.

Don't care still ridin' with Biden
#dark Brandon
#bidenomics works
#chuds btfo

Bros what's happening with futures? Shit looks dire.




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Why do wild animals always do that weird shit of looking around everywhere else but their opponent? I've noticed that a bunch of predators and herbivores always do that awkward pause during fighting for mates or territory...

I only have 200 shares, do I buy calls?

he thought the STOOKS would keep going up

being bullish on a company that builds an obviously top heavy LANDER that falls over when it LANDS



JPow cuts rates

SPY goes to $700

Lmao are you really going to WILLINGLY miss the ride?

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Watch it be -20% everywhere by the end of the week kek

Reminder that rates WILL be cut and you WILL be forced to dilate.

oh shit i'm leveraged

6 years later BIG anon still shilling his bags

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I'm selling puts, if it goes low I'm buying more.

I just bought over 50 STOOKS Friday and have 14 more queued to buy. Jews are going to be rotating into my holdings when they abandon the TECH TROON SHIT.

There's also the name. Imagine seeing "JinkoSolar" in your portfolio. Every time you check it.




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top heavy LANDER that falls over when it LANDS

at least there advertising on their home page is honest. Although if their lander had waddled before falling over would have been even better.


no tits


faggot OP didn't link

faggot OP didn't link

Do you think she (and other female LUNR employees) are the reason the lander fell over?