/pmg/ - Precious Metals General

Sunday Edition

Why Gold?


Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable


Bullion dealers

libertycoin.com/ (US)
chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)
more at: pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

Numismatic search


News and graphs



findbullionprices.com/ (US)
eu.compare.pm/ (EU)
gold.de/aufgeldtabelle/ (DE/EU)





Nitric acid, magnets, and ping test


Previous Thread:

Actions not Words.

If "silence is violence" then duct tape my mouth shut, hand me a Kalashnikov and point me towards the nearest BLM rally.

Based Asahi poster.

Asahi bars.png - 810x1800, 2.65M

that other anon was right, that is a neat dagger

Obligatory US Constitutional Guide:

Silver: bit dot ly/33ryJBb
Gold: bit dot ly/327ob9T

Silver Guide.png - 1858x1622, 1.97M

The average loss on the silver garbage that is posted here is over 80%. Remember that when these retards give advice. They are wrong about everything

With silver down today and ETH up bigly the ETH/silver ratio has soared to 134.......kektop it used to be under 1

Rather than studying that chart it's easier to remember, if you buy silver from a coin merchant you always lose money........no exceptions

Here's a better picture...

anv-dagger.jpg - 4024x2076, 1.22M

I made that sheath with silver fittings.

Based shiv enthusiast

A good strategy, if you fell for the obvious silver scam, and thus feel compelled to buy silver,is buy a few dozen ETH sell it in a few months and take the PROFITS and convert it into hundreds of ounces of FREE silver.....wango tango!

Post your eth stack bro.

Straps to the calf.

These threads have become almost unusable. It's sad to see.

hard to fight against when the site itself is allowing it to happen


i still like stopping in to see whats up. sometimes good for a laugh. always good for new and old shiny rocks

Here is a picture of my ETH stack,,,,,lmao

one 0f the flaws of stacking silver is its heavy, if I converted my ETH into silver it would weigh over 700 pounds. Sure I'm a bodybuilder but why carry or store that.....silver would be a terrible monetary unit

We need some more sophisticated filtering for that to work, at least like those bayesian email spam filters. They can be trained on a few examples and then filter spammy posts even if they're worded differently. Nothing like that exists for Anon Babble at this time.

That's their goal, that's why IQDelet gets paid

we should add common phrases he uses in the op and tell people to ignore those posters. 80% losses and whatnot.

The fact is yall don't want to filter anyone you want other people to filter, newbs and future silver scam victims, that shows your true nature as shills and scammers you constantly need new people to financially abuse otherwise the silver ponzi ends

Here's the perfect example

and tell people to ignore those posters

Can't have the fresh fish find out that everyone who bought silver lost 80% or more

Bruh that nigga was going fucking crazy last night on Anon Babble
I saw jit post the kektop,,,, shit and DIED laughing. The old lady woke up to hit me for it even.

Identity the signature and laugh

"Ugh it's 12:30 wtf are you doing up?"

"Babe it's fucking iqdelet. I just KNOW it."

"Well shut the fuck up"

Hate to repost my reposts, but I've been lazy. Now that I think about it, it was probably him that told me NOT to buy a torch and jewelry making equipment to learn a skill back when I started stacking.

Anyways, missed you boys, I been fucking around in the casinos too much instead of fondling shinys

Good news guys, in 10 years once the boomers die off and the middle class unloads all their stacks, it should be a buying opportunity

GoldSilver HQ

Andrew Maguire says, "Silver demand in India is off the charts! Refiners are sold out due to unprecedented wholesale demand levels!"

This was my favorite from last night, sent me down a few rabbit holes on vintage money

Gold and Silver are going to shoot to the moon in the same way Bitcoin did in 2009. Completely unexpected, normies will be scrambling to buy in as everything else crumbles away, only to find that there is not enough to go around. The Victory of the stacker is a mathematical certainty. You are taking part in one of the greatest Bull Runs in human history.

IQDelet's presence here is no coincidence, if anything him being here day in day out is one of the biggest Buy signals you could ever ask for. Somebody, Somewhere, is paying this broke, 3rd world Sex tourism beach employee to clock in everyday, like he's working a shift, to desperately dissuade any newcomer from exchanging their hard earned slave "money", for REAL money, God's money.

It's telling, really, that the different crypto communities are not suffering the same shill problems that we are.

IGDelet is just noise, we've already won

Wow that's like $240 worth of silver ur like king midas tier

The silver stacker cries out "victory" as he posts the pictures of all the coins he lost 80% on

so he isn't even young, is he? LMAO what sort of zoomer references midas?... and he probably isn't on a foreign beach.

he literally doxxed himself once, that's how we know

IQDelet.png - 1080x2168, 1.51M

I just wanna own like 1000$ worth of ancient roman silver coins. Did some autist research to realize each emepror diluted silver coins but havent bought any yet.

Can anyone here show off their ancient civ metals that plebs held in their hands and used to buy bread?

Remember, silver is a meme metal. The only precious metal worth holding is gold.

gold maple.jpg - 600x600, 348.72K

need ancient looking coinage


carve a die top part and a bottom part

hammer out kopper sheet

anneal it for softness

hammer strike

deburr deburr

the more deburrin the less coin clippin


Just remember to mirror any words you carve into the die

ETH is up 5 ounces of silver today. That's a sweet airdrop. What kind of dividends do your boomer rocks pay? Nothing? Hmmmmm why would anyone buy something like that?

baby boomers created etherium 10 years ago.

I bought a heavy stamped sterling silver cuff bracelet off a homeless guy for 10 bucks and when I tested it it was fake. I'm surprised people fake stuff like that.

might be able to post some tomorrow not home atm
ancients r cool

marius.jpg - 611x318, 179.8K



you mean what WOMEN use for JEWELRY?!



Whatre those little triangles on the rim?

Lmao, why are you associating with homeless and how were they able to trick you into buying fake physical silver. I always talk about how yall do that.. Stick with stuff like real paper silver SLV or ethereum you can safely buy it in a Brokerage account so you won't get fooled by homeless folx

real paper silver
