realized that the team is running out of tricks?
Chainlink: has anyone else
Their last twitter post is a video rehashing buzz words from laat year asking their community if they’re ready for “CCIP”. The desperation is becoming more and more obvious
Uses ledger
Come on man
yes your desperation is very obvious
Reminder to all: get your donations in for q1 ASAP. The team has a powwow in Denver that needs to be paid for. Their 5th vacation homes arent gonna pay for themselves…
You’re so weak and limp tho
Where’s uncleoldfag been?
At least he put some effort into his fudposting
Whatever this is just seems unhinged
You make donations to fund 3/10 thot vacations. Are you really in a position to talk about logic
When you join the cult, do they give you lessons on being a spineless cuck or was that your natural state and therefore made you cult material.
Its kind of like a chicken or the egg scenario eh
How do you do it op. Your determination is admirable.
Chainlink Labs getting absolutely skewered in the comments kek
he genuinely thinks hes some kind of le epic internet warrior when in reality hes just wasting his life away talking to himself every single day
i mean just look at this thread
I miss tigermommy
Fucking KEK! this guy is hands down the most cringe and annoying faggot at CL labs.
His entire physiognomy just doesn't sit right with me
Adem absolutely hates this place after some of his friends and family were contacted about his porn addiction blog.
He usually makes these threads when someone sets him off.
Got $7000 in DYM airdropped to me for just existing and using cosmos and eth
$0 of build rewards
What the fuck is their problem? Give me SOMETHING. Does every other team just hate chainlink or something?
You’re here everyday running a failed cuckold defense practice
My stamina is elite tier
incel revenge fantasy
Hmm Im not sure Im buying this one. His twitter following keeps growing 1:1 in proportion with your cuckold seethe. He’s pretty hilarious imo
incel revenge fantasy
Yes, yes it is. That's why you spam biz. For some reason you think it does something besides make you look angry and desperate for some reason.
umm I - I mean he actually is growing and more popular
Lmao sockpuppet accounts made by your discord fud clique don't count, fudcuck.
Now go do some more damage control and explain to Bram that you'll stop your compulsive wanking and get a more dignified job like flipping burgers.
I remember when this board recommended BTC, ETH, and LINK (in that order). How LINK has fallen.
How many keyboards are you going to soak in your tears? I own you…you’re my little bitch. Every day I roll up and bury you a little bit more.
Lol @ “angry”. Classic low T tell. Men dont take like that. You prob dont even lift, little bitch
See ya tmrw bright and early. Come and take your daily beating like a man, faggot. Have a good rest of your night taking that russian dump to the face
Link broke this board. Instead of acknowledging reality they had to create fantasy conspiracies to cope. Hubris can be a dangerous thing if not kept in check. In this case, it cost a lot of cuckolds here a lot of money. And now its taking their last shred of pride
THE Cuckolds of crypto
ETH $300
Link $20
ETH $3,000
Link cuckold
Daily reminder all that matters is price
seethe cope and dilate all you want but you're the one here begging for attention for your account lil guy
so desperate to be taken seriously, but you're stuck now
you're the chris-chan of biz - a delusional low iq coomer sperging out and flailing impotently lmao
kek I had a suspicion that Adem was the link price @year Y and Low T spammer but it being confirmed in this thread is pretty funny, I wonder if he and his success factory is the only ones fudding now
You're here every day? The board has been dead for years, but you're still stuck here fighting "ebil natzees" because you were dumb enough to get doxxed. Lmao holy shit fuddies are demented retards.
Lol lmao
Love the gender ratio, love the ethnic composition.
In terms of eyesight and BMI, i would have preferred a couple more fatties with glasses.. but overall 9/10 confidence inducing team.
I am experiencing the desire to ambulate at an increased velocity
Will you finally sell when they do run out of tricks?
cringe virgin edelord language
puhhhhhhhhleaaaaaaaazse stahhhhhhp
like I said, low t. I am in massively in your head. You can't control yourself responding to me. You should've played sports growing up so you'd be more of a man
ebil natzees
LOL lost me there. The fuck... your emotions have overrun your ability to think. Maybe grab a workout?
PSA - Updated CCIP countdown: you now have 34 days until you are once again rugpulled by your cult leaders. I can't believe you feel for it once again
stop ignoring you gotta embrace your past in order to work towards a better future, you're amongst fellow anons here (well you're not really anon but you get the drift) talk to us buddy
What have I stumbled into? I usually never click link threads because I avoid scams.
It's just the OP of this thread, the brownoid Adem
Kek a retard doxed himself religiously fudding LINK? He doesn't even have to, Chainlink labs is doing a great job on their own.
the past you say? Good call.. let's check that out:
ETH $300
Link $20
ETH $3,130
Link: $19
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh man that HAS to sting
stale material... you linkies are a reflection of your cult token. Limp, weak, devoid of creativity, and hanging onto a past this isn't coming back
Man this board is going to be in absolute SHAMBLES when you miss the bull run (which is currently taking place)
I got my popcorn ready
I think you mean to say stating the current price of the coin. To the cult, merely commenting on reality has now turned into "fud".
3 posts in a row
there is no medication strong enough for this sort of thing